Marathon Weekend 2024

Thought of a great saying to put on the back of a shirt to help keep people motivated, especially us back of packers:

Trust in the Training!

I did trust in the training and finished my first marathon and Goofy challenge. (No, I wasnā€™t one of those people out getting in the extra 6 miles yesterday and I think Iā€™m ok with that). The marathon was always my main goal anyway. Even with some nagging injuries that caused me to skip the last 2 weeks of training, I was still able to see it through.

@DopeyBadger is the best with putting together training plans that work for you as an individual and with the life constraints that everyone has to deal with.
WOW what a race today! The shock of the lashings of rain out of nowhere and with it being cold / wet I struggling with my muscles getting super tight, they felt like bricks! I unfortunately had a massive IBS flair up (which actually started yesterday but was WAY WORSE this morning) which made the first 10miles pretty rough and also added to the colder muscles.

I struggled so much with toilets, they seemed to be lacking in porta potties, some stops (at medic tents for example) had only ONE each with massive queues but even regular stops had maybe 5 / 6 again with long lines, wasted a lot of time trying to use them. Also it would be super helpful to have these stops marked on the map, I was having some very panicked moments, noticed for the first time a lot of women running into the bushes due to lack of loos. Went slightly of course in MK for real bathrooms and after that pit stop did SO much better and picked up the pace for a while.

Was SUPER disappointed to miss Everest - I had the same gap as last year between myself and balloon ladies but they were refusing runners entry. This was just before 9.30. Treated myself to another real bathroom break instead but wasn't quite the same lol

Pacer groups helped me loads today, was really grateful for them. Overall so happy to finish and was able to relax and enjoy the final section from HS to EP which was so nice after the brutal stint from AK.
@Naomeri I thought of you today when I had some rather poignant playlist selections rotate through. Somewhere on the open roadway, after Blizzard Beach I think, How Far Iā€™ll Go came on. At that point every step was a new record and it really helped energize me.

Then in WS near Mexico Eye of the Tiger came on followed by In The End as I came up the middle of Epcot. Just really great timing.

If anyone saw a crazy lady enthusiastically lip syncing going through HS and Epcot that was me. šŸ˜šŸ˜‚
My friend told me that when it started raining today, he was near the underpass by Contemporary. Apparently there was a service truck parked nearby that had a roll of garbage bags in it. One of the runners pulled out the garbage bags and it turned into a free for all. There were two ladies fighting for the last one and they were yelling at each other all the way to the MK entrance.
@Naomeri I thought of you today when I had some rather poignant playlist selections rotate through. Somewhere on the open roadway, after Blizzard Beach I think, How Far Iā€™ll Go came on. At that point every step was a new record and it really helped energize me.

Then in WS near Mexico Eye of the Tiger came on followed by In The End as I came up the middle of Epcot. Just really great timing.

If anyone saw a crazy lady enthusiastically lip syncing going through HS and Epcot that was me. šŸ˜šŸ˜‚
I swear, sometimes our playlists know just the right thing to play
Anyone else not a big fan of that huge on ramp in front of CSR? That may have been my least favorite part of this yearā€™s course.
I oddly liked that ramp. I fully expected to walk it but didnā€™t because the incline felt minimal enough to not be exhausting (I did walk some other hills/overpasses) and more importantly the slant of the road was opposite the other overpasses we didā€¦my legs were thankful for the switch :hyper:
Even with the rain that was my favorite Disney marathon ever. I finally but the bullet and wore a costume. I went as Ted Lasso and the support from runners and spectators was insanely awesome! I canā€™t wait for next year!
I think I saw you! One of the out and back crossings, maybe around AK? If you were carrying a believe sign, I yelled TED LASSO!! like Iā€™m sure many did. I loved it!!
The Dapper Dans sang the national anthem??? Amazing
I thought this was wonderful. I havenā€™t done enough races to know if theyā€™ve done this before but Iā€™d love for it to be a staple. Nice Disney touch and they sound great.
Yes. It was annoying and lots of empty water bottles rolling around on the course.
A lot of stops had this, seems like the cleanup at some (not all) stations was lacking. A real trip hazard! But actual volunteers were great and so many of them. And they were all cheering everyone on. And someone said lots of stops, it felt like the frequency kept increasing! It meant I filled my handheld more often which was a good thing.
So I'm in magic kingdom waiting for fireworks near other runners and one said they heard a baby was born at mile 17?
Was a volunteer and was just as we left AK. I ran by her and at that point it was bike medics with her. I made the smart *** comment at the time that you know itā€™s a rough day when volunteers are going down but then heard the rest of the story this evening. The real question is if the baby is named Mickey, Goofy or Dopey.
Today was tough! And really the last 20 or so hours have been nuts! Woke up to a phone call from our pet sitter kadt night that our lab was having a seizure. She was overwhelmed and we had to talk her through what to do. Unfortunately Kai (our dog) will go into barking fits that can last 10 minutes to an hour+ as a post seizure behavior. So I watched the clock go from 1:15am to 2:15am when my alarm went off. My wife who was not feeling well was trying to handle everything with our sitter over the phone so I could get ready. I stuck around for awhile as I felt like a jerk to just leave to run a race. But she told me to go.

Kai is ok and I got to the race, though a little late. The corrals seemed so positive this morning. So much better than yesterday! I ended up finishing with a decent time. I loved the rain (I am weird). The best part was seeing my girls in Epcot. I was really hurting at that point and just trying to get to the finish. I got high fives, hugs and I love youā€™s from both daughters. So 25+ miles into the race, still wet, in pain everywhere, finishing on stubbornness alone I just started to cry; overwhelmed with emotion! Truly a wonderful experience!

Sadly my wife learned today that her sickness is Covid. Neither I or our two daughters have it. But our celebratory meal tonight and last day in the parks tomorriw were/will not be as planned.

All the same, I am leaving the weekend inspired and ready to do it again! Congrats to everyone who toed the line today, you are exceptional! Here is to 2025!
My friend told me that when it started raining today, he was near the underpass by Contemporary. Apparently there was a service truck parked nearby that had a roll of garbage bags in it. One of the runners pulled out the garbage bags and it turned into a free for all. There were two ladies fighting for the last one and they were yelling at each other all the way to the MK entrance.
I did see a bit of commotion off to the opposite side of the road near the Contemporary, but they had moved us all the way to the other side at that point and we couldn't hear what was happening. Just figured someone had a medical issue or something going on with their costume/clothing, but now I'm thinking it was this. Crazy!

@Baloo in MI I'm not sure I'd have pulled it together to even start with all that going on. Glad your pup is okay but sorry about the wife.
Not the first to ask this, nor the last. How do I get a medal replaced? My DHā€™s Dopey doesnā€™t light upā€¦.TRAGIC!!!!!!! Best way to handle it?????
Congrats to everyone who toed the line today!!!

Itā€™s 11pm and Iā€™m just getting into bed, which says a lot about spectating instead of running for the first time in 8 years. I justā€¦ couldn't leave EPCOT until it closed tonight.

I cheered for two years, then ran my first marathon in 2016. And then kept doing it for another 6 straight years, including a handful of Dopeys. This was my first time since of not running the WDW Marathonā€¦ and it was amazing, Truly. Watching you and so many others get it done was incredible. It was an absolute honor to spectate and cheer and encourage today and I hope I helped some folks along the way! I thought I might feel really sad about not being part of the marathon this time, but I wasnā€™t at all.


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