Our friend, low-key

That thread read like a comedy routine, Key-note.

My reference to the can of corn thread earlier was about a dis classic, way back, maybe 20 years ago. A thread was started about 'what are the strangest things you have seen at Disney World'. Innocent, simple enough. A good number initially about the usual...parents holding toddlers up so they could pee in the gardens, what people wear, like 6 inch stiletto heels and such, and so on.

Canned corn???


Nice to see you again, Key-note.
...OMG, CANNED CORN!!! :lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2: TOTALLY forgot about that! Thanks for the memory Dan....I remember low-key for our same taste in music - good, ol' fashion classic HARD ROCK! :rockband:
Thinking about our friend, Jason, today.

Tell me, what does it look like in heaven?
Is it peaceful? Is it free like they say?
Does the sun shine bright forever?
Have your fears and your pain gone away?

'Cause here on earth it feels like everything good is missing since you left
And here on earth everything's different
There's an emptiness

Oh-oh, I
I hope you're dancing in the sky
And I hope you're singing in the angels' choir
And I hope the angels know what they have
I'll bet it's so nice up in heaven since you've arrived

So tell me, what do you do up in heaven?
Are your days filled with love and light?
Is there music? Is there art and invention?
Tell me are you happy? Are you more alive?

'Cause here on earth it feels like everything good is missing since you left
And here on earth everything's different, there's an emptiness

Oh-oh, I
I hope you're dancing in the sky
And I hope you're singing in the angels' choir
And I hope the angels know what they have
I'll bet it's so nice up in heaven since you've arrived
Since you've arrived

I hope you're dancing in the sky
And I hope you're singing in the angels' choir
And I hope the angels know what they have
I'll bet it's so nice up in heaven since you've arrived
Since you've arrived

Tell me what does it look like in heaven
Is it peaceful? Is it free like they say?
Old timers here knew him as Pop Daddy, newer folks knew him as low-key. And in the very beginning, he was, and still is, Jason Lyons.

Sad news here to share for sure, our friend, Jason, has passed away. But not without leaving an indelible impression on hundreds here on the dis over the past 20 years or so. And I am sure on many, many other people whom he touched over his lifetime and whom we will never know.

My first interactions with Jason were back many years ago when I, along with five or six others, was a moderator here on the Community Board. I recall it was a job and a half keeping my eyes on Jason, trying to keep him on the ‘straight and narrow’ and within the dis ‘guidelines’. I used to think that for him, it was like a fun game of cat and mouse.

Once I ‘retired’ from that ‘job’, I sort of kept my distance. Jason and I did not cross paths. But I always read what Pop Daddy or low-key had to say. I know I usually smiled silently. Then, one day, maybe six or seven years or so ago, I intentionally replied on one of his threads. Intentionally? Yes, as we had always sort of kept our distance. I was tired of that distance, I knew Jason was a good guy. That broke the ice. Jason commented back to me and so on and so on. We both wound up with a great rapport with each other, good friends. We had intentions of meeting halfway between Ohio and Chicago for a beer someday. However now, sadly not to be.

What do I remember about Jason? Well, I know he thought many people here were sexy. He thought that he was sexy. And he let people know both.

I know Jason was a very caring person, genuinely so. If you got a ‘hey’ post reply from him, he cared about your problem, concern, what-have-you. For a new person to the dis here, it might not have seemed so. But one would quickly learn that a Pop Daddy ‘hey’ was a very meaningful, caring reply. In recent years, not as many ‘heys’, more of a ‘long post’ reply of caring from him also.

Long post? Not so much in recent years, but years back, if you made a post with maybe more than three or four sentences, you got a ‘long post’ reply from Jason. Who recalls those days?

Jason talked every so often about his early years in the Navy, a Navy vet. Thank you for your years of service, Jason, we do appreciate them, and we do appreciate you.

Low-key often spoke lovingly of his family…his daughter, Katie, mom, Kay, dad, Bob, sister, Paula. Many shared memories here on the dis. Mom and dad, married on New Year’s Eve, their anniversary a few weeks ago. Jason let us know. Jason said he came along 9 months and 1 day later, 11 pounds. He said he hit the lottery when it came to parents.

I recall his one story among many where, when, as a young kid, mom let him go into a Dunkin’ Donut store to buy them a dozen while she watched from the car. The young lady employee did not treat Jason too nicely and she sort of just jammed the donuts into the bag. Well, mom came in, flung the donuts around the shop like frisbees and demanded their money back. Made a lasting impression on young Jason. He kept his mom in his contact list, he told us 7 years after she had passed. He said he felt it would be like erasing one’s memory if he deleted it. I can see where he was coming from. He never did delete mom’s contact entry.

And Grandma Pauline. Who could forget Grandma? Most recently I recall a Grandma Pauline thread from Jason where he talked about how, when he was a kid, she would always get bottles of Squirt for him and all his buddies. And then his comedic Uncle Ben, fun memories for sure.

He had a knack of making simple question threads. Not a whole bunch in one day, every day. Just every so often, a what, why, when, or how thread. And Jason did like his song threads. He did like his song threads. Maybe four or five song threads that a week. What song/s have such and such word? Some folks on the board did not bother with them, but a lot of people did enjoy them and participated. I enjoyed them. I, and I think others, enjoyed the ‘challenge’. And I enjoyed listening to so many songs, many from the long past. I know Jason said that if he was ever gone that he hoped somebody would carry on that song thread tradition. He said so many people enjoyed themselves with the idea and he hoped it would continue.

Who recalls Jason’s signature photos? Over the years, I recall that he always had at least one pretty lady or another, sometimes several. Most often, I think I recall Farrah Fawcett and Ann Margaret. Along with the Blues Brothers. And a few pictures of low-key himself as his avatar. He looked like a big teddy bear.

He shared a lot of memories from when he was a kid. One year, his family took a car trip from Ohio to Hollywood and back, with a one day stop in Las Vegas. He was able to bring his best friend Ricky with them for the trip. Vegas must have made a great impression on little Jason, he loved going there for vacations as an adult. Little sidelights of Jason’s life like these are what he shared with us here.

I think things like these thoughts and memories above showed how sensitive a person Jason was. He cared about people, a lot, he remembered people.

Spelling? Grammar? Jason said, what you see is what you get. I liked that about him. No fluff.

Sometimes, a magic number of their ‘points’ here would get Jason a ‘timeout’ for a few days, maybe a month. He and I shared a month long 'timeout' period not all that many months ago, different ‘infractions' though. We compared ‘notes’, haha.

And here, a few thoughts from a currently missing dis’er, King Schultz, formerly known as WillyJ. Willy is a very gifted writer. I saw many of his writings in the past when he was here. Here, this one about low-key from years ago. (hope you are well, Willy)

The Ballad Of Low-key.
sung to the tune of "Take It Easy" by the Eagles.

Well I'm a reading down the boards
And oh my lord
Low-key is back posting away
Asking 'bout songs that mention 'boy'
Or your favorite childhood toy
And bumping old posts by WillyJ.

There goes Low-key
There goes Low-Key
Wanting know how many times a night you go pee
Try and answer if you can
He might not understand
But he'll ask about your favorite band
Because he's Low-key

Now he's asking 'bout your weight
And all the foods you hate
He makes the CB a lot more fun
Some ladies think he's hot
Us who can see knows he's not
But he earns his place in the sun

C'mon Low-key
Just stay nosey
Keep starting threads that are kind of crazy
You may lose
But we will win
When you start posting again
Think up another one and I'm all in
C'mon Low-key

Well I'm a reading down the boards
And oh my lord
Pop Daddy has gone away
Jason split the scene
But we're all still serene
Because we got

"The Artist Formally Known As WillyJ."

I came across this thread while looking back, reminiscing about Jason. Sums up Pop Daddy about 18 years ago. Many old timers there.

All Pop Daddy--All The Time

People cared and enjoyed Jason. Jason cared about and enjoyed people

Lastly, a song (appropriately, what else?) that sums up Jason Lyons for me, kind of his way I think, along with what he searched for and had, a Heart Of Gold.

An amazing life, Jason, you're an amazing guy----Amazing Grace

How about you? What are your memories of Pop Daddy, low-key, Jason Lyons? Let us celebrate his life.

God speed, Jason. Thanks for the many good memories with your presence here. You will be missed, very much, by very many.

fixed broken video link.
Oh dear - I am so late to this post - a year late - but I am so very sad to hear this. Yesterday, someone asked me how my New Years was and I replied, "Low Key" - which made me think of Jason and the Dis - which ironically was my impetus for logging in today.
I’m just finding out the sad news today. I saw something at Disney Springs this past weekend that reminded me of Jason. It was a Disney character in a gift shop window that was holding a sign, saying something about Low-key.
Here I log in today and find out he is no longer with us. I used to be a daily regular to the DIS but then life got busier, and I started to give up some of those things I enjoyed doing. I’m not sure that life has slowed down any, but it sure is nice to see a few people still around that I recognize.
Can someone please tell me how he died? He was quite young…62.
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I’m just finding out the sad news today. I saw some thing at Disney Springs this past weekend. That reminded me of Jason. It was a Disney character in a gift shop window that was holding a sign, saying something about Low-key.
Here I log in today and find out he is no longer with us. I used to be a daily regular to the DIS but then life got busier, and I started to give up some of those things I enjoyed doing. I’m not sure that life has slowed down any, but it sure is nice to see a few people still around that I recognize.
Can someone please tell me how he died? He was quite young…62.
I saw a clip about the worst snatching defeat from the jaws of victory ever. Oh and it was a bad one too. A penalty cost them the game they would have won in regulation. And another one cost em the game making them lose in OT. HA. Of course it was the Cleveland Browns and I thought If only Low Key were still around, I'd share it with him.
Old timers here knew him as Pop Daddy, newer folks knew him as low-key. And in the very beginning, he was, and still is, Jason Lyons.

Sad news here to share for sure, our friend, Jason, has passed away. But not without leaving an indelible impression on hundreds here on the dis over the past 20 years or so. And I am sure on many, many other people whom he touched over his lifetime and whom we will never know.

My first interactions with Jason were back many years ago when I, along with five or six others, was a moderator here on the Community Board. I recall it was a job and a half keeping my eyes on Jason, trying to keep him on the ‘straight and narrow’ and within the dis ‘guidelines’. I used to think that for him, it was like a fun game of cat and mouse.

Once I ‘retired’ from that ‘job’, I sort of kept my distance. Jason and I did not cross paths. But I always read what Pop Daddy or low-key had to say. I know I usually smiled silently. Then, one day, maybe six or seven years or so ago, I intentionally replied on one of his threads. Intentionally? Yes, as we had always sort of kept our distance. I was tired of that distance, I knew Jason was a good guy. That broke the ice. Jason commented back to me and so on and so on. We both wound up with a great rapport with each other, good friends. We had intentions of meeting halfway between Ohio and Chicago for a beer someday. However now, sadly not to be.

What do I remember about Jason? Well, I know he thought many people here were sexy. He thought that he was sexy. And he let people know both.

I know Jason was a very caring person, genuinely so. If you got a ‘hey’ post reply from him, he cared about your problem, concern, what-have-you. For a new person to the dis here, it might not have seemed so. But one would quickly learn that a Pop Daddy ‘hey’ was a very meaningful, caring reply. In recent years, not as many ‘heys’, more of a ‘long post’ reply of caring from him also.

Long post? Not so much in recent years, but years back, if you made a post with maybe more than three or four sentences, you got a ‘long post’ reply from Jason. Who recalls those days?

Jason talked every so often about his early years in the Navy, a Navy vet. Thank you for your years of service, Jason, we do appreciate them, and we do appreciate you.

Low-key often spoke lovingly of his family…his daughter, Katie, mom, Kay, dad, Bob, sister, Paula. Many shared memories here on the dis. Mom and dad, married on New Year’s Eve, their anniversary a few weeks ago. Jason let us know. Jason said he came along 9 months and 1 day later, 11 pounds. He said he hit the lottery when it came to parents.

I recall his one story among many where, when, as a young kid, mom let him go into a Dunkin’ Donut store to buy them a dozen while she watched from the car. The young lady employee did not treat Jason too nicely and she sort of just jammed the donuts into the bag. Well, mom came in, flung the donuts around the shop like frisbees and demanded their money back. Made a lasting impression on young Jason. He kept his mom in his contact list, he told us 7 years after she had passed. He said he felt it would be like erasing one’s memory if he deleted it. I can see where he was coming from. He never did delete mom’s contact entry.

And Grandma Pauline. Who could forget Grandma? Most recently I recall a Grandma Pauline thread from Jason where he talked about how, when he was a kid, she would always get bottles of Squirt for him and all his buddies. And then his comedic Uncle Ben, fun memories for sure.

He had a knack of making simple question threads. Not a whole bunch in one day, every day. Just every so often, a what, why, when, or how thread. And Jason did like his song threads. He did like his song threads. Maybe four or five song threads that a week. What song/s have such and such word? Some folks on the board did not bother with them, but a lot of people did enjoy them and participated. I enjoyed them. I, and I think others, enjoyed the ‘challenge’. And I enjoyed listening to so many songs, many from the long past. I know Jason said that if he was ever gone that he hoped somebody would carry on that song thread tradition. He said so many people enjoyed themselves with the idea and he hoped it would continue.

Who recalls Jason’s signature photos? Over the years, I recall that he always had at least one pretty lady or another, sometimes several. Most often, I think I recall Farrah Fawcett and Ann Margaret. Along with the Blues Brothers. And a few pictures of low-key himself as his avatar. He looked like a big teddy bear.

He shared a lot of memories from when he was a kid. One year, his family took a car trip from Ohio to Hollywood and back, with a one day stop in Las Vegas. He was able to bring his best friend Ricky with them for the trip. Vegas must have made a great impression on little Jason, he loved going there for vacations as an adult. Little sidelights of Jason’s life like these are what he shared with us here.

I think things like these thoughts and memories above showed how sensitive a person Jason was. He cared about people, a lot, he remembered people.

Spelling? Grammar? Jason said, what you see is what you get. I liked that about him. No fluff.

Sometimes, a magic number of their ‘points’ here would get Jason a ‘timeout’ for a few days, maybe a month. He and I shared a month long 'timeout' period not all that many months ago, different ‘infractions' though. We compared ‘notes’, haha.

And here, a few thoughts from a currently missing dis’er, King Schultz, formerly known as WillyJ. Willy is a very gifted writer. I saw many of his writings in the past when he was here. Here, this one about low-key from years ago. (hope you are well, Willy)

The Ballad Of Low-key.
sung to the tune of "Take It Easy" by the Eagles.

Well I'm a reading down the boards
And oh my lord
Low-key is back posting away
Asking 'bout songs that mention 'boy'
Or your favorite childhood toy
And bumping old posts by WillyJ.

There goes Low-key
There goes Low-Key
Wanting know how many times a night you go pee
Try and answer if you can
He might not understand
But he'll ask about your favorite band
Because he's Low-key

Now he's asking 'bout your weight
And all the foods you hate
He makes the CB a lot more fun
Some ladies think he's hot
Us who can see knows he's not
But he earns his place in the sun

C'mon Low-key
Just stay nosey
Keep starting threads that are kind of crazy
You may lose
But we will win
When you start posting again
Think up another one and I'm all in
C'mon Low-key

Well I'm a reading down the boards
And oh my lord
Pop Daddy has gone away
Jason split the scene
But we're all still serene
Because we got

"The Artist Formally Known As WillyJ."

I came across this thread while looking back, reminiscing about Jason. Sums up Pop Daddy about 18 years ago. Many old timers there.

All Pop Daddy--All The Time

People cared and enjoyed Jason. Jason cared about and enjoyed people

Lastly, a song (appropriately, what else?) that sums up Jason Lyons for me, kind of his way I think, along with what he searched for and had, a Heart Of Gold.

An amazing life, Jason, you're an amazing guy----Amazing Grace

How about you? What are your memories of Pop Daddy, low-key, Jason Lyons? Let us celebrate his life.

God speed, Jason. Thanks for the many good memories with your presence here. You will be missed, very much, by very many.

fixed broken video link.
This makes me so sad. Pop Daddy/aka low-key, always responded to my Dom posts, always with a kind word. I noticed I hadn't seen posts from him for a while, and tried searching to see if I could find a recent post, but it wasn't until you, Dan, replied to my most recent post about Dom passing, and I was looking at the updated photo of your grandchildren when I saw your link leading to this post about Jason. How sad. I loved his Ann-Margret photo! He was such a great guy, and always a hoot. It's funny how we can feel so connected to our DIS buddies, most of whom we've never met. I'm so grateful Harry and I got to meet you, Dan. Hoping we'll get to connect in person again some day.


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