Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Good evening and hope all is well with everyone.

I have been so busy this week and working on a couple of problems, and trying to find solutions has not been easy. One is just me needing to be mature enough to ignore the person but since my daughter is getting upset it is hard. Anthony is not back 100% yet with baseball. We knew he would have some things to deal with, especially with the mental game and just shaking off the cobwebs. We figured out in the past couple of years between covid and 2 injuries he has played about 6 months total in almost 3 years. The problem is that one mother thinks her son is the BEST baseball player there ever was and will be a pro one day. He is a nice boy but not that good. After one of Anthony's minor injuries, a hairline fracture but it kept him on the sidelines for 2 months, he dropped a ball. The coach yelled loudly enough for all to hear, "How can my BEST player drop an easy pop up???" Of course, this started an intense jealousy on this woman's part. She has been saying some nasty things about Anthony every time he makes the slightest "error". Some of the plays have been judgement calls and he has struck out a couple of times. Her son has made some errors and struck out too but that is OK. I would love to say something but of course I won't because Anthony and this other boy get along really well. I have always disliked those types of parents and do not want to become one so I am trying to take the higher moral road, but it is difficult.

The other problem is very complex. I have to preface this with I am not homophobic. I belong to classmates.com. I don't always keep up with the paid membership, but I do have a profile on there and every now and again I get a message from an old classmate. There was a boy in high school who had a crush on me but the feelings were not mutual. He was a FRIEND, that's it. About a year ago I started getting complements from someone, quite a lot of compliments. I didn't recognize the name or profile picture at first, then I realized it was this same boy/man. However, he is now a SHE! Weird but if he/she is happy I don't care. Recently this person has been paying to send me private messages as I have let my membership lapse again. The messages are strange. Am I still as beautiful as I was in high school, telling me what a serious crush they had on me back then, how I was so beautiful and a real babe. I haven't seen or spoken to this person since we graduated high school in 1974. I don't want to be mean because I know enough to know from their profile that they lost their kids and spouse when they decided to become trans. He is planning on coming to our reunion next year since it will be the 50th. I need to figure out how to respond before then. I would like to be a casual friend as I don't really like hurting people especially with what they have gone through, BUT these messages are Twilight Zone weird. It has been bothering me quite a bit and I keep hoping I'll get some clarity on how to respond but so far nothing. I will say I am not interested in this person beyond a casual friendship no matter what gender they are. It's just weird.

Oh well another long week and hopefully tomorrow I will be officially out of the boot. The ankle has some soreness but I am walking on it in the house with no issues and have an almost full range of motion. I still have some tenderness in the one spot but today I just couldn't handle the boot and used an ankle brace. I feel fine so we shall see. Prayers that the doctor lets me stay in the brace would be appreciated. Anthony has a couple of baseball games and Ella started with her new volleyball team, so another busy week ahead. Thankfully it is supposed to get a tad cooler. I don't mind the heat per se, but 60 degrees one day and 86 the next is hard to adapt to. I prefer the more gradual change.

Hope you all have a nice evening.
Just picked up Gus! The kennel had these dogs painted recently and one has fish painted on it. Missing my fish, but we’ll be home in 30 minutes!
Passing a gas station $3.37 here near Rio Grande NJ.

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This didn’t go out yesterday! We are home and happy!
Love those dogs!

Took a drive with the grands to the shore yesterday and had a great day! Lovely, warm and sunshiny.

Saw some Shelties for sale and got really close to getting one. I've always wanted a Sheltie. But then, still have a Yorkie and three indoor and 1 outdoor cat. Not a good time. DD said she was glad I didn't bring another pet home.
:grouphug:Wow, Taz, what an awkward and difficult situation you're in with your former classmate. I do feel a red flag that he/she is making you feel uncomfortable which you know upsets me for you. I thank you as always for wanting to do the kind thing, that's of course, who you are. I think for your own peace of mind you almost have to reply. Just say you wish him/her the best. Then go onto say in uncertain terms you are not interested and to stop contacting you with his/her interest. Not at all about his/ her gender choices but about your well -being and possibly safety as well, As far as attending your HS reunion, I would feel awful if you wanted to go but didn't due to this person's possibly also attending. God-willing, he/she will choose to be respectful and stop contacting you. How Anthony is being treated is just terrible especially after all he's overcome and still going through. The coach should never have spoken that way to anyone let alone in front of an audience! You know, I don't get angry easily but that is horrible to inflict on a child at that. much 🙏there, too. Know always we are here and stand by you! 🐥❤️
Judique⛱️I'm so glad you got to enjoy some fun sunshine yesterday. :dogdance:are hard to resist all right. Thank you for all the love you give your dog along with your cats. Could you volunteer with dogs in some way rather than take on anew pup? I'd love to do so one day myself. You have absolutely have a great heart:grouphug:

Sweet Dreams, everyone with love.
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Dave came after dinner last night and took the concrete form off the bottom of the ramp, and measured the house. He's going to call the company and get quotes on the metal today. He's also taking pics of houses that he's done so we can see the colors of the actual roof. We are still undecided. I still want the lighter blue, Don wants charcoal gray, which is a departure from what he wanted to start out with. He found a visualizer program on the company's site that you put a pic of your house in and then it puts the various roof colors on it. I still would like to see it on an actual roof first. I'm fighting for blue, but I don't know if this is a battle I can win, lol. I saw the marine green on line and it looks more like the color for a beach house, so I took that off my list.
While I was out driving yesterday I saw more metal roofs than you can shake a stick at. Black and white looked great. Gray looked spotty and stained near the gutters. Other than that it looked okay on the white house. I can't say I really saw anything that wasn't quite nice and tidy looking.
I'm glad I did the mowing Friday. Now I'm looking at a nice neat lawn, and seeing all the other neighbors grass (and dandelions) even taller than they were the other day, lol. I'm sure I'll hear mowers going all around me shortly.

I puttered around the house yesterday, cleared off the kitchen counters and wiped everything down. Chopped up some of the Easter ham in the food processor with bread and butter pickles and made ham salad. We had that on grinder rolls for dinner along with cantaloupe.

I think I might empty the cabinets today and put fresh shelf liner down and reorganize them a little since I don't have to do anything outside.
All this work. I did my backyard earlier but didn't trim the edges so maybe tomorrow.

As far as indoor cleaning goes I called and scheduled a cleaner to come on Wednesday to deep clean my kitchen.

I'm done with climbing up to do the ceiling fans and lights (ten foot ceilings) and the tops of the cabinets and the range hood. All my cabinets need wiping and cleaning on the exterior. Three windows and french doors, floor, appliances. Time for a professional, or someone with more energy.

I also paid a neighbor to assemble an adirondack chair. I did the first ones a couple of years ago but wasn't up for this one. He finished in 40 minutes what it took me a day to do.

Tossed the last bit of my ham in the organics cart before I put it to the curb for tomorrows pickup.

We had shepherds pie from Hello Fresh with added hamburger tonight. It was good.

Chewy sent me a $15 coupon. They miss me ordering the expensive food that they don't stock anymore, I guess.

Ordered a cat condo. It's a Llama and they love it! These aren't kittens - the two older ones are 15 and 14 years old and they were cuddling up on it as soon as it was assembled.
@taz As I just responded on Sam Gordon’s sports parent thread - success is the best revenge! Tell Anthony to try to relax, keep it fun, and just let his natural playing ability come through. And keep distance from that other kid’s mom, she’s toxic. This is all so common no matter what sport it is. We lived through stuff like it too! Also I think your spidey sense is good on the classmate situation.

Busy weekend w work. They got one wall up in the downstairs family room, this is the paneling I chose (a few yrs ago). Well we lucked out we thought it was going to be $32/sheet but turns out they had it on clearance for $10 😆 so I told DH make sure you get extra so we have enough and then some, and he did. So about 66% less than what we thought we’d be paying! It looks really nice and we all like it a lot. It’s a lot warmer down there now too with the new insulation.

@Pea-n-Me Glad you could get your paneling at a good price.

@tazdev3225 Anthony will get back in the game. It will just take time. It must be hard to listen to that other mother but I agree with the path you are taking. I really would be confused about the messages from your former classmate. It sounds like they are trying to find their way through a new life and are not making good choices right now. It seems like you will need to respond at some point and be cordial but firm that you are not interested and hope they find what they want in life. Just wish them well.

Bobbiwoz Gus must be so happy to be home. I love the dogs on the fence. They are so festive.

It is a cloudy morning with rain expected later. I guess walking will not happen alot today. I need to clean upstairs so it works out. I may try to find a farm stand that is a few miles away. Jeff came to the old condo yesterday and finished the wall. It looks better than I thought it would. It looks like it was patched and painted but you can't get around that unless you want to paint the entire wall. We did what as asked of us. We left the paint for the new owner. The old owner left me the paint. I have just a few more things to bring to Kenny's and the condo will be empty. I hope to hand over the keys this weekend and head out of town for good. Not sure where my new place will take me but we will see.

Yesterday I just looked out at the bird feeder and saw a female cardinal sitting on top. She flew over to a tree where I saw the male cardinal. I just started crying because we always had a male and female cardinal at our old house. It was so nice to see and I think it was a sign from Chris. They are so beautiful.

Sam does not have strep and the doctor said that it is unusual for kids under 3 to get strep. Aimee got tested for strep as she has a sore throat but she is negative. There are just alot of things going around. Kenny's kids have been hacking and coughing too.

Off to work. Have a good day.
@tazdev3225 ...I really would be confused about the messages from your former classmate. It sounds like they are trying to find their way through a new life and are not making good choices right now. It seems like you will need to respond at some point and be cordial but firm that you are not interested and hope they find what they want in life. Just wish them well.
I agree. Just let the person know that you, personally, are not looking for any sort of romantic relationship right now but you wish them luck in finding their happiness.

@Pea-n-Me, I like the paneling!

Ordered a cat condo. It's a Llama and they love it! These aren't kittens - the two older ones are 15 and 14 years old and they were cuddling up on it as soon as it was assembled.
We soooo need pictures 😹
While I was out driving yesterday I saw more metal roofs than you can shake a stick at. Black and white looked great. gray looked spotty and stained near the gutters. Other than that it looked okay on the white house. I can't say I really saw anything that wasn't quite nice and tidy looking.
The charcoal gray is almost black. Dave advised going with the black, said it was too shiny. Still waiting for him to call with an estimate. My guess is he's been busy on roofs while the weather has been cooperating. I'm going to call him tonight if I don't hear from him today. He has to come back anyhow, to put the anti skid strips on the ramp.

All this work. I did my backyard earlier but didn't trim the edges so maybe tomorrow.

As far as indoor cleaning goes I called and scheduled a cleaner to come on Wednesday to deep clean my kitchen.

I'm done with climbing up to do the ceiling fans and lights (ten foot ceilings) and the tops of the cabinets and the range hood. All my cabinets need wiping and cleaning on the exterior. Three windows and french doors, floor, appliances. Time for a professional, or someone with more energy.

I also paid a neighbor to assemble an adirondack chair. I did the first ones a couple of years ago but wasn't up for this one. He finished in 40 minutes what it took me a day to do.

Tossed the last bit of my ham in the organics cart before I put it to the curb for tomorrows pickup.

We had shepherds pie from Hello Fresh with added hamburger tonight. It was good.

Chewy sent me a $15 coupon. They miss me ordering the expensive food that they don't stock anymore, I guess.

Ordered a cat condo. It's a Llama and they love it! These aren't kittens - the two older ones are 15 and 14 years old and they were cuddling up on it as soon as it was assembled.
Never heard of them so looked it up. That is too cute! I'm glad your cats are loving it.
Good morning. Sunny outside, but temps will only be a high of 55. It got down to 44 last night and was a little chilly with the bedroom windows open, but I still slept well.

@tazdev3225 I am in agreement with both Snowysmom and Pollyannamom on what I would do regarding the classmate. You don't want it to end up being super awkward if you choose to go to the reunion next year.

@Pea-n-Me I love that paneling! Great deal that it was on clearance on top of it.

@Snowysmom Seeing a pair of cardinals is definitely a sign from Chris. He knows you are finally on the right path and is sending you his love.

Apparently it poured overnight. I was planning on mowing the back lawn again, front still looks good, but now everything is wet again. I like mowing when it's cooler outside. Maybe by noon the grass will have dried out enough to run the rider over it.

Have a nice Monday

Dave just called with the estimate. The entire cost was less than half of what we expected so I told him to order the materials. We are going with charcoal gray, not my choice, but it will work. The house is white with a bluish/gray (more gray than blue) trim. And I can always paint the trim if I need to. He's going to order it today and pick it up sometime this week as soon as he gets his trailer back from his son. They have a tractor sitting on it right now.

How's this for a nosy neighbor--the pain in the butt one who lives next door. Dave ran into him at McD's the other day, and was told that I had the whole deck sanded and water sealed. What business is it of his? I was going to surprise Dave when he came back with the roof pictures tomorrow. I told Dave I was glad that at least it wasn't bad gossip about us, lol. I am so tired of trying to do things outside, and having him or his parents sitting there staring at whatever I'm doing. If Dave is here working outside, it's like a constant audience.
Good Morning :grouphug:

Dad is doing :laundy:and Ralphs 🛒. All is cool and quiet here. It will be a blessing to have my tooth taken care tomorrow. I definitely would appreciate extra prayer. Dad and I might even get to drop of a food pantry donation at church before my appointment tomorrow. If so, I would get to say hi to either my friend Glenda who I haven't seen in a year or another friend who works with her the office in 3 years! Either would be an extra Tuesday blessing :)

Dad and I watched about 45 minutes or so last night of The Blessing Bracelet. I would really recommend it so far. All the actors, including an adorable golden retriever named Lolly, have already become endearing. The whole cast is doing a great job at bringing their story and small town to life. I especially love that both sets of parents for each of the two leads are alive and healthy, a rarity sadly in these movies. Great friend and coworker supporting actors, too, plus, one friend is a church choir director which brings in added faith. I will share how we enjoy it all later.

Judique, :cheer2:for happy 🐈and most of all, of course, always for you. I'm very happy to read you were able to have a neighbor build your 🪑and that you will be getting housecleaning help as well. Take care of yourself!

Pea, I also love the paneling. A well insulated 🏠is a warm blessing indeed. 🙏that you enjoy an easier week ahead.

Snowysmom, ITA with Lynn on the cardinals🐦Beautiful reassurance of Chris' love and God's most of all. I pray the cardinals did indeed bring extra peace to your heart. Praise God, in all ways, of course, and on Sam, relieving news for sure. 🙏for a quick return to health for him along with all ill in your family. Hooray you are getting closer to moving on from your current condo:hug:

ITA with you as well, Pollyanna, about your suggestion to Taz. Simple and kind. I think you would enjoy The Blessing Bracelet📺Wishing you and your family, :ccat:of course, included, a happy Monday.

Lynn, 🙏for you to at last be moving more forward with 🏠remodel work, roof and all. Continuing prayer for Don that he chooses to
to enjoy being able to sit outside in the peaceful 🌞of the lovely yard that the two of you are blessed to have.

Have a wonderful start to this new week, everyone. I will check back in later.
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Gas prices seem to be getting a bit higher everywhere but it does depend alot on where you live.
I think our gas prices are fairly normal for the DFW area. I paid $3.39 a gallon at Kroger with 30 cent per gallon points last Wednesday. Thursday gas went up 20 cents.
I also loved the box mac and cheese most all my life. Simple and comforting. I was so upset when Kraft ruined the cheese as did Signature Select, Pavilions store brand.
We go between Kraft and Kroger brand. The Kroger brand is more yellow to me. They both taste pretty much the same.
She has a birthday in June so it will be one of the clothes gifts.
I've just ordered Lil Joe his birthday gifts, I've had Lou Lou's for quite a while now. They both have birthdays in May, two days apart.
BUT these messages are Twilight Zone weird.
Creepy too.
success is the best revenge! Tell Anthony to try to relax, keep it fun, and just let his natural playing ability come through.
Dave ran into him at McD's the other day, and was told that I had the whole deck sanded and water sealed. What business is it of his?
None, but some people....................
If so, I would get to say hi to either my friend Glenda who I haven't seen in a year or another friend who works with her the office in 3 years!
That would sounds great!

James was admitted into the hospital last night and this morning had a dose of the really bad chemo to wipe out his bone marrow. It's so bad he for the next three days he has to take a shower three times a day because the medicine will leech out of his body and it does not need to sit on his skin. He'll have three more days of doses of another chemo starting tomorrow that he's been getting the last two weeks. Can't believe he's been in Houston for two weeks already!

Speaking of kids being sick, Joe had diarrhea late Friday night, a couple of times on Saturday and once yesterday. It was more of passing gas and it all came out. Then this morning about 3:00 am, he threw up. Stayed home from school and has been doing fine. We thought at first it was a virus but this has us puzzled.
Happy Monday all... been busy. The weather was great this weekend we even had our first pool day at our friends... still a little chilly for that but it was nice to break it in for the year. Baby Ana LOVED it. She had so much fun splashing around and then actually fell asleep in my arms while in there.... :laughing: Her momma said she had been fighting her nap all morning and her papa had to pool temp up so it felt like a nice warm bath. She's so cute.

This week I'll be busy getting ready for our trip to Nashville. We leave Saturday. Hoping I can talk DH into getting a hotel Friday night so we don't have to leave the house super early. I'll be less stressed to be closer to the airport than if we left from home.... actually, who am I kidding... I'm sure I'll be stressed either way.

I'll try to keep up as much as I can this week and next week while I'm gone but I can't promise how well I'll do. Just know I'm keeping all of you in my thoughts.
I think you would enjoy The Blessing Bracelet📺
Thanks for the recommendation. I'll look for it.

Dad and I might even get to drop of a food pantry donation at church before my appointment tomorrow. If so, I would get to say hi to either my friend Glenda who I haven't seen in a year or another friend who works with her the office in 3 years!
Oh, I hope you get to see them!
🙏dear Kirby for James with extra 💕to you. What a horrible ordeal all of you are going through :( Just love and care. Prayers also, of course, for Lil Joe to feel better. I do love that he and Lou Lou have birthdays so close together yet each also have their own day to celebrate as well. I do feel an extra connection to them since my own birthfay follows theirs. Alternating mac and cheese brands is a good idea. I'm glad your family enjoys them both :)

🙏:cheer2:AuntieMe3 that you and your husband enjoy a safe and fun trip to Nashville! I look forward to hearing about it when you come home. Baby Ana:lovestrucso precious a blessing indeed.

Thank you, PollyannaMom :hug: I will share an update tomorrow for sure and appreciate so very much your own and everyone elses 🦷prayers. I just checked and The Blessing Bracelet will next be airing on Hallmark Movies and Mysteries tonight at 9pm. Dad and I will be watching more very shortly. I truly hope you enjoy it as well, my friend.

Dad is long safely home, thanks to God. All is quiet on the home front, too. Stay cozy, friends, and have a good rest of the day.
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@flyingdumbo127 Hope your dentist appt goes well and you get to see your friends.

Kirby Thinking of your son. Sending prayers his way. Hope Lil Joe feels all better soon.

My oldest DGD Ellie just got diagnosed with strep. So she and Luke have it, Mama has a sore throat but tested negative. So much stuff going around.

Have a good night.
My oldest DGD Ellie just got diagnosed with strep. So she and Luke have it, Mama has a sore throat but tested negative.

Does she know if they sent out her test to the lab? My DS was really prone to strep as a kid, and one time I was sure he had it (he had a very specific presentation he followed every time) but the in-office rapid was negative. - Because I mentioned that pattern, though, my pediatrician sent it out to the lab, and the more sensitive test results did come back positive the next day.

(She could just have allergies, of course. - The pollen is horrible right now!)
Does she know if they sent out her test to the lab? My DS was really prone to strep as a kid, and one time I was sure he had it (he had a very specific presentation he followed every time) but the in-office rapid was negative. - Because I mentioned that pattern, though, my pediatrician sent it out to the lab, and the more sensitive test results did come back positive the next day.

(She could just have allergies, of course. - The pollen is horrible right now!)
They usually do both - a rapid and a culture. That happened to DD about a month ago, too. I figured it was strep, she had exudate on her throat. The rapid was negative, but they called a day or two later (and I knew the nurse who called, as a former coworker, it was funny) to say the culture was positive, so they got her on antibiotics then. My family is having issues with pollen right now, too. That’s one of the reasons I wanted to keep the windows shut. I hope everyone feels better!

Glad people liked the paneling we chose. Honestly, we are just looking for fresh and new, and this isn’t your grandfather’s paneling. DH explained that the old style paneling (that we all grew up with, right?) was veneer. This paneling is closer to real wood, and it’s rough (as opposed to smooth) and nice and bright. The room is halfway below ground and our plan was always to make it have a barn-like feel, so I think this is working out as planned so far. We all agree on it which is sort of rare around here, too, lol. What it’s replacing is old paneling from the 60s when the house was built, which was painted over and halfway up was that thick wallpaper that looked like stucco, with a wall border. :scared1: The last time we updated the room was when the kids were toddlers - we emptied it out completely and it was basically a big playroom for them, with new carpet and we had all their Little Tykes stuff down there. Since that time it’s evolved into a family room, but also accumulated a lot of stuff. All that will be gone now and we have these new walls which look great. DH is going to build a barn-type door on sliders which we’ve never had there before. The room is off our kitchen and goes down.

Two ends of the room have built in bookcases which we had custom made for us (a carpenter made them and DH installed and painted them). We have to empty them out and repaint so it will basically be this light grey walls and then white bookcases. There are two windows and an outside door that I’m going to get some nice quality roller shades like we have in our sunroom that I got from Smith and Noble, probably a white with a little grey pattern of some sort. The website has been down so I haven’t found what I want yet but I remember when I got the others it only took a week or so for them to come in the mail and they’ve been great quality and we’ve been really pleased with them. I looked at shades today at both Home Depot and Lowe’s and I didn’t like any of them nearly as much as I like these others, so that decision is made. They are a little pricey but they will be worth it.

Now the funny part. The flooring. We’ve always had wall to wall down there because it’s a little chilly, but I really don’t want it anymore. It can be a hight traffic area when DH is working outside, in and out, with dirt on his feet (we’re not take your shoes off people) and the dogs, on the rare occasion they have accidents, will often be there by the door (If they can’t get out, but try. I’m sure all you dog people have had similar issues from time to time). So the question always was, what will we do w the floors? Because of the chilly temp I do like the idea of carpet, and there is a slight slant to the floor, so hard flooring would be tough. So I decided that commercial-type carpet squares would work well in the space. Well we found some that DD and I liked a lot, but they are a little “unconventional“. :laughing: They basically are sort of a mish-mash of colors and patters, so sort of funky, but neat, and unusual, which I sort of like in decorating (which I really enjoy anyway). My thought is that everything else in that room is plain in terms of walls and furniture, so having a patterned floor would be kind of cool.

So then and there we texted DH and DS on our group text showing them samples and their replies were so funny we were standing there with tears rolling down our faces laughing. Put it this way, DH could be convinced but DS hated it, lol. Later when we got home we spent some time in the space w DS talking about where his stuff was going to go and how we’re going to set up the rest of the space (it’s a huge room) and we were trying to soften him up about the chosen carpet tiles. He might be coming around a bit. ;) I told him he has to trust me (but beside that, it’s my house, I’m paying for it, and he’ll only be with us a relatively short time longer, I’m sure, so I’d like him I to agree, but ultimately it’s what’s going down there anyway) and I know he’ll like it once everything‘s done (though perhaps he’ll always tease me about it). But we did have good some laughs about it. (I’ll tell you the comments later when we’re done.) I think it will be a place he can have his friends down and it will be a great space with lots of room and sleep surfaces if anyone wants to crash, etc. (And later on, with luck, it will be a space for future grandchildren some day.) We have a lot to do besides this (the bathroom, too, the storage room, painting the outside, we just bought the pool deck, etc.) so we have to make the funds stretch, and this carpet tile is very affordable. Reviews were excellent, too. And if one or two tiles get dirty then can be take up and cleaned, then put back, or even replaced. (We’ll buy extra to keep up in the attic).Will show pictures when done, I have to stick with my vision, haha! Happy to finally be moving forward with this, it’s been in the works for a long time.

Kirby, praying for your son. 🙏🏻 Looking forward to the day when this is all behind him and he is feeling better. ❤️

Wishing everyone a nice Tuesday! 🐥
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@Pea-n-Me Love your renovation story. It sounds like work but fun work. I will have to look at Smith and Noble. Trying to figure our where to get shades for the new condo. There is a place called Budget Blinds nearby but they seem to not so budget and involve a decorator. Not for me. I didn't want to have to ask the kids to put blinds in for me after I order on line but Kenny has offered. He even offered Jeff too.

@flyingdumbo127 Good luck with the dentist. I am sure all will go well.

@dazedx3 Thinking of you :grouphug:

Frog Thinking of you too. Hope things are going better than you expected.

Good morning. It is sunny and supposed to be around 60 today. I am going to meet my friend for lunch. We are meeting about halfway between where we live. It is a restaurant where Chris and I used to go to dinner alot. I have gone back for breakfast with Kenny and lunch a couple of times with friends. I just can't go for dinner.

Jeff's family are feeling pretty miserable now. Aimee is on antibiotics as she is feeling so miserable she most likely has strep. So 3 are on antibiotics (Ellie, Luke, and Aimee), baby Sam has something just not strep per the pediatrician, Charlotte may have ear infections, and Jeff is still standing for now. Not a good way to spend April School Vacation week.

Off to work. Have a good day.


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