The PGA Tour VS. The LIV Tour

Who cares if a foreign government is paying for it? That is far better than professional football, baseball, hockey, and basketball where US taxpayers are paying for stadiums for billionaire owners.
But do the teams benefit from the other events that are held at the stadiums/arenas?
But do the teams benefit from the other events that are held at the stadiums/arenas?
Who knows? I just don't understand why my tax dollars went to support someone like Paul Allen who was worth hundreds of billions of dollars.
There will be 18 LIV Golfers in The Masters.

Greg Norman says that if one of the 18 wins,the other 17 will gather at the 18th for a group celebration.

He says it gives him goosebumps thinking about it!lol

“If one of the guys, no matter who it is, they are all going to be there on the 18th green, they are all going to be there, and that just gives me goosebumps to think about,” Norman said. “When you walk up 18, your caddie hugs you then you see your wife or your mum and dad. Now, to have those 17 other guys there, that’s the spirit we want.

“That’s what these guys talk about. They are saying no matter who wins, no matter who is in that position, we are going to be there. And that just gives me goosebumps to think about.”
There will be 18 LIV Golfers in The Masters.

Greg Norman says that if one of the 18 wins,the other 17 will gather at the 18th for a group celebration.

He says it gives him goosebumps thinking about it!lol
Yeah, I get goosebumps thinking about winning the Nobel Prize and finally being recognized for my years of promoting peaceful coexistence on the Disboards. :D A LIV golfer winning the Masters is only slightly more likely IMHO.
Pro golf isn't a team sport. Typically, a few golfers and their families who are genuinely close friends outside of golf might be at the 18th hole to congratulate the winner. LIV probably wrote it into the contracts that they have to be there to 'celebrate' IF one of them happens to win. Being required to be there has nothing to do with teamwork and more about its PR value. For those who miss the cut, are they expected to stay around until the end of Sunday's competition? In the case of LIV it would be less about congratulating the winner and more about their continuing propaganda about the nature of their supposed 'tour'. My view of LIV won't change regardless of who wins the Masters.
Yeah, I get goosebumps thinking about winning the Nobel Prize and finally being recognized for my years of promoting peaceful coexistence on the Disboards. :D A LIV golfer winning the Masters is only slightly more likely IMHO.
Colonel, you actually had a shot at the Nobel Prize, until Rhambo sealed the deal. Three LIV golfers in the top six is probably better than most expected.
^Yep, I'd forgotten about Koepka. He played really well. Phil too, but he would've needed help to get into a playoff.
Do you think the live on course interviews the PGA is doing for the first time this year are in response to the "hipness" of LIV?

Justin Thomas looked like he had had enough of his by the time he reached the Green-he pulled out his earpiece and tossed it to somebody and said he had to go and try to make a Putt!lol
Could be, but I recall several years ago they tried doing live interviews by walking with golfers during the round. It never went over well and they stopped doing that. Many golfers complained it was a distraction. That was long before the whole LIV thing. This new format with the earpiece seems like something they would have to arrange and agree to be part of prior to the round starting. I have no idea how much they pay the golfers to agree to be part of those live interviews. I seem to recall J. Thomas wanting no part of it in the past and was somewhat surprised he agreed to do it during the Masters. Also saw them interview M. Homa during his round, don't recall if I saw anyone else but watched most of the Masters from their website which is very well organized. They also use those specialized image stabilizing cameras so they can walk with the golfers during the interview. You can see the background is usually out of focus so it isn't the typical broadcast camera. All of that takes a good bit of coordination, so it isn't like they just randomly decide to interview someone.

With most televised golf, they have too many announcers who are always trying to say something memorable when they speak. Seems they feel the need to constantly talk instead of just letting us watch the golf. I have been to many golf tournaments over the years and the crowd always seems like a mix of those who are avid golfers and those who just go to drink beer and yell something stupid when a golfers hits their shot. Clearly the Masters tickets are much harder to get so you tend to get more of the serious golf crowd.
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WOW!John Rahm saved The PGA from a ROUGH day at The Masters!

A Playoff between TWO LIV golfers with one being the FACE of LIV would have been The PGA's worst nightmare!

And if Mickelson had won,the Green Jacket Ceremony would have been cringe-worthy!
My negative view of LIV won't change regardless of whether or not a LIV golfer happens to win one of the major tournaments where they are still eligible to compete. Seems like the various golf orgainzations are afraid of getting involved in lawsuits, so they avoid the issue and let the PGA tour deal with the lawsuits instead. It is also an unsustainable business model if pro golfers were able to be continually poached by the highest bidder to play in their events.

Reminds me somewhat of the USGA/R&A continuing to drag their feet with endless 'studies' over the issue of golf balls traveling too far making golf courses obsolete for touring pros. I think they are afraid the golf club or golf ball companies will sue them so they have endless committess 'studying' the problem. Most golf courses are located in residential areas, so they don't have the luxury of being able to keep buying up more property to make the holes longer. Augusta National is probably one of the few courses with the resources to buy up adjoining property and keep adding to the length of holes and seem fed up with the lack of definitive action by the rules makers to address this problem. Western part of the USA currently has areas with water shortages, so even if they could expand their courses, it takes more resources (water, fertilizer, employees, equipment) that only matter for one week out of the year when a tournament is held at a specific golf course. All of the involved parties should get together and agree on a plan to resolve this issue. Doing nothing isn't going to solve this problem.
PGA Tour Commissioner, Jay Monahan, said, “Thi$ tran$formational partner$hip recogni$e$ the immea$urable $trength of the PGA Tour'$ hi$tory, legacy and pro-competitive model and combine$ with it the DP World Tour and LIV - including the team golf concept - to create an organi$ation that will benefit player$, partner$ and fan$.”
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Waiting to see more of the details on how this will actually work. The reality of the distance/time zones/jet lag associated with a 'world tour' still doesn't make that practical from a logistical standpoint. All of the existing tours already have tournaments every week during the season. I seriously doubted the Saudi's were going to endlessly fund their money-losing tour with no viable way to make a profit, so perhaps this is a face-saving means for each side to proclaim 'victory' and move on to other things.
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Waiting to see more of the details on how this will actually work. The reality of the the distance/time zones/jet lag associated with a 'world tour' still doesn't make that practical from a logistical standpoint. All of the existing tours already have tournaments every week during the season. I seriously doubted the Saudi's were going to endlessly fund their money-losing tour with no viable way to make a profit, so perhaps this is a face-saving means for each side to proclaim 'victory' and move on to other things.
The Saudis realized it was easier (and cheaper) to just buy the Tour executives, rather than buying players one by one.
PGA Tour Commissioner, Jay Monahan, said, “Thi$ tran$formational partner$hip recogni$e$ the immea$urable $trength of the PGA Tour'$ hi$tory, legacy and pro-competitive model and combine$ with it the DP World Tour and LIV - including the team golf concept - to create an organi$ation that will benefit player$, partner$ and fan$.”
Could not have $aid it better my$elf. I had two ob$e$$ions in life. One wa$ WDW and the other wa$ Golf. WDW priced me out for profit$ and now the one $port I enjoyed watching and playing will be connected to $omething that I find morally deplorable. I guess I have to find another pa$time.


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