Marathon Weekend 2023

i finally logged in after reading 150 pages! can someone post the screenshots of the dwarves and patience screens? it’s eternally burned into my retinas but i failed to screenshot it! would love a shirt!! i’ll also try to figure out how to make one for anyone interested or buy one if it’s created!! i am in for my 4th dopey, and 2 daughters in for their 3rd!!! that was some morning, but reading what others went thru, we aren’t complaining
OMG! I have to call tomorrow! Is there nothing left?! I am kicking myself! I tried to book online, but since its not available, I dreaded the hold time. Between getting a marathon bib, and having to call DCL TWICE one call being over 4 hour hold just to get disconnected (the dreaded fast busy signal), I just needed a break fro the hold-stress.

edit... I think I posted under wrong person. This was meant for the person mentioning VGF. SORRY, but I hope someone has info!
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OMG! I have to call tomorrow! Is there nothing left?! I am kicking myself! I tried to book online, but since its not available, I dreaded the hold time. Between getting a marathon bib, and having to call DCL TWICE one call being over 4 hour hold just to get disconnected (the dreaded fast busy signal), I just needed a break fro the hold-stress.

edit... I think I posted under wrong person. This was meant for the person mentioning VGF. SORRY, but I hope someone has info!

I mentioned VGF. I believe you can either call or do the chat function if you have VGF points to book the VGF2 studios.
a bit off topic, but i love all the avatars for members. where do i change it from generic D to a picture????

Good Morning runDisney Allstars! Got a two part question for you all today. Do you like to run with music and/or Podcasts? And if you said yes what do you like to listen to; any recommendations?

My answer:
I tend to skip music or podcasts when doing short runs. But on longer runs I do enjoy listening to a podcast or music. Recently I started listening to You Can Do It with Jeff Galloway and Rise and Run and due to my addiction to The Challenge I also listen to Challenge Mania and The Official Challenge Podcast and off course a lot of different Disney podcasts. If I am feeling music then I listen to Sirius XM or one of my phone playlists. I do love the 80’s & 90’s top 40 countdowns on Sirius. I have officially aged myself! Hope everyone has a good week!
SAFD: I tend to do both. For my long runs and a number of my easy runs I tend to stick to podcasts and/or audio books. On the podcast side my "go tos" are The Disney Dish, Runners Without Limits and (thanks to someone who mentioned it on the boards here) Rise and Run. For tempo runs or speedwork I tend to listen to music with upbeat playlists I've created. If I get bored listening to my book on my long run, I will usually put on "Disney Favorites" on Amazon Music to get me though the last few miles.
SAFD: music always!!!! if my airpods die, i’m toast. spotify playlists mostly. though i like the podcast idea and disney favorites?? maybe we should get a thread going for disney playlists?? that would be fun. never heard of rise and run. i feel really behind the eight ball reading the treasure troves of info you all share on here!!!! it’s really going to get me going on the dopey training!!!
SAFD: I do almost all my training listening to audiobooks. I used to listen to music, but I got tired of listening to the same playlists over and over. In addition, I find that audiobooks let me control my pace better. I have a tendency to get caught up in the beat and speed up when listening to music.

The exception to this approach is for races. I try to run races without headphones at all so I can be in the moment and completely focused. For selected marathons and ultras, though, I'll carry my headphones with me and put them on with an energetic music playlist late in the race when I need a lift.
SAFD - I never run with headphones. I don't listen to anything when I run. I like to enjoy the quiet and think about stuff and play mental math games. It is weird but I like it. Sometimes I use the time to puzzle out harder Wordles. 😂

If I am on the treadmill, I have the TV on, usually tuned to a Hallmark movie. They are light and predictable enough that I don't always have to be paying attention but I know what's going to happen in the end.
SAFD: Music too. In order to keep things fresh I have a smart playlist that shuffles the most recent songs I’ve added to my library. For non-Disney races i will build a race specific playlist that has a mix of old favorites and newer music I’m listening to. For Disney races I run without headphones as I want to maximize the experience. I don’t want to miss out on the in race entertainment.
SAFD: Podcasts, always - a relatively recent change, though. Never did headphones during a Disney race, and ran the DC rock n roll listening exclusively to star wars scores 😄

That said, I've found podcasts take my mind off running the most. I can focus on the conversation happening, and not dwell in my head about how long I have left. I love music, and listen to it frequently (along with playing timpani in a community band) so listening to music during running or working out doesn't provide as much of a distraction as pods do.
SAFD: Yes to both. For longer runs I usually start with podcasts and then switch to my Spotify running playlist when I need a boost. (Looking at my splits after the run I can usually tell when I shifted from podcasts to music because I get faster! But if I start with music it doesn't help. 🤷‍♀️)

I enjoy a lot of the big names in podcasts like Radiolab, Freakonomics, Planet Money, This American Life, etc. Some lesser-known favorites: The Memory Palace, The Sporkful, Wine for Normal People. I recently subscribed to Marathon Training Academy for my marathon training purposes and I like it so far.
SAFD: Always music! I’ve got a Disney playlist that’s long enough to get me through a half marathon with no repeats, and I just hit “shuffle” when I start, so it’s never the same order twice. I was so bummed today when my headphones died halfway through my cold and rainy 5K 😭😭
Ran Broad Street Run 10 Miler today and if there's one thing I learned, it's that I can spot a RunDisney race shirt from the back based solely on the sponsors. :rotfl2:

SAFD: For training, it's both depending on my mood. I've been on a huge podcast kick lately. Someone else mentioned Rise and Run, and I also recently got into them after seeing the recommendations here a week or two ago. I'm also really did on This Is Actually Happening right now. For races, it's usually a Spotify playlist. I only run with one airpod in and it's usually just for a little bit of background noise that I can focus on when I need to.


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