Is there anyone super excited about their upcoming trip?

To say my family is excited is an understatement. I’m going with DH, DS and my 14 year old niece. We leave in exactly two weeks and it’s all Disney all the time at my house right now. This will be my son’s first ever visit and he turns 7 on our trip. We are staying for 7 nights at Pop and then surprising the kids with a Poly room for the last 2 nights. We are doing all the things while we are there (character meal, fireworks party, rope dropping, lightsaber building, space 220, some Disney Springs date nights, a bunch of G+ days, etc). We have been planning this for over a year and decided the trip is worth whatever risks we are taking at this point. We will be as safe as we can and go with the flow. 😁
See you at Pop!! :D
We joined DVC in January 2020 (great timing, lol). We've made many trips during COVID and are excited to host the in-laws at Jambo House in March. It will be their first trip there since the 80's and I'm thrilled to share with them why we are always "going back". As a wise mouse once said "Nothing can stop us now!"...
Arriving July 27 and I am very much looking forward to the trip. I've shared on the boards that this is my last long on property Disney stay. It's more about the pandemic changes to me and my family than the changes at Disney World.

If I wasn't feeling the spark for the trip, I wouldn't go. Too many resourced tied up in a vacation to not be all in. Of course, my all in isn't what it once was, but nothing is. Life is short. I am ready for sunshine and dole whip.
Party Pooper here. We're going down for three days in March. Our ADR booking window just opened up and all we wanted was SciFi for lunch or dinner on our DHS day and all that's available is Mama Melrose and Oga's. As the planner of the family, I was always excited to plan a WDW trip and share the plans with the rest of the family. This is so disappointing, DW and I both said last night that we weren't really excited at all about this trip. More looking forward to summer vacation in Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge.

I'm the group planner too and I will say that with the changes with ADR's and FP+/Genie+ the planning feels way less fun than it used to be. I'm a little worried about trouble getting ADR's when our time comes too.

That said, I'm dedicated to going in with an open mind. Hubby and I said that even if we don't get the ADR's we're hoping for, there will be a silver lining to that too. We'll get the chance to check out more of the QS spots we usually pass by bc we're too full from a sit down meal, or we'll gorge ourselves on tons of snacks! Hoop Dee Doo is our big WDW family tradition and I'm starting to accept the very real possibility (probability?) that it will not be open for our trip. But the flip side is that if we don't do HDD maybe we'll do O'Hana instead - something I've always wanted to do but haven't gotten around to yet.

I'm not trying to say your feelings aren't legitimate bc they absolutely ARE. I just feel like you're still going to have a really great time and might even discover some new favorites along the way. Have you tried Baseline Tap Room in HS? Or maybe take a walk over to the Boardwalk area for lunch that day?
I am so excited it hurts LOL! We are going at the beginning of May for our honeymoon staying at Beach Club and Poly. Actually, we are getting married on day 3 via an off site local officiant, just the two of us:love:

If you had asked me 5 years ago what my dream Disney trip was, it would be this!!! We are going all out on dining, staying at the Poly for the first time which is a lifelong dream, and I'm returning to the Beach Club for the first time since I was a kid. We haven't been to WDW together since a short last minute trip in 2018, and it'll be our first real vacation since before covid. We talk about it every day, BOTH get teary at the 50th Anniversary commercials on now, and are just so SO excited!!!
Yes :donald:! We are going in April with our 9 year old twins, this will be their first trip. We have planned trips a few other times but they hadn't worked out for various reasons. Pre-children, my husband and I went often but we haven't been since 2008 ourselves. We couldn't be more excited and I'm trying not to be too overwhelmed with the details/changes.

I should also add that in 2022 we celebrate the twins 10th birthday, our 20th wedding anniversary, and my 50th!
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Up until earlier this week I have been super excited for our trip in 4 weeks. We are staying at the Poly and celebrating my boyfriend's 50th (belatedly since it was in November but we couldn't get the time off to go). We have reservations at every restaurant we wanted to eat at and this is our first trip since we were at DL the week the parks closed in 2020.

I am still excited but it seems to have been tempered a little by the negativity I keep reading online. I get people want to do what is best for them and can feel how they feel but it seems to have gotten to me this week. I am hoping seeing the FARTS videos and pictures starting tomorrow will turn it all around. (Although just thinking about getting to go to our first epcot festival got me pumped up again)
Super excited! Going from 1/26-2/10 (First three nights at Universal Royal Pacific the rest at BWV). We usually go in late November so this will be different for us. Also have another trip booked for the beginning of June. I’ve never been in the summer snd always swore I’d never visit then due to heat, but I’m hoping early June won’t be unbearable.
We have a trip coming up in June 19-29.

Right now the world is crazy. Omicron is everywhere and the news is bad wherever you look. The stress most days feels overwhelming
But one daughter will be celebrating finishing her first year of college. The other daughter will be celebrating finishing her freshman year of high school. We are going to be together and enjoying our happy place. Life is too short and the world is an unpleasant place right now. I just can’t let all this other stuff wear me down. G+, LL, Mears transportation, It does not matter. We are counting down the days to be home. And can’t wait.

Anyone else actually looking forward to a trip?
Same here. Originally, we planned a trip to DL for daughter's college graduation present but had to cancel due to COVID. Like you, we can't let things wear us down. It's already been 2 years since this all started. Got vaxxed and boosted earlier this week. Going to DW end of this month and DL in March! Can't wait!!!!!!!
We have been planning (and saving) for a multi-generational family trip for almost four years now. We were wanting to visit during the 50th celebration and were hoping to experience all the (at the time) planned new attractions. Although it may not look the same as we originally envisioned we are still can't wait to go! We will be a family group of 13 and it will be magical! It is finally this year and we are all so excited: from Grandpa down to the four year old! We have been look forward to it for so long I don't know that anything can dampen our excitement! We are just planning to role with whatever comes our way and enjoy the memories we are creating together knowing this will truly be a once in a lifetime trip for us!

We're going on April and I'm literally counting the days. It's been 17 years since I've been able to be there and there is nothing that can stop me from being excited to go see the mouse.
I'm going some time in April and have all ready been 3 times since the parks re-opened and am still excited.

I went solo last April while Covid was still going strong and masks were required even outside. Even with very few things open, having to wear a mask all the time and rain every day, I loved it.

Went again in Sept. with my son, his SO and their 5 month old daughter. He has been many times but she had only been once and that was for 2 days. She had never stepped foot in Epcot. F&W was happening, it was hot as all get out (we are from Georgia so it was sort of like home) walls up at Epcot, baby less than happy at times, they couldn't ride as many rides as they would have liked because of the baby's schedule - yet we all left happy and had a good time. She loved Epcot, walls and all.

I went again in Dec. solo I was determined to hit all the festivals since the last one I went to was in Feb. 2020 (right before the world closed down).

No, things aren't like they used to. Yes, it was crowded as all get out in Dec. No, Genie+ didn't bother me, I didn't use it. Yes, ADRs may have been a tad harder to get but I came home 5 lbs heavier so I must have been able to eat somewhere. Yes, wearing a mask on some rides is a pain but it was better than not being able to go. No, I wasn't worried. I've had my shots, my son and his SO have not. I've come home healthy from all 3 trips with various Covid strains, Delta was going strong when we went in Sept. Is not being able to hop til 2 a pain, you bet ya, but at least we can hop. Are having to make park reservations limiting, yep since we aren't planners but we just make them for random parks knowing we are going to hop any way.

I have an AP so tickets aren't an issue but I still haven't booked a room yet, I'm thinking I'll get that done this week and book park reservations.
Due to lockdowns and travel restrictions we have cancelled or rescheduled this trip three times. This last time with things changing rapidly we had to cancel 12 days before it was time to leave. I was so sad and disappointed.
It’s been a long couple of years. My son is off to University in the Fall and time for us all to go to Disney together is getting hard to schedule. We are set to go in May and I am so excited. I really really hope we get to go this time.
We leave in 8 days! I absolutely can NOT wait!! It will be just DH & I. He has never been to WDW before. We were scheduled to go last September & ended up having to cancel.
Yes! Staying at BC in Feb and we're soooo excited, it's getting so close! We’re also taking a mini day-trip on the 27th to meet my BF’s sister at dinner while they’re on their vacation and I’m excited to try Biergarten for the first time

You will love Biergarten!!!!! We tried that for the first time in December 2020. It was amazing! My only regret is that we were not hungry enough. It’s now a must do for us and we will skip QS and snacks next time, before going.


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