Something About Nothing............ #14

I have no idea what a spirit jersey is???

What?? o_O LOL

It is basically an oversized heavy tshirt that has different cute themes or designs from Disney. A very good marketing job because I usually want all of them! Here is the one in question:


I have a couple Haunted mansion designs, some halloween, a basic Mickey, etc. They are comfy and fun to wear to the parks or around the house!
What?? o_O LOL

It is basically an oversized heavy tshirt that has different cute themes or designs from Disney. A very good marketing job because I usually want all of them! Here is the one in question:

View attachment 534932View attachment 534933

I have a couple Haunted mansion designs, some halloween, a basic Mickey, etc. They are comfy and fun to wear to the parks or around the house!

lol......Elsa you have to forgive me :rotfl:....complete Non Disney person here......I thought it might have been some kind of American Football

I do have a few haunted mansion and TOT things around our home I have to admit to........that’s about it.......

Rained a lot this afternoon, but clear sky tonight. Going to be a nice day tomorrow, just very chilly.

Just watched the rest of the movie Hereditary.......utter tosh! Won’t watch that one again.

Psycho or The Shining tonight..........
Busy day - tired now. Just going to watch Bake Off then finish packing and put everything ready in the lounge so we can quickly load up in the morning and be on our way. Not too early as J is concerned at us leaving before they go so think we will have an hour with him before we leave. So sad that he worries so much but we reassure him constantly and promised we will be home before him.
Hope everyone has a good evening x
What?? o_O LOL

It is basically an oversized heavy tshirt that has different cute themes or designs from Disney. A very good marketing job because I usually want all of them! Here is the one in question:

View attachment 534932View attachment 534933

I have a couple Haunted mansion designs, some halloween, a basic Mickey, etc. They are comfy and fun to wear to the parks or around the house!
So cute!
lol......Elsa you have to forgive me :rotfl:....complete Non Disney person here......I thought it might have been some kind of American Football

I do have a few haunted mansion and TOT things around our home I have to admit to........that’s about it.......

Rained a lot this afternoon, but clear sky tonight. Going to be a nice day tomorrow, just very chilly.

Just watched the rest of the movie Hereditary.......utter tosh! Won’t watch that one again.

Psycho or The Shining tonight..........
Here’s Johnny!

Busy day - tired now. Just going to watch Bake Off then finish packing and put everything ready in the lounge so we can quickly load up in the morning and be on our way. Not too early as J is concerned at us leaving before they go so think we will have an hour with him before we leave. So sad that he worries so much but we reassure him constantly and promised we will be home before him.
Hope everyone has a good evening x
safe travels!
Busy day - tired now. Just going to watch Bake Off then finish packing and put everything ready in the lounge so we can quickly load up in the morning and be on our way. Not too early as J is concerned at us leaving before they go so think we will have an hour with him before we leave. So sad that he worries so much but we reassure him constantly and promised we will be home before him.
Hope everyone has a good evening x
Safe travels Julie
Ooh, did u see Orlando informer says just announced, 2021 first HHN house is Puppet Theatre: Captive Audience. Woot!
Haha that name could easily be an apt pun for those of us eagerly awaiting news of next year!

Guilty as charged, had to jump thru hoops to book BWV a few days ago for fall 2021 trip. Walking forward another for usual after thanksgiving trip Which I find utterly ridiculous that it’s gotten to that point with popular resorts/dates eleven months out.

Anyhoo, thanks for the info. I don’t follow OI. Is it an official U HHN announcement or a Rumor/leak?
do have a few haunted mansion and TOT things around our home I have to admit to........that’s about it.......
Pretty sure no room is disney or U free in my home, even if of the semi hidden variety
Evening everyone. I missed almost 2 days and feel like I am so far behind. Sunday night I had insomnia and barely slept. I did manage to doze off a bit early Monday morning. I dreamed that I was visiting England. I was somewhere in the country, so I needed to rent a car. I was really stressed about having to drive. Needless to say, I was dead tired all of Monday. I managed to get decent sleep Monday night, but was still tired today.

Some good news - I talked to my mom today and she is now walking with just the use of a cane.

It’s all Kumbaya until the first person runs out of toilet paper
I think we may have enough to last until the end of the year. Back when it was so hard to find I was buying a package every time I saw some in the stores. I sent some of it to school with B.

I've been three times I really love it! I think one of my friend's in particular will enjoy it a lot more than CB. One of my other friend's and I enjoyed CB due to it's nostalgic factor and it's appearance, but my other is more refined and she didn't like the food court environment, or food. So, I think she'll be more pleased with the Hard Rock. Also, I was lucky as I booked way ahead of time and right before they officially announced no HHN, so pricy, but lower than usual during this time.
Good to hear such a glowing review. I have only stayed at a Universal hotel once, and it was the Royal Pacific.

I have tried all the butter beer and my favorite is the frozen
I have not tried the frozen kind yet. The first time i had butter beer I really liked it. The next time I had it it seemed too sweet.

Morning! Snowed all day here yesterday and some of it stuck around! Mac please send some sunshine and warm weather! In exchange I offer you bacon and tacos. New Disney Christmas merch dropped today and I think the snow made me buy way more of it than I intended. Oh well Spirit Jersey's go with anything right?
Snow? Yikes. Too soon. I love the Disney spirit jerseys, but don't like the high price.

But, friends are all still doing the charity donation instead of Christmas cards again this year. We all spent a fortune on cards, special cards we all work out how much we would spend and donate it instead. I think this is our third or fourth year doing it now. I still send mum and immediate family cards though and my older aunts. But it adds up to a good donation every year.
I haven't sent Christmas cards in years. I love the idea of the charity donation. We usually get gifts for a child in need each Christmas and sometimes buy stuff for the animal shelter.

One day to go until our trip and finally allowing a little excitement in!
Have a great time.

It is basically an oversized heavy tshirt that has different cute themes or designs from Disney. A very good marketing job because I usually want all of them! Here is the one in question:
That's a really cute shirt.

Psycho or The Shining tonight..........
I have never seen all of Psycho. Just clips. I don't usually like scary movies, but feel that I should watch that one since it is a classic.

Time for sleep. Good night!
Haha that name could easily be an apt pun for those of us eagerly awaiting news of next year!

Guilty as charged, had to jump thru hoops to book BWV a few days ago for fall 2021 trip. Walking forward another for usual after thanksgiving trip Which I find utterly ridiculous that it’s gotten to that point with popular resorts/dates eleven months out.

Anyhoo, thanks for the info. I don’t follow OI. Is it an official U HHN announcement or a Rumor/leak?

Pretty sure no room is disney or U free in my home, even if of the semi hidden variety

I think that`s our home too....but only with Universal merchandise. My friends granddaughter asked if all our mugs were from, we may have some that aren`t.......::yes::

Evening everyone. I missed almost 2 days and feel like I am so far behind. Sunday night I had insomnia and barely slept. I did manage to doze off a bit early Monday morning. I dreamed that I was visiting England. I was somewhere in the country, so I needed to rent a car. I was really stressed about having to drive. Needless to say, I was dead tired all of Monday. I managed to get decent sleep Monday night, but was still tired today.

Some good news - I talked to my mom today and she is now walking with just the use of a cane.

I think we may have enough to last until the end of the year. Back when it was so hard to find I was buying a package every time I saw some in the stores. I sent some of it to school with B.

Good to hear such a glowing review. I have only stayed at a Universal hotel once, and it was the Royal Pacific.

I have not tried the frozen kind yet. The first time i had butter beer I really liked it. The next time I had it it seemed too sweet.

Snow? Yikes. Too soon. I love the Disney spirit jerseys, but don't like the high price.

I haven't sent Christmas cards in years. I love the idea of the charity donation. We usually get gifts for a child in need each Christmas and sometimes buy stuff for the animal shelter.

Have a great time.

That's a really cute shirt.

I have never seen all of Psycho. Just clips. I don't usually like scary movies, but feel that I should watch that one since it is a classic.

Time for sleep. Good night!

Glad your mum is walking better.

Psycho isn`t that scary to be honest. The Shining is scarier......and that`s just Jack Nicholson!! We ended up watching The Shining last night and yes, it`s spooky alright.

Yes, the charity idea instead of special cards was a good one. We do still buy cards of course. Since Kyle was at school we always did the shoe box gifts, but got away from that last few years as our churches do specific gift ideas. There`s so many ways to help, even our grocery stores and larger pharmacies do "hand in a gift" for a child.

I think this year lots of charities will be looking for all the help they can get.

Off out this morning.....not the nicest of days and a little chilly......good excuse to wear new boots though!!

Going by the doom and gloom in the news that Christmas might be a non event this year, decided to go on a splurge and stock up on goodies and anything long life.....I think Chocolate is long life.........:rolleyes1

We`re set for wine and booze........we`ll be fine!

Making lasagne for us tonight......the other two will have chicken mac n cheese.....easy dinners. Cooked the meat sauce last night, prefer it cooked the day before for flavours to enhance.

Off to shop soon.........




Have a wonderful Wednesday........​

Ah, see, with all that flashing and fog the new HHN house will have, camel’s giving the alert. Yay, a Wednesday is here, and get over that hump of a day, and woot woot can say Friday is here after two more sleeps.

Good Morning Schumi. Nice to do some shopping today.

Charade, glad mom is okay, and hope you get a good night’s sleep tonight.

Hey, DisneyLife is very early this morning. Good Morning to you. Hope all is well with you and family.

And so, other than routine, that is my planned Wednesday. Tea, yes, part of that routine. Off to get a refill. And eh, boring breakfast as well.

Wonderful Wednesday to all the homies.
Good morning? Eh, woke up at 3, again! Can‘t get back to sleep. For 2nd night. Don’t know why 3:00 is the magical number.
Nails look nice again. Went to garden centre after and picked up garlic to plant, now have to clear out some planters.

@Charade67 good news about your mom!

@keishashadow Good clip. That’s the closest I’ll ever get to HHN lol! BWV or BWI is one of the only WDW deluxe resorts I haven’t stayed at, that and CR.
I was just reading WDW has let go of the remaining actors. No more Festival of The Lion King or other entertainment. So sad.

@Lynne if it wasn’t for your camel we wouldn’t know what day it is!
Today, another eye exam On agenda. Rain, rain-go away. Close to son’s house, will drive by with some provisions & lunch. I’m liking his work at home gig, get to see him more often🙂
Some good news - I talked to my mom today and she is now walking with just the use of a cane.
Sounds like somebody has been doing their PT! Good for her
I think this year lots of charities will be looking for all the help they can get.
Here they are gently suggesting people donate cash or GC vs donated gifts this holiday season. They don’t expect to have the typical volunteers show up that are necessary to process; along with the extra time/space needed to let physical donations sit for 48 -72 hours to ‘decontaminate’.

Even the election polling places are having issues filling the compensated positions. Such a high percentage of volunteers typically are of an older demographic, majority of whom are taking suggested protocols seriously

there is a movement locally, urging the college students who may be doing online semesters to dip their toes into the water. Many have picked up the slack at the Large drive up food bank Distribution sites. So nice to read!

I was just reading WDW has let go of the remaining actors. No more Festival of The Lion King or other entertainment. So sad.
I think they will reinstitute the high-production numbers after the pandemic passes But in a cost-saving way. More along the line of voices of America & jamminators in Epcot. Sigh

There was a bitter labor dispute with the talent, including safety Issues for the performers. IMO this is more about cost savings than the safety factor for either employees or guests

I get it, costs need to be cut to keep the parks afloat. Doesn’t mean I have to like it or hear the sadness from the employees

I still cringe re Disney refusing to launder the monkey costumes in FotLK on a regular basis. Ewww glad the performers were able to draw attention to that‘stinky’ issue a few years back & get it resolved.
View attachment 535055
Today, another eye exam On agenda. Rain, rain-go away. Close to son’s house, will drive by with some provisions & lunch. I’m liking his work at home gig, get to see him more often🙂

Sounds like somebody has been doing their PT! Good for her

Here they are gently suggesting people donate cash or GC vs donated gifts this holiday season. They don’t expect to have the typical volunteers show up that are necessary to process; along with the extra time/space needed to let physical donations sit for 48 -72 hours to ‘decontaminate’.

Even the election polling places are having issues filling the compensated positions. Such a high percentage of volunteers typically are of an older demographic, majority of whom are taking suggested protocols seriously

there is a movement locally, urging the college students who may be doing online semesters to dip their toes into the water. Many have picked up the slack at the Large drive up food bank Distribution sites. So nice to read!


Funny I was thinking of you when I put up my usual Happy Wednesday meme today......don`t ask me the cute doggy!

Yes, that`s what I meant, was money/donations are especially needed this year and not actual time from people. I agree, much of the volunteer demographic is much older, and yes, most are shielding.

We have another food bank opening up a few towns away from us and their outlying we certainly plan to make extra donations there. Sad when food banks are multiplying. Most of our grocery stores have carts you can drop stuff in on your way out, it`s heartening to see they are still being filled regularly.

It was cool this morning, now the sun is out and it`s beautiful outside. Met up with two friends in the department store today, usually this is our lunch day with the we went for coffee instead.

Did get a few extra`s I wasn`t expecting to get today, and nice to see the Christmas stuff is mostly in stores now. I do love roaming around with the christmas music on and all the lights up, but think I may be done before that happens this year. Managing to get through my ever growing list.

Tom wants a Toblerone. That`ll be easy.......:rotfl:

Had a large scone with jam and cream each for lunch......scones were huge hence having it for lunch. And strong pot of tea........
I feel so bad for the workers that got the brunt of the cost savings of the company. As if not even one of them not needed. Very sad.

Sue, hope you get a nap in today. I get up an hour or so after your 3 am wake, but oh my. Hope you get a good night sleep, and later awake time. Yay, for pretty nails!

Keisha, food drive for filling out local food charities still a go starting this November. So many need it. Local polling places are to be open. I am lucky, and can walk to mine.

Yay, Schumi having a pot of tea. I’d certainly join ya. Virtually now.

This morning is crawling. Sigh. Long day, but a warmer one, with that oh you loose, random rain shower. Then a washout Thursday it will be. And cool rain to boot. Hey, at least they are predicting a drying weekend, so that full moon viewing should be perfect. WOOT!


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