Marathon Weekend 2020

For nine years I was the only grandchild and my grandfather worked at WDW, so a certain amount of spoiling may have gone on. He only ever received two tickets to the Cast Christmas Party, so my sweet grandmother would stay home so I could go. I remember it always being freezing for this Florida-born girl and that Crystal Palace always had milk and cookies. Also, every year without fail, I came home to Christmas lights on our house despite my father always saying he wasn't going to put them up this year.

2008_Mar_22_DSC-W80_1-2.jpg 2008_Mar_22_DSC-W80_04701.jpg
The kiddos first trip to WDW. It was a day trip as we lived in Jacksonville at the time. DS was 20 months and the girls were maybe three months. A friend had come to visit so we were able to pull this off with a 1:1 adult/kid ratio. I remember DS didn't nap all day, but was never cranky. The photo of him above is at 9:40 PM. I have another photo from ten minutes later where he had finally just passed out right before the fireworks.

First week-long trip in 2012 as we had moved to Tennessee by this point. I had never stayed on property before this trip.

One and only character photo I stopped for during the marathon portion of Dopey 2018. I think it was at this point that I realized I was going to finish the entire challenge.

DATW 2018

Our most recent trip - Disneyland last month. First time for everybody but me!

coming down to finish my first half marathon. It was (as some of you know) the first of my weather curse races, where every time I race it is a minimum of 95% humidity and 70 degrees or higher. Dark Side was my 11th Half.


Now doing 10K's with my 11 year old daughter (Wine and Dine)


Princess 10K


Dark Side 10K
1. MOANA!! 2. First marathon finish - 2017


Our Thanksgiving trip in 2018. We were all stressed because my father-in-law was 2 weeks away from death and it was so hard to focus on this vacation. But it ended up being the best WDW trip ever for us. Our kids had so much chill-time, including the above. It was exactly what we all needed right in that stage in life.


Being honest: This is one of my favorites because I had a good hair day at WDW and that has literally never happened. #sorrynotsorry Also, only one kid making a weird face is a win for our family.
2013 WDW Marathon - with the stomach flu and a cold and it being 8237402348 million degrees. I made it.

Almost to the finish line of the 2018 WDW Marathon. So many great comments dressed in my C3PO garb

2019 WDW Half Marathon - finally found my main man, Scrooge McDuck in Animal Kingdom after the race!

And as I go through these photos, I realize that I have worn the same hat for all of my runDisney races. So it's 6+ years old.

That's saying something since I lost it about 4 years ago at my old place of work and it turned up about a year later outside the locker room. Oh well - washed it and claimed it as mine again!
Having some uploading troubles but I managed to get this one to work.

2018 princess half/fairy tale challenge finish
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My favourite photo is this finish line shot from January 2017 (I'm the one on the left with the black hat).
It was my first runDisney event and it was supposed to be my first half marathon that ended up being a full. I am all smiles in this photo even though I was DYING! I was barely trained for a half, let alone a full so the fact that I finished was a miracle. This experience made me determined to go back the following year better prepared. I love this picture because it was the start of my journey to a healthier, stronger me!

Running 2018 WDW marathon with my DD after she had just wrapped up her DCP. She dressed as Judy Hopps. We joked that I was the UK Pavilion because of my shoes and red/blue clothing.


Finishing 2019 WDW marathon with my DW after she had to DNS the 2018 marathon because of an ankle injury that surfaced 5 days before race day. I was so proud of her.

We love roller coasters, and I love Space Mountain. It's just a classic in my opinion. So some of my favorite pics from Disney (that I don't have to scan :) ) are when my kids got tall enough to ride it.
2010 for my daughters first time:
4 years later when my son was finally tall enough:


So glad they're coaster fans now!!
Found a couple more that I had to get from another device:
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My sister and I outside of our room at POR following the 2013 Marathon, our second Disney race and first marathon. Still my favorite medal and most memorable race.
At MNSSHP last September. It was pretty late into a hot and very muggy night (it poured from about 8-8:30 so you could pretty much drink the air the rest of the night) but we held up OK in our Haunted Mansion shirts. Eeyore is my favorite and although I'm not usually a wait in line for character photos guy, I had to make an exception for this one.
What a fun SAFD! Love seeing all the great photos!
Here is my favorite Run Disney photo from DL Half 2016. My daughter (in the black shirt) age 14 is finishing her first Half Marathon.
I am right behind her in the pink- so relieved-as I knew how close the balloon ladies were. She didn't! Soooo stressful!!!
Looking forward to running Wine & Dine Half this year with her. Hopefully with a bit more buffer this time around!

Here is one of my favorites from 2018 taken in WWS. It was my first marathon and things were not going so well during the first half. Long distance running is as much mental as it is physical and this pretty much captured my feelings at this point of the race. I was happy that I was about to complete my first marathon, but so sad that I still had 8 miles to go!


And here is my friend and I after I completed my second marathon, this time achieving my sub 4 hour goal.

Good morning, runDisney all-stars!

Thanks for sharing your pictures last week and taking us on a walk down memory lane.

For this week's Sundays are for Disney, I want to know what your running/racing plans are between now and marathon weekend. Running any races before the end of the year? Shooting for a new POT? Doing any other Disney races?

I'm taking it kind of easy for a few weeks after last Sunday's marathon. My next race will be Milwaukee's Lakefront Marathon in October. No concerns about a POT since I won't be doing any rD events next year.

Have a great week, everyone!
If I run marathon weekend I'll use the race for POT from last year that I used for this year. I wanted to run a half in May, but injuries happened so decided it wasn't worth running just to run. I have a 10k in July, but that won't help for the marathon & who knows how that will go as I've been told it's not one to PR at. I have a marathon in September, but it will be hard to improve what I have, but I have a lofty time goal. I do have Wine & Dine, but that's after POT & I haven't decide if I'll run the half for time or all the characters.


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