Here Now : & Very Upset, advice please

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Yes, you are right we were part of the vacation. You are also right about if it happened to them how would they feel.
It’s really not about the money it’s about the time lost together, which was Wednesday morning when this happened through Friday. Doesn’t seem like a lot of time to some people but it’s a lot of time missed with my family. I only see them once or twice a year, which is why I’m so sad about this.

Disappointment is completely appropriate. Unfortunately sometimes that's how life works. Being absolutely scared to bits in a situation like this is completely understandable. Thank goodness a remedy was available.

Initially I asked what did you expect from Disney under the circumstances, considering that you explained that the cause wasn't a mystery AND the responsible party admitted their mistake immediately, that you accepted it was a mistake and that they were remorseful. I honestly assumed that you were going to express a desire to talk to Disney management to press for a review of protocols and that possibly you had some ideas how they could tighten things down further in an attempt to prevent this from happening again. While I understand your disappointment and sympathize with your fear I think your expectation of a free trip, complete with provisions that you did not find it necessary to arrange when the bill wasn't to be comped by Disney is out of line.
Disappointment is completely appropriate. Unfortunately sometimes that's how life works. Being absolutely scared to bits in a situation like this is completely understandable. Thank goodness a remedy was available.

Initially I asked what did you expect from Disney under the circumstances, considering that you explained that the cause wasn't a mystery AND the responsible party admitted their mistake immediately, that you accepted it was a mistake and that they were remorseful. I honestly assumed that you were going to express a desire to talk to Disney management to press for a review of protocols and that possibly you had some ideas how they could tighten things down further in an attempt to prevent this from happening again. While I understand your disappointment and sympathize with your fear I think your expectation of a free trip, complete with provisions that you did not find it necessary to arrange when the bill wasn't to be comped by Disney is out of line.
Your entitled to your opinion, enough said. But your not the one who missed the time with your grandchildren. I have said my peace to Disney and they know exactly how I feel, they also interviewed everyone in our family. They are taking it up with my son. I won't be posting how it all turns out here because there are too many different personalities that like to assume and frankly I am a little surprised at some of the comments.
Yes, you are right we were part of the vacation. You are also right about if it happened to them how would they feel.
It’s really not about the money it’s about the time lost together, which was Wednesday morning when this happened through Friday. Doesn’t seem like a lot of time to some people but it’s a lot of time missed with my family. I only see them once or twice a year, which is why I’m so sad about this.
I would have been very upset if this happened to our grandchildren. It must have been very frightening to watch what happened when they ate the waffles and to see them taken to the hospital. It sounds like you had to be strong for your son but there wasn't anyone who was there for you, outside of your husband, of course.

It sounds like you were looking forward to spending special time with your grandsons while their parents were at dinner. Our daughter and son-in-law moved 1,000 miles away when the two children were 2 1/2 years old and 5 months old, so I know how special the time together is. Now you can't get it back again.

This would have been hard for anyone to deal with. If you were at home and went to the local restaurant it would have been a lot different. But a Disney vacation is special. The consequences of having something like this happen at Disney are so much worse. It would be nice if Disney would do something for the family that would help to make up for the loss of vacation.
Well, I disagree. They could have killed 2 kids. A replacement vacation isn't much to ask IMO
I don't think its too much to ask either! My son called last night and we talked for a very long time about this. He feels the same as I do about time lost together as a family.
Grandma (OP) had some sort of premonition that a disaster would happen on this vacation and asked about Disney Disasters, worried about how to get to good hospitals, etc even before the trip

I didn't have a premonition about this trip, I posted the thread because I forgot my license and credit card and I was wondering if anyone else had a disaster like that and sure enough there were plenty.

As far as wondering about where the hospital was that is because I have had 2 hospitalizations in recent months 13 months apart. Which makes time with my grandchildren even more precious to me. I won't go into details about it, but it was a very scary incident for me as well and they both took me a long time to recover.
Life to me is about spending time with my family, and I would like that time back with them. I don't think that's asking too much.

I also took note from another post about a local dentist, I have had a lot of dental work recent years, as well. I like to cover all bases. Gosh I feel like I'm being bashed into the sand here by some.
I would have been very upset if this happened to our grandchildren. It must have been very frightening to watch what happened when they ate the waffles and to see them taken to the hospital. It sounds like you had to be strong for your son but there wasn't anyone who was there for you, outside of your husband, of course.

It sounds like you were looking forward to spending special time with your grandsons while their parents were at dinner. Our daughter and son-in-law moved 1,000 miles away when the two children were 2 1/2 years old and 5 months old, so I know how special the time together is. Now you can't get it back again.

This would have been hard for anyone to deal with. If you were at home and went to the local restaurant it would have been a lot different. But a Disney vacation is special. The consequences of having something like this happen at Disney are so much worse. It would be nice if Disney would do something for the family that would help to make up for the loss of vacation.
Well said, Thank you for understanding.
If it was one day you missed with your son and his family them one day compensation seems fair for your son and his family plus medical expenses. You had several days together prior to this happening that Disney certainly shouldn't reimburse your son for. There are those memories.

This was a terrible accident that happened. It wasn't an on purpose by the chef. Disney will make things right but this all expense paid villa stay seems greedy.

You say you want the time back you missed with your son and his family. That is 1 or 2 days max ---
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If a Disney vacation is so special, then surely trip insurance is in order.
You can go on and on assuming, Gosh I've belonged to this board since it was just Pete and a few others and never felt the lash out like this before. There's always a first time. If I can handle watching what happened to my grandsons. Your assumptions certainly aren't going to get a rise out of me. The way I've always posted on these boards over the years is in a compassionate way Enough Please.
If it was one day you missed with your son and his family them one day compensation seems fair for your son and his family plus medical school expenses. You had several days together prior to this happening that Disney certainly shouldn't reimburse your son for. There are those memories.

This was a terrible accident that happened. It wasn't an on purpose by the chef. Disney will make things right but this all expense paid villa stay seems greedy.

Well said!

Op you are hurt and pi**** and want someone to pay. I get that.

If this happened at another vacation destination, would the same compensation be expected?

If you only see your son and his family a couple of times a year and family time is so important, would you all consider moving nearer to each other to get that? ((I have seen that you are looking at retiring to Florida threads.))

We haven't moved far from parents, because of our desire for our kids to see the grandparents more often.

I am also open that when our kids get established that we may move nearer to wherever their careers take them so that we can see each other without long flights and careful planning.

I know we are all musing and giving advice based on our distance from the situation.

I hope that one day you can move past the hurt, resentment, disappointment and all the negative feelings and remember the good days and experiences that you had with your precious grand children on this trip and that the memories they have of this trip are more good than bad.
You can go on and on assuming, Gosh I've belonged to this board since it was just Pete and a few others and never felt the lash out like this before. There's always a first time. If I can handle watching what happened to my grandsons. Your assumptions certainly aren't going to get a rise out of me. The way I've always posted on these boards over the years is in a compassionate way Enough Please.

My comment wasn't in reply to you. It was merely a general comment in the overall discussion.
OP, just give up. No one here will EVER think Disney should do ANYTHING to compensate someone for time lost.

For everyone else--seriously??? The chef made an almost fatal mistake. Disney is going to need to step up here. Yes, he is human and yes, humans make mistakes but this one could have ended very badly.

The time missed is from Wednesday morning through whatever time Friday they were leaving. Of course she could have spent time at the hospital but she should not have had to. That isn't even a reasonable question. And stop harping on what day anyone checked out. The missed time is from the time the kids got sick to when the vacation was originally going to end.

I swear, some of you act like its a darn crime to actually let a business take fault for THEIR mistake. Its over the top ridiculous. Ya'll do know it is not coming out of your back pocket??

Now, with all that said, OP, I personally think a whole new vacation is out of order. I do think Disney should pay all medical bills, any travel bills incurred for the earlier flight home, hotel costs for the missed time (breakfast Wednesday-check out Friday), whatever tickets were unused, and any extra expenses incurred due to the time in the hospital, etc (like food for the family members having to stay at the hospital with the one child), and any other expenses that were paid for but wasted due to going home early.
Well said!

Op you are hurt and pi**** and want someone to pay. I get that.

If this happened at another vacation destination, would the same compensation be expected?

If you only see your son and his family a couple of times a year and family time is so important, would you all consider moving nearer to each other to get that? ((I have seen that you are looking at retiring to Florida threads.))

We haven't moved far from parents, because of our desire for our kids to see the grandparents more often.

I am also open that when our kids get established that we may move nearer to wherever their careers take them so that we can see each other without long flights and careful planning.

I know we are all musing and giving advice based on our distance from the situation.

I hope that one day you can move past the hurt, resentment, disappointment and all the negative feelings and remember the good days and experiences that you had with your precious grand children on this trip and that the memories they have of this trip are more good than bad.

My son has moved 6 times in recent years as his career advances. We are only a plane ride away no matter where we live. If we move based on being close to them, he could be moved the following year to another state or Country for that matter.

Of course we all have many pictures and videos of the fun time we spent together before this happened.
Florida is a lot shorter distance to Texas than California. There are many other factors as to why we are moving there in a few years.
This would have been hard for anyone to deal with. If you were at home and went to the local restaurant it would have been a lot different. But a Disney vacation is special. The consequences of having something like this happen at Disney are so much worse. It would be nice if Disney would do something for the family that would help to make up for the loss of vacation.
Wait, what? Why would the consequences be worse with it happening at Disney? I could see if it happened while you were on a cruise in the middle of the ocean or on a plane, but what makes it different at Disney?
OP, just give up. No one here will EVER think Disney should do ANYTHING to compensate someone for time lost.

For everyone else--seriously??? The chef made an almost fatal mistake. Disney is going to need to step up here. Yes, he is human and yes, humans make mistakes but this one could have ended very badly.

The time missed is from Wednesday morning through whatever time Friday they were leaving. Of course she could have spent time at the hospital but she should not have had to. That isn't even a reasonable question. And stop harping on what day anyone checked out. The missed time is from the time the kids got sick to when the vacation was originally going to end.

I swear, some of you act like its a darn crime to actually let a business take fault for THEIR mistake. Its over the top ridiculous. Ya'll do know it is not coming out of your back pocket??

Now, with all that said, OP, I personally think a whole new vacation is out of order. I do think Disney should pay all medical bills, any travel bills incurred for the earlier flight home, hotel costs for the missed time (breakfast Wednesday-check out Friday), whatever tickets were unused, and any extra expenses incurred due to the time in the hospital, etc (like food for the family members having to stay at the hospital with the one child), and any other expenses that were paid for but wasted due to going home early.

Actually, I disagree with OP's wishes and said in my first response that compensation may be in order. For all the suggestions OP has made about others' assumptions and a lashing out, I think what's actually been said shouldn't be overlooked.
OP, just give up. No one here will EVER think Disney should do ANYTHING to compensate someone for time lost.

For everyone else--seriously??? The chef made an almost fatal mistake. Disney is going to need to step up here. Yes, he is human and yes, humans make mistakes but this one could have ended very badly.

The time missed is from Wednesday morning through whatever time Friday they were leaving. Of course she could have spent time at the hospital but she should not have had to. That isn't even a reasonable question. And stop harping on what day anyone checked out. The missed time is from the time the kids got sick to when the vacation was originally going to end.

I swear, some of you act like its a darn crime to actually let a business take fault for THEIR mistake. Its over the top ridiculous. Ya'll do know it is not coming out of your back pocket??

Now, with all that said, OP, I personally think a whole new vacation is out of order. I do think Disney should pay all medical bills, any travel bills incurred for the earlier flight home, hotel costs for the missed time (breakfast Wednesday-check out Friday), whatever tickets were unused, and any extra expenses incurred due to the time in the hospital, etc (like food for the family members having to stay at the hospital with the one child), and any other expenses that were paid for but wasted due to going home early.
Get over yourself. I don't think anyone has said the family is due zero compensation. The problem most of us have, as apparently you do, is the expectation that Disney should give them a whole new vacation.

Should Disney "step up"? Absolutely. I'd even agree the "missed time" should go to the end of the scheduled vacation IF leaving a day early was advised by medical personnel.

If the issue is "family time lost", Disney can't produce time.
OP, just give up. No one here will EVER think Disney should do ANYTHING to compensate someone for time lost.

For everyone else--seriously??? The chef made an almost fatal mistake. Disney is going to need to step up here. Yes, he is human and yes, humans make mistakes but this one could have ended very badly.

The time missed is from Wednesday morning through whatever time Friday they were leaving. Of course she could have spent time at the hospital but she should not have had to. That isn't even a reasonable question. And stop harping on what day anyone checked out. The missed time is from the time the kids got sick to when the vacation was originally going to end.

I swear, some of you act like its a darn crime to actually let a business take fault for THEIR mistake. Its over the top ridiculous. Ya'll do know it is not coming out of your back pocket??

Now, with all that said, OP, I personally think a whole new vacation is out of order. I do think Disney should pay all medical bills, any travel bills incurred for the earlier flight home, hotel costs for the missed time (breakfast Wednesday-check out Friday), whatever tickets were unused, and any extra expenses incurred due to the time in the hospital, etc (like food for the family members having to stay at the hospital with the one child), and any other expenses that were paid for but wasted due to going home early.

My son went in one ambulance with the older grandson, my daughter in law went in another ambulance with the younger grandson. DH and I left Animal Kingdom with my almost one year old grandson in my son's minivan that was parked at AK to reunite at the hospital.

Who want's reimbursement in cash, not us, that's not going to recapture our time together...we just want our days missed together. It could be at the Melia Orland Suits or wherever , we are not fussy as long as we have a kitchen to cook for the kids, and a bathtub to bathe them. I don't think that's an unfair request considering medical co pay bills my son will have to pay. I've stated before we all just want to make up for time lost, how many times do I have to say it?
I think I am going to take your advice though and just give it up!
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You can go on and on assuming, Gosh I've belonged to this board since it was just Pete and a few others and never felt the lash out like this before. There's always a first time. If I can handle watching what happened to my grandsons. Your assumptions certainly aren't going to get a rise out of me. The way I've always posted on these boards over the years is in a compassionate way Enough Please.
As you can see, my join date is 5 days after yours :teleport:. I was actually a member before then (as were you, I assume) but the server had a huge crash and lost everyone.

I'm not sure it's quite a "lash out". Instead, I think that people are simply trying to understand. I really do feel for you. Your grandkids got terribly sick, all of you were worried sick and you lost a couple days at the end of vacation. I can understand that, for you, the whole vacation was tainted by the error. I guess I'm not sure that Disney will accept any responsibility for your vacation before the wrong food was served to your grandsons. I think it's perfectly OK to ask for more, but I wouldn't get your expectations up.

As for the comment about trip insurance, it was a little blunt but something you should consider in the future. If multiple members of your family have multiple food allergies that can ruin a trip you may want to look into insurance to cover your losses next time. Although, to be fair I don't think that there would be any huge monetary losses even if you had insurance on your last trip. Disney will pick up medical bills and you can't insure against "loss of happiness".
Get over yourself. I don't think anyone has said the family is due zero compensation. The problem most of us have, as apparently you do, is the expectation that Disney should give them a whole new vacation.

Should Disney "step up"? Absolutely. I'd even agree the "missed time" should go to the end of the scheduled vacation IF leaving a day early was advised by medical personnel.

If the issue is "family time lost", Disney can't produce time.
They can't produce time but they CAN recapture it
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