Did you go out for pizza as a kid?

Definitely not, and even now it would be a lot less frequent if not for Little Ceasar's and the pressure they've put on everyone else to run deals.

The place we liked when I was a kid served what I guess you'd call Detroit style in a 13X9 cake pan, sauce on top of the cheese (they also served hand tossed and my sister & I loved watching the workers toss the dough). It was very good!
I grew up in Brooklyn, NY.
We didn't "go out" for pizza. We walked to the pizza shop(after school, while playing outside with friends...) and ordered a slice. When I was in elementary school, a slice was 50 cents and a can of soda was 50. By the time I graduated from high school (1986) a slice was $1.00.

Now a slice is about $2.50

Same but we live on Long Island We used to go to the pizza place across the street from us
I grew up in the 80s and 90s. We had pizza a lot. We also went to restaurants in general pretty frequently. It was basically the same as how it is with my family now as far as eating out or take out.
Not even once! I grew up in the 60's and 70's and we rarely ate out. Once in a while we would go out to eat at Mr. Steak after church on Sunday. We lived in the country and there was no way we were driving into town just to eat out. Most of the time we ate at home and I don't think it ever occurred to my parents to bring food home (from a restaurant). It would have been cold by the time they got home. Besides, I don't think my parents considered pizza "real food". It was junk food, so not really necessary.
Once in a while. Always from a local pizzeria, not a chain. Now, I probably have it at least 2 or 3 times a month.

I’m in NY and yes, we call it a pie. There’s an old Dean Martin song: “When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s amore...”

Incidentally, when you buy by the slice, the “slice pie”, sometimes called a “house pie”, is usually larger than the pie you get when you order a full pie. (Both typically have 8 slices.) Also, no one here would ever ask for a cheese pizza. Of course it has cheese, because pizza by definition has cheese. If you want it without any toppings (sausage, pepperoni, etc.) you ask for a plain or “regular” slice/pie.
Thursday night was pizza night growing up.
We usually got it from this one place and one of us kids would always go with one of my parents to get it because there was a separate pizza pick up window and it had a bell to ring.
And this was odd but we liked to try to hold it on our lap vs hovering above or in the backseat because we wanted to see if the pizza was hot enough through the box to leave a read mark on our legs. Not sure why we literally wanted to try to burn ourselves lol.

Thinking about it we really only ate at home Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday most of the time and then Thursday was pizza night and board games, Friday was usually Burger King because it gave my parents time to relax while we played and there were 2 really cool Burger King playgrounds near us, Saturday was date night for my parents so what we ended up eating varied depending on if my sister wanted to cook, we wanted food from out, or we were at my grandparents house that night, and Sunday was family dinner at a nicer restaurant. Still kid friendly so not fine dining but better for us than Burger King lol.
I only remember having a Shakey’s pizza when I was very young and it was a real treat to go there. My mom would sometimes make Appian Way pizzas. Pizza Inn appeared when I was in junior high (we did not call it middle school).
Born mid ‘50s - growing up, saturday nights was take out night. We’d rotate between pizza (not chain pizza), club sandwiches, hoagies, fried chicken. Occasionally, pizza on a friday night. Friday nights was generally spaghetti.
I grew up in NYC in the 70s and ate pizza all the time. We never went out for pizza as a family. I would get a slice with my friends. I remember in 5th grade my mother would give me $1 every Friday we would walk to a pizza place right near school for lunch and get a slice and a soda. Sometimes we would have a pie at home, but we never went out for pizza.
I ate a lot of pizza when I was growing up. My mom doesn't cook so it was mostly frozen pizza, but the local pizza place had a carry out deal on tuesdays when I was a kid, it was something like 4 medium one-topping pizzas for $10, my mom couldn't pass up a deal like that so we ordered pizzas from this place for several years ( I think 4th grade through 7th) until it finally closed.

My grandpap loved pizza hut and Chuck-E-Cheese, he would take me there all the time. I remember our pizza hut had a table that was actually a space invaders type game with fake wood paneling. I thought it was so cool that it was a playable arcade game.
As a pre-teen/teen in the 70s, going to Shakeys or Round Table was an inexpensive dinner when feeding 5 kids. What we didn't do was go to fast food restaurants, because that's where it got expensive .
Kind of a Spin off from the Do You Remember Things Differently thread.
I grew up in the 1960's and early 1970's.
Looking at the local Things I Remember Growing up Facebook page, seems like everybody but me was eating pizza out all the time.
Money was tight. So much so that President Nixon froze wages and prices in 1970.
There were pizza places here, but they were just too expensive for us.
Mom would buy a frozen pizza and add extra cheese and meat, or a Chef Boyardee kit, but we never had pizza out.
Mostly because of the cost of Pizza out, but also because most of the pizza place appeared to be more like bars or night clubs than restaurants.
I can't speak to the $8 large pizza Domino's is advertising to death right now, but most large pizzas around here are about $25, so still not a cheap meal.

We had take in or ate out every Friday night when I was a kid- my dads favorite was Arbys (I hated that!) so it was either Arbys, Pizza, Chicken Delight or we ate out at a local Italian Restaurant. I got my first paper route at 11 and I know after that I would ride my bike with friends to the pizza place for slices at least once a week and we would eat in the diner every once in awhile. I was born in 63 so this was the 60's and 70's. I also remember every Friday night my dad would come home from work and bring a special treat home for me and my brother- sometimes it was an ice cream, other times those hostess cherry pies or a donut. We would wait by the living room window for him to pull up at 6:30 to see what he got us!
My grandparents best friends owned a Round Table Pizza so they would occasion bring pizzas to family gatherings. Loved it! Sometimes when we were young and were in town running errands mom would take us there for lunch. Mom would get to talk with family friends that she grew up with (next door neighbors) and my brother and I ate pizza. A win for all.
Back in the 70's/80's we had pizza from Pizza Pizza every now and then, but we were more of a KFC/Chinese food family growing up.
I ate a lot of pizza when I was growing up. My mom doesn't cook so it was mostly frozen pizza, but the local pizza place had a carry out deal on tuesdays when I was a kid, it was something like 4 medium one-topping pizzas for $10, my mom couldn't pass up a deal like that so we ordered pizzas from this place for several years ( I think 4th grade through 7th) until it finally closed.

My grandpap loved pizza hut and Chuck-E-Cheese, he would take me there all the time. I remember our pizza hut had a table that was actually a space invaders type game with fake wood paneling. I thought it was so cool that it was a playable arcade game.
Our Pizza Hut had Pac Man in the 80s. I loved it!
We've always called it a "pie" too. My dad was a Long Islander and DH and his family are all native NYers. Maybe it's a regional thing :confused3

The thing that gets me though is how they order it. A lot of places around here don't go by sizes like small, medium, or large. They are ordered by the number of pieces in each pie. Like, "Can I have a 8 cut... 12 cut...etc.?"

Must be regional. I've never heard anyone call pizza a pie except exaggerated, Italian cartoon characters (a pizza pie-uh)


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