Yee Haw Bob Sexual Harrassment

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I started looking at the FB page. I don't care what people actually feel regarding this situation but FB has a lot more leeway in what you can say whereas the DIS is a bit more controlled and that aspect shows.

Regardless of how you feel about the whole thing the FB page shows the effect discussed earlier very evident there-it may not be as strong here on the Boards but it is strong on FB at least.
I started looking at the FB page. I don't care what people actually feel regarding this situation but FB has a lot more leeway in what you can say whereas the DIS is a bit more controlled and that aspect shows.

Regardless of how you feel about the whole thing the FB page shows the effect discussed earlier very evident there-it may not be as strong here on the Boards but it is strong on FB at least.
Michelle's FB page? Sorry, I'm not following you.
The #metoo campaign was for ANYONE who has experienced sexual assault or harassment. It absolutely applies. Not sure where you got the idea that it was only for a boss/subordinate situation. That's just not true.

You are correct except that I would never consider a pinch on the behind to be sexual harassment or assault unless it happened where the pincher was in a position of authority over the other person.
However, I do think this is all FAR too flimsy to start stirring up a social media frenzy aiming to destroy the reputation and career of someone of Bob's good standing for no other reason than you think (or even "know") that they felt your bum during a public photo shoot with 100 cameras in the room.

Just snipped that part of the response about the 100 cameras in the room. Didn't the same thing happen to Taylor Swift at a public event? You would think that would be a deterrent but some people probably find that part of the appeal, thinking the victim won't make a scene (and I don't think Taylor Swift made a scene at the time either, and she was an adult with plenty of "power"). And yet recounting it brought her to tears. The guy said it must have happened by mistake while trying to get in place for a photo, or something like that. However, Taylor Swift said she knew it was specific and intentional. Sometimes, you just know.
So if someone squeezes your arm, or shoulder is that assault? How about a knee or a thigh?
How about when you hug someone and they give you a little squeeze, sexual assault or just plain old assault?
I saw that you got absolutely crucified by Michelle and others on Facebook for trying to bring some balance to the situation, similar to your post above, and were made to delete it! #jesuisbob

To be fair, I did post that if Michelle (as opposed to some of her followers) felt that what I wrote was offensive to her personally, I would voluntarily remove the post. She said that she did, and so I removed it, saying "I sincerely apologise for any offence caused to you. That was not my intention, nor to re-victimize you". Of course that was wrong to the followers too, and I was told that was not a real apology. I gave up at that point and left them to it.

So if someone squeezes your arm, or shoulder is that assault? How about a knee or a thigh?
How about when you hug someone and they give you a little squeeze, sexual assault or just plain old assault?

I'm sorry, I have no desire to get into a conversation about what specifically constitutes sexual assault or harassment.
Just snipped that part of the response about the 100 cameras in the room. Didn't the same thing happen to Taylor Swift at a public event? You would think that would be a deterrent but some people probably find that part of the appeal, thinking the victim won't make a scene (and I don't think Taylor Swift made a scene at the time either, and she was an adult with plenty of "power"). And yet recounting it brought her to tears. The guy said it must have happened by mistake while trying to get in place for a photo, or something like that. However, Taylor Swift said she knew it was specific and intentional. Sometimes, you just know.
I have thought of this case myself.
Taylor's recount seemed to indicate this DJ stepped in, lifted her skirt up and groped her bare butt cheek so his incident appears to be a bit more deliberate and obvious.
Granted, this specific case at Disney has not had as much detail recounted.
And let us not forget, Taylor is a bit of an actress.
Do I believe the incident disturbed her? Without a doubt. Do I believe she was truly so hurt it brought her to tears? Honestly? No. She's a stronger woman than that.
And she did go right to authorities immediately. Not 6 years later.
Bullying wasn't a big topic of discussion for previous generations. Oh, it existed alright just didn't have a bright spotlight shined on it as seems to happen today. On various forums I've heard parents discuss it avidly and with much passion as to punishment and responses. IMO..sexual harassment and abuse are a different form of bullying and has certainly been around since time immemorial.

Interesting that many of the same people that want child bullies "thrown under the jailhouse" can't see the connection/correlation to sexual abuse in later life.
No one EVER touched my person w/o consequences or permission (implicit or stated; different time, LOL) since my grandmother gave me a hatpin at the age of somewhere around 13. Obviously, growing up in the 1900's she knew that "wandering hands" existed in the Victorian and Edwardian Ages as well.

I don't sincerely know how to respond to anyone who thinks that telling another "to knock it off" is the answer to being butt pinched; beyond my comprehension and I just don't want to walk in those shoes since it's completely anathema to my upbringing.
I wish those people peace with their thoughts.
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You are correct except that I would never consider a pinch on the behind to be sexual harassment or assault unless it happened where the pincher was in a position of authority over the other person.
Well of course not. Sexual harassment is, by definition, done by someone in authority over you. Or at least it was, until it was co-opted.

Which may have been why she didn't go to the police. Is placing your hand on someone's butt at crime? Especially if she didn't say anything about it, move or back away?
Just snipped that part of the response about the 100 cameras in the room. Didn't the same thing happen to Taylor Swift at a public event? You would think that would be a deterrent but some people probably find that part of the appeal, thinking the victim won't make a scene (and I don't think Taylor Swift made a scene at the time either, and she was an adult with plenty of "power"). And yet recounting it brought her to tears. The guy said it must have happened by mistake while trying to get in place for a photo, or something like that. However, Taylor Swift said she knew it was specific and intentional. Sometimes, you just know.
I also thought of the Taylor Swift butt-grab in relation to this allegation. In Swift's case, the DJ intentionally put his hand up her skirt and grabbed her bare butt cheek. IIRC she shifted away from him and then told his superiors right away. Of course Swift knew it was specific and intentional. If Michelle had said that Bob grabbed her bare bottom then there would be less of a question in my mind since prolonged touching bare butt-skin is not accidental or unintended.
To be fair, I did post that if Michelle (as opposed to some of her followers) felt that what I wrote was offensive to her personally, I would voluntarily remove the post. She said that she did, and so I removed it, saying "I sincerely apologise for any offence caused to you. That was not my intention, nor to re-victimize you". Of course that was wrong to the followers too, and I was told that was not a real apology. I gave up at that point and left them to it.


You were facing a mob; some of those people really wanted their pound of flesh, including one gent who suggested that arrest & jail were viable options, and the sooner, the better. That thread is a classic example of internet hysteria; no logical discussion is possible if you offer anything that remotely resembles a contrary opinion to the choir.
You were facing a mob; some of those people really wanted their pound of flesh, including one gent who suggested that arrest & jail were viable options, and the sooner, the better. That thread is a classic example of internet hysteria; no logical discussion is possible if you offer anything that remotely resembles a contrary opinion to the choir.
Meh. Those are her FB friends and blog fans. I wouldn't expect anything different ( ETA) than them to be fiercely supportive.
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You were facing a mob; some of those people really wanted their pound of flesh, including one gent who suggested that arrest & jail were viable options, and the sooner, the better. That thread is a classic example of internet hysteria; no logical discussion is possible if you offer anything that remotely resembles a contrary opinion to the choir.

I found the thread on Facebook. It is amazing how many people are willing to not only accept an accusation with no proof as fact but also to pile on anyone that asks a legitimate question. I'm not touching that crazy with a 10 foot pole.
Y'all are so much braver than I. I can say I'm brave on how I'd face someone who wanted to grope my butt but I'm not about to go out to seek these folks on FB
You wanna talk about bullies.

Dang, telling some jerk or creep to knock it off, while in public, for me, is pretty easy.

Seeking out a mob and telling them that they are wrong, that is just asking for trouble.
You were facing a mob; some of those people really wanted their pound of flesh, including one gent who suggested that arrest & jail were viable options, and the sooner, the better. That thread is a classic example of internet hysteria; no logical discussion is possible if you offer anything that remotely resembles a contrary opinion to the choir.

Arrest and jail, for who? Andrew?
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