DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

Yes, you are in the minority. The sun sets way to early now. Maybe epicureans like ending the day in the dark at 4 PM. :lmao:
Here it sets closer to 6:00, and it's daylight before 8:00 for the first time in a while.
I can live with that. Especially with the clock now matching my normal sleeping patterns.
Good sleep beats daylight unless I need to be working outside after dinner.
And who wants to be working outside after dinner?
Quite the spread...
Were y'all celebrating or is that normal for a Saturday 'round your humble?
No celebrating, just had the in laws round. We'll have a Sunday roast more during winter, but maybe once a month. Next up will be Fakesgiving, which we'll have the Sunday before your Thursday. Ordered the Turkey today, as they are on special order as obviously our major one is Xmas which is when they are freely available.
Far superior to the West Ham Liverpool game on the tubes.
::yes:: it wasn't that game that cost him his job, it was the one the week before.
Looking to end the stay at home dad experiment or just making adjustments to the scheduling?
It was always supposed to be a short term gig. Mainly to let the gaffer get her feet under the table with the bigwigs. She saw an email last week where she has been earmarked for the board, so that may change. Here's hopin'....
Maybe they will hire you as West Ham's manager, especially since you can see
I can see that we are bobbins, and don't give a monkeys at the minute. Man U's old manager will be announced tomorrow as our new one. Its been the worst kept secret in the east end.
That sounds great, minus the murderous knifeman.
So just a regular Friday night then? Epicureanism lives on....
Nothing much going on here. Same old carp.

I am having a banana.
So... pretty close.

Good source of potassium?

The only acceptable place for Sprouts is in Bubble and squeak. Or the trashcan.

Despise sprouts but it looks like I will be roasting some for Thanksgiving. Such is life when your daughter is a vegetarian.

Proud to report that my oldest DD has been given the lead role of Ariel in her high school production of Footloose the musical. She’s very excited about it. It’s something she has wanted to do all through high school and this being the year she graduates it was her last chance. She’s auditioned for musicals before and always done well with the singing but got tripped up with the dancing (pun partially intended). But she made it through this time. Now to wait until the big night in February. Plenty of rehearsals before then. It’s going to be a busy few months.

Big congrats to her. The work for her and you will be worth it come showtime.

How about them Cowboys!!

How about them Dolph... oh, never mind.

With perhaps a murderous knifeman and plenty of wenches hanging outside public houses?

Wenches yes, knifeman no.

I microwaved a hot dog for lunch.

Good source of...? I give up.

May the healing continue (and stop being so aggravating).

Bad backs are certainly un-fun...
My spine is still recovering from its titanium upgrades.
But regular aches and stiffness certainly win out over having no feeling in my hands...
So - needless to say - I'll get over it.

That is not fun. Most everything I have is falling apart but at least the back is OK.

Took a sick day and went to the dentist for regular check-up. All is good.

Sick day good, dentist bad, all is good is great. Every time I go to the dentist I spend 2 hours in the torture chair and leave with an empty wallet.

Agree as getting up and driving in when it is still dark just sucks. However, getting home in the dark also sucks and results in yard work all having to occur on the weekends this time of year. Depends on the which of the 2 evils you dislike most.

Agree. The most depressing thing when I lived in NY was it was dark when I got up and dark when I got back home.
With perhaps a murderous knifeman and plenty of wenches hanging outside public houses?

Sure, sure. I can do that.

Only because you got new contacts from the optician.


Close to what?

More like "exact".

I am also hoping to get to Vicky & Al's at some point.
More actually, I'm hoping that someone else take us there and pick up the tab, but you get the idea.


Yeah, no way I'd be allowed to tolerate that kind of foolishness.
Myself, I'd get use to it, but the boss would string me up if I moved her into a climate like that.

No idea why I'm still here.

May the healing continue (and stop being so aggravating).

Bad backs are certainly un-fun...
My spine is still recovering from its titanium upgrades.
But regular aches and stiffness certainly win out over having no feeling in my hands...
So - needless to say - I'll get over it.

Yeah, I can see how you'd feel that way.
Poor design. I'm going to have to have a word with the designer.
Well it looks like an unscheduled trip to the dentist is in store for me this week. Was eating a bagel this morning, yes a soft warm bagel, and the top of my front bottom tooth disintegrated, just fell apart like sawdust. No idea what happened. I didn’t get hit or eat anything hard recently. And there’s no pain. Just an irritating feeling of having a rough edge on my front tooth. Anyway, I called the dentist and the only appointment that works with my schedule is Friday morning, so I’ll see what the damage is then. But it’s never cheap.
Well it looks like an unscheduled trip to the dentist is in store for me this week. Was eating a bagel this morning, yes a soft warm bagel, and the top of my front bottom tooth disintegrated, just fell apart like sawdust. No idea what happened. I didn’t get hit or eat anything hard recently. And there’s no pain. Just an irritating feeling of having a rough edge on my front tooth. Anyway, I called the dentist and the only appointment that works with my schedule is Friday morning, so I’ll see what the damage is then. But it’s never cheap.
All I want for Christmas is Jeff's bottom teeth...
Well it looks like an unscheduled trip to the dentist is in store for me this week. Was eating a bagel this morning, yes a soft warm bagel, and the top of my front bottom tooth disintegrated, just fell apart like sawdust. No idea what happened. I didn’t get hit or eat anything hard recently. And there’s no pain. Just an irritating feeling of having a rough edge on my front tooth. Anyway, I called the dentist and the only appointment that works with my schedule is Friday morning, so I’ll see what the damage is then. But it’s never cheap.
Did you put the sawdust under your pillow?
You might have got a loonie towards your dental bill.
Agree. The most depressing thing when I lived in NY was it was dark when I got up and dark when I got back home.
This, but London.

Morning chaps from a relatively productive East London. Jobs done, run in, off to the gym later. That is all. As you were. Enjoy your day.
Morning men.
Up and at em!
Time for work. Time to bring home the bacon!

Mmmmmmm... bacon...
Morning all.

Just having a coffee before heading to the airport for my flight to the centre of the universe, Toronto. Dropped DS at school this morning as usual but his outdoor pursuits class is doing an overnight camping trip and the temperatures tonight are suppose to be around -4C. Can't wait to hear how it goes.

Well it looks like an unscheduled trip to the dentist is in store for me this week. Was eating a bagel this morning, yes a soft warm bagel, and the top of my front bottom tooth disintegrated, just fell apart like sawdust. No idea what happened. I didn’t get hit or eat anything hard recently. And there’s no pain. Just an irritating feeling of having a rough edge on my front tooth. Anyway, I called the dentist and the only appointment that works with my schedule is Friday morning, so I’ll see what the damage is then. But it’s never cheap.

Good times/

Did you put the sawdust under your pillow?
You might have got a loonie towards your dental bill.

Well it looks like an unscheduled trip to the dentist is in store for me this week. Was eating a bagel this morning, yes a soft warm bagel, and the top of my front bottom tooth disintegrated, just fell apart like sawdust. No idea what happened. I didn’t get hit or eat anything hard recently. And there’s no pain. Just an irritating feeling of having a rough edge on my front tooth. Anyway, I called the dentist and the only appointment that works with my schedule is Friday morning, so I’ll see what the damage is then. But it’s never cheap.
Sorry to hear that Jeff...nope, never cheap
'Morning all...
And may this day be one of the better ones.
(think we've had enough of the rubbish ones)

It was always supposed to be a short term gig. Mainly to let the gaffer get her feet under the table with the bigwigs. She saw an email last week where she has been earmarked for the board, so that may change. Here's hopin'....
Sounds like things are heading in the right direction, then.
May you hear good things from those contacts.

How about them Dolph... oh, never mind.
Well, they're playing Carolina next week so at least that game could be interesti...
Well, one of them will be a mite less lousy then the other.

No idea why I'm still here.
Probably a reason similar to the one that keeps me where I am.

Yeah, I can see how you'd feel that way.
Poor design. I'm going to have to have a word with the designer.
Most architects would steer clear of having that many reversing curves in a skyscraper.
Gravity abhors such extravagance.

Let me know if the designer gets back to you on that one.

Well it looks like an unscheduled trip to the dentist is in store for me this week. Was eating a bagel this morning, yes a soft warm bagel, and the top of my front bottom tooth disintegrated, just fell apart like sawdust. No idea what happened. I didn’t get hit or eat anything hard recently. And there’s no pain. Just an irritating feeling of having a rough edge on my front tooth. Anyway, I called the dentist and the only appointment that works with my schedule is Friday morning, so I’ll see what the damage is then. But it’s never cheap.
Sorry to hear it.
Have had similar things occur as well.
Never fun and rarely budget friendly.

All I want for Christmas is Jeff's bottom teeth...
Setting your sites a mite low, there :rolleyes1:

id you put the sawdust under your pillow?
You might have got a loonie towards your dental bill.
I see the exchange rate has gone up.
Mine were only worth a Georgie, way back when.

Morning men.
Up and at em!
Time for work. Time to bring home the bacon!

Mmmmmmm... bacon...
Currently, I'm being paid in ham hocks.
Bacon would be an upgrade.

Just having a coffee before heading to the airport for my flight to the centre of the universe, Toronto. Dropped DS at school this morning as usual but his outdoor pursuits class is doing an overnight camping trip and the temperatures tonight are suppose to be around -4C. Can't wait to hear how it goes.
Enjoy the excursion.
If Toronto isn't already the center of the universe, it may become that when Amazon moves their HQ2 there.

Let us know how the boy does ice-camping.
May their fire stay lit and their sleeping bags be warm.
Happy Tuesday. Youngest should arrive around noon today from her trip to the state capital. She didn't get selected because she was the smartest kid, but because she is smart enough and really well liked by both the teachers and students. She's been texting and said she had a great time. DW took off today at noon to go meet her because she missed her baby so much. I have a feeling those future years when she is out of the house will be hard on DW as well.

Here it sets closer to 6:00, and it's daylight before 8:00 for the first time in a while.
I can live with that. Especially with the clock now matching my normal sleeping patterns.
Good sleep beats daylight unless I need to be working outside after dinner.
And who wants to be working outside after dinner?

We are CT zone, about an hour west of the line. I guess that's why it is so dark earlier here.

I can see that we are bobbins, and don't give a monkeys at the minute. Man U's old manager will be announced tomorrow as our new one. Its been the worst kept secret in the east end.

So just a regular Friday night then? Epicureanism lives on....

Will that new manager be a good thing?

Nothing much going on here. Same old carp

Sick day good, dentist bad, all is good is great. Every time I go to the dentist I spend 2 hours in the torture chair and leave with an empty wallet.


Well, you can least eat carp. The inverse letters - not so much. I don't have great teeth, but decent enough. My dentist made me a bite guard a few years ago which has stopped me grinding my teeth and snoring when I sleep.

Well it looks like an unscheduled trip to the dentist is in store for me this week. Was eating a bagel this morning, yes a soft warm bagel, and the top of my front bottom tooth disintegrated, just fell apart like sawdust. No idea what happened. I didn’t get hit or eat anything hard recently. And there’s no pain. Just an irritating feeling of having a rough edge on my front tooth. Anyway, I called the dentist and the only appointment that works with my schedule is Friday morning, so I’ll see what the damage is then. But it’s never cheap.

That stinks. Hope you get some good news from the dentist.

Morning chaps from a relatively productive East London. Jobs done, run in, off to the gym later. That is all. As you were. Enjoy your day.

Been putting off the gym lately. Need to get back there.

Just having a coffee before heading to the airport for my flight to the centre of the universe, Toronto.

Does Thanos live in Toronto at the Center of the Universe? Maybe thay explains the penguins and cold weather. :lmao:
Afternoon gentlemen. Annual budget approved yesterday so good to have that out of the way. Flooding headaches around here after downpours all night - the kind that wake ya up. Not major but a few tough spots to get through / around this morning - some counties closed schools due to some of the road conditions. Have a good one gents.
It was always supposed to be a short term gig. Mainly to let the gaffer get her feet under the table with the bigwigs. She saw an email last week where she has been earmarked for the board, so that may change. Here's hopin'....
All the best to the Mrs 007
Well it looks like an unscheduled trip to the dentist is in store for me this week. Was eating a bagel this morning, yes a soft warm bagel, and the top of my front bottom tooth disintegrated, just fell apart like sawdust. No idea what happened. I didn’t get hit or eat anything hard recently. And there’s no pain. Just an irritating feeling of having a rough edge on my front tooth. Anyway, I called the dentist and the only appointment that works with my schedule is Friday morning, so I’ll see what the damage is then. But it’s never cheap.
Sorry to hear though story would have been if opening a beer bottle with your teeth, or something.
Happy Tuesday. Youngest should arrive around noon today from her trip to the state capital. She didn't get selected because she was the smartest kid, but because she is smart enough and really well liked by both the teachers and students. She's been texting and said she had a great time. DW took off today at noon to go meet her because she missed her baby so much. I have a feeling those future years when she is out of the house will be hard on DW as well.
I wonder when the kids head off if the moms really miss them or use that as an excuse 'casue they are now stuck alone with the Dad?
Well it looks like an unscheduled trip to the dentist is in store for me this week.

That sucks, sorry to hear. They say these things come in threes, should I call the dentist now?

Did you put the sawdust under your pillow?
You might have got a loonie towards your dental bill.

Well done sir.

Morning chaps from a relatively productive East London. Jobs done, run in, off to the gym later. That is all. As you were. Enjoy your day.

You are a busy little camper now aren't you.

Just having a coffee before heading to the airport for my flight to the centre of the universe, Toronto. Dropped DS at school this morning as usual but his outdoor pursuits class is doing an overnight camping trip and the temperatures tonight are suppose to be around -4C. Can't wait to hear how it goes.

Toronto? Center of the universe? Did I miss something? It is a beautiful city though.

'Morning all...
And may this day be one of the better ones.
(think we've had enough of the rubbish ones)

Back at you. I've kind of checked out this week. Don't know what it is but I have no enthusiasm for anything.

Well, they're playing Carolina next week so at least that game could be interesti...
Well, one of them will be a mite less lousy then the other.

We are talking game of the year there. Prediction, Carolina 2, Dolphins 0. Knowing our defense it might be 55-6.

Happy Tuesday. Youngest should arrive around noon today from her trip to the state capital. She didn't get selected because she was the smartest kid, but because she is smart enough and really well liked by both the teachers and students. She's been texting and said she had a great time. DW took off today at noon to go meet her because she missed her baby so much. I have a feeling those future years when she is out of the house will be hard on DW as well.

Glad she had a great time. Personally I am happy the kid is out of the house, maybe because she took the mutt with her. OK, I'll admit it, kind of miss her once in a while.

Well, you can least eat carp. The inverse letters - not so much. I don't have great teeth, but decent enough. My dentist made me a bite guard a few years ago which has stopped me grinding my teeth and snoring when I sleep.

My teeth are the worst. Spend a ridiculous amount of money at the dentist. Never had a problem with grinding and am glad the guard worked for you.

Flooding headaches around here after downpours all night - the kind that wake ya up. Not major but a few tough spots to get through / around this morning - some counties closed schools due to some of the road conditions. Have a good one gents.

Stay safe and dry. Did it affect your neighborhood?
Will that new manager be a good thing?
If he managed like he did at Preston & Everton, yes. If he managed like he did at Sunderland, Man U or Real Sociedad, No. So we've got a 2 in 5 chance. Good odds, eh?
How does a Torontonian change a lightbulb?
He holds the bulb and waits for the universe to revolve around him.
That did make me chuckle.
All the best to the Mrs 007
Cheers buddy. Hope all the flooding is not too treacherous.
OK, I'll admit it, kind of miss her once in a while
Course you do mate. I'm dreading the Santa conversation with DS, he's starting to clock it. I think I might have a couple of years with the "do you want to test that theory?" approach.
You are a busy little camper now aren't you.
I keep getting lists of jobs I've been putting off and won't pay for. Last week it was outside plug sockets for all the Xmas lights. Today was a charging draw for all the tech in the kitchen. I'm sure there will be one tomorrow.

Sushi on the menu tonight, so DS is waiting up hopefully for a sneaky roll.
Have a good evening, chaps.

London out.
Dropped DS at school this morning as usual but his outdoor pursuits class is doing an overnight camping trip and the temperatures tonight are suppose to be around -4C. Can't wait to hear how it goes.
That should be interesting. I presume they all didn’t freeze or we would have heard about it by now.

Sorry to hear though story would have been if opening a beer bottle with your teeth, or something.
I kind of wish it was something manly like that. Would have made for a much better story.

Toronto? Center of the universe? Did I miss something? It is a beautiful city though.
It’s a Canadian thing to joke the Toronto thinks it’s the centre of the universe. I don’t think there’s really any American equivalent.

How does a Torontonian change a lightbulb?
He holds the bulb and waits for the universe to revolve around him.

True story.
Nah, he’d just call in the army to do it for him.

I don’t think torontonians will ever live that down


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