Run Like It's Midnight (Comments Welcome)


Jan 8, 2013
I'm starting this training journal to track my training and hold myself accountable for completing my plan.

How did I get here? Well, I was sitting at the Orlando airport on my way home from Disney trip with my friend and saw a couple of women wearing race shirts and medals from the Tower of Terror 10 mile race. Cool. I was then in the middle of Couch to 5k and decided some day I was going to run at Disney too.

To back up many years, my first foray into running was in basic training for the Army Reserves. I didn't fall in love with running then, and only ran when necessary once back home. My unit had a group run the local Thanksgiving race (4.748 mile) so I decided to join in. For the next 7 years I ran that race, a few random 5k's, and required PT tests, pretty much all without training. My Thanksgiving times crept up with age and the lack of training. That tradition ended when I was pregnant with my first in 2000.

After my second was born in 2003 I found and completed the Couch to 5k for the first time. I did a 2 mile race and a 5k before getting pregnant with #3. Fast forward to 2014 - I now have 4 kids and decided I needed to take up some kind of exercise and get healthier. Started c25k again and did a 5k in May, but totally fell off training over the summer. Started c25k again early fall and was working on that during my October 2014 Disney trip.

The women with the Disney bling stayed in my mind, but I figured it would have to be a big race to justify another trip since we did a family trip February 2015. I finished c25k and continued on to the 10k plan. Ran a 5 mile race in March (47:48) and a quarter marathon in April (1:02:25). By this time I had decided I was going to train for a half marathon and couldn't wait until we got back to Disney to do my first. I signed up for a local June half. Mid-April I ran a 4 mile race And had a speedy for me finish of 35:56 - fourth in age group! My pleasure was short-lived when two days later I had sharp pain all over my foot and ankle when I tried to run.

After taking rest days with no improvement and constant pain I had it checked out and was diagnosed with insertional Achilles tendinitis and saural nerve pain. My June half had to be deferred (to a hopeful October) and I had 6 weeks of physical therapy. After 10 weeks completely off from running I was allowed to follow a very slow walk/run progression to get back to running. At the end of July I as back up to 4 miles of running. Late August I did a 10k (1:00:47) and was pleased with how training as going. A week later I had pain in my left ankle after a long run. Took a couple of days off then tried again with 3 more runs over the next 10 days. I finally had to admit that I as in trouble, again.

Four weeks before my first half I was diagnosed with a stress reaction/probable stress fracture. Recommendation - no running. I was devastated. It was October or wait until spring. I took 2.5 weeks off from running and did the bike at the gym. Then I tried a cautious 3 mile run and felt okay. The week before the race I ran twice - 5 and 4 miles - and decided to try the half. Before the injury I had made it up to 9 miles in training.

Race day went well - I had no pain and was able to run through mile 9 before I needed to add some walk breaks (definitely started out too fast). I was definitely underprepared, but I finished in 2:21:23. And I was hooked. I saw them handing out medals and jackets for the triple half challenge and knew what my 2016 goal would be.



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I'm excited to follow along. The beginning of this story oozes "perseverance" and that will serve you very well when it comes to running. Excited to see what the next chapter holds for you.
After a 15 year break, I ran the Thanksgiving race I had run for 7 years starting in 1993, and my 44 year old self beat my 22 year old self. It's amazing what actually training will do for you. :rolleyes1

So for 2016 I registered for the Triple Half Challenge with races on 4/3, 5/15, and 10/8. I was following a ramp up the miles plan with no speed workouts or specific pace goals. Early training went well, but most of my winter runs were done on the treadmill. Nearing the first race I missed several workouts, though I did manage to get all my long runs in. The race ended up being postponed due to weather and was rescheduled for 4/24. I started out strong, but there were hills (so many hills!) that the treadmill had not prepared me for and by mile 8 I was taking a lot of walk breaks - I just gave up but kept moving. I finished in 2:33:50.

I only managed 5 runs in the 3 weeks leading up to my second half (5/15). I drove that course the night before - no major hills, but the second half had rolling hills. Went out with the 2:30 pace group this time thinking I could try to pick up the pace later in the race if I was feeling good. Turns out the pacer went out at a 10:48 pace instead of 11:27. I actually felt good through mile 7, but was feeling it by mile 10 and started taking some short walk breaks. Not nearly as bad as the last half and I wasn't nearly as discouraged. Finished in 2:26:38

I decided to throw in a third half 3 weeks later (6/5) because I felt better about my second performance but still needed to redeem myself (and it would qualify me for Half Fanatics). I did not want to wait until fall for my next half. It rained throughout the race, but at least the predicted thunderstorms held off. The first 6 miles averaged a 10 minute pace - definitely faster than I should have been going, and I started slowing down. Minor walk breaks after mile 9 and my pace just gradually slowed. Time - 2:21:18 - a 5 second PR. I was very happy with this!

Somewhere during this time I found the runDisney forum here when looking into the Princess Half Marathon and started lurking on the Running thread. I picked up the Hansons Half Marathon Method book after seeing it mentioned a few times, and decided I was going to use try to use their plan to improve my half time. But... their plan is 18 weeks and I only had about 11 weeks until my next half. I came out of lurkerdom to ask for help in modifying the plan to fit my timeframe. @DopeyBadger generously offered to create a custom plan for me, so that's where I am now. I've finished week one and will detail that in my next post.
I'm joining in to see how a custom @DopeyBadger works for someone. I have a pretty solid plan in place for Dopey, but want to hear about someone's experience with him as I may bother him for one in the future.
Thanks for joining in! Sorry to disappear for awhile. We went on a family camping trip, and much to the dismay of my children, that meant no internet! :rotfl2:

I'll have an update later today with week one and hopefully week two as well.
The basics of my new plan from DopeyBadger:
I'll run 5 days a week which is up from my previous 4. My runs will be 80% easy and 20% hard. I'll be adding tempo and strength workouts to go with the easy and long runs.

I have 10 weeks until my "A" race - the Gulf Beach Half on 9/17. It's supposed to be the flattest half in the state.

My pacing goals for the various types of runs:
WU/CD 12:28 - 13:15
EA 12:28
EB 11:39
Long Run 11:16
Tempo 10:05
Strength 9:55

I just got a fancy new Garmin Forerunner 235 so I can actually see my pace as I run. Runkeeper telling me my average pace every five minutes just wasn't going to cut it anymore.

Date - Day - Scheduled Workout (Intervals within desired pace, +/- 10 sec)

7/11/16 - Mon - 5 miles @ 11:39 (EB)
7/12/16 - Tues - 4 miles @ 12:28 (EA)
7/13/16 - Wed - rest
7/14/16 - Thurs - 1 mile @ 13:15 + 3 miles @ 10:05 (tempo) + 1 mile @ 13:15
7/15/16 - Fri - 4 miles @ 12:28 (EA)
7/16/16 - Sat - 6 miles @ 11:16 (long run)
7/17/16 - Sun - rest

So how did it go?

Mon - 5/5 intervals within goal pace. This was a good run. Lots of buzzing from the watch as I attempted to stay within my pace +/- 10 sec.

Tues - 4/4 within goal pace. This was my first Easy A pace run and felt soooo slow. I felt like I was barely moving at first, but did settle in and feel more comfortable as the run went on.

Thurs - 3/5 within goal pace. The middle mile was 2 sec slow, but that was the uphill mile on my loop. So I was actually probably going too fast if I was basing it on effort. This is something that I need to work on, but just starting this plan I don't yet have a good feel for what effort each pace is. The cooldown mile 2 sec fast. It felt really difficult to slow down that much after the faster miles. The warmup at the same pace was easier to get right.

Fri - 3/4 within goal pace. Mile 3 was at 12:12 vs the goal range of 12:18-38.

Sat - 5/6 within goal pace. Mile 5 was 7 sec too slow.

The Saturday before this I ran a 5k and my legs were starting tired. All week I could feel my lower legs - no pain, not really sore, they were just there. Overall this felt like a good week. I was concerned about how I would do with meeting the goal times for the intervals, but it wasn't too bad. I was able to settle into the paces and the watch wasn't buzzing at me nearly so often by the end of the week. On to week 2!
The basics of my new plan from DopeyBadger:
I'll run 5 days a week which is up from my previous 4. My runs will be 80% easy and 20% hard. I'll be adding tempo and strength workouts to go with the easy and long runs.

I have 10 weeks until my "A" race - the Gulf Beach Half on 9/17. It's supposed to be the flattest half in the state.

My pacing goals for the various types of runs:
WU/CD 12:28 - 13:15
EA 12:28
EB 11:39
Long Run 11:16
Tempo 10:05
Strength 9:55

I just got a fancy new Garmin Forerunner 235 so I can actually see my pace as I run. Runkeeper telling me my average pace every five minutes just wasn't going to cut it anymore.

Date - Day - Scheduled Workout (Intervals within desired pace, +/- 10 sec)

7/11/16 - Mon - 5 miles @ 11:39 (EB)
7/12/16 - Tues - 4 miles @ 12:28 (EA)
7/13/16 - Wed - rest
7/14/16 - Thurs - 1 mile @ 13:15 + 3 miles @ 10:05 (tempo) + 1 mile @ 13:15
7/15/16 - Fri - 4 miles @ 12:28 (EA)
7/16/16 - Sat - 6 miles @ 11:16 (long run)
7/17/16 - Sun - rest

So how did it go?

Mon - 5/5 intervals within goal pace. This was a good run. Lots of buzzing from the watch as I attempted to stay within my pace +/- 10 sec.

Tues - 4/4 within goal pace. This was my first Easy A pace run and felt soooo slow. I felt like I was barely moving at first, but did settle in and feel more comfortable as the run went on.

Thurs - 3/5 within goal pace. The middle mile was 2 sec slow, but that was the uphill mile on my loop. So I was actually probably going too fast if I was basing it on effort. This is something that I need to work on, but just starting this plan I don't yet have a good feel for what effort each pace is. The cooldown mile 2 sec fast. It felt really difficult to slow down that much after the faster miles. The warmup at the same pace was easier to get right.

Fri - 3/4 within goal pace. Mile 3 was at 12:12 vs the goal range of 12:18-38.

Sat - 5/6 within goal pace. Mile 5 was 7 sec too slow.

The Saturday before this I ran a 5k and my legs were starting tired. All week I could feel my lower legs - no pain, not really sore, they were just there. Overall this felt like a good week. I was concerned about how I would do with meeting the goal times for the intervals, but it wasn't too bad. I was able to settle into the paces and the watch wasn't buzzing at me nearly so often by the end of the week. On to week 2!

Looks like a great week! Way to go! Your description of "EA" is perfect. You should feel like you're barely trying. That's the beauty of the plan being based on relative fitness. While my EA pace and your EA pace aren't the same, we are putting in the exact same effort level. It's true of all of the paces. Keep it up!
Welcome teammate! I'm in week #1 of my current dopeybadger paln. I feel like we all need matching jackets?

I am with you on the EA's (and even the warmups and cooldowns) feeling way too slow. You will get used to it. I do appreciate them more after the tempo sections that is for sure. I failed 0/5 of my 5 miles staying on pace last night. But it's a learning curve.
I finished my first dopeyplan this spring and was .02 seconds from my goal time so it does work :)

Looking forward to following along on your journal :)
Welcome teammate! I'm in week #1 of my current dopeybadger paln. I feel like we all need matching jackets?

I am with you on the EA's (and even the warmups and cooldowns) feeling way too slow. You will get used to it. I do appreciate them more after the tempo sections that is for sure. I failed 0/5 of my 5 miles staying on pace last night. But it's a learning curve.
I finished my first dopeyplan this spring and was .02 seconds from my goal time so it does work :)

Looking forward to following along on your journal :)

That's awesome that you were right on your goal time - congrats! I took a look at your training journal and am going to follow along with you as well. Matching jackets sounds like a plan! That's how I ended up signing up for that Triple Half Challenge this year. :upsidedow
9 weeks until Gulf Beach Half

Date - Day - Scheduled Workout (Intervals within desired pace, +/- 10 sec)

7/18/16 - Mon - 3 miles @ 11:39 (EB)
7/19/16 - Tues - 3 miles @ 11:39 (EB)
7/20/16 - Wed - rest
7/21/16 - Thurs - 1 mile @ 13:15 + 3 miles @ 10:05 (tempo) + 1 mile @ 13:15
7/22/16 - Fri - 3 miles @ 12:28 (EA) **Blind
7/23/16 - Sat - 7 miles @ 11:16 (long run)
7/24/16 - Sun - rest

So how did it go?

Mon - 3/3 intervals within goal pace. Nice easy run.

Tues - 3/3 within goal pace.

Thurs - 2/3 within goal pace. Mile 3 was 8 seconds slow, but again, this was my uphill mile. I don't remember what the effort felt like compared to before the hill - I need to make my notes right after the run!

Fri - 0/3 within goal pace. This is the run that I wasn't particularly looking forward to this week. I was supposed to run this at my Easy A pace, but have my watch covered and not giving me pace notifications. I get the value of this exercise, but it was still nerve-wracking! There wasn't much mind-wandering during this run. I was constantly questioning - too fast? too slow? I wonder how I'm doing. Am I way off? Well you can see that I didn't make any of the intervals within my +/- 10 seconds. My splits were 12:09, 12:01, 12:09 (versus the 12:18-38 I was aiming for). So I don't feel too bad about how this went. While I was a bit faster than my goal pace, the splits were pretty consistent, and the run felt easy the whole time. What do you think @DopeyBadger?

Sat - 2/7 within goal pace. What a mess! We were away camping, but I was still going to get my runs in. I ran mostly on the camp roads (some paved, some gravel) because I didn't want to risk injury on the trails since I'm not used to running them, and the trails = pretty decent hills too. The first two miles were my good ones. The next 2 miles were slow, followed by 1 fast and 2 slow, though the last was close. Part of my slow issue was I didn't carry water with me, but left it on the table in the campsite. I did have to weave a bit to get to it which slowed me down a little, but I was pushing the end of my range before that. I did end up on a trail for about 1/3 mile near the end - it was a good thing I stuck mostly to the roads - I would have died otherwise!

I felt fine throughout the run, continued walking for about 5 minutes once I was at the campsite and drank a couple cups of skratch, then my organic fuel shake. Within a couple of minutes of sitting down I felt very icky - a bit lightheaded and nauseated. It wasn't hot during the run - only 75F, though sunny - but apparently I should have had the water and/or skratch with me and consumed more. I had more to drink and felt better after a short while, so I'll just be more careful going forward.

Overall I'm pleased with this week's training. Next week adds a strength workout, so something new for me.

Forgot to post with last week's update that I managed to register for the Glass Slipper Challenge in February 2017, so that will be my first two Disney races!

Now I'm just about caught up and will try to write up week 3 tomorrow...
Fri - 0/3 within goal pace. This is the run that I wasn't particularly looking forward to this week. I was supposed to run this at my Easy A pace, but have my watch covered and not giving me pace notifications. I get the value of this exercise, but it was still nerve-wracking! There wasn't much mind-wandering during this run. I was constantly questioning - too fast? too slow? I wonder how I'm doing. Am I way off? Well you can see that I didn't make any of the intervals within my +/- 10 seconds. My splits were 12:09, 12:01, 12:09 (versus the 12:18-38 I was aiming for). So I don't feel too bad about how this went. While I was a bit faster than my goal pace, the splits were pretty consistent, and the run felt easy the whole time. What do you think @DopeyBadger?

I'd say you did very well with the blind pacing. Think of it this way. You've only had two EA runs to this point to memorize the effort. And you essentially nailed the blind pacing without question. It was consistent and very close to desired pace. A very good sign that you're well on your way to learning to run by your effort and not by your watch. As you get more comfortable with each of the efforts, then it will become more natural. But don't overly stress yourself about these runs. During this first cycle the blind pacing results are neither inherently good or bad. Just simply another learning lesson along the way of listening to your body. As you get more experience with each of these paces, then blind pacing (when done honestly) can start to allow you to make VERY accurate predictions about future race performance. Keep up the good work!
I'd say you did very well with the blind pacing. Think of it this way. You've only had two EA runs to this point to memorize the effort. And you essentially nailed the blind pacing without question. It was consistent and very close to desired pace. A very good sign that you're well on your way to learning to run by your effort and not by your watch. As you get more comfortable with each of the efforts, then it will become more natural. But don't overly stress yourself about these runs. During this first cycle the blind pacing results are neither inherently good or bad. Just simply another learning lesson along the way of listening to your body. As you get more experience with each of these paces, then blind pacing (when done honestly) can start to allow you to make VERY accurate predictions about future race performance. Keep up the good work!

Thanks! Don't worry, this week's blind run was much less stressful than the first one. :D

I'm behind in updating my journal, but I've been keeping up with my runs! A solid plan that is clearly defined has been such a help to me. Before I was using a mash-up of a couple of plans for weekday mileage and had no pace goals at all. It resulted in thinking well I'm going out for 5 miles today, or at least 4. How long will I be gone? Hard to say, it could be anywhere from x to y depending on what I end up doing. Now I know exactly what I'm doing and pretty much exactly how long I'll be doing it. The plan says it, so I do it.
8 weeks until Gulf Beach Half

Date - Day - Scheduled Workout (Intervals within desired pace, +/- 10 sec)

7/25/16 - Mon - 4 miles @ 11:39 (EB)
7/26/16 - Tues - 1 mile WU + 3 x 1 mile @ 9:55 (strength) w/ RI of 0.5 mile @ WU + 1 mile CD
7/27/16 - Wed - rest
7/28/16 - Thurs - 1 mile @ WU + 3 mile @ Tempo + 1 mile @ CD
7/29/16 - Fri - 4 miles @ 12:28 (EA)
7/30/16 - Sat - 6 miles @ 11:16 (long run)
7/31/16 - Sun - rest

So how did it go?

Mon - 3/4 intervals within goal pace. Just a nice easy run.

Tues - 2/3 within goal pace. 1st strength was 1 sec slower than my range, so not too bad.

Thurs - 2/3 within goal pace. Legs were a bit sore starting out, but felt fine by about halfway through. The first mile was 2 sec slow. With my sore legs it was tough to ramp up to tempo pace today, but was good once I got there.

Fri - 4/4 within goal pace. Yay! Forecast was for thunderstorms for the whole morning, but clearing in the afternoon so I set my alarm a bit later and enjoyed the sleep. Argh! Not even any rain when I woke up, but I wouldn't have time to finish the run before taking DD to swimming lessons. Was able to head out at 2:45pm and it was 86F with 95% sun along my route. Normally when I go in the morning most of the way is shaded by trees. The sun was so draining!

Sat - 6/6 within goal pace. Another good day. I tried to really work on making sure my head was up and practiced my breathing, which seemed to go well. This was wildlife day as I saw 5 turkeys, a goldfinch, and a chipmunk that was sitting up just watching me run by. I enjoy the days I see animals other than the usual squirrels and sparrows. My best day I saw 9 turkeys, a black squirrel (not common around here), a rabbit, and a hawk.

And the next week is almost over already. With any luck I'll get better at posting these updates soon after the week ends. I have been better about taking notes right after my runs.
Looks like a really good week. You are really hitting your goal paces well. I always enjoy seeing some wildlife on my runs too. Keep up the great work!
Looks like a really good week. You are really hitting your goal paces well. I always enjoy seeing some wildlife on my runs too. Keep up the great work!

Thanks! It has been going well. I'm so happy to be increasing my running without injury after a rough time last year!
7 weeks until Gulf Beach Half

Date - Day - Scheduled Workout (Intervals within desired pace, +/- 10 sec)

8/1/16 - Mon - 4 miles @ 11:39 (EB) **Blind
8/2/16 - Tues - 1 mile WU + 2 x 1.5 mile @ 9:55 (strength) w/ RI of 0.5 mile @ WU + 1 mile CD
8/3/16 - Wed - rest
8/4/16 - Thurs - 1.5 mile @ WU + 4 mile @ 10:05 (tempo) + 1.5 mile @ CD
8/5/16 - Fri - 4 miles @ 12:28 (EA)
8/6/16 - Sat - 9 miles @ 11:16 (long run)
8/7/16 - Sun - rest

So how did it go?

Mon - 2/4 intervals within goal pace. This was another blind run, this time at Easy B pace of 11:39 min/mile. It was cooler today, just 70F and overcast which felt good. Tried starting out slow, but not my slowest. After awhile I noticed my mind wandering, quite a difference from my first blind run where I was obsessing about whether I was within my desired pace. Then I noticed, "oh, I'm halfway up that hill and not breathing hard." This is the first time I kept a truly easy effort up that hill since I didn't have the watch beeping at my telling me I was off pace. I did wonder if I might be taking it a bit too easy since I was supposed to be doing my B pace, not A, but I just kept moving along. At the end while finishing my walk home before I looked at my splits I asked myself whether I thought I was fast or slow overall. I decided I thought I was a bit slow. The results: 12:02, 12:08, 11:36, 11:41. So the first two miles were slow, and the second two were within the desired pace!

Tues - 2/2 within goal pace. Good run, had to work hard but was able to maintain the goal pace. One of the things I'm supposed to try to work on is foot strike - taking smaller, shorter strides with quicker foot movements - aiming for 180 steps per minute or more. Before getting my fancy new watch a month ago I would have told you that I do take small, short steps, though not necessarily quick. I had no idea what my steps per minute would be. So fancy watch tracks cadence, and most of my long/tempo/strength runs have been in the green dot range of 164-173 spm with occasional sections in the blue zone of 174-183 spm. For today's two strength intervals my average steps per minute were 177 and 179. Getting close to 180+. :)

Thurs - 2/4 within goal pace. Struggled a bit with this run. I had a hard time getting up to tempo pace from warm up pace. 10:17, 10:08, 10:18, 10:14 Average cadence 176 steps per minute.

Fri - 4/4 within goal pace. Easy run - started out a little fast, but was able to settle into my desired pace. 12:18, 12:27, 12:26, 12:26 Cadence was slower here 164 spm. My legs were pretty sore this night.

Sat - 8/9 within goal pace. This run was great! At around mile 5 I was thinking I could run like this forever. By the end of mile 8 my legs were starting to get a bit tired, so maybe not forever, but it felt good. Along the run I noticed a pink chalk checkerboard finish line drawn at the side of the road - hmm, a bit later (upside down to me) "shut up legs", then a bit farther "sprint run fast", followed by "mile 5 almost there." Loved it - made me smile. :) Even though I technically made 8/9 intervals the one that I missed was just 1 second too fast. 11:18, 11:18, 11:14, 11:05, 11:26, 11:15, 11:16, 11:16, 11:14 Cadence 169 spm. I was very happy with this run.

So overall for the week I met 18/23 intervals and ran 29.5 miles. This was my longest week ever, and it felt good! My cadence is getting better during my strength and tempo paces, but still hovers in 164-173 range for my slower paces.

No exciting wildlife sighting this week. I'm posting on Tuesday, which is practically right on time. :P
7 weeks until Gulf Beach Half

Date - Day - Scheduled Workout (Intervals within desired pace, +/- 10 sec)

8/1/16 - Mon - 4 miles @ 11:39 (EB) **Blind
8/2/16 - Tues - 1 mile WU + 2 x 1.5 mile @ 9:55 (strength) w/ RI of 0.5 mile @ WU + 1 mile CD
8/3/16 - Wed - rest
8/4/16 - Thurs - 1.5 mile @ WU + 4 mile @ 10:05 (tempo) + 1.5 mile @ CD
8/5/16 - Fri - 4 miles @ 12:28 (EA)
8/6/16 - Sat - 9 miles @ 11:16 (long run)
8/7/16 - Sun - rest

So how did it go?

Mon - 2/4 intervals within goal pace. This was another blind run, this time at Easy B pace of 11:39 min/mile. It was cooler today, just 70F and overcast which felt good. Tried starting out slow, but not my slowest. After awhile I noticed my mind wandering, quite a difference from my first blind run where I was obsessing about whether I was within my desired pace. Then I noticed, "oh, I'm halfway up that hill and not breathing hard." This is the first time I kept a truly easy effort up that hill since I didn't have the watch beeping at my telling me I was off pace. I did wonder if I might be taking it a bit too easy since I was supposed to be doing my B pace, not A, but I just kept moving along. At the end while finishing my walk home before I looked at my splits I asked myself whether I thought I was fast or slow overall. I decided I thought I was a bit slow. The results: 12:02, 12:08, 11:36, 11:41. So the first two miles were slow, and the second two were within the desired pace!

Tues - 2/2 within goal pace. Good run, had to work hard but was able to maintain the goal pace. One of the things I'm supposed to try to work on is foot strike - taking smaller, shorter strides with quicker foot movements - aiming for 180 steps per minute or more. Before getting my fancy new watch a month ago I would have told you that I do take small, short steps, though not necessarily quick. I had no idea what my steps per minute would be. So fancy watch tracks cadence, and most of my long/tempo/strength runs have been in the green dot range of 164-173 spm with occasional sections in the blue zone of 174-183 spm. For today's two strength intervals my average steps per minute were 177 and 179. Getting close to 180+. :)

Thurs - 2/4 within goal pace. Struggled a bit with this run. I had a hard time getting up to tempo pace from warm up pace. 10:17, 10:08, 10:18, 10:14 Average cadence 176 steps per minute.

Fri - 4/4 within goal pace. Easy run - started out a little fast, but was able to settle into my desired pace. 12:18, 12:27, 12:26, 12:26 Cadence was slower here 164 spm. My legs were pretty sore this night.

Sat - 8/9 within goal pace. This run was great! At around mile 5 I was thinking I could run like this forever. By the end of mile 8 my legs were starting to get a bit tired, so maybe not forever, but it felt good. Along the run I noticed a pink chalk checkerboard finish line drawn at the side of the road - hmm, a bit later (upside down to me) "shut up legs", then a bit farther "sprint run fast", followed by "mile 5 almost there." Loved it - made me smile. :) Even though I technically made 8/9 intervals the one that I missed was just 1 second too fast. 11:18, 11:18, 11:14, 11:05, 11:26, 11:15, 11:16, 11:16, 11:14 Cadence 169 spm. I was very happy with this run.

So overall for the week I met 18/23 intervals and ran 29.5 miles. This was my longest week ever, and it felt good! My cadence is getting better during my strength and tempo paces, but still hovers in 164-173 range for my slower paces.

No exciting wildlife sighting this week. I'm posting on Tuesday, which is practically right on time. :P

Crushing it! Not much else to say about this! :D


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