"I'm NOT a Princess, I'm Izzy!" - May '15 Land/Sea ~ Updated 6/4: Link to Disneyland TR!!!

Well, just for you, I took this:

Note that she has a bunch in her crib, in a bag, on shelves, downstairs, etc. But at least that's a pile of them.


Luckily, I can say that I never wanted to strangle her

You show great restraint.

but it is pretty frustrating to have a toddler "desperate" to go potty, then totally disinterested once on the potty. :headache:

"pretty frustrating". Sure. Let's go with that. :rolleyes1

We’ll start with a picture of Cinderella flying (as ALL princesses do, at least in Izzy’s world ::yes::):

You mean they don't?

Earlier this summer, we were at the Mall of America for Dug to get an Apple Watch.

Taken the DDs there many, many times.

Now that Dug's had his watch for a while, how does he feel about it?
Loves it, hates it, wishes he didn't buy it, couldn't live without it?

I had no idea they had character meets

::yes:: Somewhere I have a pic of at least one DD meeting SpongeBob.

Izzy met Dora the Explorer and I guess this monkey is Boots

::yes:: DDs used to watch that all the time.

we came across the Wonder Pets.

Don't know them, though.

However, strangely, one of the few things she actually could ride was the Log Chute

Really! Huh.
Took a looooong time before my DDs were brave enough to try it.

Think a wanna-be Splash Mountain and you’ll know what this ride is like.

Yep. Been on that one lots.

Here she is (“smiling” for the camera) in her Anna dress:


And here’s a selfie we took later that day (just cause I like it :blush: ):

Nice one! :thumbsup2

She’d been asking for an Elsa dress too and I finally was able to snag one for $7.

$7!!! What did you do? Steal it then leave $7 behind because you felt guilty?!?!?

He and another co-worker discovered that our kids are twins :eek: :

I honestly was staring at that photo wondering if you'd put the camera on a tripod and taken multiple exposures of her coming down the slide.

The other really fun thing we did recently (last weekend) was take a “princess cruise” on the Mississippi (pretty sure Disney doesn't approve of this :scared:).

Oh, they don't approve... but everyone's doing it these days.
Until that is, Disney get's wind of it and sues.

As we started to walk away from that, Cinderella asked us if we’ve done this before, like when Izzy was a baby – she recognized Izzy

Wow. That's actually pretty impressive.

By the way, Izzy declared that "her bridge" - just like at WDW, where she was declaring ownership of everything transportation-related.

:laughing: A real-estate mogul in the making.

Gotta love the much-more-realistic-than-Disney “princesses” letting their hair down!

Gotta love the fake-o-princesses. Glad Izzy had a great time, and what awesome views!

We love MoA, but like you, don't know any of the Characters. DS has always had a great time meeting them, though, especially the Ninja Turtles! He loved the fake-Splash, except was scared of the huge Paul Bunyon inside! :tongue:

I also used the Cinderella shoes to spot Izzy- Twins!
Love the summer off-topic update! The picture of Izzy in her Elsa dress is so precious -- you can tell she's loving the way she looks and feels :) Also, I can't get over the look-alike girl from the picnic! Holy Hanna.....That's awesome.
Love the new dresses you found for Izzy at great prices. The princess cruise looked like fun. It was nice that Izzy was remembered. No trip report going-looks like you need to plan a trip.
Wow - you were up late last night!
Story of my life. I always have good intentions of going to bed "early" and the time just mysteriously zips by when I get on here. Well, and I also get determined to finish an update once I start and that often takes longer than the time I have. :sad2: That was a particularly late night, though. I've been pretty good at going to bed at a decent time this week, though, which is why I'm now so far behind on the DIS. :faint:

Looks like you have had a lovely summer so far. One more month to go!!!!!
It's been good and I think it's fair to count September too and expand that to two more months, right? ::yes::

Nickelodeon Universe looks so fun and Izzy is so cute with her "I'm going to be scared" comment.
I loved her comments, "Mommy, I'm going to be SOOO scared [shudder]". :rotfl:

Love her new purchases from Kohls. What great deals.
Thanks, I can't resist a bargain!

The princess cruise looks so fun. Yup - definitely not Disney approved. :rotfl: The princesses look like they are dressing up in Halloween costumes with bad wigs. :rotfl2: But how fun!
I know, isn't it hilarious?! :rotfl2: I actually wonder if they purposely try not to look too authentic, so as to avoid Disney shutting it down. They never specifically mention Disney or which princess they are, so I think they are conscious of it.

Hey, if you have a Fairy Godmother you can do anything...
Very true!

So now I know what they look like.
Ha, I didn't even know who they were. :confused:

We don't watch Nickelodeon either, but apparently our kids watch it at the sitters. They've been talking about Wonder Pets lately and I've never took the time to figure out what the heck they're talking about.
Haha, well, now you know. To my knowledge, Izzy hasn't seen the show, but I can't be sure about daycare. She didn't seem to know them, though.

That's great!
I'm so glad she loved it - hope she'll be my little thrill ride buddy! :goodvibes


I like the Sofia socks with it too... They're well framed within her shoe!
Thanks! I know, I like that those shoes show off her character socks quite well. Also, she was addicted to those Sofia socks and wore them for several days in a row. :eek:

Wow! They really are!
Isn't that wild? I can't believe how much alike they look!

Wow! That's great that she remembered her!
That was a really cool surprise. You probably wouldn't get that in Disney.

Literally and figuratively! I'm glad you had a good time. I can't get over the pictures though... you can tell who they are, yet it just seems so wrong. :lmao:
I know, it's pretty hilarious! Yet, at the same time, I kind-of like the more real-life princesses - not tiny and perfect, but just normal women. :thumbsup2

sounds like you are having a fun summer. Glad that easy was just "good scared" - definitely would like to get to the MOA at some point in my life
Come to Minnesota sometime! Izzy will show you around! :goodvibes

My kids do like Nick Jr as well (I try to encourage more Disney, but what can you do). They like Dora (that definitely is Boots with her) - though she has a new version of the show where she is a tween and moved to the city
Huh, I had no idea on the new Dora version. Of course, I haven't even seen the old version, but at least I knew who Dora was.

Wonder Pets are kind of annoying though :rotfl2:
Are they? I haven't seen the show, but they were pretty sweet to meet.

Wow - they say everyone has a twin out there and looks like Izzy met her's early!
She sure did!

The princess cruise looks fun but, yeah, those Princesses would not pass the first round of face auditions. Did you tell her they were the real princesses or just pretend? I know with at least Olivia she is at the point we would have to tell her those were just pretend. Seems like she had good fun with Cinderella
Thankfully, Izzy still seems to be young enough that she doesn't question it. We just said we were going on a boat with princesses and she was good with that. Might be different if we do it next year (of course, she's been free so far, not sure we'll keep going when we have to pay for her too :teacher:).

Very cute, loved the log flume ride - and doubly can't wait for Splash too :)
I'm really impressed that Izzy wanted to do the log chute (she asked me to do it - I had not intended to beforehand). I hope she doesn't change her tune, as it will be fun to take her on Splash once she makes the cut.

Aria has learned a number of non-Disney shows via daycare and Amazon Prime viewing (she quickly figured out how to get to all the cartoons on my ipad, I didn't even know she could watch them). But I still only put on the Disney channel on the TV lol. I did relent and *one* of her Christmas presents is Paw Patrol related.
Smart girl, accessing her own cartoons! Izzy sticks to Disney Junior and we have a hard time getting her to watch anything that is not Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Usually the same episode 2-4 times in a row. :faint:

The cruise looks like a lot of fun! Those princesses...well that was sweet she remembered Izzy! IDK what Aria would think seeing them after being so accustomed to the Disney ones.
It makes me wonder how young kids perceive the differences - like, would they not notice the differences in the Disney ones on different days, but they would notice that these ones weren't quite right? :confused3 I figured that, if asked (and I wasn't), I could tell Izzy they let their hair down and left off their makeup to have a fun time dancing on this boat ride.

Oh and Izzy's twin photo - WOW! That was crazy. I spotted Izzy from her Cinderella silver shoes but otherwise I had to do a double take!
Haha, those shoes help! I have to admit that, when Dug texted it to me, I took longer than a mommy should to identify my own child. :eek:

I'm sure Tink shares her pixie dust with her princess friends. pixiedust:

That is an interesting way to present it. :thumbsup2
I had to ask her, as she kept saying she was scared, but she was acting excited. Strange, but cute.


:eek: Twins indeed!
For sure!

I have to admit that it's nice to be able to re-visit and enjoy our reception venue all these years later...and it's only gotten better with Izzy along!

Those princesses look a little.... homely. Cute, but homely. Especially snow white's hair. :scared:
Yep, it's quite a different look for them. :rotfl:

How sweet. Glad y'all had some fun!
Thanks, I love getting out on the river and this just makes it extra fun.

I cant even! She is so cute and getting so big so fast!
Aw, thanks! I cannot believe what a big girl she is getting to be! :faint:

Haha, and here I thought it didn't really show off the extent to which she owns stuffed animals. :rotfl2:

You show great restraint.
Guess I am more patient than I thought I was pre-kid. :thumbsup2

"pretty frustrating". Sure. Let's go with that. :rolleyes1

You mean they don't?
Maybe I should ask them to fly at the character meets. :scratchin

Taken the DDs there many, many times.
Oh, really? How far from the Twin Cities are you?

Now that Dug's had his watch for a while, how does he feel about it?
Loves it, hates it, wishes he didn't buy it, couldn't live without it?
I just asked him and he said that he likes it and appreciates that he doesn't have to pull out his phone as often, but it's not a can't-live-without. He does enjoy it, though. :thumbsup2

::yes:: Somewhere I have a pic of at least one DD meeting SpongeBob.

::yes:: DDs used to watch that all the time.
I still haven't seen it.

Don't know them, though.
Me either, but they were fun to meet.

Really! Huh.
Took a looooong time before my DDs were brave enough to try it.
I was really surprised that Izzy wanted to do it. We'd just been watching it for fun to pass the time and she decided it was for her.

Yep. Been on that one lots.
It's not bad to tide you over between Splash Mountain rides.

Nice one! :thumbsup2

$7!!! What did you do? Steal it then leave $7 behind because you felt guilty?!?!?
:lmao: You know, it's funny, when I first posted I put $12, as that was the sale price. But then I remembered I had a 40% off code (and free shipping), so I edited it to $7. It was a great deal! :hyper:

I honestly was staring at that photo wondering if you'd put the camera on a tripod and taken multiple exposures of her coming down the slide.
Isn't it insane to see that?!

Oh, they don't approve... but everyone's doing it these days.
Until that is, Disney get's wind of it and sues.
I hope they can keep it up. It's a cute, fun, innocent thing.

Wow. That's actually pretty impressive.
I was really surprised she remembered us!

:laughing: A real-estate mogul in the making.


Gotta love the fake-o-princesses. Glad Izzy had a great time, and what awesome views!
I love just riding along on a boat on the Mississippi! :thumbsup2

We love MoA, but like you, don't know any of the Characters. DS has always had a great time meeting them, though, especially the Ninja Turtles! He loved the fake-Splash, except was scared of the huge Paul Bunyon inside! :tongue:
Oh, fun, we didn't see the Ninja Turtles! Izzy would like that too, I bet (despite not knowing them). Too bad he was scared of Paul Bunyon! :rotfl2:

I also used the Cinderella shoes to spot Izzy- Twins!
The shoes sure help pick her out, as the other girl has bare feet!

:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: I wondered the same thing!
Haha, see above - sale for $12 and 40% off code. Had to do it. ::yes::

Love the summer off-topic update! The picture of Izzy in her Elsa dress is so precious -- you can tell she's loving the way she looks and feels :) Also, I can't get over the look-alike girl from the picnic! Holy Hanna.....That's awesome.
Thank you on all counts! :goodvibes I still can't believe how similar that other girl looks. Normally I wouldn't post a pic of someone else's kid, but since she can't really be distinguished from mine, I figured it was okay. :rotfl:

Love the new dresses you found for Izzy at great prices. The princess cruise looked like fun. It was nice that Izzy was remembered. No trip report going-looks like you need to plan a trip.
Thanks! It was really fun. Haha, well I do have two trip reports going, which is why I don't have a pre-trip report - can't handle juggling more. Doesn't mean we don't have upcoming trips, though. Going back to Aulani in January and did a couple brief updates on that mixed into my Aulani TR that I'm still writing from last November. And we are HOPING to go to Disneyland, but it got pushed back from November to February. We'll keep our fingers crossed that it will work out. Not sure I'll do a PTR for that either. Depends how far I get with this and the other TR, I guess.

Note to all of you whose reports I follow - I apologize for falling behind again! I have been reading most updates on my phone, but haven't had enough time on my computer to comment. I'll get back to it, though. But, for now, I am going with the concept of "put on your own mask first before helping others..." and I am updating my own report tonight. I'll be catching up on reports as soon as I can, though. :goodvibes
A Whirlwind of Characters

We left off eagerly anticipating Farmer Mickey’s approach, after having a head-smacking good time with Chip. :headache: I had prepped Izzy about showing Mickey her sticker and her shirt. So, Mickey made it over and wanted Izzy to join him, but she’s already focused on her mission:

No worries, though, Mickey just sat down with her to admire the Mickey sticker and Minnie shirt:

Looks like they’re having fun here:

And a little farewell hug:

Bye-bye, Mickey :wave2::

So, here’s where having the video is helpful. That looks like a fun meet, right? And it was, but not nearly on par with the others that had already come by. It was under 1 minute and Mickey was not totally into it. Izzy squeezed his nose at one point and Mickey seemed annoyed (maybe?:confused3) and removed her hand from his nose. He also couldn’t seem to get out of there fast enough. Not that I’m complaining – if I had nothing to compare it to, I’d think it was a good meet, but after the Chip and Dale fun, it paled in comparison:

(click to watch)

So, now we’d met all 4 characters and we hadn’t even gotten any food yet (characters were quick, the service was not slow). That was soon remedied by the arrival of some yummy bread and butter:

We also got some of the deliciously fresh salad:

Izzy got a cup of milk with a straw in it, so she was pleased with that. This also was the first of many meals that she demanded, “Lid off!” She was really working on her “big girl” skills and frequently rejected lids on this trip. Which just may have resulted in some spilled milk on probably more than one occasion. :sad1: (Sad that I don’t even remember anymore, as it’s such a frequent occurrence – we just had a spill at dinner tonight, in fact!)

I enjoyed the views as the dining room rotated through the various Living with the Land scenes. Izzy would like to point one out to you (clearly before she removed the lid from her milk):

I believe this was part of the kids’ selection they bring. Broccoli and sweet potato fries:

And here was the grown-up selection:

That appears to be the filet, potatoes, stuffing, and turkey. The fish must be somewhere in there, but I am not a fish/seafood person, so I have no clue. The other things were all very good, though. You know, when I got a chance to sneak a bite in between character visits. :rotfl2:

So, this should have been one of Izzy’s favorite things in the world, based on the fact that it was two things she loved in one dish:

Yes, that’s right, macaroni and cheese (her favorite food!), topped with Goldfish crackers (one of her favorite snacks!) Did she eat it? Uh, no. :eek: Toddlers. :confused3 I had some and enjoyed it, though. I mean, can’t let it go to waste, right? ::yes::

Here’s the spread (with gravy featured prominently, I guess):

And, before we’d had a chance to touch much of anything, Pluto was back for his second visit:

That and this are the only pictures we seem to have:

Another instance of the video coming in handy, though. It was a brief meet and it was more me and Dug having fun with Pluto than anything, which I guess is why we didn’t take many pictures:

(click to watch)

Immediately after that, Mickey came back for some more awkwardness. But Izzy was out of sorts too. All she cared to do was show Mickey the lid from her milk:

Mickey ended up going off to admire the view (that’s how much he wanted to get away from us, I guess :laughing:):

I almost don’t want to post the video because it’s so awkward and uncomfortable, but what the hay:

(click to watch)

Soon, Dale returned for another go-round:

I think Dale had snuck up on Dug or something. I missed the beginning on the video. No other photos, but after some awkwardness where I remember I can take pictures while taking video with my phone, Dale heads toward Izzy. She squeals and he jumps back. Then, as he’s distracted by something shiny, she tries to introduce me, but he’s already hugging a girl in Minnie ears. And, yes, I realize now that at the end of the video Izzy says “Minnie”, not “Mommy”, but I guess my hearing wasn’t working at the time. :listen: Here goes:

(click to watch)

Looks like we finally had a chance to make up our plates of food then:

I remember the waiter coming around and asking how things were and me saying that I hadn’t had a chance to try them yet. :rotfl: The characters were just coming fast and furious. I mean, we were just about to complete our second full rotation of characters and we’d barely been served our food. :faint: I’ve dined here two other times and always met the characters more than once, but this was rather extreme. And, speaking of, here comes another one:

Izzy was out of her mind excited to see Chip :hyper: and could not stop hugging him (and was out of the booth, so no head-smacks! :thumbsup2):

Chip didn’t even mind a little nose squeeze:

More hugs:

And high fives:

And yet another hug :hug::

And I have to tell you, this is the reason I take character meet videos. Forget all those awkward ones you just saw, this one I love. :lovestruc It starts off with Izzy barely able to contain her excitement, then it just continues to be adorable:

So sweet! Gotta love Chip and Dale! :love:

Up next: EVEN MORE Garden Grill! These character meets are not done yet. Not at all. :faint:
We love Garden Grill the food is so good and its nice to meet the characters too! Although, I can see why you think the Mickey interaction was a little awkward. Mickey certainly didn't seem to want to stick around for very long. It was not our best interaction either. I hope despite the Mickey interaction you enjoyed your meal, it certainly looks delicious.
What a weird Mickey meet! Sorry he was so strange. All I could think is that the CM was feeling dizzy or sick lol (bc that is maybe how I'd act if I was made to work but felt like I was on the verge of throwing up) haha. Chip and Dale here for dinner though are so great! Glad those meets were great. I don't recall ever meeting all 4 more than twice - that is crazy you've met them all two times and hardly had a bite.

Speaking of the food - those mashed potatoes are TDF. I usually eat a nice helping of those, request more, and have some of Aria's mac & cheese and that is about good for me. Very worth the $50+ price tag for my meal lol!

I'm sure you read that they opened up breakfast and lunch? I am SO excited to hear what they serve for breakfast - lunch will be the same as dinner I guess. I made a ressie for both in Feb lol :)

The last video of Izzy with Chip is adorable, I love how she greeted him all excited and then collapsed into his lap. So sweet.
No worries, though, Mickey just sat down with her to admire the Mickey sticker and Minnie shirt:

hat looks like a fun meet, right? And it was, but not nearly on par with the others that had already come by. It was under 1 minute and Mickey was not totally into it. Izzy squeezed his nose at one point and Mickey seemed annoyed (maybe?:confused3) and removed her hand from his nose. He also couldn’t seem to get out of there fast enough.

She was really working on her “big girl” skills
:faint: Little Miss is getting into an "I pour" phase.

I believe this was part of the kids’ selection they bring. Broccoli and sweet potato fries:

Did she eat it? Uh, no. :eek: Toddlers. :confused3
:rolleyes: :rotfl2:Of course not! Did you expect her to do what you actually thought would happen? She can't have that! :rotfl:

I mean, can’t let it go to waste, right? ::yes::

Mickey came back for some more awkwardness
Unfortunate that Mickey was so Awkward.

Izzy was out of her mind excited to see Chip :hyper: and could not stop hugging him (and was out of the booth, so no head-smacks! :thumbsup2):
So cute!!! Love that Chip!!

Sorry about Awkward Mickey, must've been the same one I encountered at AK.....
I ALWAYS go for the kids meal at Garden Grill too. That mac and cheese and sweet potato fries are delicious.
Sorry to hear it wasn't the best Mickey interaction - maybe he just got thrown off by something or took it as Izzy not being into meeting with him and he didn't want to push it or something :confused3

They really are coming like non-stop! We definitely got through more than a full rotation but also had time to eat :rotfl:

Glad at least the meets with Chip have been so fun though :thumbsup2
I'm drooling over the food! I really want to try Garden Grill in March, but now I'm debating if we should do breakfast, lunch or dinner!
Wow, I thought they came around to our table quickly back in April, but it was nothing like what you experienced.

Too bad that the meet with Mickey wasn't the greatest.

Our food wasn't that hot when they brought it to us, so I can only imagine if we had to wait to eat as long as you did!
Sorry the meeting with Mickey wasn't that great, but it was cute anyway! I can't believe the characters came around so many times! I always think about going to Garden Grill, but I assume the food isn't that great, but yours looked pretty good. It looks almost like Thanksgiving!
We LOVED Garden Grill on this trip! It wasn't even on our ADR list, we managed to snag a last minute one and it was one of our favorite meals. We met the characters multiple times too. I guess making their rounds doesn't take as long at GG as other restaurants!

Sorry for the abrupt Mickey, but it didn't seem that short from the video, at least for us since we are adults and just take a picture with the characters and that's pretty much it. I guess with kids you want more of the interaction and I definitely see that a lot and find it very cute! It's so sweet that Izzy loves Chip n Dale and they seem to love her too!
I had prepped Izzy about showing Mickey her sticker and her shirt. So, Mickey made it over and wanted Izzy to join him, but she’s already focused on her mission:

Do you remember seeing Mickey, Izzy?
"Mickey, who?"

“Lid off!” She was really working on her “big girl” skills and frequently rejected lids on this trip.

Coming soon: "Mom, can I have the keys to the car? I want to go to the mall with my boyfriend."

Which just may have resulted in some spilled milk on probably more than one occasion.

Well, sure. It's all part of the experience.
You don't have to cry over it.


Sad that I don’t even remember anymore, as it’s such a frequent occurrence


I believe this was part of the kids’ selection they bring. Broccoli and sweet potato fries:

Not a fan of sweet potato fries. Did Izzy like them? Or the broccoli?

And here was the grown-up selection:

OMG. Want. Badly.

Yes, that’s right, macaroni and cheese (her favorite food!), topped with Goldfish crackers (one of her favorite snacks!) Did she eat it? Uh, no.

So what did she eat? The grown-up food?
Can't blame her if she did.

I had some and enjoyed it, though. I mean, can’t let it go to waste, right?

Well, of course not. That would be almost criminal.

Here’s the spread (with gravy featured prominently, I guess):

But of course. It's what takes the meal from merely "good" to "heavenly".

And, before we’d had a chance to touch much of anything, Pluto was back for his second visit:

Bad dog! Let the people eat! Bad dog!

All she cared to do was show Mickey the lid from her milk:

And later it will be "Look at my new tattoo!"

Mickey ended up going off to admire the view (that’s how much he wanted to get away from us, I guess :laughing:):

:lmao: That's hysterical!

Up next: EVEN MORE Garden Grill! These character meets are not done yet. Not at all. :faint:

Oh, dear Lord.
Unfortunately, I couldn't see any of the videos.
No idea why.
I'll have to pull out my laptop where I know I can watch them.


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