You're mad, bonkers, off your head for reading this 6/2015 PTR!!! Updated 6/5!


Apr 27, 2015
Hey all! I'm Holly, I'm married to the love of my life and we have 2 lovely daughters, ages 8 and 14.


I'm new to the DIS but not to WDW! I've been there twice, once when I was 15, and again almost 9 years ago, neither of which I had planned myself or stayed on Disney property. The last trip my youngest DD was only 9 months old and so we're considering this her "first"! I think I am more excited than the DH and DDs!!!

So, I've turned into a Disney Planning Junkie!!! So much so that the DH bought me a Disney planning book, scrapbook for our trip, and a Disney trivia game for Easter! LOL We've got the countdown going, our Disney essentials bin started, got the girls some new luggage to take along, and made us some Disney vacation shirts!

Ohana Shirt.jpg Simba Shirt.jpg
These are only 2 of the 10+ I've been working the shirt for $2.00 a piece on clearance!!!:woohoo:

We were originally supposed to go the first week in July for my youngest DD's birthday, but due to my husband's work blacking out vacation dates for times we wanted to go, we're going a month early but stilling planning on celebrating! And to not have my oldest DD feeling left out of the celebration and planning we let her choose the resort and room. We'll be staying 6 nights/7 days at CBR in a Pirate room. Excited as this is one of mine and the DD's favorite Disney movies/themes!!!

Me and the youngest DD at the Hollywood Wax Museum...

We're doing the Deluxe Dining Plan, have all of our ADR and FastPass+ selections done and done!!!

I'm not sure if I'm adding all of this on here right, but here it goes:

Day one: Check into CBR then ADR at Rainforest Cafe at DTD.
Day two: MK! ADR for breakfast at BOG and dinner at TTS.
FP+ for Seven Dwarfs Mine Train, Under the Sea~Journey of the Little Mermaid, and Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin.
The Festival of Fantasy Parade and Main Street Electrical Parade (Can't wait to see this again!!!)
Day three: Epcot! ADR for 'Ohana at Polynesian, dinner at Coral Reef.
FP+ Living with the Land, Turtle Talk with Crush, and The Seas with Nemo and Friends.
World Showcase: character meet and greets and eating around the world for lunch!
Day four: AK! ADR for dinner at Tusker House.
FP+ Kilimanjaro Safari, Kali River Rapids, and DINOSAUR!! My all time favorite ride at Disney!!!
Day five: DHS! ADR for dinner at 50's Prime Time Cafe
FP+ Muppet*Vision 3D (DH's favorite!), Tower of Terror, and Fantasmic!!!
Day six: MK! ADR for dinner at CRT
FP+ Splash Mountain, Haunted Mansion, Peter Pan's Flight
Celebrate the Magic & Wishes
Day seven: Check out :sad1: and anything we may have not seen at DTD.

More to come...
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Going to be a long 30 days!!!

On the plus side, today I've accomplished getting our park tickets confirmed (had to make changes and wanted to make sure everything went through!), making our room requests, and booked an In Room Celebration from Disney Floral and Gifts.
We got the Mickey and Minnie Grand Magical Family Welcome.
I added an extra cinch sack so there would be no fighting over the one it comes with and a few surprises for the DH for Father's day! Hope he doesn't catch me on this thread and read along! LOL

DH is not so much into the planning aspect of the trip....he just wants a vacation....I think I may be driving him crazy with my "addiction"!!! LOL
No replies, but a bit of views, so I'll continue on anyways...never know who's lurking or watching...:rolleyes1

So far my DD14 hasn't been so much as excited about this trip as the rest of us, but yesterday I think I found something to get her in the "Disney Spirit"! I came upon a post here on the DIS yesterday about Disney Bounding. Essentially it's dressing like your favorite characters, without costuming. Like a blue top, yellow skirt/shorts, red hair're snow white! Red top, green skirt, green or leaf're Hula Lilo! We spent a good chunk of our afternoon checking out ideas and going through closets to see what we could come up with! Yay for finding something to get her interest back into our family trip!!!
So far we've found a green dress (going to put her hair in a bun with a white bow) for Tink, red shirt, black shorts and yellow belt for Mickey, and a pink/coralish colored dress for Aurora. Then we all decided that on AK day we would wear our safari(ish) outfits. Me=camo shorts and brown tank, DH camo shorts and brown T, DH8 army green button down dress, DH14 Simba shirt I made her with khaki shorts. Going to the Outlets to possibly do more vacation shopping! Who doesn't love shopping right?!

On another front...Our MBs shipped out today!!! Woot woot! AND, we're under the 30 mark....Disney here we come!!!
I'm here and looking forward to following along!! Your plan is a bit like mine in that I had planned on doing MK first and last...although I keep second guessing myself lol. But you have a lot of fun stuff planned! Love the shirts too!
Such a beautiful family Holly! How exciting that it will be your youngest 1st visit! Terrific job on the cute shirts, love the soft heather colors too! Your itinerary and ADRs look really good!

Disney bounding seems like such a blast! Will you be doing it as well? We're already deciding on Disneybound outfits. lol. My poor husband said to leave him out of it. I swore to do just that. I'm going to get him a couple of Star Wars and/or bowling shirts though. ;)

Here and following along on your great adventure! :jumping1:
I'm here and looking forward to following along!! Your plan is a bit like mine in that I had planned on doing MK first and last...although I keep second guessing myself lol. But you have a lot of fun stuff planned! Love the shirts too!

Thanks for following along!!! I thought MK first and last was a great way to start and finish our trip with a bang!

Such a beautiful family Holly! How exciting that it will be your youngest 1st visit! Terrific job on the cute shirts, love the soft heather colors too! Your itinerary and ADRs look really good!

Disney bounding seems like such a blast! Will you be doing it as well? We're already deciding on Disneybound outfits. lol. My poor husband said to leave him out of it. I swore to do just that. I'm going to get him a couple of Star Wars and/or bowling shirts though. ;)

Here and following along on your great adventure! :jumping1:

Thanks for following along! Ahhh, Disney Bounding! I think I may try it out with the DDs a day or two, think I even have the DH convinced on doing it as well! I'm pretty sure I got his wheels turning when I told him he could be Jack Skellington! LOL
Just found your PTR this morning. Looks like it should be a great trip for you all! We stayed at Caribbean Beach on our first trip and really loved the resort. We really loved the food court and the great pool area! We are leaving in 32 days, so we are getting excited just like you, and my PTR is not quite enough to handle all the excitement! I've got to go find some others to read!
It's been a few days since I've posted...been working a lot. But had to jump on real quick and share my excitement over receiving our MBs yesterday! WAHOO!!!
So I was on the way down to the bus stop to get DD8 off the bus and the mailman was just pulling up. He was just finishing up when we got back and we were both thrilled when we opened the mailbox!!! The second we got in the house DD8 was already grabbing something to open the box before I could even get through the door and set anything down. Of course we both had to try ours on!!!

We're at the 25 day mark now...getting closer!!! I decided to start a bit of packing this morning, gathering up things we had bought specifically for our trip, starting the DDs bags for the car, etc. I'm positive that I'm an over packer, but well I am a Girl Scout Leader and I believe in always being prepared (uh, over prepared? LOL)!
It's been a few days since I've posted...been working a lot. But had to jump on real quick and share my excitement over receiving our MBs yesterday! WAHOO!!!
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So I was on the way down to the bus stop to get DD8 off the bus and the mailman was just pulling up. He was just finishing up when we got back and we were both thrilled when we opened the mailbox!!! The second we got in the house DD8 was already grabbing something to open the box before I could even get through the door and set anything down. Of course we both had to try ours on!!!

We're at the 25 day mark now...getting closer!!! I decided to start a bit of packing this morning, gathering up things we had bought specifically for our trip, starting the DDs bags for the car, etc. I'm positive that I'm an over packer, but well I am a Girl Scout Leader and I believe in always being prepared (uh, over prepared? LOL)!
They look great! So happy they arrived! :D
Magic bands means it's coming up soon!! Woohoo :dogdance::dogdance:

I LOVE the 'Ohana shirt!

And I'm glad your DD is getting more excited. Just wait til she gets there, then she'll feel the magic for sure. She might also like the pin trading (or pin collecting, as it usually ends up turning into for me and my oldest DS...we never want to get rid of any, lol!)
Magic bands means it's coming up soon!! Woohoo :dogdance::dogdance:

I LOVE the 'Ohana shirt!

And I'm glad your DD is getting more excited. Just wait til she gets there, then she'll feel the magic for sure. She might also like the pin trading (or pin collecting, as it usually ends up turning into for me and my oldest DS...we never want to get rid of any, lol!)

Sorry I just now saw this! Thanks, the 'Ohana one is probably my fave of all I've made.
The DD14 is starting to get a bit more excited. She started pin trading the last time we went, but she was only 6 at the time. She's got all Tinkerbell and Cinderella pins, said she wants to start with a new lanyard this time and trade off some of the old ones. She's still undecided on her bounding outfits though...Ugh! LOL
23 days to go!!! Wahoo!!! Gives me just enough time to figure out exactly which of the 50 millions outfits I'm actually going to bring! LOL

Yesterday we took the kiddos shopping for some new vacation/summer clothes, aka Disneybounding outfits ;)
The oldest DD is still undecided on which characters she wants to do (she knows for sure Mickey and Capt. Jack) so she didn't pick out much, but I figure we wear the same size so she can dig into my wardrobe as well.
The DD8 though had no troubles at all! Neither did I!

Here are DD8's outfits:
Left to right (minus her accessories) Minnie, Ariel, Cheshire Cat (going to put her hair in pig tails with pink and purple ribbons), Olaf (orange ribbon in her hair, shirt I made), and Aurora (again pink hair bow or ribbons).

These are her outfits for 'Ohana and CRT. They're both magic wrap skirts/dresses so they're hard to lay out to look right. The blue is a kind of hard to see against her Olaf comforter (no, we're not into Disney or anything! LOL)

Then there is me...5 pairs of shorts + too many tops = I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO BRING!!!

Left to right...Ana (coronation, undecided on accessories), Killian Jones (this is a definite), Buzz Lightyear, Jasmine (DH will be Aladdin, don't mind the wrinkles we let DD8 help fold the clothes and she was getting very frustrated).

L to R: Peter Pan (needs brown belt and red feather in my hair), Stitch (again a definite for 'Ohana), Belle, Ariel

Mr Smee, Cinderella (hard to see but the castle is on the tank in silver, another one I made.)

Ferb, Village Belle

DH has decided on Aladdin, Pinocchio, Goofy, Hades, and Jiminy Cricket and will do Phineas if we can find him an orange and white striped shirt. I'm so glad her's getting into this with me, his nerdy wife! LOL

I'll post pics of the DH and DD14's outfits when they're finished. Gotta go get DD8 off the bus, she hasn't seen the Olaf shirt yet, I hope she likes it!


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Holly~ Love your Disneybounding looks! The Olaf tee is adorable! Also where did you find your DD's magic wrap skirts/dresses? They are beautiful! I adore your silver castle on the light blue tanks, so pretty! The Hook and Mr. Smee outfits are my other faves! Have fun! :D ~Rebecca
Holly~ Love your Disneybounding looks! The Olaf tee is adorable! Also where did you find your DD's magic wrap skirts/dresses? They are beautiful! I adore your silver castle on the light blue tanks, so pretty! The Hook and Mr. Smee outfits are my other faves! Have fun! :D ~Rebecca

Rebecca, thanks! Now if I could just figure out which ones I'm taking! LOL The DDs and I all have the magic wraps. We found some at Earthbound Trading co, some at our local beach stores, and I got quite a few (for cheap) direct from India on Amazon. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Hooked tank, which is why it's definitely going along, I'm thinking Smee too. I told DH that we're going to have to go back to the room for me to change at least once a day, then I can wear them all! LOL
We found some at Earthbound Trading co
Neat! I'll look them up! I wear dresses or skirts just about every day and really like those two you have.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Hooked tank, which is why it's definitely going along, I'm thinking Smee too.
I agree that is a sassy tank and super cute shorts! The Mr. Smee outfit is pretty perfect too!
I told DH that we're going to have to go back to the room for me to change at least once a day, then I can wear them all! LOL
I carry a small plastic bag, stretchy dress, panties, and a bra with me in my little backpack so I can change for dinner, and/or drenching lol ;) without needing to go back to the room. Not sure that would work for everybody but I simply do not dry in my wheelchair after wet rides. :oops:o_O:D
Those outfits are are so creative!!! I love the idea of Disneybounding....but I'm lazy and will probably end up just getting a few Disney themed shirts and calling it a day...but it sure is fun to think about!! And you ARE really lucky the whole family is into it!!


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