Surprises, Selfies and Cartwheeling through Disney


Mar 10, 2014
Hi everyone! My name is Hayley and this is my very first trip report. I'm so excited to write about our awesome trip because I love to relive it... I've read some pretty great trip reports on here so I'm a little nervous to write one... we will see how it goes!

I started planning our trip last January and hitting ENTER on our Disney trip was a very exciting moment! From then on I stalked the DIS sight and found out as much info as possible. I found some great tips and I felt like I went to Disney so prepared... it really paid of in the long run. So, thank you all for that!

I will start with introducing my family. We are a family of four, which includes myself (Hayley), my husband (Bryan) our DD9 (Tenley) and our DS6 (Brody). I am a nurse in a surgery center, love photography and crafting, and recently have become obsessed with all things Disney. My husband works at Fred Meyer in the wine/growler area, is obsessed with all things football (Go BSU), and happily puts up with my new found obsession. Our daughter is a spit fire and keeps us on our toes. Her love in life is gymnastics and we all put in a lot of hours in that gym (Unfortunately for my waist line my hours just happen to be on side lines). Brody is a very funny sweet little man that loves football just like his dad, he also puts in hours next to me at the gym so I would say his second love is Minecraft... poor guy.

I had been to WDW only twice before this trip, and my husband only once. I went when I was about 9 and remember every bit of that trip. My husband and I then went together 10 years ago for a family reunion. So much has changed since then so this was really like a first trip for all of us. The kids have talked about one day going to Disney for a few years now and we kept telling them probably within the next 3 years... so this trip was a complete surprise until the day we left. I was a little nervous about this. I have definitely seen bloopers where the kids get really annoyed they didn't know.

We left the day after Halloween so the kids were up extra late the night before and hopped up on all kinds of sugar. Once they finally fell asleep I went crazy trying to make sure all things were in order for our early 7am flight. I had told the kids we had to take my parents to the airport in the morning so they wouldn't be shocked when they showed up at 5:30 am. I truly do not think I slept for more than 30 minute intervals that night. I just couldn't believe the moment I had been waiting for was finally here!

My parents arrived right at 5:30. I was up and dressed and Bryan was almost ready. We had the bags ready in the garage. All we had to do was surprise the kids. We woke them up and brought them to the family room. They were a little crabby but perked up a bit when I told them they had a present to open. So, we gave them their gift. We had wrapped the magic band box and waited to see if they would figure it out. At first Brody thought the box was golf balls... in November? IDK. Then they opened it and went crazy. They hadn't even asked the best question...when do we go? So we told them it was today and in fact... right now! I told them to go look in their play room and all their new stuff was all set out. Seeing their face see their suitcases for the first time and watch it sink in that we were really going was one of the best moments of my life. We all live to make our children's dreams come true and I was watching that happen right then.

They quickly got dressed and we headed to the airport. We talked about all our adventures ahead of us on the quick 20 minute drive. Before we knew it we were in the air on their first flight... that they can remember anyway. The pilot had them come up front and check out all the controls, which they loved. We had a quick layover in Salt Lake and then on to Orlando.

After getting off the plane we of course had to take the airport tram over to where we would get our luggage and get on Magical Express. My son was so excited about the little tram ride. It made me even more excited to see how he would react to all the rides. We quickly grabbed our bags, took the mile long hike to the Magical Express line and then... waited... and waited... and waited... for the bus. Oh well, we are in Disney!

Coming up next. We make our way to our resort All Star Sports and spend our first night in downtown Disney.


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