My, What an Interesting Carpet Bag~A Dec. 2013 TR!*Remember Me?!*PTR for May 2015 Link, pg 23!*

Resorts???? Yayayayayay! Staying at multiple resorts is always so much fun! Can't wait for your PTR! :cool1:

Me too! It always looks doable, but its not!

Hey, at least he's predictable! :thumbsup2

I had a trip like that and it was awful. After that I bought Chaco sandals which have a nice arch and I put inserts in my regular shoes. Don't wear flat sandals. Make sure you get a pair with an arch and try some inserts. Seriously - it will work!

Not sure if I cut and pasted the right pictures, but your pics from Epcot are just so lovely and so relaxing!

That shirt is TOO cute! Love it!

Me too! I thought the risotto was really salty and I also did not think the steak was as good as it used to be. Probably be awhile before I go back.

YES multiple resorts! I'm so excited! I feel like it's getting close now, but I still have almost 4 months to go...but at least it's the unofficial start to summer now! :rotfl2:

I've thought about getting inserts but I don't know what kind to get! I always want to stand on that Dr. Scholl's machine they have at Wal Mart, but I feel too stupid...and I feel like it's gross, standing on there with just socks on. I've also noticed that when I walk, my feet kind of go in, like they tilt inside, isn't that called something? I know it's important to know if you do that when you run...I don't know how to fix that though! :rotfl2:

Thanks! I just love my Epcot!

That shirt is so cute! If it's still there when I go back, I'm buying it!

I always hear people say Le Cellier is too salty, and I never get that, but that's probably because I love salt! (Yeah I know, I have to cut that out before I have serious high blood pressure :faint:) I just didn't think the steak was as amazing as it always is. I'm sure I'll go back, but on this trip? We might skip it for something else! :eek:

Haha, yeah that makes sense. It's hard to think of Germany without beer, so...

Honestly, I think it's virtually impossible to have a bad photo in the showcase. Everywhere you turn it's a photo op. God I love that place.

That Pooh and Tigger meet is one of my favs. They just never seem to have much of a line, so there's virtually never any wait. Plus, the new bedroom set is adorable. But I just heard that this is going to be a FP exclusive soon. :confused3 AND a Tier 1!!! :scared1:

Bahaha, I see that Goofy shirt and I immediately think Marge Simpson.

See, I think of Germany and I think of caramel and pretzels...not beer! :rotfl2:

Pretty much, the World Showcase is so beautiful! I love it too, I wish I could live there! :lovestruc I seriously cannot wait to go back, it's been too long already and I have almost 4 more months to go!

Are you serious, it's going to be only FP? Ughhh....well I'm glad I met them on this trip then because I'm not wasting an FP on that! Not that it's being wasted exactly, but...I don't know! I'm just not doing it! :rotfl2:

Haha, yeah me too!

I hope your feet won't hurt as bad on your next trip! I dislike when my feet hurt at the happiest place on earth!

Haven't been to Le Cellier in a few trips, and we aren't going in Oct because of F&W. I'd say go to jiko and/or yachtsman. Both so good!

I will read your ptr :) makes us get even more excited for the trip!

Me too! I have to start walking every day, like 5 miles a day! Brandon and I are both off tomorrow so I think I'm going to force him to walk with me and get in the habit of doing it every day. I walk on my break at work but it's only for like 15 minutes and it's not good enough!

I really want to do both, but I'm not sure that's possible...if I have to choose, I might do Yachtsman over Jiko, but I really don't know...and we're already definitely doing CA Grill, so can I really do 3 signatures in one trip? That's kind of insane...:faint:

Yay, thanks! :thumbsup2

Oh my gosh, I had the same thing happen to me on Mission: Space six years ago and haven't been back on it yet! It was awful, I had all I could do to not start pounding on the door so someone would let me out! I have major issues with motion sickness and a share of anxiety issues as well which does not make for a good combo at all! :( hoping maybe to work myself up to tackling the green side again though someday... :upsidedow

Looking forward to hearing about MVMCP! :thumbsup2

And I'm excited for your PTR!!! I've decided I'm definitely going to do one for my next trip... Hopefully it's sooner than later! ;)

Oh my god, that sounds awful, I'm so sorry! :goodvibes I don't ever get motion sickness, but my anxiety can get to me sometimes, and always at the worst times, and this was one of them! It's too bad because I really love the ride, but I'm not risking a panic attack over it. Maybe I'll do the green side again but not the orange.

Yay, I'm excited to start my PTR! I thought I'd start it soon but since I got so far behind on this TR again, it might not be for a few weeks! Let me know if you do a PTR!
Me either. They were $30 and I thought I would try them. I was pleasantly surprised. LOL.

Writing a pre tr makes it go quicker I think.
Love the soup (made at home several times) and one day I will try making pretzel bread.
It is always best to try something new then go back and see if you have the problem.

Ahh I keep forgetting to check, and I've been to Walmart 50 times since you suggested that! I did buy some Sketchers with memory foam and those are pretty comfy, but I don't know how they will be with long distances...and if the memory foam will still be foamy after a few months!

I think so too! It's fun to come up with updates for PTR's, because you can get a little off topic, with TR's it's just "here's my trip and what I did". I'm still not 100% sure if I'm going to do one, but I'd like to!

I've always wanted to try to make that soup at home! :thumbsup2

(oh, ps, I just requested to follow you on Instagram, I'm jenmarie_96 on there!)

We didn't go to Le Cellier this last trip as my husband deemed it "too heavy" for lunch. I'm undecided on having it in October, especially with being able to get the steak and soup at the Canada booth.

My shoes are expensive New Balance and my husbands are Brooks. His feet still ached but he has other foot issues. My feet were perfectly fine the days I wore them.

I've never done Mission Space and I'm not sure I really want to?? I get motion sickness so I may be better off skipping it forever!

I like the Italy Pavilion but then I love Via Napoli! Oh the Pizza!!

Haha yeah, it is a bit heavy for lunch but that doesn't stop us! :rotfl2: I'm probably skipping it this year because of the Canada booth.

I tried on New Balances and I didn't like any of them. I almost bought a pair of Asics but I didn't at the last minute. I've heard Brooks are really good, I might look into those. I don't care about the price as long as my feet don't ache!

I think you will be fine if you do the green side, but honestly, you're not missing much if you don't do Mission Space. It's fun, but I can live without it!

I love Via Napoli too, but as a whole, the Italy pavilion kind of needs something else! :cool1:

I love the Mexican pavilion, it's so cool in there.
I can't honestly say I remember being to the American bathrooms, but now I have to, just to see them!
Yikes, feet problems suck! Have you ever tried Birkenstocks? I have a podiatrist friend who told me there is absolutely nothing in the world better for your feet. I got my first pair and yes, they were a pain to break in, but I can't believe the difference on my back and legs, no pain at all, no matter how long I'm on my feet!
Awww Pooh and Tigger are adorable!
We love Le Cellier, but had the same unfortunate thought last time we ate there, that maybe the quality was slipping a little.

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Haha, you have to go to the America bathrooms, they are so classy!

I've never tried Birkenstocks, that's not a bad idea...they do seem like a pain to break in though, but maybe I'll give them a try! :cool1:

Yeah it's sad, I just don't think Le Cellier is as good as it used to be. Oh well, I'm sure I'll still eat there!

WS is brutal on aching feet! I think the worst part is when you start out, you can look across the water and see how far you still have left to walk. :sad: Torture!

I don't think it'd be a Jen TR if you didn't have an update involving Le Cellier! I always get a kick out of your reviews of the restaurant after each trip. I think we all have that one place we go to every chance we get because we love it so much. And I'll be honest, your updates about it alone have made me want to try it one day.

Multiple resorts in September? I'm curious!

Haha, yeah, that's awful! Or when you think about how you still have to walk through Future World and then the parking lot? Ugh, torture! :rotfl2:

Haha you're so right! Le Cellier is really good, but it's just not what it used to be. I'll still go there but I mean, there was a trip we went there 3 times...I think those days are over. :confused3 The soup and pretzel bread alone are good enough reasons for an ADR there, though!

Yep, resort hopping a bit on this trip! Can't wait!!! :cool1:
Christmas in the Kingdom!

Monday, December 3 Part 3

Hi everyone! Well once again, I have to apologize for being a bad DIS friend and getting behind on everyone's TR's. I was doing so good with getting caught up and then before I know it, it's 2 weeks since I've basically checked the DIS. I promise I will get caught up again! :thumbsup2

I'm hoping to wrap this TR up in the next couple of weeks. I'm probably going to do a PTR but I'm not sure, I might just use the time to get caught up on everyone else's TR's...or I might wait until I'm caught up and then start one. Either way, I'll let you guys know!

So, we're up to the night of Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party! Brandon and I went back to Pop after Epcot to rest a little and then we were off to the Magic Kingdom for the night. I wanted to take a bus over because I didn't feel like dealing with MK parking. Brandon didn't, he just wanted to drive so he was kind of annoyed with me, but I insisted on the bus.

Well, we get to the bus line and it's really long. But whatever, I wasn't worried, so we get in line and an MK bus pulls right up. Awesome right? Well, no...not really, because there were like 5 people on scooters who all had to wait for the little lift thing to get off, which took some time...then apparently, someone on the bus had some kind of accident so that had to be cleaned, so once everyone was off, they were not letting people on. We waited and waited and waited...until I couldn't deal with getting glared at anymore so I said "fine, let's just drive." Off to the car we go.

Luckily neither one of us can stay annoyed in Disney for very long, so it was back to excitement for the Christmas Party! I LOVE the Christmas party so much, I couldn't wait to be immersed in Christmas for one more night before we had to go home in the morning!

Main Street is perfection, it's so beautiful during the holidays I can't stand it!

We went straight to the castle because I was FINALLY going to see the Castle lighting ceremony! FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY!!!

I've been going to Disney for the holidays every year since 2009, either in November or December. So I've had plenty of opportunities to see the Castle ceremony where the lights come on, but I've never done it. We always end up missing it somehow. So I was determined to see it on this trip, and luckily after the bus fiasco, we made it! And we got a pretty great spot too!

(Don't mind those lovebirds in the corner, lol!)

We watched the Castle get all lit up for Christmas and I didn't take ONE picture! I just wanted to watch it and enjoy it and it was perfect! I loved every second of it! :lovestruc

Once the Castle was lit, it was back down Main Street.


Well I had to get more Starbucks, of course!

I quickly drank my Starbucks and we headed over to Fantasyland. But first, I had to stop and take pictures of the Castle because it's perfect.

I know, it's too many, but I can't help myself. It's just so pretty and photogenic!

Anyway, we had characters to meet, the only ones I really cared about meeting that night. No, not the 7 Dwarfs...Mary Poppins and Bert! I love Mary Poppins, but she's never been that high on my list of characters to meet, but since she was with Bert, I thought it might be fun. And she also had the Penguins with her, and I've wanted to meet them for years, I actually wanted to meet them more than Mary and Bert, but whatever!

We got in line and before we knew it, we were talking to Bert and Mary! Brandon kind of did most of the talking, I don't remember what he said to them, but I do remember Mary saying to me "my, what an interesting carpet bag you have" referring to my Vera Bradley purse. I thought that was so cute and clever, like, how do you come up with these things to say to people?? I could never be a face character, because I would never be able to think of things like that to say! Obviously I thought it was so cute that I used it for the title of my TR! :cool1:

We thanked them and we were on our way! I'm glad I finally met them, so I can cross that off my list haha! I'm so terrified of face characters! Maybe I'll try to meet one every trip!

We didn't really have any plans for this party, so we just wandered off and found ourselves at the Tangled bathrooms again!

Brandon wanted me to see what the men's room looked like with all the frying pans so he took my camera inside to take pictures.

So cute!

We made our way to Adventureland for a little while, I was thinking of getting in line to meet Jasmine and the Genie (I think she was with the Genie, it might have been Abu, I can't remember!) because a girl I kind of know from Twitter was actually friends with Jasmine that night, but the line was way too long, and again, I got nervous! Ridiculous! :faint:

I wanted to give the Jingle Cruise a try, but when we walked by, again, the wait was too long, so I thought, ok, I'll take a picture of it, which will remind me to come back later...

Never happened! Oh well, next time!

Somehow, we found ourselves at the Columbia Harbor House getting hot chocolate and cookies. We never do that, but for some reason, we did. I'm guessing I probably wanted to sit because of my stupid feet hurting.

It's cute that they give out these little treats for everyone, but I thought it was way too warm for hot chocolate. It wasn't exactly hot out, but it was humid and any little bit of humidity in the air makes the weather unbearable for me. How exactly am I going to survive September again?

We left and walked through Fantasyland...I couldn't believe how empty it seemed in there!

This party was sold out, but it didn't really feel like it at all. Not complaining, but that Halloween party that we went to a few years ago that was sold out was a nightmare...for some reason the Christmas parties aren't too bad when they are sold out!

We found ourselves in New Fantasyland, in front of Eric's Castle, so why not visit the Little Mermaid while we're there?

There was no line, so we walked through the queue and right up to where you get on, behind maybe 5 other people who were just...standing there. Then we noticed the clam shells weren't moving.

Ok, so this won't take long right?

Wrong. It took forever. We just stood there for maybe a half an hour.

Oh and see those poor people still in the clam shells? For some reason they couldn't let them out. So they had to just sit there! I felt so bad for them, I would have been so annoyed if I was just trapped. Yes I waited in line for the ride to start again, but I could have left if I really wanted to! Those poor people were just stuck there!

Finally it started moving again and we went on...I was so nervous it would get stuck again and we'd be in the actual ride for another 30 minutes, but everything went smoothly!

When the ride was over, we went into Belle's little shop for a few minutes, and then we made our way over to the Castle. It was time for Celebrate the Magic and we had to get a good place to watch, since I'm pretty much obsessed with Celebrate the Magic! :thumbsup2

Up next...more MVMCP!

You made the right call Jen on taking the bus. I'm a car driver and even I prefer the bus to MK (despite bypassing the monorail). It's so much quicker. But, then you ended up driving anyway :laughing:, but those were special circumstances, lol. My logic still stands.

So very glad you finally got to see the castle lighting. Seeing the castle all lit up is breathtaking, but seeing it GET lit up is a whole other thing.

AHH TR title reveal. I'm still disappointed I never got to meet Mary with Bert. Someday though.

Jas was definitely with Genie for what it's worth.

Oh that is something I'm always scared of. Getting stuck on a ride. I would hate to have no choice like that.
Yay for getting to see the castle lighting :)

We are going to the MNSSHP for the first time this year! So excited!!!
So glad the clan shells didn't stop for you!!
I love the castle lighting! I've only ever seen it once, in all the times I've been there with the dream lights. What a doofus! :lmao:

Awesome Mary Poppins! That was really clever what she said.

Cool! Those are the first photos that I've seen of the men's Tangled bathroom.

I'm sorry your feet were hurting. I hate that! Definitely puts a damper on the night.
Great to see another update!

Too bad the bus was so slow and you had to drive anyway. Glad you made it in time for the castle lighting, though. That's so fun to see!

Cool character meet with Mary, Bert, and the penguins! That's a unique one to check off the list.

Very cool to see the men's Tangled bathroom.

I feel bad for those people stuck on LM. It would have been so easy for them to get off (if they were allowed), but instead they had to miss part of the party they had paid good money for. Glad it didn't get stuck while you were riding.
Sort of power reading and just SO far behind on everyone's TR.

Yay for castle lighting.

Cute picture of you and Brandon!

Ugh - what else was I going to say???? Love all the pictures.

Oh yeah - those are the first I've seen of the MENS tangled BR. Pretty cool! Love it!

Try any pair of inserts. They are never more than $10 a pair. I find that they all work pretty much the same. Seriously. They changed my live!
Ah ha! That's where your TR title comes from! I love it!!! :thumbsup2 I've been wondering when the reveal would happen! :rotfl:
Ahh I keep forgetting to check, and I've been to Walmart 50 times since you suggested that! I did buy some Sketchers with memory foam and those are pretty comfy, but I don't know how they will be with long distances...and if the memory foam will still be foamy after a few months!
I find Sketchers to get sweaty.
Did I accept you? LOL. Still getting the hang of Instagram.

Too bad about the bus. I do find it easier to take a bus to MK.
LOL. Same thing with me about the Jingle cruise.
I would not want to be one of the ones in the clam shells.
I'm just back from my girls trip and trying to catch up a little. Great update, Jen. I still can't believe we didn't run into each other that night at the party. ;(
You made the right call Jen on taking the bus. I'm a car driver and even I prefer the bus to MK (despite bypassing the monorail). It's so much quicker. But, then you ended up driving anyway :laughing:, but those were special circumstances, lol. My logic still stands.

So very glad you finally got to see the castle lighting. Seeing the castle all lit up is breathtaking, but seeing it GET lit up is a whole other thing.

AHH TR title reveal. I'm still disappointed I never got to meet Mary with Bert. Someday though.

Jas was definitely with Genie for what it's worth.

Oh that is something I'm always scared of. Getting stuck on a ride. I would hate to have no choice like that.

Totally agree about the bus to MK. Driving there just stresses me out. I would have waited but Brandon just gets so impatient I would just rather not listen to the whining and drive haha. I do hate missing out on the monorail though!

I LOVED seeing the castle lighting, it was perfect! :) How am I gong to live without it this year???? :sad:

Mary and Bert were so cute, but I was really more interested in the penguins! I just love that they are such random characters and you can MEET them! Yet you can't meet my Cheshire Cat or Figaro anywhere. :confused3

I thought Jasmine was with Genie! I'm going to try to meet her in September, I have to get over my princess fear! :rotfl:

I know!!! I would probably just have gotten off if I was THAT close. I mean, what are they going to do, ban you from Disney? (Although, that IS my biggest fear in life, so who am I kidding, I'm a rule follower in Disney World! :thumbsup2)

Yay for getting to see the castle lighting :)

We are going to the MNSSHP for the first time this year! So excited!!!
So glad the clan shells didn't stop for you!!

It was so pretty!

Yay you are going to love MNSSHP! It's so much fun! I can't wait to finally go back after not going to one for 3 years!

I love the castle lighting! I've only ever seen it once, in all the times I've been there with the dream lights. What a doofus! :lmao:

Awesome Mary Poppins! That was really clever what she said.

Cool! Those are the first photos that I've seen of the men's Tangled bathroom.

I'm sorry your feet were hurting. I hate that! Definitely puts a damper on the night.

Haha I'm a doofus too, since I only saw it this one time! :confused3 It's so pretty, but it's not really something I'd need to do every visit, you know? Like yeah, if you're in the park, great, but I don't think I'll need to rush over there now that I have finally seen it!

She was so cute! They're really great characters, it must be so much fun to be "friends" with them!

Haha, I know, leave it to Brandon! :rotfl:

Thanks, me too! I hope this gets resolved by September or I am in trouble! :crazy2:

Great to see another update!

Too bad the bus was so slow and you had to drive anyway. Glad you made it in time for the castle lighting, though. That's so fun to see!

Cool character meet with Mary, Bert, and the penguins! That's a unique one to check off the list.

Very cool to see the men's Tangled bathroom.

I feel bad for those people stuck on LM. It would have been so easy for them to get off (if they were allowed), but instead they had to miss part of the party they had paid good money for. Glad it didn't get stuck while you were riding.

I'm glad we saw the castle lighting, I was so worried we would miss it again!

The penguins were so cute! Mary and Bert were awesome too, but I really love those penguins!

I love that they have frying pans in the bathrooms! :cool1:

I know, I felt so bad for those people. I'm so glad we didn't get stuck! :rotfl2:
Sort of power reading and just SO far behind on everyone's TR.

Yay for castle lighting.

Cute picture of you and Brandon!

Ugh - what else was I going to say???? Love all the pictures.

Oh yeah - those are the first I've seen of the MENS tangled BR. Pretty cool! Love it!

Try any pair of inserts. They are never more than $10 a pair. I find that they all work pretty much the same. Seriously. They changed my live!

I know, I'm super behind on TR's! So don't worry about power reading haha, I do that too! I read on my phone when I have time, but then I forget to comment so I feel bad! I do read, I am just bad at commenting lately!


I'm glad Brandon took the camera into the bathroom, haha, seems like no one has seen the men's side of the bathrooms!

I will definitely do that! Thanks! :thumbsup2

Ah ha! That's where your TR title comes from! I love it!!! :thumbsup2 I've been wondering when the reveal would happen! :rotfl:

Haha, I should have explained it in the beginning I guess! Mary Poppins is so clever! :cool1:

I find Sketchers to get sweaty.
Did I accept you? LOL. Still getting the hang of Instagram.

Too bad about the bus. I do find it easier to take a bus to MK.
LOL. Same thing with me about the Jingle cruise.
I would not want to be one of the ones in the clam shells.

I really love these Sketchers that I bought, they memory foam is awesome! I'll probably buy another pair for my trip if these get worn out by then!

I don't know if you accepted me on IG, I'll have to check! Usually you will get a notification when someone accepts you!

It is so much easier to take a bus to MK! But we didn't have much of a choice that night! :confused3

Yeah I'd be freaking out if I was stuck on LM that night! Those poor people missed so much of the party!

I'm just back from my girls trip and trying to catch up a little. Great update, Jen. I still can't believe we didn't run into each other that night at the party. ;(

Thanks! I know, that's crazy! :rotfl2:
My Favorite Fireworks and Parade!

12/3, Part 4

Hi everyone! So I think I'm going to try to finish up this TR today, the trip portion at least! It's gone on much longer than I thought it would, and I'm so glad I still have some people still sticking around to read! :goodvibes But I clearly am not capable or writing a TR and reading everyone else's TR's so I'd rather focus on catching up on all of yours once this one is finished! I'll probably do some kind of wrap up post, and I still have to decide if I'm going to do a PTR...I'm leaning more towards no right now, but I might change my mind...if not, I might do a few PTR updates here if you're interested! I'll let you know once I decide!

Anyway! So Brandon and I were heading towards the hub to watch Celebrate the Magic. We got an awesome spot in front of the castle and instead of taking a million pictures, I just watched it! And I fell more in love with Let it Go and Elsa the 2nd time around! (Keep in mind, Frozen was brand new at this time, and I hadn't seen it yet! So that was my first time hearing Let it Go and I was obsessed!)

(Ok, I'm still kind of obsessed with Let it Go. I know it's cool to be "over" Frozen and to be sick of Let it Go, but I'm not. I still listen to it almost every day. Oh well! :confused3)

My Castle was looking lovely, as always!

After a few minutes, it was time for Holiday Wishes, my favorite fireworks show in Disney! I know a lot of people think HalloWishes is better, and it IS amazing, but I just love Christmas, so I prefer Holiday Wishes! I have tons of pictures, so I'll just put up some of my favorites!

Sorry I hope I didn't bore you with all of those pictures! But I really love Holiday Wishes! :love:

Once that was over, we fought the crowds to get to Frontierland. We always watch the fireworks and then go to Frontierland to watch the parade and sit for probably 45 minutes before it starts. I have to be right in the front for this parade, because again, it's my favorite, so I can't be standing behind a mob of people for it! I'm already stressed about what to do for MNSSHP this year because I would kind of rather watch it on Main Street but I have a feeling it will be packed...Ugh MNSSHP seriously stresses me out! :rotfl2:

Anyway, we found a spot, on the opposite side of the street than we usually sit, for a different perspective I guess! It was nice to not have all of those lights on top of the buildings blasting in your face for once! (We usually sit on the side with the river, this time, we were on the Country Bears side!)

Some guys with some really weird instruments were entertaining the crowds, playing Frontierland versions of Christmas songs, it was really cool! I think Brandon has some video on his phone, but of course, I don't have it here so I can't post it! I have no idea what these guys are called, but they were so much fun! I think Brandon got me a churro since we were right across from the churro cart. I LOVE Disney churros and for some reason, I always forget about them!

Finally the parade was about to start!

(I'll probably end up going over my image limit and continuing this in the next post, so just keep reading! :thumbsup2)

My penguins!!!

Chip and Dale having a snowball fight! They like to throw snow into the crowd, and guess which direction they threw the snow at? Yep, right where we were standing! :rotfl:

Belle! So pretty in her holiday dress!

Ok I'm going to stop here and continue in the next post...

My Favorite Fireworks and Parade, Continued!

Ahh, the toy soldiers! This is one of the best parts of the parade, I just think they are so cool, they way they clomp around in those big wooden shoes!

The reindeer used to be my favorites. I mean, I still like them, but they changed them. They used to look insane and get right in your face and they were just so strange. Now they look more like Bambi and they are more tame, I miss the insane reindeer!

My only picture of Santa, and its awful, haha!

And that's the parade! We had such an awesome view, in fact, maybe I'll just save myself the stress at MNSSHP this year and sit in the same spot! Main Street is nice, but watching in Frontierland is so much less chaotic and plus, you see the parade like, 20 minutes before the people on Main Street so that's a plus!

When we were finished watching, we went back to the Tangled Bathrooms. I don't know why, couldn't stay away I guess!

I don't think we really had anything else we had to do, I know I wanted to try to meet Winnie the Pooh and friends, but their line was too long, so we visited them on their ride instead!

We ended up in Tomorrowland, because I'm pretty sure I wanted to see if the Peoplemover was running, which it wasn't, so I just hung out there for a few minutes. My favorite land and all, I have to spend some time there!

It was pretty late and we were getting tired and we had to be up really early the next morning for our flight we decided to make our way towards the exit of the park! Not like we would actually leave any time soon, because I have to stop and take more pictures and go in the Emporium and everything, but you know! We were going in that direction at least!

We stopped to take a picture in front of the castle, which turned out to be one of the better ones from this trip

And I had to say goodbye to my Castle.

And that brought us right back to the middle of Main Street, looking so perfect with the snow falling!

We did go in the Emporium, and I think this is when I bought my Winnie the Pooh pillow pet. I didn't buy many souvenirs on this trip, but I knew I had to have this pillow pet. I almost bought him on the trip I took with my sister, but my niece talked me into Pluto instead, so now I have 2 pillow pets. And I'll probably get Marie in September sooo...looks like I'm going to need a bigger bed haha!

Finally after some stalling, I was finally ready to leave. Well not ready, but at least not about to collapse on Main Street in a ball of tears or anything. We went out to the entrance and Brandon took pictures of me in front of MK, which I thought I actually liked at the time, but now I'm looking at them and I hate them haha, so I'm not putting them up! (But if we're FB friends, you probably already saw them!) We took the ferry back to the TTC, got on the tram and found our car. I don't remember what time it was, but we stayed until almost the end of the party, so it must have been pretty late once we actually got to our car. We went back to Pop, packed up everything and went to sleep. Our last night in a Disney bed. :sad1:

The next morning, we woke up, packed all of our stuff, and drove to the airport. I thought I took pictures but I just checked and I didn't sooo...sorry about that! We dropped our car of and I'm pretty sure we ate at Chick Fil A, since we don't have them in CT and we eat there any chance we get! I don't remember what time our flight was, but it wasn't like, 5 in the morning or anything, so it was nice that Chik Fil A was open!

Our flight home was nice and smooth and fast, and we were back in Connecticut before we knew it! Yay.

And this concludes our December 2013 Disney trip! I have a few things I want to say about it, because it was very different from our other trips, but I'll save that for the wrap up, which hopefully won't take me another month to post haha! Thanks for reading and hope you will stick around for the trip recap and possibly some PTR news! :goodvibes

I've never watched the parade from Frontierland before, but it sounds like it was a great spot to watch from. Avoided the madness that is Main Street...:rotfl:

I love your pictures of the snow falling on Main Street, they make the place look even more beautiful, if that's possible. :goodvibes

Ugh, your last night in the park is always hard, but I can't imagine my last night being MVMCP! That had to be near impossible to say goodbye to. :rotfl2:
Good spot idea for MNSSHP!! You'll have to let me know if it works well for you!

I love your castle pics!

Definitely want to hear a bit about your up coming trip :)
YES, I like the idea of PTR updates here. I never seem to get over to the PTR board, so I would totally miss them otherwise.

" And I fell more in love with Let it Go and Elsa the 2nd time around! (Keep in mind, Frozen was brand new at this time, and I hadn't seen it yet! So that was my first time hearing Let it Go and I was obsessed!)"


Jen, as much as I do love HalloWishes (and I really really do), I do prefer Merry ChistWishes as well. I mean, they turn the castle into a FREAKING CHRISTMAS TREE!! I do like the Halloween party better overall though.

I loved your Parade photos. So much better than mine. Awesome! I watched the parade on one party night in Frontierland (and also Boo to You) so it's really not that bad. The only thing I can think of regarding Main Street is maybe set up somewhere near the train station. I tend to think people line up starting at the Hub and then work down, so train station (on the street) would be last to fill maybe? Just a thought.

Gahhh, Main Street with Snoap. Does it get better than that? :lovestruc
I'm totally with you on Frozen. I know plenty of people are sick of it, but I listen to the soundtrack in the car with DS all the time, and we both love it all!

We are totally addicted to watching parades in Frontierland now. I used to be all about getting a spot on Main Street, but once we tried Frontierland and saw how much less crowded it was and we didn't have to devot so much time staking out a spot, it's a no-brainer now! Hopefully you have the same luck that we had with your MNSSHP and the crowds. If you can watch the later parade, you should find it less crowded no matter where you watch it from!

I'm so glad you finished up this TR! I love your December trips. :goodvibes
Wonderful castle show, fireworks and parade pictures, Jen...I really enjoyed seeing them.

By the way, I listen to my Frozen CD every don't feel bad about that.

I need a pillow pet and think I'm going to buy Mark the Dumbo one in September.

Always good to have an uneventful flight home.


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