The Walking Dead on AMC

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I really enjoyed this episode and thought the ending was fine. Of course, the ending would be better if we didn't have the whole summer off! On the bright side, I love summer and hate to see it end. At least there is something to look forward!
I thought the episode was ok although I do wish it was longer. I couldn't tell if the bad guy who was shot by the sniper was shot in the head or not. I'm hoping not so that he turns and bites all the terminus people so that everyone else can escape.
I don't get what was supposed to keep us do upset till the next season.
I mean it was good but not that good.
Think they talked it way up to try and get more viewers.
I thought it was just okay. Would have been better without all the hype. I was expecting so much more the way they talked it up and said we would be talking and sobbing all summer. :confused3

Was waiting for a "big character death." Happy everyone made it.

I don't think Rick hid the guns for Carol and Ty, he hid them in case something went wrong with Terminus and their guns were confiscated I guess .

Thought it was odd they didn't explain about Beth. Daryl was like, "she's just gone" and Rick was basically like, "mkay." I thought Rick would press for details, or that Daryl would explain that she was kidnapped.
I want to know why there aren't zombies at the fence all over the perimeter in Terminus like at the prison. You'd think the smell of cooking flesh (animal or otherwise) would be drawing them like flies!
I agree it would have been better without the hype. It was a good episode and I'm glad it didn't end on a more contrived cliffhanger, but after all the build up it was a bit anti-climactic. I had a feeling last week that Terminus was serving man, to borrow an old pun, and laughed out loud at the comment about "we take people in, it makes us stronger" as they're plating up mystery meat from the grill for Rick and the rest.
I want to know why there aren't zombies at the fence all over the perimeter in Terminus like at the prison. You'd think the smell of cooking flesh (animal or otherwise) would be drawing them like flies!

This is definitely still a big unanswered question for me.
Yeah, i do think they are the cannibals. When the group were running around they showed fresh, picked clean human bones. They were only shooting at feet b/c they don't want to waste their food.
I also thought it was a good epi, especially the beginning which was intense. But all the hype built it up more than it was. When it ended, I said "Thats' It??" The flashbacks didn't really help except to show Glen had the watch. Now we can blame Hershel for turning Rick into the farmer. No sign of Beth, so I am guessing she is somewhere else or already eaten. Tyrese & Carol still need to arrive.
I don't think the Terminus people have a chance when you have Rick, Daryl, Michonne, & Abraham together! Add Tyrese & it will be a smack down!
It was said it was going to end on a "hopeful cliffhanger." That was exactly right.

I liked this newer, more "Shane-like" version of Rick. It's funny to see that Rick is now seeing everything Shane thought was right.

The title of the episode was "A" and as they were running away from the shooting, they kept being ushered through the "A" doors and into the "A" train car. Not sure what "A" stands for, but there was powdered milk and stuff on the ground, for fattening them up for the feast. I couldn't get a good look at the room with the candles, but I think there were names on the ground of the people they sacrificed to eat? It said "Never again!" and "We first always" which makes me think that they were starving and had to eat their own, so they devised a plan so that they could eat others instead. The room with the candles was a memorial to those of their group they were forced to eat.

Glad there was no major character death. I kept anticipating it... I was really scared for Carl a few times there... but I think that's why a lot of people are like, "That's it?"

Can't believe we have to wait until October. :(
Yeah, i do think they are the cannibals. When the group were running around they showed fresh, picked clean human bones. They were only shooting at feet b/c they don't want to waste their food. I also thought it was a good epi, especially the beginning which was intense. But all the hype built it up more than it was. When it ended, I said "Thats' It??" The flashbacks didn't really help except to show Glen had the watch. Now we can blame Hershel for turning Rick into the farmer. No sign of Beth, so I am guessing she is somewhere else or already eaten. Tyrese & Carol still need to arrive. I don't think the Terminus people have a chance when you have Rick, Daryl, Michonne, & Abraham together! Add Tyrese & it will be a smack down!

On talking dead they said the flash backs were to show the journey Rick has made and even how Carl has grown. It brought us full circle and now Rick is able to fight/kill without the guilt in order to protect his family.
on spoil the dead they are all talking about the episode. Honestly, those folks see more than I ever do in these episodes!

Someone posted that there was a powdered milk container and two bowls on the floor? I did not see this, but apparently Rick saw it. Some are saying it COULD be Judith's milk and the two bowls could be Ty's and Carols, so I guess they could be at Terminus already. Not sure what to make of it as I did not see the milk and bowls. Just pure speculation. They also said there were piles of human bones on the ground as they were running. Again, I did not see that.

Also, I guess the name of the episode was "A" When they were being herded by the gunshots, someone pointed out that every door they ran through was marked "A" I guess the people at terminus have herded others through the compound via gunshots, leading them to the train cars.

I swear I watched it but I did not pick up any of that!
Apparently, and it is true because someone showed a screen shot, there were also two bowls with the mild container so people are speculating Judith, Ty and Carol are there already. Not sure where or why they would have moved them if it was indeed their trash.

As Rick and everyone were running, I did hear people yelling "Help me" and I don't think it was from the train car where Maggie and everyone were, it was before that and seemed to come from a shipping container. So maybe that was Carol?
I assumed the powdered milk was to fatten up the people.

That was my thoughts too, it was outside the train car. They have been on the run forever, no meat on them. So they need to feed them for awhile first.

I liked the episode. Although that scene with the gang had me nearly crying just because those guys scare me so much! That was intense, and I was surprised it was so early on. That was really nasty and yet awesome how Rick took the leader down.

And I also liked the flashbacks.

I was so happy when it was over that everyone was still alive! I wanted more of course, but everyone at least was still alive for another episode at least.
I wonder if they will tell us at some point what the A stands for? Or maybe it means nothing, just a simple way to make the trail they have to herd them through. I was really scared for Carl until he actually got in the train car, that had me really stressed out also.

We watch Crisis after TWD and the agents went to see the president and their security badge just had a giant letter A on them and nothing else LOL.

I think he hid the guns just so they wouldn't have them all. I was surprised when they first got there and they let them keep their weapons.

I was sad to not see Carol and Judith but my daughter said it was a good thing if they hadn't got there yet. I thought we might have seen Beth last night, but oh well. Although maybe we did LOL, on the plate. But she would need to be fattened up too.
Apparently, and it is true because someone showed a screen shot, there were also two bowls with the mild container so people are speculating Judith, Ty and Carol are there already. Not sure where or why they would have moved them if it was indeed their trash.

As Rick and everyone were running, I did hear people yelling "Help me" and I don't think it was from the train car where Maggie and everyone were, it was before that and seemed to come from a shipping container. So maybe that was Carol?

I thought I heard someone screaming too, I thought it sounded like Maggie, but then they kept going passed the noise. But there was so much Chaos I thought maybe I heard wrong. I can rewatch and see.
I still don't think the bowls were for the baby, I think they were feeding Maggie and the rest in the train car, or whoever was dinner in there before them. I don't think they would kill the baby, but I would guess they would just take the baby, and then put Tyrese and Carol with everyone else.
We still don't know how the timeline went, what took place at what times. Beth and Daryl were originally a behind Carol and Tyrese, but then they burned the cabin down and moved on while Carol and Tyrese were at the house.
We still don't know how Maggie got Daryls poncho, and now someone else is wearing it!! :)
Why ask to see their weapons and then give them back?? Hopefully Rick has a spare hidden. Kind of a let down these last few episodes. I think Beth was taken in the car by these people and eaten. No chain on the gates...come on! Daryl should have at least questioned that or Rick. My DD came in after the show was over and said "That was the big ending??" :sad2:
Why ask to see their weapons and then give them back?? Hopefully Rick has a spare hidden. Kind of a let down these last few episodes. I think Beth was taken in the car by these people and eaten. No chain on the gates...come on! Daryl should have at least questioned that or Rick. My DD came in after the show was over and said "That was the big ending??" :sad2:

Daryl and Rick didn't come through the gates, so they didn't see that. There was a chain on the outside gate, it just wasn't locked securely. I guess they just wanted to see their weapons on the ground so they could pat them down to see what else they might have?
I kinda thought we might see the car that took her while they were running, but I didn't see it. Only a little red car and a white Chrysler.
I think Beth was taken in the car by these people and eaten.

Here's the car that took Beth:


Notice the big white cross in the back window.

I think Beth is with someone else completely, and is safe. Highlight to read:

In the comic we meet a priest named Gabriel Stokes. That's who I think Beth is with.

Guess we won't find out until next season, or until casting for the character happens, if it happens.
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