The Muppets just may be rejuvenated, starting this week.

Like Jason Segel + LOVE the Muppets = very excited about this movie!!
We are totally seeing this movie this weekend. I love the muppets. They never go out of style. The girls were pushing for Breaking Dawn but I vetoed that idea.
Excited about the movie and glad to see that they are at least making an effort to revitalize the franchise. It holds so much potential. I'll take the Muppets anyday over the Marvel connection.

Best case for me would be that it does so well that they give consideration to updating the 3d show at DHS. Updated Star Wars, updated Muppets a Monstors Inc coaster and all of sudden DHS is pretty interesting.
I am so happy the Muppets are coming back! DS8 is very much looking forward to the movie. He has gone to Muppetvision 3D several times, but it wasn't until we rented the muppet show videos that he really fell in love with them. He was devastated today when there weren't any muppet movies at the library! Warms my heart that he loves them!! Helps me relive my childhood just a little bit more.
Other than general sprucing up, I'm kind of against making a lot of big renovations to the MuppetVision attraction. That was the last Muppets project Jim Henson worked on. And when you think of the puppeteers who have retired or passed away since, there's some really irreplaceable work going on in there. Not that the current folks aren't doing a great job, but that's the last "live" place to see Jim's Kermit.

But, if they wanted to add on, I'd be all for it. Getting that restaurant they had blue-skied, with the Swedish Chef, and rat waiters? I'd do a happy dance.
I have to say I'm excited about The Muppets - pure selfishness on my part. We are planning to surprise the girls Christmas morning with news of the trip and we are theming their gifts to go with the trip. They love the Muppets (Kermit now has a 3 story house in L's room) and don't even realize they are "Disney".

And, this was my father's favourite show so it's nice to continue sharing it with the next generation.
Love the video! Love the Muppets! I hope it does well this weekend. :goodvibes
its a great time right now (cgi, 3D tech) to introduce The Muppets to a new audience who don't know who they are and hopefully revitalise the brand. Do Disney own the Muppets brand then?
My teen DS is actually excited about the movie. Hopefully people of all ages will learn to appreciate the Muppets once again.
I don't know who Jason Segal is or what show he's in with Doogie, but I do love the Muppets. :)
Jason Segal to me is so adorable and I just love him in HIMYM. I also LOVE the Muppets so I really can't wait to see how this turns out. Now I just have to find someone to go see the movie with me since my fiance and my parents aren't big Muppet fans. :(
I won passes from a local radio station for a sneak preview and saw the movie this past Saturday. My boys all loved it (even the 16yr old!) and so did I. Walking out of the theater, it was hard to tell who enjoyed it more ~ the kids or adults!
I wasn't aware that they had gone "out of style"... :confused3

My husband bought me the Muppet Show DVDs- there are 6 of them so far but I think some are missing- and I watch them with my children and their friends.

I have always loved the Muppets and Sesame Street. We see the Muppet Show every time we go to Disney. It cracks me up everytime I am there...reminds me of the original show and watching it with my parents. (Along with Hee Haw, Little House on the Praire, Wild Kingdom, Gong Show, and other oldies but goodies.)

Call me foolish, but I really think that the Muppets always had staying power. Kermit is almost as iconic to me as Mickey is....(oooooh, I said it out loud.)

I agree! They have never gone out of style for me either. It is a staple in our house to watch "A Muppet Christmas Carol" and "A Very Muppet Christmas" during the holidays! We can't wait to see the new movie and I always get a kick out of the Muppet Theater at WDW. "A net full of jello"...:rotfl: :)
Jason Segal to me is so adorable and I just love him in HIMYM. I also LOVE the Muppets so I really can't wait to see how this turns out. Now I just have to find someone to go see the movie with me since my fiance and my parents aren't big Muppet fans. :(

Go by yourself - you can't talk during a movie anyway! :)

My daughter is very excited - I have some of the Muppet show DVD's - I need to show them to her. We just got back and she loved the show at DHS.
Go by yourself - you can't talk during a movie anyway! :)

My daughter is very excited - I have some of the Muppet show DVD's - I need to show them to her. We just got back and she loved the show at DHS.

I will probably end up doing that. Then I won't have to share my popcorn with anyone. :)
Favorite episode was with Alice Cooper as a child... HERE

and the best song was that.. THIS

The Muppets are my favorite childhood memory of TV, 4:00pm i was sitting on the floor turning that HUGE dial to the 1 of about 5 actual channels?!?
i have all the old episodes about time to break them out again!
Going this weekend!!


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