Biggest Loser 11 Spring Team Challenge--for Losers and Maintainers

GO LISA!!!! can't wait to hear all about your half marathon! i will live vicariously through you as my running has come to a complete halt the last couple of months. have a great time!
A great BIG CONGRATULATIONS to all of the losers and maintainers! You all are such inspiration! Congratulations to the WINners too!! I promise to be better in the next challenge...I am not afraid of the scale, I am not afraid of the scale (repeat many times).

Well we're still in Florida...
OMG! I'm glad you are stuck in FL and not blown to pieces in the crazy storms! I got stuck at Disney last year due to snow storms in the Northeast but we were able to stay one more night at the Poly (since the people who were supposed to check in couldn't get there either!). Wish you were stuck at Disney and not the airport :(
Safe Travels!

Good morning Team

went to the awards show last night. the high school I teach at were given a special award for teaching the entire cast to tap dance for 42nd St. The local high school I work with won for lightingbut lost everything else. Our lead lost just before the group was supposed to go on. He had a solo to start their number. He hit note, the audience went wide and a group behind us said "Why didn't he win best actor?" It made us feel a little better. They were true professionals
Dona, so sorry the lead actor was not honored as it seems he should have been, but at least some kids were recognized! I love my new school but they only do a musical every other year :( Luckily this year they will be doing one! So psyched for them!

Need some pixie dust! Mom just emailed that she is doing worse and in a lot of pain. She can hardly put one foot in front of the other and if she doesn't start feeling better in the next few days they won't be able to come home. My sister is driving her to radiation as she is in so much pain. The pills aren't helping and she thinks the radiation is making things worse.

:hug: and love and pixie dust coming your way....

good morning everyone! we are still dealing with jet lag over here. at least that's what i think it is. the night before last thomas screamed and screamed in his crib. we usually let him just cry and he'll fall asleep but this time he FELL OUT OF HIS CRIB!! loudest thunk i've ever heard. and of course hubby is traveling until friday. always the fun stuff when i'm on my own.

i've been still gaining weight and not exercising. i've been feeling awfully crampy the last few days so i've been using that as an excuse to lay around more. but i find that when i'm stressed and overtired i eat everything in sight. it's a double whammy for sure. thomas was up at 6am and i had ever intention of taking him for a walk before mommy and me but these cramps have me not wanting to move. and for some reason thomas seems to just want to jump on my uterus all day. i swear this new kid is going to come out fighting!!

what are everyone's plans for the long weekend?

we have alot of house work that needs to be done. going away for 2 weeks makes for a messy house and overgrown hedges! we have a pig roast at our beach club on saturday that sounds fun. we are supposed to bring our own drinks and sides. anyone have any good ideas for a side i can make??

have a great day xoxo
Nancy, I hope that Thomas is back on EST soon!! My sister is pregnant and my nephew likes to jump on her belly too! Wonder what that's all about? He does kiss the baby and is willing to move his room for the baby so it's not jealousy...hmmmm! Have a great time at the pig roast! Maybe you can bring a pasta salad? Pretty easy and tasty on a hot day?

I feel like I've been hit with a truck this morning. Hopefully it's just still being tired. Yesterday I did the laundry and put everything away except for a few misc things out of the backpacks. Thanks for the motivation Pamela. Mike was quite happy when he got home.

I went to work for an event in the afternoon for a couple of hours. My car wouldn't start--but I think it was just a key issue. No problems now. Tom was home so I took his car.

We had some nasty storms last night. Earlier in the evening there was a tornado north of here. (Well, they still have to confirm, but they are pretty sure it was a tornado.) We got an inch and a half of rain. Supposedly it's going to dry out--I hope so.

Time to get ready for work. We have baseball tonight, so I might not be back on. Have a great, healthy day!:goodvibes
Rose, Hope you are feeling better! Try to stay dry..those storms are nasty!

Karen- Hope your headaches hit the road soon. Did you give up caffeine with the cleanse too? Those caffeinne withdrawal headaches can be brutal. Hope you're feeling better soon.:hug: Maybe you should let Brian go with his mom, and enjoy some alone time.;)
Thanks Kathy! Yes, the caffeine is gone and I really think that was the key to the headaches. Today I feel human again! Brian will be going to the shore with his mom....alone. I saw him yesterday..briefly before his suicide survivor group...and asked if he wanted me to come down as a buffer. He said no that he needed to do this by himself. I just told him that he can always call me if he needed me. So, a weekend with no plans for me!

Aww, Karen, sorry for the headaches and crankiness. :hug: Some of it is probably your body adjusting and some may be good old fashioned stress. I'm sure it is hard watching Brian go through the grieving process -- it is one of those situations where sometimes there won't be anything that you can do right. Hang in there. The passage of time is a great healer.

My favorite Winnie the Pooh characters are these guys:

Did you know that the Winnie the Poor ride displaced Country Bear Jamboree at DL? These guys are hidden in the ride as a tribute -- like Mr. Toad handing the deed to Mr. Owl in WDW. I always like to look for them when I ride.

Two days until the long week-end! :yay: Saturday we are seeing Wicked in Spokane. I have to pick up my race packet before we head over there. Sunday is my half marathon. I'll be so happy to finish this one! :love: Monday to recouperate and then two busy weeks of school before finals. Summer will be here before we know it! :sunny:

Have a great day all!

Thanks Lisa! I'm feeling less cranky today and the caffeine is out of my system so I feel overall better! I need to look for those Pooh guys next time I am out in the LAND! They look cute! I LOVE Wicked! I just saw it for the third time in April :) ENjoy! Best of luck on your race! I will be rooting for you from this coast! YAY for almost summer!

I'm sorry I don't have time to catch up. We are in the middle of the crazy weeks I've been anticipating for at least 4 months. Tomorrow night my son and our international student have prom. We are hosting the pre-prom party (for 10-12 kids and all their parents) AND the post-prom gathering (from 12:30 - 3:30 a.m.).

It is also our daughter's university graduation (her department ceremony, convocation). So, as soon as we send the prom kids off in the limo, we have to hustle to the university, find parking, and get seated by 7 pm.

Saturday morning is the main graduation for the entire University. So, after sending most of the kids home at 3:30 a.m., getting DH out the door to drive our son's date home about 50 minutes round-trip, and getting everyone settled who is spending the night, we'll all have to be out of the house Saturday morning by 7 a.m. (after everyone has breakfast, too!) After the graduation on Saturday, we are doing a nice luncheon at a favorite restaurant. Then we get to relax until DS's parade and final band gathering Monday evening.

It's all so much fun, but also a bit exhausting. :)
Cam, how could you not be exhausted after all of this!! I wish you all the best as you go through the next few weeks!! :hug:

Busy morning here! I had a college counselor breakfast meeting at 7:30 (which meant I was up at 5:30 and out the door by 6:30)...YUCK! SO I am tired this morning. Got back to the office around 10:30 and had a student meeting at 11:30 and another at 1pm...after being sooo bored this is a treat!

Went to my trainer last night and almost passed out. I don't think I was dehydrated but this cleanse thing is really messing with me. I worked out for the half hour with him and then went home and had chick peas with some sea salt and water to drink. I felt sooo much better. Later in the evening Christine and I went for a walk and we jogged a little. She is doing SB so her energy level was off too. We did 2.3 miles and actually broke a sweat (it was humid here). We decided to walk together at least once a week and I told her about the summer challenge which she wants to join! YAY!

Well off to eat before my student gets here...steamed veggies, quinoa,veggie broth, and water. Can't wait until I can have fruit again!!!
Happy Thursday to all!
I am so excited that I finally made it to #1 for a week!! :cool1:

I started to reply when it was posted last night but all hell broke loose and I didn't get a chance to get back. DD15 got a text from a friend I don't know that he had intentionally hurt himself and we didn't know exactly what was going on so had to make some phone calls and was comforting dd for the rest of the night. His mom was called and we were updated that he was okay. Not sure if he had actually done anything or not. I let her stay home and sleep late this morning and took her to school after her first period gym class. I am sure she will have a lot to say when she gets home in a few minutes.

It looks like the cruise is a go! I need to make the payment this afternoon. I just emailed DH with his last chance to back out.

I will try to make it back later.
Feeling very lousy right now. My mom had to have a home health aide come and help today. She is in so much pain she can't walk. They had to use a wheelchair to get her into her radiation appointment today. They are getting her some very strong drugs. She can hardly sit up.

Told work not to schedule me any body else today. I'm just not up to seeing anyone else. Just feeling like crying! Ash just came home and knew immediately that something was bothering me! Can't keep anything from that kid.
Feeling very lousy right now. My mom had to have a home health aide come and help today. She is in so much pain she can't walk. They had to use a wheelchair to get her into her radiation appointment today. They are getting her some very strong drugs. She can hardly sit up.

Told work not to schedule me any body else today. I'm just not up to seeing anyone else. Just feeling like crying! Ash just came home and knew immediately that something was bothering me! Can't keep anything from that kid.

Tracey...:hug::hug::hug:. I'm sending you lots of prayers....
Tracey - I am so sorry your Mom is in so much pain. I really hope they can manage it effectively with new meds today. I know you are feeling helpless being so far away. Sending you a hug. :hug:
Feeling very lousy right now. My mom had to have a home health aide come and help today. She is in so much pain she can't walk. They had to use a wheelchair to get her into her radiation appointment today. They are getting her some very strong drugs. She can hardly sit up.

Told work not to schedule me any body else today. I'm just not up to seeing anyone else. Just feeling like crying! Ash just came home and knew immediately that something was bothering me! Can't keep anything from that kid.

:hug: Is the radiation causing this? My stepfather just went through radiation and was pretty miserable. He couldn't stand or walk and slept all the time. They ended up having to put in a feeding tube in because he couldn't eat. But after it was all over he is feeling better. Hopefully they can make her comfortable for now and it will get better.

Cry all you need to. Sometimes it is just all you can do and it has to be done. :hug:
GO LISA!!!! can't wait to hear all about your half marathon! i will live vicariously through you as my running has come to a complete halt the last couple of months. have a great time!

Thanks, Nancy! :flower3: It is 44 and rainy and windy here -- hoping for a bit warmer weather on Sunday -- so vicariously is probably the way to go on this one. ;) At least I won't have to worry about heat and humidity this time! :rotfl:

Went to my trainer last night and almost passed out. I don't think I was dehydrated but this cleanse thing is really messing with me. I worked out for the half hour with him and then went home and had chick peas with some sea salt and water to drink. I felt sooo much better. Later in the evening Christine and I went for a walk and we jogged a little. She is doing SB so her energy level was off too. We did 2.3 miles and actually broke a sweat (it was humid here). We decided to walk together at least once a week and I told her about the summer challenge which she wants to join! YAY!

Sorry for the tough training session, Karen. :hug: Can you believe that you pay someone to do that to you?!? ;) Nice job on the run/walk later! :thumbsup2 I remember that you said that loved Wicked so much. I'm looking forward to it.

I am so excited that I finally made it to #1 for a week!! :cool1:

Congratulations! :goodvibes Don't forget to snag that fabulous clippie to celebrate your accomplishment.

Feeling very lousy right now. My mom had to have a home health aide come and help today. She is in so much pain she can't walk. They had to use a wheelchair to get her into her radiation appointment today. They are getting her some very strong drugs. She can hardly sit up.

Told work not to schedule me any body else today. I'm just not up to seeing anyone else. Just feeling like crying! Ash just came home and knew immediately that something was bothering me! Can't keep anything from that kid.

Tracey, I'm so sorry that your Mom is still feeling so bad. :hug: It sounds like they are trying to help her to feel better. Radiation is tough. This whole ordeal is hard for everyone -- too bad it is only the patient who gets the drugs. Have you looked into a support group closer to home to help you with what you are going through, too? I know that you are trying to be strong for everybody but there is nothing wrong with needing help for you, too. :flower3: Take care!
Thanks, Nancy! :flower3: It is 44 and rainy and windy here -- hoping for a bit warmer weather on Sunday -- so vicariously is probably the way to go on this one. ;) At least I won't have to worry about heat and humidity this time! :rotfl:

well i wouldn't like the rain but the 44 degrees might not be too bad. it was REALLY hot at the princess and i didn't drink enough. wound up pretty dehydrated with cramps afterwards. (of course that didn't stop me from my fiesta margarita - what i was training for the whole time!)


tracey i'm so sorry to hear things are going too well. i will pray that your mom feels better as soon as possible.

LTS - congrats on the biggest loser. it was the last week so i mean in my head that would mean i was the biggest loser forever! lol. great job :)

karen - i need to go back and catch up on a ton of posts still because i'm sure you mentioned it but what kind of cleanse are you doing? also, i love chickpeas. i could eat them every day. oh wait i have been (hummus!!) lately :)

rose - i hope your day brightens up!! that stinks about the car - but you did remind me that i need to get my car inspected ;) an inch and a half of rain? sheesh, i hope it dries out soon!!


i'm posting quickly from an empty house. i started to lose it a little and dropped thomas off at my girlfriend's house about an hour and a half ago. i just walked home and laid on the couch for a little and then checked the dis. i feel bad that i can't seem to handle a 2 year old! how did my grandmother have TEN children?? the good news is that DH is coming home tonight from his trip instead of tomorrow! at least maybe i can give him the monitor and i can go sleep in another room for the night. i'm so tired!!
Dr. thinks it could possibly be a bladder infection. Hoping it's that simple. She's sleeping every afternoon and having trouble at night.

I'm trying to hold myself together! I told them not to call me into work tonight. I just wouldn't feel right giving someone a massage with how I'm feeling right now!

Also, please pray for redwalker's niece who is in the hospital with an unknown bacterial infection. Paige is a sweet little girl. She had an accident and hit her head last week and now she has a swollen eye. They are at Children's in Boston. I just spoke to redwalker a few minutes ago and she said all the prayers we can get will be helpful!!!!

Please someone share something positive with me! It's been a downer day all around and you know TIGGER doesn't like to feel that way!

Update: redwalker's niece has been discharged from Children's and they will see their doctor tomorrow and hopefully have a handle on this!
Congratulations! :goodvibes Don't forget to snag that fabulous clippie to celebrate your accomplishment.
Going to. I keep getting distracted everytime I try!

LTS - congrats on the biggest loser. it was the last week so i mean in my head that would mean i was the biggest loser forever! lol. great job :)
I figure I get to be the reigning Weekly loser until the first one of the Summer challenge is named! :thumbsup2 DD15 is having a great time telling everyone that I am a BIG LOSER. :rotfl:

Dr. thinks it could possibly be a bladder infection. Hoping it's that simple. She's sleeping every afternoon and having trouble at night.

Also, please pray for redwalker's niece who is in the hospital with an unknown bacterial infection. Paige is a sweet little girl. She had an accident and hit her head last week and now she has a swollen eye. They are at Children's in Boston. I just spoke to redwalker a few minutes ago and she said all the prayers we can get will be helpful!!!!

Please someone share something positive with me! It's been a downer day all around and you know TIGGER doesn't like to feel that way!

Update: redwalker's niece has been discharged from Children's and they will see their doctor tomorrow and hopefully have a handle on this!

Great update. Hope that redwalker's niece continues to feel better.

Let's see, what is positive?
  • I just paid for our cruise. :woohoo:
  • It is beautiful and sunny here and the pool opens this weekend. :woohoo:
  • I get to go and serve ice cream to several hundred high schoolers tomorrow. :thumbsup2
  • I got some inside information on the job I applied for and it is exactly what I want. Said they will be interviewing "later this month" but since it already IS later this month I hope they mean June (after school is out). Also hope my inside source perhaps mentions what a great candidate I am to the principal!
  • I cleaned out my purse.
  • Our humane society has just brought in several planes full of rescued puppies and they are sooooo cute! They showed them on the news. I am NOT a dog person but even I wanted to go and adopt one!
Just ate some Chinese food and watching The Tooth Fairy. I'm going to head to bed here in a little while. We are going to be up around 730ish. The shuttle will be taking us to the airport at 830. Our flight leaves around 11 and we get home shortly after 1pm. I can honestly say I had an awesome trip but am ready to sleep in my own bed :).
Tracey: :hug::hug::hug: I am so sorry your mother is in such pain. Hopefully her dr. figured it out and she'll be better ASAP. :hug::hug::hug:

Give a :hug: to Ash too. She sounds like a trooper.

Today was a pretty bad day. But, my new plan starts tomorrow. I am going to WW and facing the truth no matter how ugly it is. I am going to re-commit to my goal of 2500 miles before my trip to WDW and see how far I can get. I have enough time to lose at least 20 pounds. I'd love to be at goal for my trip, but since I haven't even decided what my goal is...

Honestly, my totally unrealistic, not-going-to-happen-because-I-know-better-goal, is to be at 109 pounds for my trip. That's about 65 pounds in 3 months. Uh, I don't think so. The problem is that I keep thinking that I want that to really be my goal and to aim for that much lost in that little time. I know I need a real-as in yes, thats possible-goal, though. Okay, I've decided. My summer goal is going to be to lose 20 pounds. That's about 1 pound a week. That would put me at a much better weight for Disney!

I think I'll stick to 2 HH a week for the summer challenge. I like Cam's idea of one easy one, so I'll do that too. I have some surprises planned too. And prizes will be back as well!

Have a great night everyone! Thanks for listening to my vent.

Tracey- So So sorry for all your mom is going through and for you having to deal with it all from a distance.

Nancy- a 2 yr old in general is hard to handle all day plus adding in being pregnant, feeling crampy, and not sleeping......dont feel bad at all for handing him off to a sitter for some "me" time. I dont know how your grandmom did it either but all I can say is certain people are just made to have lots of kids and others are not. I for one am not. 2 is enough for me.:lmao: I saw your pics and they were gorgeous. Thomas is so cute and you looked wonderful too.

Rose- I always loved Eeyore. He was my all time favorite. I think I just found him funny.

Hello to everyone else I missed. I tried to quickly catch up. Today I was off and volunteered at Ryan's field day. It was fun. Very hot here in the 90's but I would rather the heat vs cold and rainy. I turned on the central air today. Just couldnt take it anymore. I have no idea how I grew up without C/A. We just used box fans.:confused3 I spent the day with Ryan playing outside mostly spraying each other with the hose. Then he had tball tonight.

Tomorrow I have to go to a work meeting first thing in the a.m and then its parents day tea at ryans school.

I will check in again tomorrow. Mike is freaking me out because it has gotten really windy out and it lightening and thundering so I am going to get off of the computer. so I got to run.
Hi, everyone! Congratulations to all of our losers last week. It's a good thing we didnt' have to report in this week as my weigh in this morning was a disaster. :eek: :guilty:

CC - I like to have more HHs as long as one or two of them are kind of "easy" and the same every week - like water and fruits/veggies servings. I kind of feel like if I have those things pretty much down pat, I can count on 10-14 easy points. LOL!

Pamela - The other item I love in trail mix is mini pretzels or very thin pretzel sticks. The salty with the sweet (like M&Ms) is very appealing to me. I am likely to buy trail mix just because it includes pretzels. LOL!

I'm sorry I don't have time to catch up. We are in the middle of the crazy weeks I've been anticipating for at least 4 months. Tomorrow night my son and our international student have prom. We are hosting the pre-prom party (for 10-12 kids and all their parents) AND the post-prom gathering (from 12:30 - 3:30 a.m.).

It is also our daughter's university graduation (her department ceremony, convocation). So, as soon as we send the prom kids off in the limo, we have to hustle to the university, find parking, and get seated by 7 pm.

Saturday morning is the main graduation for the entire University. So, after sending most of the kids home at 3:30 a.m., getting DH out the door to drive our son's date home about 50 minutes round-trip, and getting everyone settled who is spending the night, we'll all have to be out of the house Saturday morning by 7 a.m. (after everyone has breakfast, too!) After the graduation on Saturday, we are doing a nice luncheon at a favorite restaurant. Then we get to relax until DS's parade and final band gathering Monday evening.

It's all so much fun, but also a bit exhausting. :)

Good luck getting it all done. I hope sleep is in there somewhere for you:wizard:

Feeling very lousy right now. My mom had to have a home health aide come and help today. She is in so much pain she can't walk. They had to use a wheelchair to get her into her radiation appointment today. They are getting her some very strong drugs. She can hardly sit up.

Told work not to schedule me any body else today. I'm just not up to seeing anyone else. Just feeling like crying! Ash just came home and knew immediately that something was bothering me! Can't keep anything from that kid.

Could you go visit? I'm sure it would help you immensely:wizard:

well i wouldn't like the rain but the 44 degrees might not be too bad. it was REALLY hot at the princess and i didn't drink enough. wound up pretty dehydrated with cramps afterwards. (of course that didn't stop me from my fiesta margarita - what i was training for the whole time!)


tracey i'm so sorry to hear things are going too well. i will pray that your mom feels better as soon as possible.

LTS - congrats on the biggest loser. it was the last week so i mean in my head that would mean i was the biggest loser forever! lol. great job :)

karen - i need to go back and catch up on a ton of posts still because i'm sure you mentioned it but what kind of cleanse are you doing? also, i love chickpeas. i could eat them every day. oh wait i have been (hummus!!) lately :)

rose - i hope your day brightens up!! that stinks about the car - but you did remind me that i need to get my car inspected ;) an inch and a half of rain? sheesh, i hope it dries out soon!!


i'm posting quickly from an empty house. i started to lose it a little and dropped thomas off at my girlfriend's house about an hour and a half ago. i just walked home and laid on the couch for a little and then checked the dis. i feel bad that i can't seem to handle a 2 year old! how did my grandmother have TEN children?? the good news is that DH is coming home tonight from his trip instead of tomorrow! at least maybe i can give him the monitor and i can go sleep in another room for the night. i'm so tired!!

Good luck. Get some rest now as you"ll certainly need it before long

Dr. thinks it could possibly be a bladder infection. Hoping it's that simple. She's sleeping every afternoon and having trouble at night.

I'm trying to hold myself together! I told them not to call me into work tonight. I just wouldn't feel right giving someone a massage with how I'm feeling right now!

Also, please pray for redwalker's niece who is in the hospital with an unknown bacterial infection. Paige is a sweet little girl. She had an accident and hit her head last week and now she has a swollen eye. They are at Children's in Boston. I just spoke to redwalker a few minutes ago and she said all the prayers we can get will be helpful!!!!

Please someone share something positive with me! It's been a downer day all around and you know TIGGER doesn't like to feel that way!

Update: redwalker's niece has been discharged from Children's and they will see their doctor tomorrow and hopefully have a handle on this!

:wizard:For your family and Redwalker'S
Not much to say tonight. I PMed Rose and Lisah about this summer's HH and I now have some questions for all of you.

I was thinking of having 4 HH each week. Is that too many? Two? Three? Your thoughts are appreciated.

I don't mind 4.

Feeling very lousy right now. My mom had to have a home health aide come and help today. She is in so much pain she can't walk. They had to use a wheelchair to get her into her radiation appointment today. They are getting her some very strong drugs. She can hardly sit up.

Told work not to schedule me any body else today. I'm just not up to seeing anyone else. Just feeling like crying! Ash just came home and knew immediately that something was bothering me! Can't keep anything from that kid.

Hugs to mom and you!!! continued prayers.

Dr. thinks it could possibly be a bladder infection. Hoping it's that simple. She's sleeping every afternoon and having trouble at night.

I'm trying to hold myself together! I told them not to call me into work tonight. I just wouldn't feel right giving someone a massage with how I'm feeling right now!

Also, please pray for redwalker's niece who is in the hospital with an unknown bacterial infection. Paige is a sweet little girl. She had an accident and hit her head last week and now she has a swollen eye. They are at Children's in Boston. I just spoke to redwalker a few minutes ago and she said all the prayers we can get will be helpful!!!!

Please someone share something positive with me! It's been a downer day all around and you know TIGGER doesn't like to feel that way!

Update: redwalker's niece has been discharged from Children's and they will see their doctor tomorrow and hopefully have a handle on this!

I hope the Dr can figure out what's wrong with mom. Keep us posted.

Redwalker's niece - Did she hit her head above her eye? The reason why I ask is DS9 did that, and the blood pooled (gravity) into his eye which made it swell and gave him a black eye.
Hopefully that's all it is.

OH the day from hell is over!!!!!! Today was field day and for some reason the day took forever to get here and we had so many obstacles get in our way. Freezer pops wouldn't freeze, large walk in freezer died for the 4th time this year, principal "forgot" the water and gatorade at her house, it was misting all morning, I had to run out to Walmart and get everything we needed which meant I lost my parking space (there was not a single one left so I had to park in the lower field), the head cook got into a fight with the dad grilling, then I came home to the air conditioner leaking and now my carpet is soaked and smells musty! I might have to rip it up, which probably isn't a terrible thing but I hope it didn't ruin the hard woods underneath. I'm going to pull it up a little tomorrow and check.
Then I had to get DS9, take him to mom's, then go to the high school to watch DS10 run in the championship. It was bad!!! Our kids are literally 1/2 the size of all the other kids. A few of our fastest runners got medals for 3rd place but wow, we were grossly unprepared!!!
OMG I'm so glad today is over!!!

But on the up side I didn't eat much, did very little snacking and got in 10,636 steps!!!

Tomorrow is Friday! DH is coming home and is aiming for being home for 2 weeks!! And we have 3 weeks of school left!!! Come on summer!!!!
Tracey-:hug:So sorry your mom is having a tough time, and that you are so far away. Thinking of you all, and praying they will be able to help your mom to feel better real soon.:hug:

Good friday morning!!

After school we went to visit my godparents, and on the way home, we stopped at the Border Cafe for mexican, where I thought of you, LTS, and how successful you have been this challenge, but I continued to eat the chips and salsa, and said tomorrow is a new day, but after I felt awful. I ate way more than I needed, and came home and went to bed early. But, yet again, today is a new day, and I don't want to be this weight or any more this summer, so it's time to get on track.
If I get out of work on time, I'm going to do a Boot camp class with a friend tonight, and will run in the morning before we head out to my brother's for the weekend. We'll come back sun night for michael to walk in the memorial day parade with the scouts monday morning.

Weather here is looking good, so we'll bring our bikes out and hopefully get some exercise in over the weekend.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. :grouphug:Hugs to those in need and struggling.
Good Morning All. We're camping this weekend so I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to check in again. Not sure if we have internet at the campgground or not. Enjoy the extra day :goodvibes

Mom just called and of course scared the crap out of me. They had to call EMS during the night to help get her up. She has a hospital appointment at 8am this morning. My sister said no more radiation. She said she has never been in so much pain.

I have a feeling I may have to go down sometime in the next two weeks if things don't improve. My mom said my sister is going to VA next weekend so no body will be around. They do have some neighbors that would help them. Our schedules are so crazy right now with end of the year activities and the recital coming up that it will be hard to go down. My sister hasn't asked me to come down yet. Maybe my brother can go down.

Gotta get moving now and make lunches. Got a whole bunch of errands to run this morning before stopping in at work and after my dentist appointment.

TTFN :tigger:
Cam--I hope you enjoy your very busy weekend.:goodvibes

Tracey--Hope you are hanging in there.:hug:

Nancy--I think getting a babysitter to give yourself a break is a great idea. I hope you get some rest this weekend.

CC--I think 1 pound a week is a reasonable, ATTAINABLE goal.:goodvibes

Kathy--You deserve to be successful at this--everyone deserves to be successful. :hug:

Deb--have a fabulous weekend camping.:goodvibes

I would like to challenge everyone this weekend to do two things--

1. Schedule some form of exercise everyday. Even if it is just a 15 minute walk. It will help you focus on your goals, give you a feeling of success for completing a scheduled task, and if you are dealing with family stuff this weekend help you to keep your head clear.

2. Delay the impulse eating by 5 minutes. Just 5 minutes. If you are at an event and the chips and dip are out and everyone is snacking away, delay for just 5 minutes. You might find that 5 minutes is enough to keep you from even wanting an unhealthy treat, and if nothing else that is 5 minutes less snacking!

I know this is hard sometimes. I wish I could tell you that you will hit your goal weight and you will miraculously not have to exercise anymore and the urge to eat unhealthy food will just disappear. But it doesn't. And I don't want to depress anyone. We can all learn coping skills and we all can have healthy bodies. We just need to keep swimming.:goodvibes


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