Disboutiquers Part 8 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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Sorry to hear you have been having such long morning sickness...hopefully that will subside soon!

As far as ideas on helping wash hair....my DD had issues with the water going in her eyes so I let her pick out some "special bathtime" goggles for her eyes and she LOVED it.
great idea with the goggles :)
Sorry to hear you have been having such long morning sickness...hopefully that will subside soon!

As far as ideas on helping wash hair....my DD had issues with the water going in her eyes so I let her pick out some "special bathtime" goggles for her eyes and she LOVED it.

thats sound like a good idea- like swim googles? Do they make them for toddlers? She is about a size 18-24 m in cloths, so on the petit side. Where do I find those in October!

Also- One more thing!!
There is a gal in my MOPS (Mothers Of Preschoolers) group. She and her husband have a 1yr old and a 3yr old and he was recently diagnosed with brain cancer- stage 3, he's been given 5 years to live, he's about 37 years old. She has been a stay at home mom since her first child was born and he has been out of work for the last 3 months and money is very very tight. Her neighborhood is doing a tag sale/bake sale/activites day to raise money for them, but more than anything they need prayers. I know many of you pray, and this nice family (Jen and Ken) could use all the prayers they can get.
Hi everyone, I am sorry I havent been around in a while. I havent been feeling too good (morning sickness that just sticks with me ALLLLLLLL day)

has anyone heard how the TN family liked their things? How was their trip?This was Maroo's family she cares for. I made a few things and hoped the family liked them and stuck in a few "extras" in my package.

everything Ive seen in the last couple pages looks beautiful- love the bag!

Also couple questions.....

1. My 2 and half year old loves baths but hates having her hair washed now, for quite sometime now she screams and shakes and covers her head and crys "ALL DONE" while I try to wash her hair. I have tried several things, but nothing works so far- I'm open to ideas!

2. Potty training. She wants to put the poop from her diaper in the toilet, but refuses to even try sitting on the potty herself. She will hold her baby doll over the toilet and play pretend. We have the "Once Upon A Potty" DVD and she's watched that a few times. Any suggestions? Or is it just a time thing and I just have to wait and it will come on it's own? (this is the thought process I have now) We have a mini potty and a seat for the regular commode so she has her choice and we invite her to sit on it before baths, or whenever, but dont force it. If we are awake and I see her "pushing" I suggest going to sit on the potty in a kind and encouraging voice, but she whines "Nooooooo" so I say, it's okay. I never make her feel like I dont want to change her diaper or that she's done anything wrong.
I've read a book that focuses on a whole doll and candy reward thing- but she is not interested. and Im not interested in "training in the nude".
That said- what are your thoughts?

PS. As for sewing, Im working on a wool coat for her, hope to finish it tomorrow if my stomach feels well enough to focus. Im going to a sewing group to hopefully keep my mind off how I'm feeling.

Sorry about your "morning" sickness! I know how bad that can be!!!! With my oldest she didn't like water in her face, so I would put a tiny amount of water in the bottom of the tub, that way she could lie down in the water without it getting in her eyes or ears and just use a washcloth to get the soap out!! As far as the potty thing, I never tried to potty train my oldest daughter. She always went in the bathroom with me and I told her that big girls only go on the potty. When she was about 28months, she woke up one morning and told me that she wanted to be a big girl and didn't want any more diapers. She has been wearing underwear ever since. So I def agree with waiting until they are ready. Easier on mom and child!:thumbsup2
Hi everyone, I am sorry I havent been around in a while. I havent been feeling too good (morning sickness that just sticks with me ALLLLLLLL day)

has anyone heard how the TN family liked their things? How was their trip?This was Maroo's family she cares for. I made a few things and hoped the family liked them and stuck in a few "extras" in my package.

everything Ive seen in the last couple pages looks beautiful- love the bag!

Also couple questions.....

1. My 2 and half year old loves baths but hates having her hair washed now, for quite sometime now she screams and shakes and covers her head and crys "ALL DONE" while I try to wash her hair. I have tried several things, but nothing works so far- I'm open to ideas!

2. Potty training. She wants to put the poop from her diaper in the toilet, but refuses to even try sitting on the potty herself. She will hold her baby doll over the toilet and play pretend. We have the "Once Upon A Potty" DVD and she's watched that a few times. Any suggestions? Or is it just a time thing and I just have to wait and it will come on it's own? (this is the thought process I have now) We have a mini potty and a seat for the regular commode so she has her choice and we invite her to sit on it before baths, or whenever, but dont force it. If we are awake and I see her "pushing" I suggest going to sit on the potty in a kind and encouraging voice, but she whines "Nooooooo" so I say, it's okay. I never make her feel like I dont want to change her diaper or that she's done anything wrong.
I've read a book that focuses on a whole doll and candy reward thing- but she is not interested. and Im not interested in "training in the nude".
That said- what are your thoughts?

PS. As for sewing, Im working on a wool coat for her, hope to finish it tomorrow if my stomach feels well enough to focus. Im going to a sewing group to hopefully keep my mind off how I'm feeling.

Sorry about your "morning" sickness! I know how bad that can be!!!! With my oldest she didn't like water in her face, so I would put a tiny amount of water in the bottom of the tub, that way she could lie down in the water without it getting in her eyes or ears and just use a washcloth to get the soap out!! As far as the potty thing, I never tried to potty train my oldest daughter. She always went in the bathroom with me and I told her that big girls only go on the potty. When she was about 28months, she woke up one morning and told me that she wanted to be a big girl and didn't want any more diapers. She has been wearing underwear ever since. So I def agree with waiting until they are ready. Easier on mom and child!:thumbsup2
Also couple questions.....

1. My 2 and half year old loves baths but hates having her hair washed now, for quite sometime now she screams and shakes and covers her head and crys "ALL DONE" while I try to wash her hair. I have tried several things, but nothing works so far- I'm open to ideas!

For more of a rinse than a full shampoo we do this:
My DS loves Doodlebops and I got him to deal with water being poured on his head by playing "Don't Pull the Rope!!!" I let him start doing it himself and then when he was comfortable pouring water on his own head then I started 'playing' too.
It was very important for us to make sure to do a splash sound first and then the big head shake and make a funny noise like Moe (or is it Rooney?) does.

For the actual shampoo times I try to get him to lay back in the tub to rinse and sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star while I swish the water around to get the soap out.
you are correct!

Thank you! I wish I could watch someone who knew what they were doing use a serger but I'm going it alone!

Hi everyone, I am sorry I havent been around in a while. I havent been feeling too good (morning sickness that just sticks with me ALLLLLLLL day)

has anyone heard how the TN family liked their things? How was their trip?This was Maroo's family she cares for. I made a few things and hoped the family liked them and stuck in a few "extras" in my package.

everything Ive seen in the last couple pages looks beautiful- love the bag!

Also couple questions.....

1. My 2 and half year old loves baths but hates having her hair washed now, for quite sometime now she screams and shakes and covers her head and crys "ALL DONE" while I try to wash her hair. I have tried several things, but nothing works so far- I'm open to ideas!

2. Potty training. She wants to put the poop from her diaper in the toilet, but refuses to even try sitting on the potty herself. She will hold her baby doll over the toilet and play pretend. We have the "Once Upon A Potty" DVD and she's watched that a few times. Any suggestions? Or is it just a time thing and I just have to wait and it will come on it's own? (this is the thought process I have now) We have a mini potty and a seat for the regular commode so she has her choice and we invite her to sit on it before baths, or whenever, but dont force it. If we are awake and I see her "pushing" I suggest going to sit on the potty in a kind and encouraging voice, but she whines "Nooooooo" so I say, it's okay. I never make her feel like I dont want to change her diaper or that she's done anything wrong.
I've read a book that focuses on a whole doll and candy reward thing- but she is not interested. and Im not interested in "training in the nude".
That said- what are your thoughts?

PS. As for sewing, Im working on a wool coat for her, hope to finish it tomorrow if my stomach feels well enough to focus. Im going to a sewing group to hopefully keep my mind off how I'm feeling.

Neither of my girls was wild about getting water in their eyes either. Up until that age they never seemed to mind getting their hair washed but after about 2 1/2 they kind of started fussing about it. I actually had both of them lie down in the tub and would wash and rinse that way so it didn't get in their eyes. Now they take a shower (with me, they are too young to do a good job by themselves) and that seems to work well too.

The potty training thing is hard IMO. My oldest was difficult to train but she was over 3 (just) when I started and up until then hadn't expressed an interest in it but I truly felt that was too old to be wearing diapers still. I swear she had accidents for well over a year after that. Claire I started last March and she was very easy. She was about 33 months old at the time. She had one accident and that was it. I think she didn't like the way it felt and never did it again. Easy! Good luck with whatever you do! Just be patient and know that they will not go to college wearing a diaper!

thats sound like a good idea- like swim googles? Do they make them for toddlers? She is about a size 18-24 m in cloths, so on the petit side. Where do I find those in October!

Also- One more thing!!
There is a gal in my MOPS (Mothers Of Preschoolers) group. She and her husband have a 1yr old and a 3yr old and he was recently diagnosed with brain cancer- stage 3, he's been given 5 years to live, he's about 37 years old. She has been a stay at home mom since her first child was born and he has been out of work for the last 3 months and money is very very tight. Her neighborhood is doing a tag sale/bake sale/activites day to raise money for them, but more than anything they need prayers. I know many of you pray, and this nice family (Jen and Ken) could use all the prayers they can get.

I like the idea of the goggles too.

I will pray for your friends. How horrible and devastating for them. Are they actively pursuing other options/opinions from doctors and treatment centers that may give him a better chance of survival? My father is a survivor (5 years now) of stage 4 melanoma on his scalp and skull. We sought out the best surgeon, dermatologist and oncologist we could fine to come up with his treatment plan and attacked it very aggressively. He went through hell and back for a year but he is still with us and in very good shape. We did extensive research to find his doctors and still did more research on his treatment options but truly feel like it paid off. Asking for prayers is a great way to start though, I think there are powers there that we are unable to see but they work. I'll pray for them and their family.

They looks even better on!! :cutie:
I gave my dd an apple last time I needed her to pose. It was so much easier that way! :rotfl2:
I say props are a good thing!!
Hi everyone, I am sorry I havent been around in a while. I havent been feeling too good (morning sickness that just sticks with me ALLLLLLLL day)

Also couple questions.....

1. My 2 and half year old loves baths but hates having her hair washed now, for quite sometime now she screams and shakes and covers her head and crys "ALL DONE" while I try to wash her hair. I have tried several things, but nothing works so far- I'm open to ideas!

2. Potty training.
That said- what are your thoughts?

PS. As for sewing, Im working on a wool coat for her, hope to finish it tomorrow if my stomach feels well enough to focus. Im going to a sewing group to hopefully keep my mind off how I'm feeling.
First so sorry to hear about your friends dh!! :hug:
1. A couple ideas- have your tried the rince cup they have at walmart? It has a silicone type part that you put against their forehead so the water doesn't go in their face. Also what about putting those wall stickers up on the ceiling and having her look up to find some thing or someone. I bought some at a dollar store. Mickey mouse club house and tink ones.
2. Bottom line for me is I'm not willing to battle over it so they are in charge! I think it's great that she knows where the #2 goes that means she is getting the concept. she might be a little intimidated about preforming on the potty just let her know that you'll be ready to assist when she is ready. :)
Good Luck!! My dd is now 2 & 2 months and we are stuck on about half the time going on the big potty. She can get on and off all by her self now though and usually doesn't use the adapter seat. And when she #2's in her diaper she wants it off right away and then usually #1's in the potty. It's a process! :rolleyes:

I hope your feeling better soon too!!
Sorry to hear you have been having such long morning sickness...hopefully that will subside soon!

As far as ideas on helping wash hair....my DD had issues with the water going in her eyes so I let her pick out some "special bathtime" goggles for her eyes and she LOVED it.

That's a great Idea!! My grammy bought some of those for the kids recently. I might have to try that one too!
I am sitting here enjoying a delicious pumkin spice cookie and getting ready to cut out dd's bo peep costume!!!
I'm going to my grammies in the morning so she can help me! Because....
A) there is a zipper involved B) Her machine is about a gazillion times better than mine C) She also has a serger and D) because then I can sew uninterupted!! Oh yeah and also because I like sewing with my grammy!! (she'll be 90 in december and I try to spend as much time as I can with her!!)

I am having anxiety you guys are going to move with out me tomorrow!! Although 10 pages in one day is alot!?! Well you'll just have to not be so conversational in the next 24 hours okay!! ;) :lmao:
Have a great Saturday everyone!! It's supposed to be nice here tomorrow then rain the next five days!!! :guilty: So we're gonna soak then sun while it lasts!!
How do you get to the big give board? I'm sure I missed something in the front page? Now that I am finishing up for my own trip, I wouldn't mind trying to help out on occassion for the big give.

Just click the link in mine and many other's signatures! :thumbsup2

Hi everyone I spoke with Chloe's mom this morning and she started crying. She just could not believe there were people out there that would do this for her daughter without knowing her.

Oh, they look so sweet!

[quote="minnie2, post: 27960056"]Here is a purse I made last week. It looks better in person then in this picture. [IMG]http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n80/mtroy_2006/th_IMG_4708.jpg

This is an outfit I made for my nephew. I screwed up and the stretch of the fabric is wrong. UGH! Oh well it is the thought that counts right?

It will match the outfit I made his sister a few weeks ago.
I love that purse!!! And the LE outfits are adorable!

Very cute!

So I ventured into unknown territory today and used both my serger AND ruffler! YEAH ME! Actually I didn't really sew anything I was just trying to figure them out. The serger came already threaded (yeah Teresa I should have looked at that before I ran out and bought the thread!) so I left good alone be and just turned it on and it worked! Quick question since I've never actually seen one in use before - I am assuming since it is a serger that I don't have to go back over something to lock in the stitch right? That is the purpose of the serger, correct? Let me know if I am doing it wrong please!

The ruffler for whatever reason was a little more difficult though! I finally got it on (and yes this took a little bit of work on my part even though it was a snap on one :confused3 ). It worked and I think I adjusted the thing correctly but about every other time it kind of jammed up and didn't work right. Do other people's rufflers do that or do I need to keep figuring it out? Do you think it could be that my machine doesn't work quite right with it? It is a universal ruffler (for snap on machines) made by Janome and I have the brother machine from Costco. Any advice is appreciated!

YEAH!!!!! And, HEATHER I used my serger right away!
But, the embroidery machine takes so much thread that I don't have!

Hi everyone, I am sorry I havent been around in a while. I havent been feeling too good (morning sickness that just sticks with me ALLLLLLLL day)

has anyone heard how the TN family liked their things? How was their trip?This was Maroo's family she cares for. I made a few things and hoped the family liked them and stuck in a few "extras" in my package.

1. My 2 and half year old loves baths but hates having her hair washed now, for quite sometime now she screams and shakes and covers her head and crys "ALL DONE" while I try to wash her hair. I have tried several things, but nothing works so far- I'm open to ideas!

2. Potty training. She wants to put the poop from her diaper in the toilet, but refuses to even try sitting on the potty herself. She will hold her baby doll over the toilet and play pretend. We have the "Once Upon A Potty" DVD and she's watched that a few times. Any suggestions? Or is it just a time thing and I just have to wait and it will come on it's own? (this is the thought process I have now) We have a mini potty and a seat for the regular commode so she has her choice and we invite her to sit on it before baths, or whenever, but dont force it. If we are awake and I see her "pushing" I suggest going to sit on the potty in a kind and encouraging voice, but she whines "Nooooooo" so I say, it's okay. I never make her feel like I dont want to change her diaper or that she's done anything wrong.
I've read a book that focuses on a whole doll and candy reward thing- but she is not interested. and Im not interested in "training in the nude".
That said- what are your thoughts?

PS. As for sewing, Im working on a wool coat for her, hope to finish it tomorrow if my stomach feels well enough to focus. Im going to a sewing group to hopefully keep my mind off how I'm feeling.

Lauren and Maroo just got to Disney World. They got a package the day before they left, but didn't have time to take pictures, so I'm sure they will post some when they get back.

Potty training, don't push it.


I can't wait to see the coat!
I know many of you pray, and this nice family (Jen and Ken) could use all the prayers they can get.
:hug: How awful for them.
I am sitting here enjoying a delicious pumkin spice cookie and getting ready to cut out dd's bo peep costume!!!
I'm going to my grammies in the morning so she can help me! Because....
A) there is a zipper involved B) Her machine is about a gazillion times better than mine C) She also has a serger and D) because then I can sew uninterupted!! Oh yeah and also because I like sewing with my grammy!! (she'll be 90 in december and I try to spend as much time as I can with her!!)

I am having anxiety you guys are going to move with out me tomorrow!! Although 10 pages in one day is alot!?! Well you'll just have to not be so conversational in the next 24 hours okay!! ;) :lmao:
Have a great Saturday everyone!! It's supposed to be nice here tomorrow then rain the next five days!!! :guilty: So we're gonna soak then sun while it lasts!!

You are making me hungry!!!!!

Have fun with your grammy! :hug:

And, I lost most of my quotes somehow!!!! :headache:

Jeanne- :grouphug: :grouphug: I hope everything turns out to be fine. You will be in my prayers.

Heather- Doesn't Tessa's class only have 26 kids? How are there 18 reading groups?

I sent Lydia to kindergarten so her teacher could teach her to read. Like Tessa, Lydia gets frustrated when I try to teach her things. Of course, as you know, Lydia has the perfect teacher. :angel:

Corey didn't though, so I know how frustrating it can be!

Beth- I hope you are doing ok today. :grouphug:

Denise- I'm so sorry what happened with Riley's teacher, that man needs to be moved and moved now! He has no business dealing with children.

To everyone feeling ignored, I'm sorry you have felt that way. I think we've all posted an outfit that one or two people commented on. It happened to me last week. :rolleyes1 (Thanks Jeanne and Marlo!) But, please don't take it personally. I read and have read every single post on this board from the beginning, and while I try very hard to comment on everything, I don't always succeed, but even if I don't comment, I am thinking about what you wrote. It's just that sometimes I don't have time to post, or you have missed my reply in one of my long multi quotes! I feel really bad when I hear people feel they are ignored on our thread. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
I think that would be a really cute idea!

I looked at your membership on the big give board and you've been approved and everything. What message are you getting when you try to log in? Could it be that you are typing in the wrong username or password?

When I try to log on all it does is clear the log in boxes. When I try to go to any of the option at the top it states that I need to log in which didn't go thru.

I tried again and got on. The problem was that log in is case sensitive, problem solved. Thanks.
When I try to log on all it does is clear the log in boxes. When I try to go to any of the option at the top it states that I need to log in which didn't go thru.

Try clicking "lost password" just to double check you have it right. You might want to clear your cookies and cache too.
Welcome! Those aprons are super cute and would look nice in the minnie dot. If you got too hot you could take it off too. Can't wait to see it!

Thank you! I took out the directions to enlarge on a copy machine then attempted to color the outline picture of the pattern using red, black and yellow markers replicating(to the best of my ability) dot and gingham print fabric. So far it looks pretty good on paper. Now I just need to get the tension on my machine figured out, pick up a few more items, recruit a tutor, and find some time then I'll be ready to go.
so cute! The fal one is my fav!

Hi everyone, I am sorry I havent been around in a while. I havent been feeling too good (morning sickness that just sticks with me ALLLLLLLL day)

has anyone heard how the TN family liked their things? How was their trip?This was Maroo's family she cares for. I made a few things and hoped the family liked them and stuck in a few "extras" in my package.

everything Ive seen in the last couple pages looks beautiful- love the bag!

Also couple questions.....

1. My 2 and half year old loves baths but hates having her hair washed now, for quite sometime now she screams and shakes and covers her head and crys "ALL DONE" while I try to wash her hair. I have tried several things, but nothing works so far- I'm open to ideas!

2. Potty training. She wants to put the poop from her diaper in the toilet, but refuses to even try sitting on the potty herself. She will hold her baby doll over the toilet and play pretend. We have the "Once Upon A Potty" DVD and she's watched that a few times. Any suggestions? Or is it just a time thing and I just have to wait and it will come on it's own? (this is the thought process I have now) We have a mini potty and a seat for the regular commode so she has her choice and we invite her to sit on it before baths, or whenever, but dont force it. If we are awake and I see her "pushing" I suggest going to sit on the potty in a kind and encouraging voice, but she whines "Nooooooo" so I say, it's okay. I never make her feel like I dont want to change her diaper or that she's done anything wrong.
I've read a book that focuses on a whole doll and candy reward thing- but she is not interested. and Im not interested in "training in the nude".
That said- what are your thoughts?

PS. As for sewing, Im working on a wool coat for her, hope to finish it tomorrow if my stomach feels well enough to focus. Im going to a sewing group to hopefully keep my mind off how I'm feeling.

Sorry you aren't feeling well. Keep your eye on the prize as they say:rotfl: In no time you will have a little bundle to hold!

As for the hair wet thing. Yrs ago when Nikki was about your little ones age. (omg that was so long ago! ) I read in Parents mag about cleaning out a squirt catsup bottle and using that. I used a different squirt bottle because I couldn't bring myself to use a catsup one and it worked like a charm! She thought it was the coolest thing too.

As for the potty training. Nikki wasn't too bad. I would let her run around nekked right before ad after a bath and sit her on the potty for a bit . We never used the little potty because I wanted them to realize exactly where they needed to go. Then add to the fact with Nikki I was pg with Kyle so I would get sick at the smell. So I was in no way going to clean it! Every few days I would let her either try big girl undies or run nekked for a bit longer and before i knew it she was potty trained. She also LVED the Bear in the Big Blue house video.
Then there was Kyle! :lmao: He is my stubborn one! With him I had to rib him with m&m and toys!

With Nikki she did get a sticker on the calendar for every day she stayed dry and she thought that was fun getting a sticker and seeing them all up there. With Kyle he had to be bought off! :lmao:

So sad about your friends! I hope he beats all the odds and lives for many many more yrs! They of course are in my thoughts!

Thanks for the compliments on the purse. It is really cute the picture doesn't do it justice if I do say so myself.

Have any of you ever had your needle get suck in your bobbin case???? Last night it was so odd! My needle that I just replaces because it broke. And the machine kept jamming all the sudden. The neddle fell out and i couldn't get it out. So i un screwed the plate and really wiggled the plate off only to find the neddle jammed in the black bobbin case! George had to pull it out:scared1: When I examined it must have been hitting it for awhile because it was all rough.

After the game today I am going to see if my sewing shop where I bought it is open and get a new one if not Monday but for now I think I will see if the one from my old brother machine fits in there.
For the 6 of you that are still reading,
This is the day we went to Epcot and had a truly magical experience. I highly recommend this one. :thumbsup2

okay, I hope this makes sense, I'm no Linnette! :laughing: and I had to write with a "fat" marker, but a couple of people asked, so here are the dimensions for the reversible cape. I used about a 1/4" seam allowance and left an opening at the bottom big enough for my hand so I could turn it right side out. Then I used a little piece of stitch witchery to close the opening without showing any stitching. When I put the velcro on I just remembered to put one side on one color and the other side on the other color (before I stitched around the edgs) to keep me from messing up.

How sweet of you to make us a pattern! That looks do-able! I'll add it to the bookmarks if Teresa hasn't already.

How do you get to the big give board? I'm sure I missed something in the front page? Now that I am finishing up for my own trip, I wouldn't mind trying to help out on occassion for the big give.
I know Teresa already answered, but I'll answer again in case you missed hers. You just click on the "Big Give" link in our signatures. It's a private board, so you'll have to sign up. But, we'll approve you!

:teacher: Perhaps Tessa should employ Sarah's technique. It worked. :rotfl: She wanted to get into the honors class so she completed all her work to the best of her ability and as soon as she was done, I told her to go to the teacher to ask what she should do next, or ask how she can help. So, today the teacher pulls her aside and says that he wants to move her to the honors class because she is ahead of everyone and always goes above and beyond. :banana: Perhaps Tessa could ask her teacher to help her learn to "read" (letters and sounds) rather than working on shapes and colors etc. which she already knows. Doesn't hurt to ask. :thumbsup2 [/COLOR][/SIZE]
That's a great idea. But, there have been other issues with Tessa's teacher. So, I can't imagine Tessa going up and asking her anything! She says she loves her teacher, but I think she's a little scared of her, too.

I have to admit that I'm annoyed that I have to fill out a paper every week telling the teacher how long we read each night. She let us know that it will be marked on their report card how much time we spend reading to our kids. I always read to my kids and I'm sure the parents that never read to their kids aren't going to start because the teacher gave the parents "homework" (when I volunteered last week, I was in charge of writing down who brought the reading sheets back and who didn't). I know it's nothing unusual, but it irritates me.

What a couple of gorgeous girls!! She looks like such a sweetie! I can't wait to see pictures when she gets some new customs!!

The purse is really cute!! Great job! I think the boy outfit looks fine and I don't see where you screwed up. Is the girl's outfit a shirt/skirt or a dress? Either way, they are both adorable and they'll look so cute in matching outfits!

You've got a pretty little model and the outfits turned out really nice! Congrats on finishing your first pattern!

So I ventured into unknown territory today and used both my serger AND ruffler! YEAH ME! Actually I didn't really sew anything I was just trying to figure them out. The serger came already threaded (yeah Teresa I should have looked at that before I ran out and bought the thread!) so I left good alone be and just turned it on and it worked! Quick question since I've never actually seen one in use before - I am assuming since it is a serger that I don't have to go back over something to lock in the stitch right? That is the purpose of the serger, correct? Let me know if I am doing it wrong please!

The ruffler for whatever reason was a little more difficult though! I finally got it on (and yes this took a little bit of work on my part even though it was a snap on one :confused3 ). It worked and I think I adjusted the thing correctly but about every other time it kind of jammed up and didn't work right. Do other people's rufflers do that or do I need to keep figuring it out? Do you think it could be that my machine doesn't work quite right with it? It is a universal ruffler (for snap on machines) made by Janome and I have the brother machine from Costco. Any advice is appreciated!
You deserve :banana: :banana: :banana: for that one! I don't think you have to lock your stitches on a serger.

I'm not sure about the ruffler foot, but it looks like Lori already answered. I thought rufflers were specific to the type of shank your machine has and not whether it takes snap on feet. But, if it's a universal ruffler for all snap on feet, I would think it should work okay. Have you watched the ruffler video Carla did on YCMT?

Hi everyone, I am sorry I havent been around in a while. I havent been feeling too good (morning sickness that just sticks with me ALLLLLLLL day)

1. My 2 and half year old loves baths but hates having her hair washed now, for quite sometime now she screams and shakes and covers her head and crys "ALL DONE" while I try to wash her hair. I have tried several things, but nothing works so far- I'm open to ideas!

2. Potty training. She wants to put the poop from her diaper in the toilet, but refuses to even try sitting on the potty herself. She will hold her baby doll over the toilet and play pretend. We have the "Once Upon A Potty" DVD and she's watched that a few times. Any suggestions? Or is it just a time thing and I just have to wait and it will come on it's own? (this is the thought process I have now) We have a mini potty and a seat for the regular commode so she has her choice and we invite her to sit on it before baths, or whenever, but dont force it. If we are awake and I see her "pushing" I suggest going to sit on the potty in a kind and encouraging voice, but she whines "Nooooooo" so I say, it's okay. I never make her feel like I dont want to change her diaper or that she's done anything wrong.
I've read a book that focuses on a whole doll and candy reward thing- but she is not interested. and Im not interested in "training in the nude".
That said- what are your thoughts?
Sorry about the morning sickness, but I'm jealous of the cause! :hug:

My advice on washing hair won't help you at this point, but might help for the new baby. When I was pregnant with Tessa, a friend told me that the best advice she can give me is not to be careful about getting water in her face. She said from the time her kids were newborns, she dump water on their head in the bathtub (not a lot, it's not like we want to drown them or something). Her kids never minded water in their face. So, I did that with both Tessa and Sawyer and neither one of them has ever minded having water dumped on their head in the bath. In fact, they love it! It might not work with every kid, but it's worth a try!

For the potty training, it's sounds like she's getting close. But, not quite there yet. Just let her decide when she wants to do it, with a little encouragement from you!

Also- One more thing!!
There is a gal in my MOPS (Mothers Of Preschoolers) group. She and her husband have a 1yr old and a 3yr old and he was recently diagnosed with brain cancer- stage 3, he's been given 5 years to live, he's about 37 years old. She has been a stay at home mom since her first child was born and he has been out of work for the last 3 months and money is very very tight. Her neighborhood is doing a tag sale/bake sale/activites day to raise money for them, but more than anything they need prayers. I know many of you pray, and this nice family (Jen and Ken) could use all the prayers they can get.
I'll keep them in my prayers. How horrible! :hug:

I am sitting here enjoying a delicious pumkin spice cookie and getting ready to cut out dd's bo peep costume!!!
I'm going to my grammies in the morning so she can help me! Because....
A) there is a zipper involved B) Her machine is about a gazillion times better than mine C) She also has a serger and D) because then I can sew uninterupted!! Oh yeah and also because I like sewing with my grammy!! (she'll be 90 in december and I try to spend as much time as I can with her!!)

I am having anxiety you guys are going to move with out me tomorrow!! Although 10 pages in one day is alot!?! Well you'll just have to not be so conversational in the next 24 hours okay!! ;) :lmao:
Have a great Saturday everyone!! It's supposed to be nice here tomorrow then rain the next five days!!! :guilty: So we're gonna soak then sun while it lasts!!
I do not appreciate the mention of a delicious sounding cookie when I haven't had sugar or bread in nearly 2 weeks. :snooty:

I love hearing about you sewing with your grammy. It just warms my heart!!:lovestruc

YEAH!!!!! And, HEATHER I used my serger right away!
But, the embroidery machine takes so much thread that I don't have!

Heather- Doesn't Tessa's class only have 26 kids? How are there 18 reading groups?
Yeah, yeah, yeah...

You only need one spool of embroidery thread to start testing out your embroidery machine! I know you don't have all the parts, but when you get your new part, I am hoping you'll test it out. It's really fun!

I should have said there are 18 reading levels, not reading groups. They have the kids pick out books every day in their reading level to take home and read with their parents.

A plea for Hank!

Could someone please please please with sugar on top make a Big Give outfit?? He is the wish child with the Lambflock give. His little sister has been full for quite awhile, but poor Hank still has on spot left to fill. He would love an Indiana Jones themed shirt. Iron ons are fine if you don't want to sew.


I am pleading also!! He's the wish kid!!! His sister can't get more than him! I would do it, but I just don't have to the time to make something else right now. Like Teresa said, an iron-on would be fine.

When I try to log on all it does is clear the log in boxes. When I try to go to any of the option at the top it states that I need to log in which didn't go thru.

I tried again and got on. The problem was that log in is case sensitive, problem solved. Thanks.
Great! I'm glad you were able to log in!!
For the 6 of you that are still reading,
This is the day we went to Epcot and had a truly magical experience. I highly recommend this one. :thumbsup2

How sweet of you to make us a pattern! That looks do-able! I'll add it to the bookmarks if Teresa hasn't already.

I know Teresa already answered, but I'll answer again in case you missed hers. You just click on the "Big Give" link in our signatures. It's a private board, so you'll have to sign up. But, we'll approve you!

That's a great idea. But, there have been other issues with Tessa's teacher. So, I can't imagine Tessa going up and asking her anything! She says she loves her teacher, but I think she's a little scared of her, too.

I have to admit that I'm annoyed that I have to fill out a paper every week telling the teacher how long we read each night. She let us know that it will be marked on their report card how much time we spend reading to our kids. I always read to my kids and I'm sure the parents that never read to their kids aren't going to start because the teacher gave the parents "homework" (when I volunteered last week, I was in charge of writing down who brought the reading sheets back and who didn't). I know it's nothing unusual, but it irritates me.

What a couple of gorgeous girls!! She looks like such a sweetie! I can't wait to see pictures when she gets some new customs!!

The purse is really cute!! Great job! I think the boy outfit looks fine and I don't see where you screwed up. Is the girl's outfit a shirt/skirt or a dress? Either way, they are both adorable and they'll look so cute in matching outfits!

You've got a pretty little model and the outfits turned out really nice! Congrats on finishing your first pattern!

You deserve :banana: :banana: :banana: for that one! I don't think you have to lock your stitches on a serger.

I'm not sure about the ruffler foot, but it looks like Lori already answered. I thought rufflers were specific to the type of shank your machine has and not whether it takes snap on feet. But, if it's a universal ruffler for all snap on feet, I would think it should work okay. Have you watched the ruffler video Carla did on YCMT?

Sorry about the morning sickness, but I'm jealous of the cause! :hug:

My advice on washing hair won't help you at this point, but might help for the new baby. When I was pregnant with Tessa, a friend told me that the best advice she can give me is not to be careful about getting water in her face. She said from the time her kids were newborns, she dump water on their head in the bathtub (not a lot, it's not like we want to drown them or something). Her kids never minded water in their face. So, I did that with both Tessa and Sawyer and neither one of them has ever minded having water dumped on their head in the bath. In fact, they love it! It might not work with every kid, but it's worth a try!

For the potty training, it's sounds like she's getting close. But, not quite there yet. Just let her decide when she wants to do it, with a little encouragement from you!

I'll keep them in my prayers. How horrible! :hug:

I do not appreciate the mention of a delicious sounding cookie when I haven't had sugar or bread in nearly 2 weeks. :snooty:

I love hearing about you sewing with your grammy. It just warms my heart!!:lovestruc

Yeah, yeah, yeah...

You only need one spool of embroidery thread to start testing out your embroidery machine! I know you don't have all the parts, but when you get your new part, I am hoping you'll test it out. It's really fun!

I should have said there are 18 reading levels, not reading groups. They have the kids pick out books every day in their reading level to take home and read with their parents.

I am pleading also!! He's the wish kid!!! His sister can't get more than him! I would do it, but I just don't have to the time to make something else right now. Like Teresa said, an iron-on would be fine.

Great! I'm glad you were able to log in!!

for this new big give : what is what you would like the boy? Long pants , shorts ? could you let me know ?

for this new big give : what is what you would like the boy? Long pants , shorts ? could you let me know ?


For the Lambflock big give, we're just looking for someone to make Hank a shirt, or a shirt and pants/shorts.

But, for the new Kahalana big give, the little boy is only 18 months, so pants and a shirt would be really cute, or just a shirt (it'll probably be too cold for shorts).

How are you feeling? :hug:
Hey ladies. Just thought i would let you guys know about the great deal I just found. Madame Alexander has a line of play dolls similar to the bratz dolls, but the clothing is less "adult" and they don't have all the makeup. anyway www.dollmarket.com has them for $5.00. they are regularly $29.99. I just ordered 4 to put up for christmas presents. Not sewing related, but too good of a deal not to report!
Also- One more thing!!
There is a gal in my MOPS (Mothers Of Preschoolers) group. She and her husband have a 1yr old and a 3yr old and he was recently diagnosed with brain cancer- stage 3, he's been given 5 years to live, he's about 37 years old. She has been a stay at home mom since her first child was born and he has been out of work for the last 3 months and money is very very tight. Her neighborhood is doing a tag sale/bake sale/activites day to raise money for them, but more than anything they need prayers. I know many of you pray, and this nice family (Jen and Ken) could use all the prayers they can get.

Oh wow... we will add them to the prayer list. I cant imagine going through that. My best friend's husband had brain cancer at age 25. He passed away at 27. They have 2 dd, 5 and 18mo. The 18 mo old has down syndrome and also had lymphnode cancer (not exactly sure what it is called) had some lymphnodes removed and one kidney. I tell you that to say it is amazing the strength that she has. God has been the only thing to get her through it! That is great that the neighborhood is doing that for them.
Hey ladies. Just thought i would let you guys know about the great deal I just found. Madame Alexander has a line of play dolls similar to the bratz dolls, but the clothing is less "adult" and they don't have all the makeup. anyway www.dollmarket.com has them for $5.00. they are regularly $29.99. I just ordered 4 to put up for christmas presents. Not sewing related, but too good of a deal not to report!
Those are really cute, much more appropriate than Bratz. Thanks for the link!
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