Is this how "bashing" first begins?

I think BCV, BWV, OKW, HHI, VB and yes even SSR enthusiasts might beg to differ.

While AKV has a specific theme as does VWL, so does BCV, BWV, OKW, etc.
The trouble when being an enthusiast for a theme is that we often overlook that it is just one theme to be enthusiastic about. What Disney does best is theming and everything has a theme to appeal to someone. I know I love SSR's health spa resort feel... all those scenic walkways along lakes, golf courses and urban areas.

Oh, come on. Are you seriously likening the theme of OKW or SSR to AKL? Boardwalk I'll grant you, but each of those other resorts, while "themed" to a certain extent, are themed very similarly to one-another. This is not a criticism - they're all great! But the ratio of 'beachy' semi-victorian themed units to african savanna, northwest wilderness lodge, or atlantic boardwalk units is quite high. More broadly, there are lots of timeshares throughout the US and caribbean which are 'themed' very similarly to the beachy-DVC resorts, whereas AKV/BWV/VWL are much more distinctive.

But you're clearly unreachable on this point - time will tell. As an aside, what a pleasure to be debating such a topic. Disney escapism at its finest.
While I believe ALL DVC resorts are themed and themed well too, I do think VWL and AKV are "over the top" in thier theme.
I've been listening to old DisUnplugged podcasts and came across one that brought the "bashing" thing to mind. Here's the link.

Podcast 10/31/06, last ten minutes or so. Listen to it and come back and tell us what you think of the comments of the owner of the Disboards.
Since we love acronyms on these boards, I have decided to think of any folks who dislike my "homes" as "LCR's" (Less Competition for Reservations). :lmao:
Oh, come on. Are you seriously likening the theme of OKW or SSR to AKL?

I think this is the exact type of sentence, though, that IS viewed as resort bashing.

However, you quickly went on to say that they all had positives, etc. (thanks for that :goodvibes ), so I know that it was not your intent to bash. However, when things get worded like this, I think many people may not even finsih reading the post and just begin their flamed response, and thus the bashing wars begin.

When I first joined these threads, is was a field day on SSR. It was bad, bad, bad. So much so, that I was absolutely certain I would never own there (I was on the boards long before buying in...doing my homework like a good DVC'er!) Even though I have young kids and desparately wanted the extra years of SSR, I thought I would go for a resale of one of the others.

Then, we planned a last minute trip as renters. We got SSR. I went expecting to not like it. I went actually LOOKING for all of the negatives I had read about on these boards. And, as you can tell, NONE of it panned out! It was absolute love and we have never regretted it! We are huge SSR fans (and yes, we have stayed at other DVC resorts and SSR is still the family favorite) but can certainly accept that it is not for everyone.
I don't know if I would use the terms upgrade and downgrade here. I doubt most AKV owners are going to consider OKW or SSR an "upgrade". Content with the trade, yes, but upgrade is implying they don't care for AKV and would rather stay elsewhere. And we all know the only SSR owners do that....(sorry, couldn't resist).

And being a BWV owner, I never looked at my OKW stays as a "downgrade" either. Just something different that suited that particular trip.
I agree. We choose a resort based on what kind of vacation we want. I certainly don't consider OKW a "downgrade" from BWV. There are times when I want my boardwalk view and proximity to Epcot and other times when I would prefer the much larger room, open kitchen, larger dining table and big veranda at OKW!

I also am not seeing what it is about SSR that would be considered an "upgrade" from AKV. But I readily admit that I prefer the unique, African-style furnishings and exotic animals at AKV to the more formal decor and the horse racing theme at SSR.
I think this is the exact type of sentence, though, that IS viewed as resort bashing.

However, you quickly went on to say that they all had positives, etc. (thanks for that :goodvibes ), so I know that it was not your intent to bash.

No no, not bashing/flaming at all. To say, for example, that Animal Kingdom Lodge is much more uniquely themed than the Waldorf Astoria is not to 'bash' the Waldorf Astoria. 'Not uniquely themed' does not mean 'is not desirable.'
. and would rather stay elsewhere. And we all know the only SSR owners do that....(sorry, couldn't resist).

As this is how SSR (and AKV and BWV and BCV and HH and VB) were marketed and is a right as a memeber because you seem not to choose something you paid for this is a fault. But thank you for realizing SSR owners are savy.

I stayed at the BWV a bird stole my little cousins slice of pizza and then pooped on him LOVE the realistic theaming.
I choose my resort based on whpt type of experience I would like for my vacation and love that Disney has this option and probably would noy have bought if it did not. all the resorts have good points and bad and I feel people bash other resorts as a way to justify his or her purchase and the bottom line no DVC was a bad purchase and all DVC memebres have the right to use all DVC resorts as this is how it was sold. The only group of owners that have the right to be upset is OKW as this is not how it was marketed to them. I am happy with were I bought as I was aware of the options and resale and I bought with the full intention of using all resorts as this is how I vacationed at Disney in the past I did have my favorites but would never stay at the same palce year after year. I like all the DVC resorts for different reasons and dislike them all for different reasons and have had good and bad experiences at most the bad experiences are bashing the good ones are the reasons I own DVC and would gladly pay the 350+ a night for other deluxe resorts
While I believe ALL DVC resorts are themed and themed well too, I do think VWL and AKV are "over the top" in thier theme.

which is why we own at both of them. :)

I also like the BWV theme, so we're there, too.

And as for Saratoga or OKW being seen as an "upgrade" by this AKV owner? I'd scream bloody murder if DVC tried to stick me in one of those two resorts instead of my own beloved AKV. We loved the AKL so much that we continued to pay hotel rates to stay there rather than buy into DVC. Eventually we gave in and decided to buy DVC but still stay at least one night each year at AKL. Now, we can be back to what already feels like "home" to us!
I agree with Anthony.

I don't consider any DVC resort to be surperior to another. They are all simply different and obviously some have problems with different. But that is ok too.

Basically everyone needs to accept the difference. No one resort is perfect, they all have their flaws and their plusses. It just happens that what is a flaw for some, is not for others.

It does not bother me that some do not like SSR, it does bother me they think their opinion has greater value than others. It is one thing to share one's opinion, whether it be the same or different than others, it is something else all together to question the validity of one's opinion, that is bashing.

I am glad that the AKV love thier resort, I personally don't. But I won't try to convince them their choice is not worthy of that devotion. Certainly they know what they like.

With me that devotion at this time belongs to SSR.
No no, not bashing/flaming at all. To say, for example, that Animal Kingdom Lodge is much more uniquely themed than the Waldorf Astoria is not to 'bash' the Waldorf Astoria. 'Not uniquely themed' does not mean 'is not desirable.'

I think though you put SSR in a category of generic theme, whether you meant to or not, and that VWL and AKL as being more unique. Both only being unique to WDW and not resort destinations throughout the world.

I am only aware of one Saratoga Springs NY, I don't think one can be more unique in that. I can respect the fact that certain themes do not appeal to some, AKL does not appeal to us. However I would never dismiss a theme due to lack of appeal to everyone.
I think though you put SSR in a category of generic theme, whether you meant to or not, and that VWL and AKL as being more unique. Both only being unique to WDW and not resort destinations throughout the world.

I am only aware of one Saratoga Springs NY, I don't think one can be more unique in that. I can respect the fact that certain themes do not appeal to some, AKL does not appeal to us. However I would never dismiss a theme due to lack of appeal to everyone.

I guess there are many different levels/types of themeing we are talking about here. Exotic themeing, unique themeing, subtle themeing, generic themeing, over-the-top themeing, accurate themeing, etc. I don't know I'd go so far as to call SSR generic, but I think the problem is that most people don't recognize Saratoga as a theme. To a lot of people, it just looks like colorful condos. OKW theme is subtle and also not immediately recognizable to most. I actually think BCV is the most generic of them all in terms of themeing. Not that any of these aren't nice, but they don't have obvious or overpowering themes. Some people don't mind that or prefer it.

Although I like most of the DVCs, I generally prefer themeing that is immersive, and VWL, AKV, and BWV (at least the Boardwalk itself, not necessarily the rooms) are far more "themed" in this respect than the aforementioned resorts. Even VB and HH are well "themed" in my opinion, but they have the added benefit of actually being in the location that they are representing. They just exaggerate it.
I guess there are many different levels/types of themeing we are talking about here. Exotic themeing, unique themeing, subtle themeing, generic themeing, over-the-top themeing, accurate themeing, etc. I don't know I'd go so far as to call SSR generic, but I think the problem is that most people don't recognize Saratoga as a theme. To a lot of people, it just looks like colorful condos. OKW theme is subtle and also not immediately recognizable to most. I actually think BCV is the most generic of them all in terms of themeing. Not that any of these aren't nice, but they don't have obvious or overpowering themes. Some people don't mind that or prefer it.

Although I like most of the DVCs, I generally prefer themeing that is immersive, and VWL, AKV, and BWV (at least the Boardwalk itself, not necessarily the rooms) are far more "themed" in this respect than the aforementioned resorts. Even VB and HH are well "themed" in my opinion, but they have the added benefit of actually being in the location that they are representing. They just exaggerate it.

This I will agree with completely. It does bother me at times when people confuse lack of theme, with lack of understanding of the theme. That truly is not Disney's fault.

I realize to many Saratoga Springs is not a well known destination such as Africa but let's not let lack of understanding something lead to saying there is no theme to it, which happens. Not as much here but on the Resort forums.

But then many never seem to have gotten the AKL theme, even though they knew it was Africa they could not get past it being dark, it is the Dark Continent. I sometimes think some need to watch the Discovery Channel more and less of American Idol. ;)
This I will agree with completely. It does bother me at times when people confuse lack of theme, with lack of understanding of the theme. That truly is not Disney's fault.

I realize to many Saratoga Springs is not a well known destination such as Africa but let's not let lack of understanding something lead to saying there is no theme to it, which happens. Not as much here but on the Resort forums.

But then many never seem to have gotten the AKL theme, even though they knew it was Africa they could not get past it being dark, it is the Dark Continent. I sometimes think some need to watch the Discovery Channel more and less of American Idol. ;)
I would suggest that if one has to know the history to realize there is any theming, it really doesn't matter much to most people. I would agree that theming is only one issue in determining the quality of a resort.
I would suggest that if one has to know the history to realize there is any theming, it really doesn't matter much to most people. I would agree that theming is only one issue in determining the quality of a resort.

I think most anyone can grasp the horse racing theme at Saratoga Springs, regardless of whether they are familar with the NY race track. The use of the Disney horses in the lobby area is a hit; as is the life size bronze statue.

I will agree that theme probably does not matter as much to most guests as it does to DISers. Most simply want a clean room and good service.
I think most anyone can grasp the horse racing theme at Saratoga Springs, regardless of whether they are familar with the NY race track. The use of the Disney horses in the lobby area is a hit; as is the life size bronze statue.

I will agree that theme probably does not matter as much to most guests as it does to DISers. Most simply want a clean room and good service.
Since most guests likely spend little time at the central area, how would you think they might feel about the theming? Note I'm not really disagreeing with you as I think it is a fine resort, just exploring this issue of heavy vs subtle theming.
Since most guests likely spend little time at the central area, how would you think they might feel about the theming? Note I'm not really disagreeing with you as I think it is a fine resort, just exploring this issue of heavy vs subtle theming.

sorry not grasping your first question? are you saying that the theming is more obvious at SSR in the central areas of the resort? Can you expand the question a little, I had some dental work today and still under the influence.:sick:

However I do think Disney did a good job in the rooms to capture the horse racing Saratoga theme, such as the horses on the lamps, art work etc. But would agree that at Saratoga the emphasis on theme is in the public areas, pools etc.

As to the exterior of the buildings, certainly not as obvious as VWL and AKV but as much as BWV and BCV and OKW. As someone else stated the BW theme is much more prevalent on the actual BW area than the resort and rooms itself.
a thread with bashing in the title that went from a discusion about bashing to bashing and now back to a civil discusion....
I think a lot of the preception of the resorts come from what people read here at least for discusion here and not based on a stay.
I see a lot of posts of people who love BCV who never stayed there as well as a lot of posts about people who hate SSR that never stayed there
I just do not understand that.......
sorry not grasping your first question? are you saying that the theming is more obvious at SSR in the central areas of the resort? Can you expand the question a little, I had some dental work today and still under the influence.:sick:

However I do think Disney did a good job in the rooms to capture the horse racing Saratoga theme, such as the horses on the lamps, art work etc. But would agree that at Saratoga the emphasis on theme is in the public areas, pools etc.

As to the exterior of the buildings, certainly not as obvious as VWL and AKV but as much as BWV and BCV and OKW. As someone else stated the BW theme is much more prevalent on the actual BW area than the resort and rooms itself.
Congrats on the dental work, there are few things in life I hate more than going to the dentist even though he's a great friend otherwise. I do feel that the theming at SSR & OKW are so subtle that many people would not notice it based on the entire resort outside the common areas and at times even in the common areas. However, theming is really not that important to me personally so I think it has little influence on my personal views of a given resort. My point (question) really was that I suspect many people would not independently pick up on the theming at some of the resorts, possibly even all except WL and AKL.


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