"Desperate Housewife" (comments welcome!)


WDW vet now exploring "Walt's Park!"
Aug 27, 2004
No, this journal has nothing to do with the similarly named TV show (which I don't watch anyway) but in regards to eating healthy, finding time to exercise and staying motivated, the title fits me!! I actually started a W.I.S.H. journal last year (which I had to go dig up in my subscription archives!) and was so outdated that I'm starting anew. My title had me "going" to Disney World and the fact is, I've already "been" to Disney World (fantastic trip!...shameless TR plug below:flower3:).

SO! Here we are. I'm disgusted with my eating habits, my lack of motivation, and some days, the lack of time to get in even a 30 minute walk. Ugh. I actually did lose most of the weight I wanted to pre-trip. Then after we got back it was all over. Weather was turning cold, shorts and tank tops were stored away, and out came the baggy sweaters! Alas, I have plummeted to the depths of frumpiness.

Ok, enough whining. My goals - what I'd like to accomplish - is to fit in at least a 30-minute workout at least 5 days a week. I'd also like to eat better. I'm still a slave to comfort foods and carbs. In the cold of winter I lose my taste for lighter foods. I also still struggle with the late-afternoon "pick party." By that I mean the little nibbles here and there as I'm in the kitchen cleaning up and getting ready to make dinner. It's like a habit more than anything. Then on top of that I eat a full dinner! My weight-loss goal is 10 lbs. (doesn't seem like much, I know, but for the vertically-challenged like myself, even 5 pounds show up in that waist-hips-thigh zone!!).

I think I may go join eDiets again. I've done it twice now, but cancelled after the obligatory 3-month membership. When I followed the menus and didn't cheat and got in my exercise, I really shed the pounds.

So come on, DIS W.I.S.H.ers!...join me on this journey - we can ALL do it!:cheer2:
I found a bunch of eDeits menus that I had previously printet out, so I'm going to use those for a while, thus saving myself the money right now (plus their fee went up...!).

So, this morning I picked out a breakfast and just had that! PLUS I had water! I have a hard time drinking all the water that you're supposed to drink in a day, since I am also the owner of the World's Smallest Bladder (wouldn't it figure that when I finally get tagged someday, that's the quote I'll get!!!)

Not sure I'll get my exercise in today - I'm still hacking away with that cough that settled in my chest this week. Makes it hard to exert myself much!

Anyway, so far so good!:woohoo:
Welcome Back!:cool1:

It sounds like you are off to a great start! Keep up the good work and those 10 pounds will just melt away!:thumbsup2

I have to say..... I loved your trip report! The pictures were wonderful and you are an excellent writer!:thumbsup2

Hope you have a great weekend!

Started reading these boards today. Thought I'd respond to yours because 1) I liked your title 2)like your username, as I too often feel that I am burried legos (two boys) 3) I don't have huge amount to loose either. Would love 20lbs, but would be extremely happy with 10! I'm having a hard time getting into the exercise routine, although my body does respond pretty well to exercise, most nights I find myself laying on the couch watching soapnet. I even bought Turbo Jam but haven't even opened it to watch the intro yet. Pathetic. Thought perhaps if I came here everyday I might get motivated. What exercise do you (or anyone else?) do? Are there any sort of challenges on these boards? Anyhow... best of luck to you. Maybe I'll start my own journal. :rolleyes:
Just read your TR. Loved it. I too like to walk around early while everyone else is sleeping. I also love the south and palm trees in general. Around this time of year I often think (or sometimes say out loud) "just give me a palm tree, a lawnchair and a ray of sunshine and I'll be happy". Looking forward to reading more of your journal. :wave2:
Just read your TR. Loved it. I too like to walk around early while everyone else is sleeping. I also love the south and palm trees in general. Around this time of year I often think (or sometimes say out loud) "just give me a palm tree, a lawnchair and a ray of sunshine and I'll be happy". Looking forward to reading more of your journal. :wave2:

I think those things, too, at this time of year! We're right next door in NH, by the way (howdy neighbor!). Love Maine. We go to York mostly when we get over there, and Ogunquit. Nice to meet another New England DISer!
Sounds like you know what to do, and you already doin' it! :thumbsup2 Keep up the great work, and keep your journal going. That seriously helped me this time last year. I too didn't have much to lose. My goal was 20, but I ended up losing 29! This year I have 8 pounds to get back off after the holidays and slacking for a little while. :rolleyes1

Good luck, and I'm off to read your TR! :wave2:
Are there any sort of challenges on these boards?

Sorry to hijack your journal, legomom....but to answer themainemom's question... YES there are exercise challenges every month on the WISH board. Go to the (I think it's called) exercise thread and you can read about what others are doing and can join a challenge. :wave2:
TODAY I start exercising again!

Been a tough week fighting off that flu bug. Not a bad one but enough to sap my energy. Plus when you're awake at night with a hacking cough, you're tired the next day!!

So, I'll never make my January Exercise Challenge but I'll get in what I can. Since we had an ice storm over the weekend, AND it was 7-below this morning :scared1: I think I'll break out the ol' Gazelle!

Now if only my Disney walk-through videos would get here!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You hear so often how several small changes work better than trying to do it all at once. I'm taking that advice and starting with exercising. No, I can't do it every day, and many days that I want to I simply can't fit it in (until after the kids go to bed, by which time I am so exhausted I just collapse!). But I am making it a priority.

Once that is firmly established (what is it, around 28 days to really create a habit?) I will then focus on my eating. My meals themselves are fairly healthy, and I don't over eat at those times. It's the nibbling in between!!!!!!!!! Ugh.

I am also trying to make a point to get in 8 glasses of water a day. I usually end up doing 5 - 6, but I still only attempt that on days when I am going to be home because I am, as we know, the owner of the World's Smallest Bladder.:rolleyes1

Even the smallest baby step is still progress!
...I also love the south and palm trees in general. Around this time of year I often think (or sometimes say out loud) "just give me a palm tree, a lawnchair and a ray of sunshine and I'll be happy". ...

That's me, too! I'm in NH and it's cold... Brrr....

My dad lives in Florida and matter of fact, he's going to EPCOT tomorrow.


Glad you enjoyed my TR - thanks for reading!:goodvibes
I saw this neat weight-loss ticker tonight in someone's signature. So I clicked on it to go to the web site and make my own. Figured it would be good for me to have that right there for all the world to see! Then I had to go step on the scale to get a starting weight....


I have NEVER been this heavy in a non-pregnant state!!!!!!!! I am disgusted.:mad:

I am talking serious get-down-to-business now. Spring will be here before you know it and once I can't wear a sweater anymore, well, it won't be pretty if I don't fix it.

And, if all else fails, I can remind myself of that little long-weekend in FL I have coming up at the end of April (which includes a day-trip to The World!!).

No sooner did I get off the DIS last night than I went on over to eDiets and signed my sorry butt up! If I can stick with it for the initial 3-month term then hopefully I'll have developed better eating habits by then and can go it alone (money's tight; something like this is a definite "extra", I just determined it to be a needed "extra" right now!!:upsidedow Heck, it still comes out cheaper than a gym membership. Which I'd also love to have but just can't do it right now).

I'm really going to have to work at making time for exercise. With over a foot of snow on the ground, it's definitely going to be indoors! I actually don't mind bundling up and going for a brisk walk but they don't do the best job on the roads around here so there's not always a safe place to go.:sad2: Guess that's why DH sprung all that money on the Tony Little Gazelle several years ago! Which I do enjoy using, so it's convenient to have.
I was just sitting down to the computer to log onto the weight watchers boards and saw your post in my email, so I went to dis first to read yours. Today is my starting point too. In fact I had just poured myself my bowl of kashi w/ skim milk before I sat down at the computer. I am feeling really heavy and don't want to feel this way this summer. I keep picturing my shorts feeling tight and my thighs sticking together. I hate that feeling! I am seriously thinking of joinging weight watchers and maybe even curves. I am definately going to get on my treadmill today though! Just need that little push to get me going. Thanks for your post, I think it was just enough to get me motivated. What do you like about ediets?
I like eDiets because it helps me stay on track with my eating. I don't eat horribly on my own, but it does help add some fruits and veggies that I admit I wouldn't otherwise include on my own, and it keeps me from "picking" during the day. When I have a daily menu plan in front of me, I'm more likely to stick with it. I can customize it many ways (omit certain foods if I want to like red meat, shellfish, soy, etc.), and all of their meals within the plan are interchangeable, so if the menu comes up with something for lunch that I really don't want, or don't have the ingredients on hand, I can choose something else from the list. If you're the kind of person that likes the same breakfast every day, you can indicate that and it will put the same thing down every morning. So it's very flexible and again, it really just helps me to stay on track.

Although that step onto the scale last night sure did it, too...:rotfl:
Maybe I'll look into it. I did Weight Watchers a couple of years ago on my own and it does actually work if you stick to it. I'm thinking maybe meetings this time to help stay on. Also doing the treadmill does work to if you stick to it. Imagine that, watching what you eat and excising moderately helps you lose weight. Wonder why it's so hard to get back on the wagon, even if I know it will work. Basically I guess I prefer to lounge on the couch every evening vs. exercising. But, I hate big thighs more.


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