ZW's Birthday Gala: Part 16 Ever Hear of Ed Van Impe Honey?


<font color=red>Eivl <font color=navy>Emperor<br><
Jul 30, 2002
Sorry minor real life issues to deal with back to the report updates:


The Dolphin was incredible. We had a two bedroom suit with a huge room living room in between the bedrooms. These were the biggest nicest hotel rooms I have ever seen.

Kim had worked out a plan where I was to use AmEx for everything I could for about 18 months prior to this trip. Those transactions racked up points that paid for these glorious rooms.

I may be the Evil Emperor but she can scheme the schemes.

Here are some things to remember when you stay at the Dolphin:
1) The oatmeal stuff is the best soap in the world, scarf as much of it as you can.
2) Elevator navigation is a little odd particularly from the lobby, take any to your floor and figure it out up there ‘cause you can’t get there from there if either is the lobby.

I’ll update with pictures later.

One thing we didn’t have at the Dolphin was a kitchen so we would be eating out more. Our first Breakfast was an interesting adventure. Kim misplaced the rental car.

We had PS for Breakfast-a-soraus at AK. We headed over in the rental car nice and early.

(Navigation Tip: Always drive to AK if you have a car. The lot is close. Unless you have a white rental van like every other car in the lot, then it can be hard to find the car.)

We got through the gate and waited up near big fake tree for the park to open. I had the stroller with Delaney. Not wanting to crash it into anyone I was waiting a few place back from Kim and the other guys.

I have noticed that full size people judge the density of a crown by the proximity of other full size people’s shoulders. If they see a gap between full size people’s shoulders, they assume you are not doing your patriotic duty to move as fast as possible and they try to flow into the gap.

It is like water seeking its own level.

So some Mr. Swift decides that, because he can see a gap between my shoulders and the full size person standing in front of me, I must not be part of the queue that all the rest of the mass of humanity in the general vicinity was in. Yeah like I like standing around waiting for parks to open and then not go in!

So he pushes his way past, trips over Delaney in the stroller.

Now masses of people are a fluid thing. The only way I could keep this “gentleman” from squashing my kid was to flow back into the space behind me he left to attempt to fill the space my less than full size kid was occupying.


I refrained from ramming repeatedly him with the stroller. I don’t know how.

So now Mrs. Swift, with her stroller, is behind me doing the “Excuse me, I need to catch up to my husband.”


She starts the stroller push on me.

Now in my younger, much younger days, I ran a little cross country. I know it doesn’t sound like me, too physically fit - fear not, I quit.

Anyway one thing I learned running and well to be honest in ice hockey was how to use ones elbows in a crowd. I grew up in Philly; I ran in Philly, I learned to play hockey in Philly when the Flyers were known as the Broad Street Bullies.

I know elbow technique.

Anyone remember the tour the Russian Hockey team did playing NHL teams back in 1776? They were the kings of the fast one touch pass, the gold medal team of teams. They were very good and beat all the other NHL teams they played 'cause the NHL teams tried to out pass them.

The Flyers lined up four guys on the blue line. Any Russian who tried to get past the line anywhere near the puck got creamed. The fifth guy found the puck and cleared it out and the Russians tried to get into the zone again.

After while the Ruskies got tried of getting their clock cleaned. They marched off the ice and said that this wasn’t hockey and they would take their puck and go home.

Fine the NHL said. Go. Your contract was for a fixed number of games. You leave now you breach the contract and don’t get paid for any of the tour. After a good pout, they came back out got beat into the ice trying to play Philly hockey.

1/11/76 in the ole' Spectrum. Classic game. During the Soviet's tour of NHL cities, Philly and its Broad Street Bullies proved the only team able to beat them. In fact the Bully style confuses the Russians thoroughly as Ed Van Impe's vicious but legal check of Valerie Kharlomov with what is known as the "check heard 'round the world" prompting the Soviets to walk off the ice and refuse any further play. After being told if they don't play, they don't get paid, the Red Army team comes back onto the ice after a long delay filled with plenty of 70s theatrics by the announcers and fans, only to be humiliated by the Stanley Cup Champions, 4-1.

Sure honey you can barge past no problem, did I mention that back when I played hocley I picked the same jersey number as Ed Van Impe's?

Maybe its just me, but I remember those Soviet games well - but I'm sure I wasn't around in 1776...;)

Funny stuff!! Made me picture Bobby Clarke and the toothless grin!!

Great reports!
And keep those elbows up!


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