ZW's Birthday Gala: Part 12 - One more time?


<font color=red>Eivl <font color=navy>Emperor<br><
Jul 30, 2002
The boats all tie up under the bridge from England to France. (I know, I thought it was a Chunnel tunnel too. But I have been there and I can tell ya - it is a bridge.) We tie up next to the Boardwalk boat.

Poor slobs in the Boardwalk boat thought they were going to get a nice quite private cruise. HA. Their captain is our buddy Jeff from Boardwalk recreation. We know Jeff and Jeff knows us. The corny jokes started to fly as soon as he saw us.

We met Jeff a little less than a year ago. It goes this way; when Zurg & Zurgswife went down to DISCon II, I broke off the very entertaining thrill ride and radio abuse tour, hosted by JayPD, to go to the Boardwalk DVC annual meeting. Yes I realize it makes me a huge geek but what the heck I doubt I’ll ever be there when they have the meeting again.

I sat up front and talked with all the CMs dressed in pressed business suits. I was in wrinkled shorts and a polo shirt.

The Boardwalk guy introduced all his staff and I made a point of saying thanks to Kim Taylor the recreation manager. I told her she did a great job with the Boardwalk Halloween party.

She was appreciative and mentioned that the Boss was thinking about cutting the budget and maybe a guest letter would help keep the Haloween Party.

Got it Kim.

We chatted and got on the subject of the Illuminations Cruise, she mentioned Jeff did a murder mystery trip on Halloween and that if I ever had a trip booked she could make sure Jeff was our captain.

I know a Quid Pro Quo when I hear one.

It just so happened that the next day was 90 days from our kids’ spring break. We would have friends in WDW and we would just be getting back from the Disney Cruise Line. So we got up the next morning fired up the cell phones and booked some Illumniations cruises.

We sent a very nice letter to Kim Taylor’s boss. I included a BadShoe Thank You pin for him to pass on to her as thanks for a great Halloween party.

Oh did I mention I had already introduced my self to the Boss at the meeting? Yeah he was one of the dressed and pressed.

I made point of mentioning our favorite Bell Hop and first recipient of one our Pin. His name is Al. We saw Al a few days later - the big boss has sought him out and told him guest were passing on complements at the DVC meeting. Al was very happy.

No problem Al.

So anyway a letter to the Boss seemed well a little too normal. I mean we are the people. A letter is way inside the box, right there in the middle where you can’t even see the sides.

So we made a scroll, my family calls it a Dunlap Special. We have been making them since I was a little kid. We got a long roll of white paper, crayons, makers, cut out pictures from old magazines and went to town. We put BadShoe stickers all over it and prints of pictures from our trups. We wrote thank you-s for the Halloween party for, the pool, for the fishing guides, you name it – everything recreation does.

Now next time you are in Boardwalk's Community Hall by the quiet pool look in the back. Past the fishing guy’s metal locker to the back wall, see that loing scroll hanging from one wall to the other?

That would be us.

I hear tell they rolled it out one the floor and all crowded around the day it arrived. Funny they seem to know us now when we come in.

So Kim was kind enough to arrange for Jeff to Capitan our boat for Spring Break. He made up a murder mystery. It was drop dead funny. Jeff entered our Hall of Fame

Anyway I digress, back to this trip; we get off the cruise with Buz and Mattsmom at the Boardwalk dock. The boat takes them back to the Yacht Club where we started but this saves us some walking. Jeff is there dropping of his guests. We start joking around with Jeff again.

As his guest leave he gets all serious. (Not like Jeff at all.) He allows as how the guest for his Christmas Eve cruise canceled. He may be able to get us the boat. Cool. No 90 day waiting and no calling at 7:00 am.

That would be a cool birthday present for Mom.

We would check in with him tomorrow, we were in if central booking hadn’t filled the trip….
Yes Jeff is one of the coolest!

We look for him now all the time, and he looks for us too!


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