Zip Lock Bags?


Banded 2/18/05
Aug 30, 2005
I have been reading that past cruisers recommend Zip Lock bags......why? What are they good for? and what sizes do you recommend? :confused3

Well there are a few uses.

We use the really large ones (2 gallon) to pack clothes in. Especially underwear. You can use them like the space bags for packing plus if your bag is gone through it it easy for TSA to look through without handling all your clothes.

Others have talked about taking the large ones or the gallon size ones and putting a complete outfit for the kids in them. Helps them get ready in the morning on their own.

Last but not least some back smaller size ones then order food from room service and pack them in the bags to take off the ship for lunch at the beach etc.
I use the 2.5 gallon heft zip bags to individually pack my 2 sons outfits(2 & 4 yr olds), our undergarments..It becomes very easy to unpack etc and also is easy to find stuff !!! Once I fill them with clothes I try and get as much air out as possible so it even compacts the stuff inside ! Hope this helps !
Also I used 1 bag to gather all the swim stuff !
We keep one or two in the backpack with us in ports, in case of rain..we can put wallets, camera, etc in them so they do not get wet.

Before we leave..I pack everything we need per day in ports in ziplocs, and mark them. Then we we arrive in port, getting ready to debark all I need to do is take the contents of the marked bag with me..which means I don't forget anything in the cabin.
There are a lot of uses for them. I always pack them and end up using a lot for various things.

#1 reason we bring them is for packing snacks like chips, doritos, pretzels and such. We buy big bags of these items upon arrival and then pack the small zip locs for a day in the park.
We use them to pack our wet water shoes and swim suits. We hang them up to dry, but they never dry completely and we just put them in these bags at the last minute when we pack and take them out when we get home.

I also used the bags for left-overs if we order room service (like cheese trays).

We also used them to bag up all the 'little' things when we are packing. Each of us takes a bag and puts all our stuff in it that we have laying around the dresser area.

In addition to all the great suggestions above, we use Ziplocs to pack and carry all our sunscreen, lotion, shampoo, etc. Basically, anything that could burst or come open and leak all over our clothes, we put in a Ziploc.

We pack gallon, quart and snack size for our trips.

Puts a whole new meaning on ZIP-A-De-Do-Dah!

Definitely come in handy for those wet swim suits after Castaway day (since they never seem to dry in time for packing.) I also put our flip flops in them since they seem to get so sandy and I never can get all of that sand off of them.
They are also great for packing shampoo and lotions so if they leak they don't get all over everything. I never leave home without them now when we are vacationing.
Sue Ellen
The gallon size bags can be used to wash swimsuits and underwear (in case you don't want to use the laundry facilities for a full load). Just bring a little bottle of woolite or detergent, add water, and zip. Then shake vigorously and rinse.
I used the quart size to put cookies (from room service) in, so when we wanted a snack we had some cookies.

Also, I put sand from each beach in ziplocs and labeled with a sharpie pen (I'm a scrapbooker).
Since September 11th, I divide everything in our carry-ons into big zip lock bags. TSA and security can dump the entire carry-on out, see everything, and put it all back easily.

I keep the passports in sandwich ziplocks to keep them dry.
Not only do zip locks make packing and finding things easier but you can pack more because you can squeeze out the air that fills your clothes. I'm serious. Five pairs of undies take up more room stacked neatly in your suitcase than five pairs in a zip lock with the air squeezed out.
We use all sizes from quart to gallon to the 2 gallon size for reasons as listed above. What a difference it makes in packing...........especially for DD. The space it saves is pretty impressive and unpacking is so much easier. Plus, I carry Downey Dryer Sheets, individual anti-bacterial wipe packs, individual eye-glass cleaners, medications, quarters for the Washer / Dryers and all sunscreen in individual packs so its easier to find everything.

Plus, we pre-pack all our excursion items in Ziplocs for each day. We were on one excursion that faced some pretty choppy seas on our way out to snorkle. It was lots of fun to crash through the waves but the bag storage area underneath the tables got swamped as well and all the guests bags were soaked.

Everyone else on that excursion had to "sun-dry" in January after snorkeling due to wet clothes and towels in their bags but we were fine.........just opened up the Zip Locs and everything was completely dry!

I love the idea of rinsing and washing out swimsuits with a little Woolite! That is why I love these boards........I always learn new tricks.

Enjoy your cruise!!
Oh my--lots of uses for all sizes. Thanks--I am packing already as not to forget anything. I HATE running around at the last minute. :hourglass I have lots of stuff for the cruise layed out on the dining room table and the kids have been warned not to touch a single thing!

ZipLock should give DISers a discount- look how much they save on advertising! :rotfl:


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