Zero Forky's Given - An August 2019 Dining Report - Completed 8/18

Wow!! One of your favorite Disney dishes of ALL TIME?!? This is high praise. Putting it on the future list for whenever we can go back.
Since you are a more adventurous eater like us I think you'd really like it. We were really surprised by how good it was.

That is high praise indeed! I've never had goat but I would definitely give it a try and I do love me some curry!
I'd only had goat once before and really enjoyed. There is an amazing greek restaurant in DC that does a tasting menu that ends in goat and its still one of my most memorable dining experiences. So when I saw goat on the menu I knew we were all in.

I’m so glad you all enjoyed Sebastian’s! We had the vegetable curry and this was delicious 😋
Anything in that sauce would be delicious. I'd be curious to try their plant based version since the goat was so good and Disney seems to be doing so well in the plant based department.

sure hope they stay consistent with the food, sometimes, a big fault of Disney’s!
Yep!!! Even some of the signatures can't seem to stay consistent which is the one thing you would think Disney would do well at.

That looks refreshing. I love a nice pool day at Disney :cloud9:
Me too! And we certainly don't do enough of them. Whenever we get back to Disney I fully intend to relax by the pool more and stop all this go, go, go

No. Just no. I saw what you did with the title and I was literally thinking, "I hope she's talking about Goat Cheese."
You should know me better than that by now. I was thinking if we put it on a salad or maybe inside of some baby bel cheese maybe we could get you to try it :earboy2:

Wow, those rolls looked amazing. I'd be tempted to go there just for that!!
And that would be a great decision. I wish they served them at the pull bar so you could get them anytime.

This is good to hear. We ate at Ronto Roasters and thought that was really good too.
I remember you biting into that dainty little sausage :D That is where Jason wanted to eat but I voted for indoor dining. Will def try Rontos in the future though

So, I actually booked this for our September trip. I've been excited to try it for a while now. It's good to hear you gave it 5 sporks!!!
I think you all will really like it and I know that husband of ours will be down with the GOAT!
Well, I know I quoted something else, but can't remember what it is, and sure don't see it here, so yep. Going with just the dirty sock dunked in curry sauce here!
When in doubt one should always go with dirty socks!

You're right, based on the picture alone, I would never even want to try the goat curry, but your description definitely intrigues me and would encourage me to give it a whirl!
I think the curry really makes it accessible even though goat isn't something we eat very much. I'd had it once before and had really enjoyed it. It is on par with lamb so if you don't like that its probably a no go, but I figured most of the world is eating goat so might a swell join em

to say it's one of the best dishes you've EVER eaten at Disney!!!! Is there even a higher praise for a restaurant that that?!
There really isn't. Not sure where it would stack up but definitely in the top 10!

Wow! If the goat curry was so good you’d enjoy dirty sock curry I’m going to say Sebastian’s deserved those 5 forkys! The bread rolls do look and sound amazing
Casey’s posing photo is just beautiful! Definitely one to frame 💕
5 forky's were most definitely earned. My pork was a bit of a misstep so I considered lowering it but that curry was so dang good it made up for it.

:rotfl: But really...
I knew you'd feel me. As immersive as Disney wants to be they literally just dialed it in with those lobby restaurants. At least give them a door and enclose them to show maybe you are trying

Ahh, the jerk. My favorite is too often the jerk, too... which I suppose is why so many of my relationships fail... :scratchin
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: My favorite was the jerk for a while too. Just ask my ex-fiance or ex-husband :scared1:

I've heard so many good things about Sebastian's. Those rolls! :love: They're definitely going on my list of things to try. The goat curry, ehh, I don't know. You've described it so wonderfully, and it sounds deliciously amazing, but, goat. :oops::laughing:
Please stand by for a public service announcement on behalf of goat...

Goat tastes like lamb to be but usually more tender. I've also heard it described as a cross between pork and dark meat chicken which is a win in my book. Plus they are almost always free range and has less calories, fat and cholesterol than even chicken.

So now tell me you don't want some?

t's kind of up there on my ick factor list with octopus. I know, I know, I don't know what I'm missing. Some day I'm going to be brave and try both, but it may have to be done like my grandfather did when he told me to close my eyes, and open my mouth, and he stuck a snail in there! Have to say I do I do love escargot!
I can certainly see octopus being in the ick factor but not the poor sweet gentle goat

Sebastian's is high on my list of restaurants to try, because I've read some great reviews. Seems like the experience did not disappoint for you guys, either. I mean, you had me at "cheap but fine" Pinot Grigio. :rotfl2:
When you can combined cheap but fine and goat curry, I mean what's not to love :confused3

I'll have to keep the goat curry in mind, that's not something I've tried before.
It really was great and should definitely be tried

Curry goat is one of my favorite foods on the planet. No joke. I’ll definitely have to make it to Sebastian’s on our next trip. That mojito sounded a little more extra than the typical pool bar as well. CBR has become such a great option after the renovations. Enjoyed your review!
Wow, that's impressive right there. I'd only had goat once and this was my first curry so hopefully it would be as good as others you've had. Once the world opens back up I'm going on a hunt for some around here.

We really love CBR. Jason wasn't a fan at first b/c we stayed in a pirate room but has since become a fan.

Those rolls look amazing! As for the goat, I have to ask...I can't even do goat cheese, so how goaty was it?
I would actually say it was less goaty than goat cheese. Certainly didn't have that sour, pungent flavor that the cheese does. It is more like lamb if you like that

I agree, I was very impressed when I saw the inside.
Forgot you'd seen it on one of your tours. Definitely my vibe and color palate inside. Glad Disney designed a restaurant just for me.

Um, 🤮 and I know you knew that was coming!
And um I knew 🤮 was coming. Tell ya what I'll try a mushroom if you try the goat :P
That looks so good! I will definitely check out Docking Bay 7.
I think you would really like it. Definitely on target with Satuli in terms of both quality and just something different

Mmmmm mojitos! They are on my cocktail list for this weekend. I decided to do a signature cocktail every weekend and am stocking my home bar accordingly. It's not like I'm spending money anywhere else these days.....
Yum! Let me know how they turn out. Its' been so cold and rainy here I haven't wanted anything but red wine. But the sun is coming up today so may have to see what we're stocked for

Sometimes cold and white is all you need.

Those rolls look absolutely to die for! I think I'd just want those for a meal!
And knowing you I think you would just eat that for a meal and call it a day ❤ Me and my squad would need two orders each

A ringing endorsement if I have ever heard one! Definitely putting Sebastian's on the list for whenever I make it back. We are tentatively scheduled for December 19-23 now but who knows. March is looking like a back up plan if December falls through.
Hopefully we can all get back soon. We're not due to go until the end of October which will be 15 months since we were last there.

Were you happy at CBR?
We really like CBR. The ground are beautiful, rooms modern, and they have great food options. The only thing we do not like is the bus situation and multiple stops but the skyliner is likely fixing some of that. We just usually uber instead. Now if I had to go deluxe vs. moderate I'd probably go with a deluxe hotel every time but the prices have been so crazy lately we are content to be at CBR.

You had me at guava butter. :) Eating goat doesn't bother me. Just leave the horses alone and I'm fine.
Guava = Good. Goat = Doesn't Both. Horse = Leave it Alone. I'll have to remember that :D

It is nice to stay at the resort and eat dinner at the resort restaurant during a trip. We did that when we stayed at POR in January. We ended up cancelling our dinner at Edison in Disney Springs and having dinner at Boatwrights. It was by far one of our best WDW dinners, ever. Our waiter was great and the food was good. It was nice just to stay at the resort and not go anywhere that night. :)
YES!!!! It really is so nice to have to go nowhere. We stayed at POFQ a few years back and did the same thing at Boatwrights. We loved our meal there too

I am LOVING this thread, our tastes and dining styles seem to be very similar so I am jazzed to try Homecoming and Sebastian's!

:welcome: If our tastes and dining styles are similar then you have definitely come to the right place. Bottoms up :drinking1
Sounds like a great meal at Sebastian's!
I would go for that goat curry. Although the ladies in my life may vomit at the thought.
When I stayed at CBR the restaurant (Shutters, I think?) didn't have that great reviews from what I remember, so I never ate there. It seems they are trying to improve things.
Yum! Let me know how they turn out. Its' been so cold and rainy here I haven't wanted anything but red wine. But the sun is coming up today so may have to see what we're stocked for
Oh my gosh Kari, they were delicious! I ordered a new cocktail shaker from Wayfair and muddled the mint, lime and sugar in the bottom of that. Then added three ounces of fresh lime juice, 2 ounces of simple syrup and 4 ounces of white rum with ice. I poured that in two glasses layered with ice, mint leaves and lime slices and topped it up with some club soda. Next up is learning to make margaritas as I ordered a full margarita set. If I'm going to be home all summer, I might as well have fun!
And knowing you I think you would just eat that for a meal and call it a day ❤ Me and my squad would need two orders each
Nothing says delicious like bread! I made Mickey pretzels with beer cheese sauce today and had to force myself to stop at 2!
Hopefully we can all get back soon. We're not due to go until the end of October which will be 15 months since we were last there.
I know, it is so sad! We are tentatively scheduled for December which will be a year for me. I have March on the back burner just in case December falls through. I really hope your trip happens in October! Where are you planning on staying?
Whew! I finally got caught up again. It seems you had great experiences at two restaurants we had poor experiences, Docking Bay 7 and Sebastian's. We will have to try them again some time. Keep this coming. I need some Disney food love. I am getting concerned about our November Food & Wine trip.
Okay, I'm nice and caught up with your marvellous meaty adventures! Galaxy's Edge was yet to open during our last WDW stay. I suppose that Docking Bay 7 will be on our radar next year ... with any luck. I must admit the ribs and those 'I Can't Believe They're Not ...' meatballs looked rather tasty. Thank you. Now I need to search the fridge for a meaty snack ...
I would go for that goat curry. Although the ladies in my life may vomit at the thought.
Well we wouldn't want the ladies to do that but my guess is if you just tell them its beef no chance they'd know the difference

When I stayed at CBR the restaurant (Shutters, I think?) didn't have that great reviews from what I remember, so I never ate there. It seems they are trying to improve things.
I'd even forgot about that place. We didn't stay at CBR until during the construction so it was never even open. But Sebastians really is great as is the entire redo of the resort.

Oh my gosh Kari, they were delicious! I ordered a new cocktail shaker from Wayfair and muddled the mint, lime and sugar in the bottom of that. Then added three ounces of fresh lime juice, 2 ounces of simple syrup and 4 ounces of white rum with ice. I poured that in two glasses layered with ice, mint leaves and lime slices and topped it up with some club soda. Next up is learning to make margaritas as I ordered a full margarita set. If I'm going to be home all summer, I might as well have fun!
Oh that sounds SOOOOO good. We were on a mojito kick a few summers back and had the muddler and everything. You now have me wanting to see where that got to as I think I have everything else to make it.

When I make a margarita (like tomorrow for cinco de mayo) I'm all about the pre-made mix and some tequila so let me know if you figure a good recipe out.

I made Mickey pretzels with beer cheese sauce today and had to force myself to stop at 2!
You've definitely inspired me! Just put in a request for Jason to make me some pretzel's this week. I love to cook but cannot bake to save my life.

Whew! I finally got caught up again. It seems you had great experiences at two restaurants we had poor experiences, Docking Bay 7 and Sebastian's. We will have to try them again some time. Keep this coming. I need some Disney food love. I am getting concerned about our November Food & Wine trip.
Sounds like we had very different experiences. We loved both places and can't wait to go back.

Okay, I'm nice and caught up with your marvellous meaty adventures! Galaxy's Edge was yet to open during our last WDW stay. I suppose that Docking Bay 7 will be on our radar next year ... with any luck. I must admit the ribs and those 'I Can't Believe They're Not ...' meatballs looked rather tasty. Thank you. Now I need to search the fridge for a meaty snack ...
The "meatballs" were definitely the better of the two. If I knew anything about how to cook plant based meatballs, me and this stay at home order would be all over them.

Hope you found some goat as your meaty snack :D
My favorite was the jerk for a while too. Just ask my ex-fiance or ex-husband
I have one each of those too... :faint: And - get this - I've been dating a Jason for about 8 months. :laughing: Maybe the key to happiness is to lose the jerks (except in the food variety) and find a Jason :rotfl:
Real Life Update

I have a confession to make. I did something I'm not proud of. I've gone against every fiber of my Disney-being. But they say admittance is the first step to recovery so here I go.....

I made a dining reservation.

There I said it. But still not feeling better. Let me try that again.


Not for tomorrow. Not for next week. Not for next month even. I made a dining reservation for 180 days from yesterday.


Oh Joey it gets worse!

I didn't just make one reservation like I'd intended. I made 7! S-E-V-E-N! Advanced Dining Reservations. At Disney World. For October and November. I mean Halloween is bad enough when it isn't even Memorial Day yet but November???? There is a Thanksgiving Turkey that hasn't even been born yet and I'm thinking about what I want to eat for dinner six months from now. Who am I even? :scared1:

I'm not proud. I feel a little dirty even. I am a card carrying member of the non-planning, just gonna go with the Disney flow, figure out what to eat 5 minutes before I eat it club!

Yet I woke up yesterday morning to make dining reservations.

But there is a back story. There is always a back story.

Now in my defense I know we are going to want to eat California Grill brunch which is getting hard to find. It will be three years since Jason has gone and a year and a half for me and well that is just plain wrong. So I set my alarm for 7am yesterday so I could get a reservation on our 180+2 day. Are you impressed I learned fancy new language too? Now those of you planners are likely saying this...

Because I woke up at 7 cause I did not know that reservations opened at 6. Oops. I know you are shocked. But I did get a brunch reservation, albeit a little later than I wanted.

But I didn't stop there.

A little later, under the influence of absolutely no alcohol (wink, wink), it may have sounded like a good idea to make a dinner reservation for every night of our trip. Yep all seven of them!!!! And I'm not even talking about ensuring I got the "hard" to find reservations (though booking Be Our Guest and Ohana just because I could may have crossed my evil mind). Nope not me.

I was all over the hard to get Jiko. And of course Toledo whose name I could't remember and contrary to pubic opinion is not just a city in Ohio. Oh and I cannot forget Flying Fish where 7 of my nearest and dearest DIS friends dined in January with 0.2 seconds notice. But of course I needed to ensure I had a reservation for November 3rd. Or Casey's request of Hoop Dee Doo because post global pandemic who doesn't want strangers singing all up in your grill and sitting on your lap. But I digress.

Yes admitting you have a problem is the first step so I feel better just getting that off my chest.

In all seriousness clearly none of us has any idea what Disney will look like a month from now, let alone in 180+7 days (still using that fancy new math). But thinking that restaurants may be at some diminished capacity I thought having ADR's may be a good idea. I clearly know absolutely nothing about Disney's plans but what I do know is that a growing girl has gotta eat n drink and I ain't missing some signature dinners.


And as abnormal as making dining reservations that far out felt, just making dining reservations restored some normal in this Disney girls heart.

So there you have it. Thank you for listening to my confession.

Now I'm off to douse myself in holy water and exercise these planning demons.

Not for tomorrow. Not for next week. Not for next month even. I made a dining reservation for 180 days from yesterday.
I made 7! S-E-V-E-N! Advanced Dining Reservations.
I can't even believe what I just read!!!!!!

But thinking that restaurants may be at some diminished capacity I thought having ADR's may be a good idea.
But you're absolutely right about this, and I hadn't even thought about it that way. Good call, my friend!!
Well if this report didn't make me want to eat at Sebastian nothing will! I almost want to book it for November!

I am shocked! 7! You go girl! I mean who are you! I think this self isolation may be getitng to you!

But i hear you on the ADRs, my day is tomorrow... and while i am not trying for Cali Brunch which makes me VERY sad. I am kinda excited to do it, because of all the reasons you mentioned! possible reduced capacity, and well being able to plan a trip cause i am sick of being in this house and cooking my own food!

Also we are booking HDDR! Which i'm interested to see if we can actually end up doing!
HA! Well, if it makes you feel better, CG Brunch is 100% worth selling your "non-ADR" soul for. And I have to say, even after swearing off ADR's after our last trip, I think it's a good idea to at least book restaurants you KNOW you'll want to eat at. I think you'll see changes in capacity and even restaurant options in general down there next fall.

And even if they don't reduce capacity, I think the minute WDW opens up, it's gonna be like the flood gates opened and you will see level 10 crowds consistently. I think it's going to be an absolute ZOO down there for a year or so after it reopens. Maybe I'm wrong...but it seems like people are ready to force things back to normal and are willing to risk it. They *might* see less of the retiree crowd, but I'm willing to bet families and "childless millennials" will be raring to go.
I have never been impressed with the food at WDW resorts or parks but that California Grill brunch looks mighty enticing - please promise me it would be worth the $95+ dollars to eat!
I am also thinking that ADRs may be a good safety net when Disney reopens. Because with decreased restaurant capacity, I’m thinking there will be much less last minute availability. Plus I’m thinking fall will be busier than usual with people rescheduling their spring trips.
Sorry, I know we are only virtual acquaintances but I feel the need to tell you we just cannot be friends any longer. Reservations...we don't need no stinkin reservations whatever happened to that person we all know and admire. Next you'll be saying it's alcohol free and Casey will only eat hot dogs, Jason has given up beer. What is happening????
I really do see the need for reservations but I have to do my breathing exercises to cope. :rotfl:
Holy crap! Here I thought I was the crazy one to spend 8...yes, 8...hours today trying to buy some mugs on shopDisney! And yet, I think you just out-crazied me! Let’s blame everything on the stupid pandemic! :rotfl2:

And by the way, I’m so happy you’re finally getting back to CG! I hope to do the same someday :P


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