Yup, You Can Take 9 Adults and 8 Kids to Disney and Return Sane...mostly


Dec 3, 2005
Let me introduce you to the Snarfblatts, but first little background...Flash back to 5 years ago. The world was a kinder, gentler place where people waved when you walked down the street, and everyone knew their neighbors....okay, so that's still the way it is in my neck of the woods. Anyway, I was extremely pregnant with a little snarf, and extremely overdue, and extremely irritable. I was being absolutely cranky and impossible. I knew it, but I just couldn't stop. My Sis and SIL had recently had babies (Note-my Sis was pregnant again...you know in this world, some things are 99.9% effective...well, somebody has to be the .1% :rotfl:) , and I wanted to add mine to the crew. While sitting at my computer, I came up with a grand and wonderful scheme for my entire extended family. In exactly 5 years, all our kids would be a great age for Disney, and we should all go together. At that time, there were 4 kids and 2 on the way. Everyone let me know that I was absolutely crazy.

Fast forward 5 years. Our group has increased to 8 kids and none on the way (as far as I know). I am still convinced that our kids are great ages for Disney and we ought to go together...everyone else is still wavering. Wendy's is kind enough to have this great promotion where they offer free flights with the purchase of colossal amounts of medium sodas. I am here to tell you that the caffine buzz from consuming approximately 640 medium Diet Cokes never completely goes away. But we had 5 round trip flights anywhere that AirTran flies. After begging, pleading, promising we'd spend time on our own and agreeing to keep my BIL away from my mom, I finally got everyone to agree that this really was the most brilliant idea anyone ever had :bounce:

The Main Cast
Me: Mama Snarfblatt--turned 30 during this magical trip, a speech therapist sometimes, a mom all the time, I try desprately to mix in some type B with my overwhelmingly type A personality for the good of those around me (repeat to myself...I will not hyperventilate if we vary from the schedule, I will not hyperventilate...someone get me a paper bag)

DH: Daddy Snarfblatt--32, an electrician all the time, and an all-around good guy. He is mellow enough that he doesn't mind the fact that I planned this trip for 5 years. DH prefers trips with more wilderness and less theme parks, but humors me 'cause we don't do this very often.

DSS: Ace Snarfblatt--12, My step-son on paper, my son of the heart. Lives with us full time. He's so balanced on the edge between kid and adult you can almost see him teetering. Some days he just wants roll around on the ground like a puppy with the littles, and some days he watches them with that tolerant, amused expression of a grown up. He's akward, endearing, a wonderful big brother, and the spittin image of his dad.

DS: Boo Snarfblatt--4, The little Snarfblatt I was expecting at the beginning of this adventure. Probably the sweetest, gentlest kid ever to roam the earth. He makes me laugh out loud, he brings a tear to my eye. Boo is extremely reserved about just about everything in this world--a serious little soul, I know he is having the time of his life when he giggles out loud...'cause it doesn't happen often

DD: Jo Jo Snarfblatt--1.5 The tiniest Snarfblatt. Everyone was sent to this earth with a purpose...hers was to teach me patience! She is bossy and demanding with a temper the size of Texas. She is also extremely bright, talkative, loving, and cute. Jo Jo has her older brothers wrapped around her little finger, and she knows and takes advantage of it....look out world when this one gets older.

DSis: D-Girl Snarfblatt--24 The only extended family member to make it into the main cast because she truly is a part of my family. We joke about her paying rent for my couch because she spends as much time there as she does at her own place. She is the greatest Aunt in the world, and a wonderful Sister. We would never have thought about doing Disney without her.

The Supporting Cast:
Mom: 57
Dad 58
Sis 36
BIL 36
Kiddo A 7
Kiddo B 5
Kiddo C 4

Brother 34
SIL 33
Kiddo D 5
Kiddo E 3

Yup, that's 9 adults and 8 kids all on our way. Much of the travel and some of the trip will only star the main cast, but the rest will sneak their way in in some way, shape or form. Next installment:
"Who's supposed to be where?"


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