You're on line and DD has to go potty....

Changing a child's clothes is just a nudity issue and if we are talking about a toddler I don't see what the big deal is. I personally would have used a towel as a sheild, but I have changed DD poolside when she was little.
I personally don't have a problem with this either, however at a place where cameras are abundant, and areas that are known to be targets of pedophiles, I would just be more careful. A poor girl was molested right by the pool at the Swan resort a couple of years ago:sad1: ... you just never know who is lurking about, especially in public areas that are easily accessible to the general public. I wouldn't want a nude pic of my child ending up on the internet.
Somehow I raised three kids without ever purchasing or using a travel potty despite extensive traveling. ;) I just can't see why it's necessary in WDW? Take the kids to the potty before you get on line :confused3 I understand accidents might happen-so use pullups or bring extra wipes/clothes. I guess I just can't understand why people wouldn't leave the line to take their kid to the bathroom. Talk about commando touring!!
As for getting out of the line and getting back in, I don't think most people would object in a potty emergency.

The poster who brought up the Travel Potty has said they brought it to
WDW but never needed to use it and that it wouldn't be appropriate for a 4-yr old but ok for a 2yr old...

The OP is just worried that their newly p/t'd preschooler won't "pee on demand" when they make regular restroom breaks, and then suddenly need to go after standing on line for 1/2 an hour. I can understand the concern. Will it happen? Hard to say but I agree with one poster that getting out of line one time and then having to suffer the consequence of just missing the ride, may very well stop that behavior quickly. :goodvibes Personally, we just took regular rest room breaks when we were at WDW...always stopped at one before getting in a long line... and never had a problem (thank goodness). We actually did leave a line for one ride at Universal IOA last year (that we did *not* get back into), the we were actually almost to the end of the line when ds(5) decided he needed to go. It was a water ride, so I wasn't about to risk it. :rotfl:
I agree with one poster that getting out of line one time and then having to suffer the consequence of just missing the ride, may very well stop that behavior quickly. :goodvibes Personally, we just took regular rest room breaks when we were at WDW...always stopped at one before getting in a long line... and never had a problem (thank goodness). We actually did leave a line for one ride at Universal IOA last year (that we did *not* get back into), the we were actually almost to the end of the line when ds(5) decided he needed to go. It was a water ride, so I wasn't about to risk it. :rotfl:

I agree with getting out of line as a consequence of "not going" before getting on line...

LOL at having to go potty on line for a water ride!! ;)
Simple solution that worked with our DS when he was younger...

If it's a line that looks to be long (any headliner attractions or the like), or a show that will last at least 30 minutes, DS attempts to use the toilet right before we get in line. We've been doing this since DS was fully potty trained (around his 3rd birthday), and we haven't had any issues. It's become routine for us now, and DS knows better than to argue. The one time he refused to go before we got into a line, he started doing the potty dance, we took him out of the line, and got back in at the end of the hour-long line (this was at our local Six Flags). He learned his lesson after that...
I disagree. If you're already waiting in line and then leave to take a little one to the bathroom you are not line jumping, you are simply resuming your place in line.

I agree. I don't see this as an issue when used for this example of a little one and the potty. Now if mom leaves and comes back with icecream and sodas then you better have pick one up for me too along the way or your not getting back in line ;)

I agree to alert a CM if you can! My DH and DD were in line for Buzz when she had to go potty. DH told the CM she needed to go because he wasn't sure the best way to exit the line. The CM gave them a FP for the current time, so when they got back they just got in the FP line.

Sounds like a wonderful solution and A+ to the CM for handling the situation like that. To the OP, several suggestions were given, and of all of them just keep them all in mind and have a plan for each ride in your heard just in case. The park maps all have where the restrooms are marked out so take advantage of the breaks. My son is 13 and we still make it a rule, more because I dont want to hear his whining :laughing:
I was halfway through the line at great movie ride with the 3yo DD, asked cast member where nearest bathroom was, and she told us to come back to side door, and she wold let us back into the line roughly the same spot we were. Don't expect this, but it can happen :) We are a party of 2, so we never have a "place holder" to help on trips :(

This happened to us at the Safari ride at AK. There were actually 5 adults and 2 children. My brother took my nephew to the bathroom while the rest of us waited to the side. We waited in that large area where they line up the people to board the trucks. When he was done, they just worked us back in!
I haven't read this entire thread, but enough to know that some people are NUTS!!! My gosh, it's a theme park ride line!!! For goodness sakes, if a little kid has to go potty, I'm sure someone near them in line will hold their spot and if another person believes that is line-cutting, it is time for that person to seriously get a grip on life.

And if you think you need to bring a portable potty with you, that is crazy. How many years have we been a civilized nation and now we have to worry about going potty in line at Disney World, so we whip out our own potty and let our kid go right in front of everyone, JUST so we don't miss out on a line - again - at a theme park!?

I would personally not have a problem with someone leaving the line for a potty break but be aware that in many lines it will be impossible to "catch up" to your placeholder without pushing past a lot of people. And since those people don't know that you left the line for a potty emergency, expect some glares and comments.

I do agree with asking the child to try to use the potty before getting in line. We also are of the opinion that if we leave the line for any reason, we return to the back of the line. DD didn't like having to try to potty when she didn't feel like she needed to until one evening when we were in line for the Jungle Cruise. We'd been waiting about 20 minutes and probably had another 10 minutes to go. She announced that she had to use the bathroom. We got out of line and when she was done, we went to the end and waiting all over again. (This was before fast pass). After that she was very cooperative about using the rest room before we got in a line.

What we've done, instead of the person staying behind continuing to move along in line, is have that person stay in the spot in line where we were when our little one needed to use the potty, letting the people behind us move up as the line moved. That way we're not pushing our way all the to the front of the line and those who have witnessed others moving up are unlikely to give us grief about "butting" in line.
I am all for encouraging self initiation to the potty and asking...but if you are in Disney....then you don't ask...I do not ask my son in public about restrooms, we simply go every hour...(at home I ask, I let him initiate to teach that skill)

Now he is a child who doesn't want to stop playing to go, but once you get his little butt on that seat, he will go (we also use fruit snacks as a reward still). Now, you cannot make a child go, but you can make the child sit on the potty for a second.

So my advice is don't "ask her 10x" TELL her "We are going to the restroom in 2 minutes and you need to TRY to go potty" And be prepared to tell her about all the little girls who tried to go potty and how they are having fun riding x,y,z ride :thumbsup2

Personally, if I have to leave the line, then I have to leave the line and would get back in line or go on a different ride...I don't want to push my way through people or face their possible wrath
With respect, ScotsMinnie, but NO ONE advised OP to allow her child to wet on the floor. If you look at the posts, pp have pretty much all said either: 1) Offer and/or enforce frequent potty breaks or 2) Should the situation arise, go ahead and leave the line to take her DD to the bathroom.

FTR, I consider myself less of a prude than a lot of folks, and even I find the idea of using a travel potty in line quite distasteful (not to mention a possible violation of bylaws regarding public urination). I'm sure it's a great product and could be invaluable in some situations (eg camping, road trips), but in the middle of a ride line is not the appropriate place for this device.


Okay, most things do not bother me at all. But, I think taking out the potty in line is pretty unacceptable. Seriously, I would hold someone's spot for them if they were that desperate! Go use the bathroom!
So I know I said that I wasn't going to reply any more but that was in the hope that you all would back off and stop getting at me. Obviously that hasn't worked.

Can I just make absolutely clear that at no point have I used a portable potty in WDW - or in fact during any trip to the states. I did carry one with me but it was mainly because the legs on them flip out so you can use it as a toilet seat on public toilets (fits a toddler bottom better and is cleaner).

All I did was answer a post with a suggestion. I was trying to be helpful. Sometimes we give bad advice or advice not thought through properly but it really isn't a reason to make such harsh comments.

I also said if I saw someone using it I wouldn't judge them for it.

Given all this why are people telling me to "please stop doing it". Are you all picking out posts to read but not them all? I find this comment very unfair.

Not being judgemental of people who would use one in an emergency is not a cultural thing as is suggested but I think a little bit of compassion for someone trying to do their best for their child. If I saw a 4 year old doing it I probably wouldn't though.

I have seen worse behaviour by Americans during my trips. And of course by other nationalities all over the world during other travels.

This is supposed to a friendly forum discussing the ups and downs of taking families to WDW. I have never expected to get ambushed for a suggestion I made and made to feel like some sort of moron for doing something I have never done in my life. If I had said that I have done it myself then OK - I can imagine that it would be justified.

My portapotty is used as it is meant - long car journeys etc. We don't have a bathroom on every corner at home and most of them you would not want to take your kids into. So they are very useful.

So please before you post saying how awful I am please read what I have said.

Its not nice to come onto a forum that you love to read these things. It puts you off looking at your usercp and makes it a lot less fun to come onto a board that you have been visiting for a long time.
Simple solution that worked with our DS when he was younger...

If it's a line that looks to be long (any headliner attractions or the like), or a show that will last at least 30 minutes, DS attempts to use the toilet right before we get in line. We've been doing this since DS was fully potty trained (around his 3rd birthday), and we haven't had any issues. It's become routine for us now, and DS knows better than to argue. The one time he refused to go before we got into a line, he started doing the potty dance, we took him out of the line, and got back in at the end of the hour-long line (this was at our local Six Flags). He learned his lesson after that...

Heck, I do that for me (and I'm way older than your DS)!
What we've done, instead of the person staying behind continuing to move along in line, is have that person stay in the spot in line where we were when our little one needed to use the potty, letting the people behind us move up as the line moved. That way we're not pushing our way all the to the front of the line and those who have witnessed others moving up are unlikely to give us grief about "butting" in line.

that sounds like the perfect solution. :thumbsup2
If we exit the line for any reason, we re-enter at the back when we come back (if we come back). I personally don't have a problem letting a parent and child back in, but it is still line jumping and there will be people that have a problem with it. My dd was 2 on our last trip (almost 3) and was completely potty trained in panties - I never had to leave a line with her; I did have to leave out of Test Track with ds5 - we didn't go back.

I agree it is line jumping if you aren't leaving someone behind, but if DH stays and it doesn't take too long, I don't think of it as line jumping.
I don't see anything wrong with your fiance holding your place. You are in WDW with a child for crying out loud! If people can't deal with that then tough s**t!
I really can't see many people having a real problem with this. I know that, barring some wacky, out-there circumstance, whether a parent had a partner to hold his/her place in line or not, I'd let them back in, especially if we'd been waiting for a long period of time. That's just common courtesy.

I think, like with a lot of things in Disney, that the expectation that someone should or will do something is not the best attitude to have. I believe that, yeah, while it would not be a big thing to me, everyone is not like me. So, if I had to leave, I'd ask a CM and hope he'd be accomodating, but I wouldn't expect that he or she should. Line jumping is line jumping, after all.

However, under no circumstances is it okay to whip out a toilet just to escape leaving the line. Last year, I took my DN7 and DS9 to Six Flags. I know that my nephew has a small bladder, so DBF and I were very diligent about constant trips to the restrooms, whether they were requested or not. Right after one such bathroom break, as we'd been standing in line for a ride for about 30 minutes, DN has to go. "Really bad, Auntie!" There were no employees in sight so I asked the people behind me if it would be a problem and everyone was really nice about it, when they didn't have to be and there were no problems. There's no way that DN would have been allowed to relieve himself publicly, not at at 7, 5, or 2. Just not cool.


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