Your worst moment at a Disney park?

Most of our bad experiences at WDW involve rude guests. Three years ago, we were waiting in the stalls for the tram from DHS to the parking lot. We were in the stall for the last row of the car. My wife, who was 6 months pregnant, was upfront with our daughter, and I was in back with the stroller and bag. When the tram pulled up, the family of five (mom, dad, and three older kids) in the next stall pushed my wife, who was visibly pregnant and carrying a two year old, aside and boarded in our row, and then the people behind them boarded in their row, leaving us without seats. We had to wait for the next tram.

I was so mad (they literally pushed my wife out of their way):mad:, I called the father out as a ignorant B******, and was tempted to physically pull him off the tram. He stared straight ahead and pretended he didn't hear me until the car pulled away.
Mine was a couple years ago at DHS. I was sitting with out two year old at the exit of Tower of Terror waiting for the rest of the family. It was the last ride they were doing before we went back to the room for the night. We weren't even going to do the child swap. I was giving up the ride because the two year old was getting tired and I was hoping to get her to bed before she fell asleep in the stroller. Well I was holding her and she was fussing and finally settled down. I was so relieved until.....

I felt a very warm sensation on my lap. Yep she peed all over me. So I got to walk back to the bus stop and ride the bus all nice and wet. I couldn't wait to get to the shower. Then she wouldn't go to sleep when we got back to the room. I was so :headache:.

Now I can laugh about it a little. But I left the park in tears that night I was wet, hot and smelly. yuck.
Last summer my daughter presented asthma right before we went to WDW. Twice she had severe attacks which involved coughing heavily right until she threw up. She was too young to effectively use a rescue inhaler and our allergist's treatment plan was not up to the allergens she was hit with down there.

It would have pretty much been on my worst day list anywhere, but it was at the Magic Kingdom, once during the electrical light parade in front of the Country Bear Jamboree.

I am quite sure there is someone out there who has a worst day to report that goes something like "I was sitting in front of the Country Bear Jamboree watching the electrical light parade when this little girl behind me erupted..."

I really learned how gracious people can be on that trip. Fortunately, after meds tweaks she is well controlled now and these days are past.
Most of our bad experiences at WDW involve rude guests. Three years ago, we were waiting in the stalls for the tram from DHS to the parking lot. We were in the stall for the last row of the car. My wife, who was 6 months pregnant, was upfront with our daughter, and I was in back with the stroller and bag. When the tram pulled up, the family of five (mom, dad, and three older kids) in the next stall pushed my wife, who was visibly pregnant and carrying a two year old, aside and boarded in our row, and then the people behind them boarded in their row, leaving us without seats. We had to wait for the next tram.

Most of my run-ins with rudeness involve tram stories. My wife and daughters once boarded a tram and, as I was sort of jiggering the stroller and a bag, two people shoved me over a little and sat with my family. This was such an amazing thing to me that I didn't notice I was angry until a few minutes had passed. I was flat out stunned.

I calmly looked at them and said, "is it okay with you if I sit with my family?" and they immediately got down (no apology) and found a different place to sit.

My wife said that the expression on my face was probably what made the biggest impression.
well i would have to say it was at the very start to our last trip to disney

we got there before my folks and grandma (dads mom) we had all the ressi stuff so we just got checked in and ready

when they got there mom said she had to talk to me out side away from every one else

well her mom had had surgery the month before and still wasnt out of the hospital and that morning she got the call that things were not good at all and they didnt think she was going to make it thru the week

the worst part of the whole deal is my moms side of the family got very upset that we didnt leave my dads mom at diseny or drag here along to wacth grandma die

and as things would go grandma started to recover but did end up passing a month later
Mine was at Animal Kingdom. It was fiercely hot that day and very crowded. We usually leave AK before lunch but we decided to eat lunch and see the parade. We got some counterservice food but there was nowhere to sit anywhere! We ended up sitting on the sidewalk in a side area with lots of other people. Did I mention that it was extremely hot? I'd also somehow bruised my foot badly and I wanted to sit down so badly!

For whatever reason, this just really irritated me. I rarely let stuff like this bother me but I was very glad to leave.
riding the bus to ak in the afternoon, having to share it with bwi bc/yc ands/d plus stopping at bb by the time we got to ak we were very cranky and the park was so crowded we turned around and left waited forever for another packed bus to return to our resort... not good.
Other than a horrible trip with the in-laws (really MIL), I have no "bad memories" of Disney vacationing. During the entire trip, MIL (at 58-year-old woman at the time) pouted when she did not get her way. She acted like a spoiled toddler at times. I will admit that I was short with her and was fed-up about 2 days in. It actually started the moment we arrived at our resort. I NEVER want a repeat of that again.
One of my worst moments was when my dd was about 5 or 6 and we were in Ellen's energy adventure. We were in the first room where the pre-show is and it was packed. I was standing there with my dd when someone in a scooter in front of us started to back up. The place was packed and there really wasn't anywhere to move. I tried to pick up my daughter, but not in time and the scooter plowed her over. I still have no idea why the person decided to back up her scooter in the middle of the crowded room, but after knocking down my dd, without even a glance in our direction she preceded to pull forward and knock down another child in front of her, then acted as though the little girl was in her way. If i wasn't so concerned with the well being of my dd and the other little girl I would have lost it. Luckily neither child was hurt badly.
A few years ago I was at Epcot with my Mom and sister, and my sister wasn't feeling well and she was being grumpy and rude. Well this made my mom really upset and she stormed off in tears. My sister and I both felt really bad and I just felt terrible because I hate fighting at Disney. It's supposed to be a happy place! Anyways we resolved the fight but my sister never really got over feeling sick and grumpy that day. Then it started raining. We were gonna stay for illumintations but we were so bummed we decided to just leave. My Mom never got to see Illuminations that trip and my sister and I still feel bad about it :guilty: BUT we will be making it up to her on our next mother-daughter trip in May!! There's hope!

On a lighter note, I once got pooped on by a bird while walking in DTD. Right on the top of my head. Luckily I was wearing a hoodie so I could cover it until I got back to the room to wash it off :lmao:
On the way in, those pesky Florida Highway Patrol in their fancy Trans Ams. They just do not like people in too much of a hurry to get to the World. So as I'm cruising in at 92, come over a hill in Ocala, there were about 10 of them lined up the side of the Interstate. They got me. My then 13 year old daughter says, "Daddy, just outrun them to the Poly". Even though I got the ticket, I have NEVER had a bad day in DW.
The worst memory is trying to leave frontierland during/after the nighttime parade. I try to avoid these situations but we got stuck at Splash and it was too late. As the parade was going on, we tried to take the path against the water. BAD IDEA. People were shoving, pushing, cursing...and I am still not really sure why.

I think they though people were trying to take their "spots" (although who would pick a spot on a bridge where you can't see much?) when really we are just trying to get through.

The worst was there was a couple and their young daughter in a stroller trying to get through right in front of us. This trashy woman out of no where tells the mom to "F" where the woman tells her she is just trying to get through. Well, the trashy dad says "Don't talk to my wife like that..." which the stroller dad and him start arguing. ALL OVER NOTHING!

Thankfully we all got through but I thought fists were going to be thrown.

Def not "Disney" Magic.
Several years ago, DH who is normally the calmest, most laid back, wouldn't say anything nasty or confrontational got into a shouting match with another guest who pushed DH as we walked towards Futureworld very late at night (or actually early was around 1:30 am). I am sure the other man had been drinking, coupled with my DH's fatigue exacerbated the situation which was close to becoming physical. DD and DS just stood there with open mouths having NEVER heard there father raise his voice. The "kids" are 36 and 30 now and STILL mention this when we reminisce.:)

This was also the year DH made me promise to never schedule WDW for the week between Xmas and New Year's:lmao:
On the last night of our first trip with our kids, we lost our DS (7 at the time) just as MK was closing. We had found a spot for the parade on Main St. and while we were waiting, my DS and I decided to run into the gift shop which was right behind us. We literally took 5 steps to get into the gift shop, but we had to go through all the people leaving the park. In the gift shop, I found something I thought my other DS (9 at the time) might like, so I sent DS7 through the line of people leaving the park to ask him if he wanted it. Well, several minutes passed, and my DS hadn't returned. So I went outside and asked my DH and DS9 where he was. They said he had left them several minutes ago. Well, I freaked!!! Turns out he went into another entrance and couldn't find me. We were finally reunited after just a few minutes but it seemed like an eternity. I learned my lesson that night!

Now, my DS that got lost would tell you that he had an even worse experience. This was when he was 10. We were at AK, and a GIANT bird decided to give him a present--RIGHT ON TOP OF HIS HEAD! It was like the top of his head had a bullseye target on it! It was thick and green and full of seeds. :scared: My DH had to take him to the bathroom to clean his hair. It was a pretty gross experience!
During our first MNSSHP we were watching the parade and when the grave diggers came by I let out a WOOHOO really loudly, not realizing my autistic son was NOt strapped in and I had scared the beejings out of him. He took off into a crowd of people and although he ran and laid down, I remember also getting some snarky comments and dirty looks as he went into fight or flight mode. One minute he was screaming the next he shut down. I think after teh initial panic I was hurt at the bystander comments - my son can hear too ya know?! Still, if that was the worst thing I think I have done rather well.
Most of my rough times come at other guests rudeness too especially when we use the GAC card. We don't abuse it, if a line is short we wait in it and DS legs have grown so strong and he is so used to the parks, we don't even need to use the stroller much at all (bring it for emergencies only).
Thick skin is easier to say than do. I always remain polite and try to show my children the right thing to do, but WOW some folks - why curse at a 9 year old?!:confused3 Why shove the little kids?! SHEESH!
When I am on ME headed back to the airport...trying not to cry. I hate crying, but I HATE leaving D-World even more.
The worst day in Disney was at DHS when the rain came down in torrents - we had been in the animation building when it came on but when we were done there my darling husband decided we should go and see if we could get fp's for TSM as it was "only round the corner and it isnt too bad"

HA! We got soaked through completely and had a very soggy journey home

The worst day that holiday was at another park(not Disney) where my 6yo had been sitting on a bench that was decorated with hundreds of holes, and she got her finger stuck in one of the holes. We ended up with staff, management, first aid and medics trying everything - and even passers-by offering suggestions, creams, advice etc

We laugh about it now but at the time it got quite scary when nothing was working and they started to worry about the circulation to her finger.

They managed to free her about 30-45 mins after she got stuck and I cant tell you how relieved we were.
We went with both of my sisters and their families. One of my sisters did not want to be there, and made everybody's life miserable.

One day at the Magic Kingdom, we were alll at the teacups. My happy sister and brother-in-law rode the tea cups with her two kids and my unhappy sister's daughter.

So there we were, in fantasyland, and sister and brother-in-law are having an argument. We were caught having to listen to my sister and brother-in-law discussing the names of their potential divorce attorneys. Hubby and I walked away from them so they could have their privacy, and they moved the argument to where we were standing. :scared1: Afterwards, we had to all hang on to the child to make sure that her Daddy didn't walk off with her. :confused3

Now, Disney is my happy place. When I'm at Disney I want to be happy.

Don't ruin my Disney vibe.

P.S. - they are still married! Its tragic, but I think this is what they do for kicks. Its normal for them...but aggrevating to everybody else.
My worst memory is from 3 years ago and it was not in park but just overall bad first day. It was my actual birthday and I managed to take only few days of the work so trip was 6 days, includung arrival and departure days and every moment counted. We arrived to airport just to learn that they canceled flight last minute. I get in line to try to get us on a next flight, full, next full, only something in the evening available and it is 9am. Not my wildest dream to spend my BD at airport, esp. that I have reservation for Spirit of Ohana that day. Somehow we were put on a flight and took off couple hours later then had to. In all this running, I lost my golden earring, my moms gift.
We checked in pop, went to our ADR, then to park and after we returned, rollaway bed was not in our room. It was after midnight already and everyone was falling asleep. I call, they say it is on the way. Nothing. I call again, same story. I call and ask for manager, he will call me back, never happened. I walk in my pjs to the front desk, finally talk to manager and on my way back they deliver rollaway bed. It was quiet a day. One of those days when nothing goes right.
My worst park moment was Chistmas of 1999 at the Magic Kingdom. DS was 3 at the time. We were meeting up with extended family (didn't really think DS was ready for the parks, but didn't want to pass up getting together with anyone). Anyway we watched Dumbo go up and down a lot, but he didn't want to ride. DS was scared of the characters, but thought the castle was pretty cool and like the little Toon Town area with Mickey and Minnie's house. And now the whole extended family was doing "It's a Small World" which the Unoffiical Guide said is not scary at all and very much loved my toddlers. My little darling said, "I'm scared Mommy, Please don't make me go on this." I said, "You need to try it at all. You know both verses of the song. It's not a scary ride." and made him go on. Well he screamed non-stop on the entire ride ruining it for our boat, two boats ahead of us and two boats behind us. Those little dancing dolls were like a bad nightmare. And he didn't stop screaming till we got off the boat. This was not one of my happier mom momments. One kind man (probably around 50) could see my pain/embarrassment and said, "I always feel like screaming on this ride too, but it's just not politically correct at my age." Anyway, we went to Tom Sawyer's Island and then called it a day // hung out at the condo swimming pool for most of the afternoon and evening / saw the rest of the family the next day. I waited three and a half years before trying a Disney Park again with DS. We went to the MK when he was 6 and a half. I'm happy to report that everything worked out just fine then. We even did "It's a Small World", and he even liked it.

Five months later May 2000, my husband had a seminar at the Contemporary, and DS and I came along, but we didn't do any Disney parks -- just enjoyed the resorts, transportation, swimming pool, and did one day at SeaWorld which has always been DS's favorite park (still is today -- He's 15 and will be doing the high school camp there this summer.)


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