Your most embarrassing moments at WDW?

It wasn't mine but DHs I still laugh DS 1 yak n yetis bathroom 'Dad I'll wait for you but stop talking someone we don't know is in there taking a poop'.
My most embarrassing was more of a shock -

My friends and I were over at the railing at the CS restaurant at Mexico to watch Illuminations, and I had some fish and chips to eat (yeah, wrong country, I know).

I was standing right next to a trash can, so I was using it as a table. On the other side of the can was another group of people.

I was eating and watching, watching and eating, and then my hand brushed into another hand in my french fries.

The guy on the other side of garbage can was eating my fries!!!

I looked at him, he looked at me, then he took another french fry and turned back to the show.

I had no idea what to do. It was my fish and chips! I schlepped it over all the way from England! I turned to my friend and pointed at the guy eating my fries, and he sized up the situation, then grabbed the tray from the garbage can and held it in his hands, on the other side of me. The garbage-can guy looked upset about it, but what was he going to do? They weren't his.

Then, of course, my friend started eating my fries. And my remaining fish. So, I couldn't win.


:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: OMG I was laughing so hard at this and DH was just looking at me like I'd lost my mind.

We were at MK one day and we were planning to stick around for Wishes. DS however was done and DH said he'd bring him back to our room and I could stick around at watch the fireworks. :love:

I grabbed a soda, found a spot on the Tomorrowland bridge and enjoyed Wishes. As it got done I turned to walk away from my spot and I leaned forward to take a drink of my soda and misjudge where the straw was in relation to my face. The straw was in my nose. In my shock, I pulled my head up. And the straw was still in my nose. There I was on the Tomorrowland bridge with people all around and a straw hanging out of my nose. Nice. I grabbed the staw as quick as I could and felt my face turn bright red. I still wonder if anyone saw what happened to me - the saving grace in that moment was that DH was not with me as he would have laughed his head off.

LOL that is something that would SOOOOO happen to me!!

Lilo and Stitch stole my oldest's son's autograph book.....He was about 4 at the time. My super polite son, said please give it back...would you like to share etc? It went on for about 2-3 minutes when Lilo bends down and puts her finger on her cheek (taps it). My son, not knowing she wants a kiss, decks her. If you could have heard the sound of his hand hitting her big plastic was insane! The whole line of people goes OOHHHH.....


**TMI Alert**

I was 12 on my first trip, and that was the first year I met good old "Aunt Flo". I was wearing white shorts. Use your imagination. I walked all over Magic Kingdom that day, who knows how long. My Mom finally noticed and we got some new shorts. But I'm sure several people were horrified by the girl in the not so white shorts that day. :eek:
DS was 13 mos and we were in line for Nemo the Musical......we were waiting for a long 1yr old time....and with a group of 15.....DS had a huge #2 diaper and DH decided to change him in line instead of letting me take him out to the restroom......the people behind us threw up! I guess they didn't have kids.

edited to add....
a year later.....we take DD at 10 mos.....she met Mickey at DHS......and she threw up on him and me (she had reflux really bad then) the people behind us in line were all like ewwwww gross Mickey threw up!

That’s just gross and really inconsiderate of your husband.:confused3
That’s just gross and really inconsiderate of your husband.:confused3

Agree. Disgusting and inappropriate. And, really, who cares if the people have kids or not? Just because a person has kids doesn't make them suddenly start loving the smell of poop, does it?
On the way to Jungle Cruise one night, I was texting on my phone (because I said on the DIS that I would update Twitter) and I was getting harassed by CMs that I walked past.

I'm not going to bother next time. :guilty:
We were leaving Magic Kingdom after lunch as DH was sleepy and wanted to rest. Well he is always sleepy after a full stomach and takes a power nap, so no biggie. Well were are going out the exit and I go through the turnstile and DH and I are talking, I get up to the monorail/boat launch area just past the turnstiles and realize that conversation is now one sided and DH isn't talking any more, and I feel pretty stupid talking to myself, so I turn around to see what happened to my hubby and there he is, still standing at the turnstile exit, dead on his feet, sound asleep! Seriously. :cool2:
When I was 20, my family and I went to MGM (now DHS) - it had opened only a year or so before, so the palm trees weren't fullly grown, and where the Mickey hat is now was a LARGE expanse of pavement. We were in line for the GMR, and the line kept passing by a hot dog cart that apparently was selling sourkraut as well. I HATE sourkraut, and so I kept holding my breath as we were standing near it. Well, the combination of that and the heat in general caused me to throw up in the line, then pass out. I apparently got "rescued" by a very handsome CM who swooped me up and brought me a shady area, where my mom & I waited until the rest of the family got closer to the entrance of the ride. I was MORTIFIED!
On the last trip that DH and I took with my Mom and Step-Dad, the 4 of us were coming off of a ride (can't remember which one, maybe Star Tours?) talking and laughing. Assuming that DH was right beside me a step behind, I reached back, grabbed his hand, and kept walking and talking. My Mom looked back at us and stopped dead in her tracks laughing hysterically, and I was very confused...until I saw that I was not, in fact holding DH's hand, but a kid of about 15 with his eyes as big as saucers!

DH had stopped to look at something and was standing about 10 feet back laughing at me too :rotfl:

:rotfl::rotfl:THIS one made me LOL at work.
Lilo and Stitch stole my oldest's son's autograph book.....He was about 4 at the time. My super polite son, said please give it back...would you like to share etc? It went on for about 2-3 minutes when Lilo bends down and puts her finger on her cheek (taps it). My son, not knowing she wants a kiss, decks her. If you could have heard the sound of his hand hitting her big plastic was insane! The whole line of people goes OOHHHH.....


OMG what would be even better if you had this one on could of been an AFV winner:rotfl::lmao::lmao:
I just remembered another one..Okay, this might sound very strange, but I am very afraid of escalators. I know most people are afriad of elevators, but for me, I'd much rather ride an elevator over an escalator. I'm not exactly sure why I have this fear, but it is really bad and a major inconvenience. Anyway, on my last trip to WDW me and my family went to the CR to eat at chef Mickey's for dinner. We decided to take the monorail to the resort instead of driving. Everything was fine until we got off of the monorail and I realized that the only way to get downstairs was to go down an escalator. I immediately started to panic. My family walked ahead of me and went down the escalator, they look back up to see me standing there unwilling to go down. Then they all started to encourage me to come down. I was sweating and shaking, and I just could not get on it. After a few minutes, a CM noticed me and asked me if everything was okay. I explained to him that I am very scared of escalators. He was very nice and said I'm not the first one, which made me feel better, and he took me to the emergency elevator. Once I got down, we were all able to go and have dinner. My family had a pretty good time laughing at me though :rotfl2:

I also have a hard time getting on the Tomorrowland Transit Authority seeing as how you have to go up and down something very similar to an escalator :rolleyes:

I would have to say that mine was watching this!!:lmao: Here I am at the bottom, along with my family & friends all with younger children and my 16 year old was up there looking down & refusing to come down.:rotfl2: People were looking at us like we were crazy! I had to ride back up and then the CM put us on the elevator. It was funny but embarrassing at the same time. :laughing:

Well, there was that time what we went to disney with my husbands side of the family. We were in line to meet the little green guy from Monsters inc, Mike I think. Anyway, my 3 or 4 year old nephew decided to punch him, and when he did, the guy inside went "ugh!!", and kind of fell forward a little.:scared1::laughing: My sister in law let into him asking why he would have done that? He said "I wanted to see if his body was soft or hard".:rotfl2: I know it's not really funny and if my child had done it I would have freaked, but it was pretty funny to me. It was embarrassing too, because we were with them. :laughing:
As I am disabled, this really embarrassed me. My DH was trying to push me in our wheelchair that the Gaylord Palms loaned us as I fell on their property due to uneven flooring. While at MK, he was pushing me over those tracks in front of the castle, he didn't get the wheels over one of the tracks and totally dumped me on to the ground in my wheelchair. Making it worse, my then 2 year old was not feeling well so I was holding her in my lap, she was asleep, and she went down with me. The good part it she did not hit the ground as I held her up. It was scary and embarrassing at the same time. Lots of kind people stopped to help. Now I use a scooter :) lol
As I am disabled, this really embarrassed me. My DH was trying to push me in our wheelchair that the Gaylord Palms loaned us as I fell on their property due to uneven flooring. While at MK, he was pushing me over those tracks in front of the castle, he didn't get the wheels over one of the tracks and totally dumped me on to the ground in my wheelchair. Making it worse, my then 2 year old was not feeling well so I was holding her in my lap, she was asleep, and she went down with me. The good part it she did not hit the ground as I held her up. It was scary and embarrassing at the same time. Lots of kind people stopped to help. Now I use a scooter :) lol

That's terrible:sad1: I can assure you that you had no reason to be embarrassed though, I'm sure everyone was just relieved that you and your dd were ok!
We were at Epcot in 2008, with my then DD6 and DS19 months. I finally managed to convince the DH to walk through the worlds. We were in Mexico, and both of the kids were buckled securely into a rented double stroller (they're plastic, so you can't see into them from behind). My DH and I were reading a sign in front of a Mexican temple and I told him to turn the stroller around so that I could take a pic of him and the kids. When he turned the stroller, my son was gone!:scared1: At first, DH thought I was kidding but it only took a minute for the panic to hit. I have never been so scared. Just as I was able to find my voice to scream, this lady came running to me holding my son. Turns out, we had ridden the shuttle together from the same resort and she was aadmiring my children's hand-made Disney clothes. She recognized him, and turned to see us in total panic mode. As embarrassing as it was to think that she may have thought we weren't watching our children (which we do) it wasn't a thought in my mind at that moment.

Oh yeah.......DD maintains her story that she had no idea that he had gotten out of the stroller (his straps were still buckled :confused3) although she was sitting RIGHT beside him!
We were at Epcot in 2008, with my then DD6 and DS19 months. I finally managed to convince the DH to walk through the worlds. We were in Mexico, and both of the kids were buckled securely into a rented double stroller (they're plastic, so you can't see into them from behind). My DH and I were reading a sign in front of a Mexican temple and I told him to turn the stroller around so that I could take a pic of him and the kids. When he turned the stroller, my son was gone!:scared1: At first, DH thought I was kidding but it only took a minute for the panic to hit. I have never been so scared. Just as I was able to find my voice to scream, this lady came running to me holding my son. Turns out, we had ridden the shuttle together from the same resort and she was aadmiring my children's hand-made Disney clothes. She recognized him, and turned to see us in total panic mode. As embarrassing as it was to think that she may have thought we weren't watching our children (which we do) it wasn't a thought in my mind at that moment.

Oh yeah.......DD maintains her story that she had no idea that he had gotten out of the stroller (his straps were still buckled :confused3) although she was sitting RIGHT beside him!

OMG, my heart skipped a few beats just reading that!!! I'm so happy that he was found by someone nice! That's weird that his straps were still buckled, too! Guess that sort of thing happens easily with a resourceful kid, lol!

I've been on the "found" end of the lost & found kid situation several times before, 2x at WDW. It was before DH and I had kids, and neither parent even thanked us when they came back to retrieve their lost child (I stayed with the kid(s), crouched down to their level but not touching them, exactly where we'd found them, while DH went in search of the parent and a CM) :(


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