Your "Magic" Spot

Strolling along the beach and grounds of the WL/VWL area at night.

Bobbi :love:
madalex said:
But my favorite spot at WDW (and this is a weird one, believe me) is on the walkway from the YC/BC to the International Gateway. Most people walk up the hill and go straight to the IG or turn to go to the Boardwalk. However, a part of the path branches off and goes underneath the bridge to the Boardwalk. I rarely see anyone else using that path and, for that reason, I feel like that small part of WDW is "mine." I am always so thrilled when I can take that path for the first time during a WDW trip and my family refer's to that place as "daddy's favorite spot."

We will be at the YC in a little over 2 weeks and I'm going to look for that path (hope you don't mind sharing! ;) ) I don't remember that path from our last trip, but I do love the walkway to and from IG. Such a nice way to start and end a day at EPCOT.

Like a previous poster mentioned, one of my favorite spots is the Mexican pavillion. While the rest of my family is eating lunch at the CS place in China, I like to get a fiesta margarita and sit on the fountain inside and just enjoy the ambience. Actually, I love the World Showcase area in general. It is so beautiful and relaxing I could (and have!) spend in entire day there just enjoying the architecture, shops, shows, food, music and general atmosphere. I want to live at EPCOT!
Coming out from under the train station and being in the Town Square and the first look down main street at the castle. Also my first glimpses of TOT and Spaceship Earth
this is a great post, My husband and I are going for the first time on october sans children! I was wondering what others thought was "the spot" too!
I know with my children it was just getting to main street, I want it to be different with no kids!
I have one at each park.

Magic Kingdom: Walking down Main Street & staring at the castle (thinking I can't believe I'm finally there!!!). :woohoo:

EPCOT: Just past the entrance staring straight up at Spaceship Earth.

MGM: 50's Primetime Cafe (corny I know)

Animal Kingdom: As you come across the bridge and there is the Tree of Life.
For me its not so much the sights, but the smells....

For Ex: the smell when you walk into the BCV...the cold air hits you and that smell is all around you, the disney smell.

For Ex: the musty monorail smell. sooooooo disney.
Watching the dancing fountain at Epcot! My first trip to WDW was on my honeymoon in '97 and that fountain at Epcot was the first place that I felt the magic (also our first stop in Disney). Every time we go back I can't wait to stop there and watch it. Though when we went last year they hardly ran it at all. It was just a normal fountain, no music, no dancing. :sad2:
That "special place" for me and DW would have to be Main Street. I guess that's not so original, bit there is just something about the magic there.

Another great place that makes us sigh and look deeply at one another is the entry of MGM. There is something about walking up that faux version of old Hollywood that seems so romantic to us. We especially like it at night
WDW is just full of magical spots for us, starting with our honeymoon stay in 1974 when it was the Magic Kingdom only. A really special time in a "magic" spot was early on a January morning a few years ago when the air was chilly and the mist was rising off the pool at AKL. We decided to start our busy day with a relaxing dip in the hot tub which is closest to the savannah. As we sat there listening to the soothing music, a couple of giraffes wandered into the area and grazed about for awhile. It was just soooo relaxing and magical. Where else but WDW could you experience this? We're in the early stages of planning our 2007 trip, and I just convinced myself to stay at AKL again!
As I leave Epcot at night, with the park music off and Spaceship Earth still lit up behind me, I like to walk down the short sidewalk to the left to get to the parking lot. When I get about half way, I stop for a few minutes.

It's just a sidewalk, with plain white lights on the side and a little bit of grass next to it, but if you turn around and look up at Spaceship Earth, and wait till the monorail softly whooshes by overhead, it becomes the most Magical place on earth.
The outdoor seating area at Fountainview Cafe after Epcot closes at night.

Although the Cafe is closed in the evenings now, I pick up a refreshment from somewhere and sit there and watch the Fountain until they practically kick me out of the park.
That sounds gorgeous. I'll have to remember that next time. And can I assume that the fountain plays all the time? I figured it stopped at 9:00 and didn't start "doing its thing" again until the next morning.
I'm going to WDW tomorrow on a Red Eye. I'll remember these lovely posts everytime I pass on of those spots. They brought tears to my eyes. Main street is always the most magical but the Tomorrowland Tranist authority ride is my favorite and the first thing I want to go on. I love to slowly cruise around and take everything in. I ride it over and over.
Seeing the castle for the first time, again...

Main it...

Going to Epcot and getting excited to see if they have anything new and innovative...I know...

I think my fave spot from this past Dec was where we were sitting for the fireworks. I can't remember the name of it but we pulled up chairs (in an eating area) next to a couple a little older than us.
We started a conversation and they were the nicest people. We were there with them, their kids, minus one of ours. We talked about college and the deals we found. When we were leaving, etc.

I love to meet people at WDW! That makes our trip fun!
I don't know if I could say I have a favorite magic spot because all of DW and Disneyland are my favorite but I guess if I had to pick one. It would be walking under the tunnels and going right into main street at the magic kingdom. It brings out the child in me and my husband.
The walkway between the Contemporary and MK. When I'm on that, it usually means it's our first night there and we're heading to the MK for some end of the night rides. The whole Wonders of Life pavilion, in an outdated sort of way, always felt nice to just walk around in. During Illuminations, standing back from the crowd in the Norway pavilion right next to one of the speakers to the right of the little cafe area. That's always a special place to me. Finally hearing the Epcot entrance music around SE and the Innovations music is a sure fire way to get me in WDW mood.
OK here I go. I have 2 places and third that is close.
When walking through the POC tunnels and passages then that last turn down the ramp into the loading area. Somehow the change from the corridor to the big room just hits me. I have no idea why but maybe it is my first memory of WDW many many years ago.
The second is walking over the bridge to Africa in AK turning left and there it is my favorite place Dawa Bar. I like just hanging around and watching people with maybe a cocktail or seven.
The third one is my secret and I think it is going to be that way for awhile.
right in front of Off Kilter or British Invasion
I know Im "home" when they are playing
the beginning of main street when I first see the castle.
the grounds of the Polynesian
What a great thread, I am so glad to have stumbled acrossed it!

Anyway, I know that I've "arrived" when I step out on my balcony in the tower at the CR and just look over at the castle, I absolutely love hearing the train whistle blowing from over at MK. It is then I know I have finally made it! :)

Another one, is when we are on certain rides I get an overwhelmed feeling like, "oh my gosh - I am really, really here!" that I nearly get teary (silly I know but it's true!) For me those rides that stir all that emotion up in me are: Pirates of the Caribbean, Haunted Mansion, it's a small world are all super special in my heart.

There are so many... love reading the thread!



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