youngest you've taken your infant?


Proud mom, wife, and Disney fanatic!
May 17, 2001
We were blessed with our little girl 3 weeks ago and are dying to go to WDW for a long weekend, especially as a treat for DS-7 (and to take advantage of me being on maternity leave)...she would be 2 months old at the time. While it seems awfully young, she's so good and already 'goes with the flow.' We would fly my mother down to help. Just curious how early others took their infants and what your experiences were and any advice you might have. Thanks!
While my children all started traveling by the time they were a couple of weeks old, the grandparents have always watched the kids until they were 2 yo or so while the rest of the family ventured to WDW. I would think the heat would be your biggest concern. I can remember taking my dd to a Pony Club Rally when she was a little over 5 months. While the rest of us were fine, she really had some problems with the heat. Fortunately, one of the Pony Club dad's was a pediatrician; and he helped me out with her. Still, it was pretty scary. DD and I ended up spending a boring weekend in the air conditioned hotel room. Not fun.
I would say take her. We took my little brother to Disney when he was 2 months and the hard part was him sleeping alot. For rides my parents just switched off which is offered at most rides. The characters give little ones tons of attention and the workers are extreamly kind. Have fun ::MickeyMo
I'm probably the exception, but I've done exactly what you did, only my DD was even smaller when we took our trip. She was 3 weeks old when we took a spontaneous trip down. We drove, stayed at Dolphin and mainly toured EPCOT and MGM, which we could walk or boat to. We had a wonderful time, as did our DD who was then just over 2. My parents and aunt and uncle were there too, which is why we decided to go. I would have taken a trip on leave this time but a policy change at work meant there was no pay for maternity leave (at all).
the first time she went to wdw....we stayed for 8 days...she was 14months the second time & 16 months the 3rd!
have fun. it's doable.
although we didn't take our DS to WDW until he was 7 mos we did travel to other places with him before then - he has always been a great traveller - my only suggestion to you is speak with your pediatrician about sunscreen, there was one in particular that was recommended for children under 6 mos, my pediatrician's attitude was test it first, if the baby gets a rash, don't use it - I'd rather use it and take my chances with a (mild) rash then not use it and have irriversable skin damage :sunny:
I would absolutely go, especially if she's an easy baby! They are so "portable" at that age!
We took our daughter the week before she turned 3 months old, and again at 3.5 months. The 2nd trip was planned 6 months before she was conceived and was combined with a Disney cruise, and the 1st trip all our family and friends were going so we thought, "Why not?" We had a great time, it was so easy and I'd do it again in a second. My daughter wasn't exactly an easy baby at home, but in Disney she was wonderful.

The problems with her were that at home she needed to always be held (she slept in her own bed at night, but that was the only time she'd be alone). Well that's not always possible at home cause there are things to do, but at Disney she was held all day (very rarely in her stroller) in the Baby Bjorn and she was the happiest baby in the world. She never cried once, during either trip. She was exclusively breastfed so I just nursed her when she was hungry/thirsty, which was about every 1.5-2.5 hours.

The trips were in late May (19-24) and June (7-21) so it was very, very hot at times, but we kept her shaded with a thin, white, receiving blanket and sunhat and very hydrated with breastmilk, and we took breaks in the AC a lot and she was fine. We're going back in 2 weeks (!!) and she'll be 13 months. I'm more worried about this trip actually since she wants to walk/run all the time now!
We took DDs when the oldest was 2 and the youngest was 2.5 months. As long as you have clearance from the pediatrician I would go. My ped. preferred the baby to be atleast 2 months before flying. It was the easiest trip we ever took and believe it or not she really enjoyed watching the lights. I used a sling for the first time and loved it. It was much easier than just the stroller b/c she could fall asleep in the sling and I could still get on and off the rides in Fantasy land. The only concern I would have is making sure to keep the baby out of the extreme heat of the afternoon.
Newborns sleep so often & are so portable at that age (as long as she isn't colicy & is a good traveler), I would say go for it. I like all the suggestions made already. I would say strap her in your Bjorn & enjoy! My children are 23 months apart & spent their first year either nursing or in my Bjorn.
MrsBanks said:
although we didn't take our DS to WDW until he was 7 mos we did travel to other places with him before then - he has always been a great traveller - my only suggestion to you is speak with your pediatrician about sunscreen, there was one in particular that was recommended for children under 6 mos, my pediatrician's attitude was test it first, if the baby gets a rash, don't use it - I'd rather use it and take my chances with a (mild) rash then not use it and have irriversable skin damage :sunny:

I asked my pedicatrician about sunscreen because I had been told they couldn't use any until 6 months. He said they could use sunscreen - just make sure it did NOT have Paba in it. He also stated that it wasn't really the strength of it - but the constanct reapplication.
We never had a problem with sunburns with DSs - they were either in the stroller (covered up) or in the sling (covered up). And at this age their not out playing in the water at the water parks.
I've mentioned on another thread that the thing to really watch is the expiration date of your sunscreen. A friend didn't know it had an expiration date and her kids were completely fried. I know we have a tendency to save left over from one year to the next - if you can't find the date be safe and toss it.

Edit: DH adds, if you forget your sunscreen and you're put off by the $10 cost of a little bottle at the park - pay it! It's worth every penny. :)
We brought our son when he was 5 weeks old. We drove down from MA, and he did fine in the parks in the baby bjon. We got one of the leave a legacy pictures for his first trip to Disney. Everytime we visit now (currently age 5) he loves to stop and see his picture at Epcot.
We took our youngest at 7 months. We are expecting again and had a trip planned for when the baby would be a few weeks old. My peditrician said it isn't really a great idea to travel that far with a little baby until he/she was 2 months old and had the first round of shots. But he also said it was a judgement call. Now, at 4 and 5 weeks, both my boys have been to Sea World (San Antonio--a day trip so not as hard to get back home). We did decide to just move the trip up and I'll be going pregnant.
Our oldest daughter began flying when she was a little over a year old , she's now 12 1/2 and our DD8 1/2 began flying at 6 months. But we have always traveled with then since they were younger than that. DD 8 1/2 was 18 months for our first family trip to WDW. It was trying on us because all she wanted to do was be carried ALL day long. She really disliked her stroller on that trip. They were always great going with the flow and were and still are excellent travelers. (thank goodness!)
We took our oldest DD (now 8) at about 8 weeks. She was such an easy baby and I was breastfeeding so I didn't have to worry about formula, food, etc. It was the easiest trip we ever took with her. She's gotten considerably more difficult now that she's 8 years old instead of 8 weeks ;). We thought the same way as you -- a little time left of maternity leave, DH had to take all of his vacation time for the birth, etc. We had so much fun. I say go for it!


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