You Wanna Watch High School Musical AGAIN?!?!?!?!?!


DIS Veteran
Oct 27, 2004
arrghh! We taped High School musical and seen it so many times that both DD and DS know each frame by frame sequence by heart! It was GREAT for the first 20 times but my goodness....there are other shows on TV! I'm sick of it. We have two copies of the CD because each want their own. When I turn on Radio Disney, that's all we hear. I'm High School Musicaled out.

Can anyone feel my pain too??
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: I've only seen it twice, so I'm still good for a few more times.... :teeth: Hang in there! :teeth:
Oh, yes. I feel the pain! My DD even had to have one of those hats that the brother and sister wear all during the movie. ( I can't think of what they're called, but they're flat on top.) She turns it around backwards and everything. :cool: She thinks it's great!
I definitely feel your pain!! :crazy: DD10 and our neighbor have watched it so many times. It's the only CD she listens to these days. I hear Soarin' and Get your head in the game in my sleep. DD and neighbor are now writing their own sequel to High School Musical 2 - UGH!
I have watched it once and the DDs have watched it 3 times. Yes the DW says she has the song in her head and needs to flush it out. :rotfl2: :rotfl:
At the Disney store, they now stock the CD version. It's even better than the tv version as the CD has the karaoke track. It plays here constantly and the neighbor kids are joining my three DDs with the singing and dancing. They're having a great time and at least it is more wholesome than hearing then sing the Black Eyed Peas' songs and dancing like the videos.

I deliberately did not watch Cowbelles with them, as I knew there would be ample repeated opportunities to see it again. Is this also a musical?

We all need to buy more Disney stock because these are big hits with the kids these days! And, it's appealing to all ages especially the tweens who could use some additional wholesome and not baby-ish Disney opportunities.
We taped Cow Belles and Hannah Montana, but the kids still go back to their High School Musical.

They are working on High School Musical 2....yeah!
:rotfl2: Oh yeah! My DD taped the Dance Along version and she got birthday money, so went and bought the CD.

As a matter of fact, the CD was playing before 8:00 AM today...she has now got my 2 year old doing some of the dance and pointing out "Show me Sharpa (sp?); show me Ryan" on the CD cover :lmao:

I did hear it's coming on on DVD on May 23.

OH - I forgot to add, DD does cheerleading through the park district with competitions - her & the other girls convinced the coach to use it. This summer there is a demonstration day, so the coach will be using "Get Your Head in the Game" I believe having the girls do her old Poms routine to it. She was showing it to DD at the last gymnastics open gym (she's also my DD's gymnastics coach since DD is on the park district team for that). They were trying to convince her to use it for their next competition but the coach isn't doing that.
Our dd is either watching it or listening to it on her CD. She is so into it and knows every word! We also have Radio Disney in the car and every 4 songs is usually from Highschool Musical! We can't get the songs out of our heads! :sad2:
We had to see it because all the kids in DDs class were talking about it! She's almost 4 but in PreK already and the 5 year olds who have older sibs are all into it! So we watched the dance move version with her and DH and I got up and tried the moves with her. Thank goodness the neighbors didn't see us! If it is out on DVD soon we will be forced to buy it!
My dd(7) checks the computer EVERYDAY to see if it is on...she loves it, she shows me all the moves, and now keeps a basketball with her when she watches it, so she can do the moves with them....she will set the TV timer, and her alarm clock so she doesn't miss it....she does not want to leave the house if she knows its on....
My son LOVES it!! Funny thing is I'm still so surprised at my 10 year old sons interest that I'm not quite feeling the pain. Although that theme song sticks in my head and I find myself singing it :sad2:

Let's just say the my DS is a wee bit hyper and 110% boy so when I discovered him glued to this show (more than once) I was shocked! And the night that they did the dance moves in between commercials, was hysterical. He didn't miss a move and was obsessed with completing the entire dance routine before he would go to bed! :rotfl2:

I guess there are worse things for them to be watching. When my other DS was young, he was OBSESSED with the Lord of the Dance shows and even wanted to change his name to Michael Flatly!! :lmao:
missmulan said:
arrghh! We taped High School musical and seen it so many times that both DD and DS know each frame by frame sequence by heart! It was GREAT for the first 20 times but my goodness....there are other shows on TV! I'm sick of it. We have two copies of the CD because each want their own. When I turn on Radio Disney, that's all we hear. I'm High School Musicaled out.

Can anyone feel my pain too??

Oh Yes! I was starting to think my DD was abnormal! We have disney on demand so she is constantly watching it or if she's not watching the show, she is singing the songs! I don't get it :confused3 I guess you have to be 12!
My DD6 wants to see it so bad. Disney is always shows the videos. We always seem to miss the movie.
Oh come on guys we had the same thing only it was Grease or Dirty Dancing!!
It still can not be worse then having to listen to the same Patsy Cline Cd 22hr to WDW and 22hr home (thanks to about CRAZY!!) When I bring this up Mom reminds me of the trip we took where she had to listen to MJ's Thriller there and back!! :rotfl2:
Does anyone know when this will be on again? My DDs friends and parents have all been talking about how good it is and I would like to tape it for her.

Thanks in advance fellower DISers!
ok i went to the public library this morning and my dd 9 gave me a list of what she wanted ...... this was on the list.... high school musical....well i asked the librarian and we could not find it where can i find it?? is it only on tv? what channel? i searched for it and could not find it?? help????? vicki


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