You know you're way too into Disney when...


I only work for the vacation money
Dec 20, 2001
I am pregnant with #1 and last night DH and I were discussing how many kids we'd like to have. We'd always agreed on 3, but I said I think I want to just stick with 2. Of course he wanted to know why. Here were my reasons:

1. Resort choices at WDW for a family of five are limited.
2. Many of the rides seats people in twos, that means someone will get left sitting alone.
3. When walking through the parks, you can keep up with one child and I can keep up with the other.

So of course he was shocked and replied, "Your reasons for not having a 3rd child have to do with Disneyworld?"

My reply: "What's wrong with that?"

:rotfl: :rotfl: :lmao: :lmao:
:lmao: I just had DS #2. We said we might try for a girl if we ended up with 2 boys. But now, besides a host of other things, we said we we're done because we would need to buy more DVC points if we had a 3rd.
I know how you feel, we had 2 boys. Then we had DD who is 20 months old. I needed someone to dress up in the princess dresses! We are going to Disneyworld in December and she already has 4 princess dresses complete with crowns, 3 princess nightgowns and 6 pairs of princess pajamas for the trip!

My youngest boy is 9 and I was dying to buy little dresses. What better place to dress like a princess than Disneyworld! princess:
I have had similar thoughts! :rotfl:

1. When we fly to WDW, either DH or I would have to sit in a different aisle.
2. Would we then use/need a dinning plan with two children?
3. If we had another child, when would we go? While pregnant, right after the baby was born or wait until the baby can walk?

I actually have never told my DH about these scenarios my sick little WDW mind has pondered. :scratchin Good to know I am not alone.
That is too funny! :lmao: DH and I have had this very same conversation now that we are about to have #2. And we came to the same conclusion. We didn't want to be limited in hotel choice because of the extra child.

I never even thought about the seating on rides! That's a great reason too!

I feel better knowing that there are other out there just as crazy for Disney as DH and I! :teeth:
You buy a home less then 3 miles away so you can visit when you need your fix. We have 3 children so it was cheaper to buy a home then to rent the high end rooms.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

And here I thought the high cost of child care, college, braces, car insurance, formal dances, sports, weddings, groceries, shoes, etc... were the considerations. Then there is always the number of children which directly correlates to the number of gray hairs and whether there are enough hairs left to go gray for the next considered child.

Silly me I've got my priorities all messed up :rotfl2:

Thanks for the chuckle... :goodvibes

Better watch out! My DH INSISTED that we only have two children. He is the oldest of three, and let's just say that his parents didn't do too good of a job having three children. Needless to say, pregnancy number two resulted in twins! So, even though we hadn't planned on three children, that's what we got!

We went with all three in December, BUT, we took my parents along so it worked out great! The adults outnumbered the children - WHOO HOO!

In any event, congrats on your pregnancy!
linda_loo said:
Hey there, I recognize you from WC/CC (was linda-and-evan). :wave:

Hi Linda! I remember you! "It's a small world after all!" :lmao:

Or maybe you're just stalking me ;)
I have another for you Table Service Dinning, it's easier to get tables for 4 than 5.

Coral Reef only 4 can sit at Tank window.

Sci-fi cars are 2 to a row
We are in the same boat...we have two dds ages 5 and soon to be 4, (they are less than a year and a half apart) and we were done and had DH "fixed" just so there would be no surprises. We didn't want to worry about hotels or rides. We do a lot of parks and almost all rides are for 2 and 2. So we're done.
Me and DH have been having serious - at times heated - discusssions on whether to have a second child or stop with just one (which she is absolutely perfect so why not - right?). Well we've been discussing finances and the fact that our house would really be too small with a second child and what I figure are probably pretty standard concerns - and he asked me "Why do you want another baby"....I couldn't resist - I told him that when Sammi got older that we wouldn't be able to all ride together at Disney and that with a second we would all have someone to ride with.


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