You know you're a Disney fanatic when...


May 22, 2013
Your husband steals your phone and writes a Facebook status that's says: "Finally made it to Florida! Can't wait to get to the most magical place on earth!" And you get: "You're there again...omg you were just there not too long ago"

And when you break the news that unfortunately it's not true, you get responses like:

"You know I honestly thought "hmmmm that's interesting!!! I figured if they were going to Florida we would've known a long time ago including the agenda!!!""

"Oh yea we'd know 2 months before!!! ;) "

"We would've known countdown. What Disney movie - dinner was each night. Lol."

Some people, they just get me!! Oh how I wish it was true though!! Curious, do YOUR friends know you as the Disney Queen/King?!
Ha! We are all about equal but I am the tour guide, mistress of the countdown, keeper of the secrets etc (and I wouldn't have it any other way)

That would be me in our circle as well. Last year we switched things up a little bit and took a cruise to the Caribbean and you'd think I announced I was pregnant with puppies! No one could believe it!

That is me in my circle of friends/family...I'm the one everyone asks to help plan their trips, etc. But then we announce that we are going again, they are always like AGAIN?! I think in our area there are just a lot of one timers for the Disney trip, so they don't get the multiple trips.


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