You know that little Island at the bottom of Australia??? Jason and Laurens DFTW PJ

Our date is November 13, 2011. We will be at the Wedding Pavillion and then the Grand Floridian (at the Whitehall Room and Patio, if our guest list is small enough) if not we will be in the ballroom. Im praying that some convention doesnt swoop in and steal our date and place. I reeeeaaaallly need to start a PJ!

Oh wow I will be there then Maybe we can have a Dis Bride meet!!

Hi just joining in popcorn::

everything looks fantastic so far and I LOVE your bm dresses! Can't wait to read more :)

Thanks for Joining in DisneyDiva84. Your wedding isnt far away. I bet your getting exciting.:banana:
Absolutley!! If you are still there, maybe you and your DH can join us for a dinner or maybe a drink somewhere in Epcot! I wish it was all this year, I dont want to wait a year for all the exciting wedding stuff! Im so impatient!
I'm pretty sure it's any disney owned property. They changed it for a little while that it had to be part of your room block, but now I think it's changed back.

By the way, I love your new title!
AHHH More Problems!!
I emailed Joe to let him know which hotels we want our room blocks.
But now I have to decide How many per night. I don't know I don't even know who is coming yet!!!
AHH maybe I will just say 4 rooms per night for the first 2 weeks then 1 room per night for the next 5 i don't know its all too hard.
By the way, I love your new title!

Thanks Bec It reminded me of all the times we have been to the states and the conversation goes
"where you from"
Me "Australia"
Them: "Sydoney"
Me: "No Tasmania"
Them: ":confused3"
Me "You know the little island at the bottom of australia??""
Them" Oh yes"

I cant tell you how many times I have had that Conversation but it will never beat the look Jason got when he walked into the billabong store at the Universal Hollywood City Walk.
Store Clerk " Can I help you""
And Jason Replys " Nah Im just having a Squiz"
The bloke looked at us like we were Crazy and all I could say was really quickly hes just having a look lol :rolleyes1
lol :lmao: yeah I know, I had to reword a bunch of things during our phone planning session. I think when talking about transport I said something like "Nah let em fend for emselves" and was met with a few seconds of silence then a "I'm sorry?" :rotfl:

Also we used to live in a town called Gunnedah in NSW (tiny little town, shows up on very few maps) any way, someone asked us when over there when I was little where we were from, and my mum answered "Gunnedah" and the person replied "Oh really? Canada? I didn't pick up your accent..." :confused3 :laughing:

Oh by the way. I was at Sam's Warehouse yesterday. Not sure if they have those in Tassie, but I'm sure there's something very similar, and they had these little bottles of shampoo and conditioner, they were maybe 100ml each and were only $2 for the set of 2! I think I'm going to buy a heap of those sets for our welcome bags. It's another thing we have to take over with us, but it's almost a price I can't pass up!
We dont have a sams warehouse here :headache: We do have a chickenfeed though which sometimes has things like that I am keeping an eye out!!
Ok Bit sad today DF left to work away for 4 weeks today so its been a bit hard today!! I miss him already God know what I will be like in week 3 and week 4!! Well all I can think is that It will be good for our future!!
Yeah there's nothing worse then a quiet house. When my DF goes away the power bill must sky rocket, because I have all the lights on and all the TVs going just to make the house feel fuller! :rotfl:

We're all here to keep you company :hug:
Ok so I have spoken to Joe today and have done our room block ......What a headache that was!!!:headache:
We have chosen POP, POR, and BW for our rooms Only Because there the three we want to stay in and we know we will fill the 25 nights ourselves!!:rotfl2:
And we Chose our Comp night at the Grand Floridian on the 19th November the night after we get back from our cruise!!!:cool1:
House is still Lonely here DF said he is a bit lonely over in WA too so I said to him we just have to Skype in the morning and the evenings too!lol :sad1:
And on another note DF brother said he may come to the Wedding....
But His partner is the one we have all the trouble with and is the reason we are getting married in the US!! But from what DMIL said It will only be DF brother not his whole family so that may work out ok and we wont have 2 bridesmaids and only one groomsman...
:goodvibesSo glad you sorted out your room block! Im dreading that task..:headache: I understand the empty house, and hope you enjoy some of the time alone...or at least not get freaked out too easily like I do! Keep the updates coming!!!
OK so today I thought I would post my Bridal Party....The ones that are coming anyways.
So First I have Me, My sister in Law Karissa (Coming) and My cousin (isnt coming but if we were going to be home she would be my other bridesmaid)

Then we have My Little sister Morgan who is going to be my MOH.

Then we have Jason's Best man Nathan and his partner Ange who are coming with there daughter Tori.

And then a Picture of Jasons Fanily But jasons brother Daniel might be coming.... Not too sure yet........
Well there is Tamara, Jason, Karissa and Daniel.

I have to laugh at the first picture it was taken after a big night out at the bridal expo here. It was in a photo booth i really wanna have one of these at my at home reception!!
I love photo booths too! I wanted one at our reception, but DF's brother who is getting married next weekend is having one :sad2: so we're going to skip it.
I hate when people do that!! Hence the geting married at disney... I highly doubt anyone else in our family will do :rotfl2:
Yeah that's what I keep telling myself "Nothing beats Disney, Nothing beats Disney" :rotfl:
So Happy News today!!! My DF will be home at 10am tomorrow!:cool1: Sad news is he leaves again on the 10 October until CHRISTMAS.....thats right 10 weeks at home and i thought 4 weeks was bad!!
Hmm well I guess i will just have to keep shopping on ebay!!
So today AI bought a dress on ebay to wear to the Halloween party so i can get some really cool pics!!
Here is my cute new dress!!

It has a green sash which is one of my wedding colours!!
OK so I got my Dress today for the halloween party!! I LOVE IT!! its so much better in person than it is in the picture now i think tonight i am going to buy my Wedding Dress and bridesmaids dresses today AAAAAAAHHH SCARY!!
The dress for your halloween party looks really cute. I can't wait to see pics of your wedding dress!
That dress is so cute! :lovestruc Why can I never find nice clothes on ebay?!?!

Wow, DF being away until Christmas is going to suck! I'm pretty used to my DF being away during the week now, but it's still not nice.


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