You just lost 80 pounds! What are you Going to do next? Ending TR


I don't understand people, I really don't. Even if someone DID cut in front of you or you honestly thought they did, what good and useful purpose do comments like that have?


I know, Cynthia. People don't always think things through do they? Now if it had been the other way around, and I think this is what gets me so upset, I wouldn't have thought a darn thing. I would have probably thought, he's got kids in a stroller, he's excited, their excited, I'm excited, by all means go right on ahead. Unless he had been rude to Mackie, then I probably would have grumbled under my breath about being rude or said "Excuse me!", but then dropped it, you know? In Texas, we have a way of saying things with a sarcastic smile on our face, people don't quite know how to take us, so if he had snarked back after me saying something under my breath, I probably would have said...."It's alright darlin', just glad to see you were brought up as a gentlemen." People don't quite know what to say when you smile with a huge 'eat poop smile' and talk to them like that. :rotfl2:

Texas mama bear :goodvibes

It's not pretty, and a big "Aaaaah, hel* no!" Usually starts it out. I'm sure most Mama's have a version of it somewhere under there belt to break out if and when they need it. :thumbsup2

NFL will make any of that go away, so beautiful and lots of lovely pictures of Mackie!

And it did, actually Mackie did first, but then once we were further into the park I was in hog heaven. :)

I cannot wait to see the bathroom in person.

The Tangled bathroom?

What an idiot the guy was.


Nice NFL pics. I am the opposite, I am glued to my camera and see it all through the lens. LOL

Thank you, Scott. How are you doing? Have you scheduled your surgery or did you already have it done?

What a crappy start to your MK morning. I was getting angry just hearing your story. You handled everything perfectly. His kids (if they were old enough) probably thinks he's a you know what. If not now, then later when he pulls that crap again. Seriously, some people are just on the mood disorder spectrum and that stuff happens.

Glad all was forgotten once you crossed the threshold to Main Street. Great pictures of Mackie!
What a crappy start to your MK morning. I was getting angry just hearing your story. You handled everything perfectly.

Thank you, Mary Ellen. I just hope it didn't ruin someone else's start to their day.

His kids (if they were old enough) probably thinks he's a you know what. If not now, then later when he pulls that crap again. Seriously, some people are just on the mood disorder spectrum and that stuff happens.

Saddly they were little, but yet still hearing their father act this way. :rolleyes: And yes, I think he had a propensity for being on the spectrum, if you will.

Glad all was forgotten once you crossed the threshold to Main Street. Great pictures of Mackie!

Thanks to my baby girl and being in our happy place together. :goodvibes
You handled it quite nicely!!:thumbsup2

Pssttttt!!! I have now lost 67 pounds & love the new me!:goodvibes

You handled it quite nicely!!:thumbsup2

Thank you, Kris. :upsidedow

Pssttttt!!! I have now lost 67 pounds & love the new me!:goodvibes

:cheer2: This is AMAZING news!!! So proud of you!! All your hard work is paying off, keep at it and you'll hit your goal before you know it!!

I wish I could say I'm seeing scale going down and staying down, it's up, down, up, down, up down. Every week I start off in the same place I was the week before. I think I've only had one week where I was making progress and then it went all wacky on me again. I'm hoping it's just a hormonal thing that I'm now correcting and the fact I'm building muscle again.

Not doing my workouts over the summer like I should have, I lost a lot of muscle. Now that I'm in full swing with my workouts it's my hope I'll be back on my way again really soon. :rolleyes:
I'm not ignoring y'all. I promise. :)

This has been a busy week already. Two appts. on Monday since Mackie had the day off, one appt. was suppose to happen today for my mom but she couldn't even get out of bed due to pain, and then another on Thursday for my mom. Hoping she'll be able to make it.

If y'all would, could you please say a prayer for my mom. She's in a lot of pain and can't seem to get out of it. I'm hoping it's not anything like tumors growing or cancer spreading. :guilty:
Bless her heart, she's really having a tough time of it. She's not one to typically complain, so if she's complaining you know it's not good. <heavy sigh>
I'm not ignoring y'all. I promise. :)

This has been a busy week already. Two appts. on Monday since Mackie had the day off, one appt. was suppose to happen today for my mom but she couldn't even get out of bed due to pain, and then another on Thursday for my mom. Hoping she'll be able to make it.

If y'all would, could you please say a prayer for my mom. She's in a lot of pain and can't seem to get out of it. I'm hoping it's not anything like tumors growing or cancer spreading. :guilty:
Bless her heart, she's really having a tough time of it. She's not one to typically complain, so if she's complaining you know it's not good. <heavy sigh>

Sorry to hear your mum is not well :sad2: I'm not really the praying type, but I'll definitely be thinking of you both and sending you all my good vibes and support :hug:
I'm not ignoring y'all. I promise. :)

This has been a busy week already. Two appts. on Monday since Mackie had the day off, one appt. was suppose to happen today for my mom but she couldn't even get out of bed due to pain, and then another on Thursday for my mom. Hoping she'll be able to make it.

If y'all would, could you please say a prayer for my mom. She's in a lot of pain and can't seem to get out of it. I'm hoping it's not anything like tumors growing or cancer spreading. :guilty:
Bless her heart, she's really having a tough time of it. She's not one to typically complain, so if she's complaining you know it's not good. <heavy sigh>

I believe in the power of faith and prayer and am lifting you and your mother up in prayer. I know the toll cancer can play on the individual as well as the family. Just two months after my brother (45) died of a heart attack in May 2011, my mother was diagnosed with stage four ovarian & cervical cancer. Today she is in remission and cancer free. ;)
Camille I'm so sorry it is a rough week for your mom. Praying for you my friend and your dear mom. (Philippians 4:19)
Hi Millie! I'm just getting into your thread to read.. I'll have to catch up before I can comment, but wanted to say hello!!

I'm also a Texas girl (in the Dallas/Fort Worth are) and over the last 4 years or so I've lost about 120 pounds with the help of lap band surgery.. I still have about 20 pounds I'd like to lose..

Have a great one!
All caught up!

Wow...who peed in that guy's corn flakes?

In the stress of the moment, you handled yourself as best as you possibly could. (Trust me, I work for the DOT. I'm used to people angrily shouting nonsense at me)

Good for you for standing up for yourself. Next time you can point out that the amount of time he lost in line is dwarfed by the amount of time he spent having verbal diarrhea about it.:thumbsup2
All caught up on your posts!! Whew! Lol! I have to say I enjoyed reading every single entry and post here.. First off, I called you Millie based on your board name but realize its Camille, so I wanted to correct that! I like both names, but Millie is catchy and I like it a lot!

As I mentioned prior, I have lost a lot of weight, 120 pounds to be exact, and I am motivated after reading this to get off my butt and finish what I started and lose the last 20 pounds that I want to lose- no excuses!

Congratulations on your weight loss!! What an amazing story and a wonderful inspiration to many here! Pop is my favorite Value resort, so I enjoyed those pics! I have a solo trip coming up in February and of course I will be staying there! I'm planning on walking over to AoA and I really enjoyed your pics on that resort! I'm looking forward to seeing it in person!! Loved hearing about the pedis at Swalfin.. Sounds like a nice little treat- personally I can't see myself paying what they probably charge for a massage there, when I can get one for much cheaper here at home, but a pedi would be a nice splurge for the trip.. Something a little special!

I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather.. As you know, losing loved ones is never easy. I have lost my grandmother, uncle, friend, cousin, father, brother and most recently grandfather all in the last 4 years- I am praying for a recovery for your mom!

Looking forward to reading more!
Camille I'm so sorry it is a rough week for your mom. Praying for you my friend and your dear mom. (Philippians 4:19)

Brenda,that is one of my favorite passages in the Bible along with Matthew 6:25-26. :thumbsup2

As I mentioned prior, I have lost a lot of weight, 120 pounds to be exact, and I am motivated after reading this to get off my butt and finish what I started and lose the last 20 pounds that I want to lose- no excuses!

Congratulations on your weight loss!! What an amazing story and a wonderful inspiration to many here! Pop is my favorite Value resort, so I enjoyed those pics! I have a solo trip coming up in February and of course I will be staying there! I'm planning on walking over to AoA and I really enjoyed your pics on that resort! I'm looking forward to seeing it in person!! Loved hearing about the pedis at Swalfin.. Sounds like a nice little treat- personally I can't see myself paying what they probably charge for a massage there, when I can get one for much cheaper here at home, but a pedi would be a nice splurge for the trip.. Something a little special!

I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather.. As you know, losing loved ones is never easy. I have lost my grandmother, uncle, friend, cousin, father, brother and most recently grandfather all in the last 4 years- I am praying for a recovery for your mom!

Looking forward to reading more!

Congratulations on losing 120 lbs pounds; great job. Your goal to lose 20 more pounds is just around the corner. Do not beat yourself up over small setbacks you may have encountered... After all you have lost 120 lbs. (Did I say great job). Now that you are once again motivated I am confident you will be successful. I should rephrase that, you have been succesful, but with this final push you will have conquered that barrier called your goal. :woohoo:

Sorry Camille, once again I have managed to hijack your thread. I am still praying for you though. ;)
Keeping your mom in my thoughts and prayers. Hope the pain subsides soon.

Thank you so much, Ms. Kat. I appreciate this more than you know.

Sorry to hear your mum is not well :sad2: I'm not really the praying type, but I'll definitely be thinking of you both and sending you all my good vibes and support :hug:

Thank you Lana, as you may know she's been dealing with breast cancer for a couple of years now. Her pain was more than she could take today, had to take her to the hospital to manage her pain. :sad1:

Hop your mom feels better soon!

Jill in CO

You and me both. Thank you Jill. I appreciate your good thoughts.

I believe in the power of faith and prayer and am lifting you and your mother up in prayer. I know the toll cancer can play on the individual as well as the family. Just two months after my brother (45) died of a heart attack in May 2011, my mother was diagnosed with stage four ovarian & cervical cancer. Today she is in remission and cancer free. ;)

Thank you, Bob. You are a sweet, dear person to do that for my mom. I find there are a lot of dear, sweet people on here. I guess it's not a stretch to believe that, we all love Disney World, and you have to have a pretty big heart to love all that goes into Disney. ::yes:: :thumbsup2
I remember you saying that about your mom, I'm so blessed by that news. I don't believe that will be the case for my mom. :sad2: I'd like to believe that will happen, but according to the doctors....
I just pray she is comfortable and can have some sort of quality of life as she finishes out the life the Lord gave her.

Sorry to ramble, I'm so tired I can hardly see straight. I've been out of the house since about noon and didn't get home until about 11:40 tonight. The hospital didn't give my mom a room until 10:00, craziness. :upsidedow The nurses and staff were amazing though. It's things like that, that reminds me God is watching out for us, and that He's never taken His eye off of his babies. I'm just happy I left my mom there not in pain and resting comfortably. Thank you, Lord.

I promise to get to the rest of the posts when I'm not so crazy tired.
Hey Camille, I'm lifting your mom up that God would touch her and relieve this pain. I'm also praying for strength and peace and rest for you as the caregiver. Take care of yourself. :hug:
I'll pray for your mom and you too Millie. I hope she feels better tomorrow. :grouphug:

Thank you so much, Tim. She isn't feeling better today, I hate to report. I just hope to heaven we figure out what in the world is going on and it's something we can help her with.

Hi Millie! I'm just getting into your thread to read.. I'll have to catch up before I can comment, but wanted to say hello!!

I'm also a Texas girl (in the Dallas/Fort Worth are) and over the last 4 years or so I've lost about 120 pounds with the help of lap band surgery.. I still have about 20 pounds I'd like to lose..

Have a great one!

Thank you, BettyAnn.

:welcome: party: :welcome:

Sorry you are hitting the thread during a not so fun time with my reports on my mom. I don't usually post too much about this sort of thing, but I really needed my Dis family to rally around me a bit.

Camille, I'm sorry to hear that your mother isn't feeling well. I'll be sure to say a prayer for her!

Thank you, Lisa. Prayers are much needed at this point. The not so fun thing about cancer is that you don't know when things will level out or take a turn for the worse. I'm a little concerned we might be taking a turn for the worse.


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