Would you buy a resale with 2042 end date?

I am looking at buying DVC. If I can't be on monorail, my next fave resort is BWV. It seems to sell resale about $105/point.
Only thing is it expires in 2042 - so 18 years.
I could buy SSR for not much more with a longer date, but its not my first choice to own.

We own 2042 resorts (BRV and BWV) because, as others mentioned, access to some of those at 7 months is hard during certain times. But our 2042 resorts are less than 15% of our total points.

To me, it's also a matter of price - I think 2042 resorts are generally overpriced but we got a relatively good price on our BWV contract, at the expense of losing a year (stripped contract) and waiting several months to close (existing owner reservation) when we didn't need the points immediately.

But from your post it sounds like monorail is your #1 choice. So why not look at Bay Lake Tower? It may cost you an extra 20%-30% upfront but you get 36 years instead of 18 and, based on current levels, you'd pay about 15% less in annual dues per point.
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Let us know how ROFR goes! We've been thinking about adding on 100 or so points but I've seen price per point pretty varied--everything from $135 to $110. Our current contract has an unusual use year (September) wed want to try and match so I've been using that as an excuse to hold off.
I’ll be reporting back here as soon as we hear back from Disney, hopefully with good news!
This! I have two 2042 contracts, BWV and HHI, and am perfectly happy with them and that they will both expire in 2042. But I recently added on at VGC so I can keep going there. :)

I used to have a bunch of SSR points, and when I wanted to downsize my contracts and how many points I own, I thought long and hard about the longer expiration of SSR vs. the location of BWV. BWV won out and I sold the SSR.

I'm also perfectly happy doing short stays at the All-Star resorts, so that's my backup plan post 2042 if I continue to go to WDW. I'm not buying more points.

Yeah...not sure what we'll do after 2042. If we don't go often enough to rationalize DVC points there we'll probably just pay OOP for Wilderness Lodge or stay moderate if we don't want to spend that much. I do like Port Orleans a lot.
I have two 2042 contracts pending ROFR for BRV and BCV. This thread is making me doubt.

They were loaded contracts so after renting the 23 and 24 points ($20/pt for BCV and $18/pt for BRV) our effective pricing would be:

BRV 250 @ $70
BCV 270 @ $83

I wanted BLT as our MK resort because of the longer contract, soon refurb, walkable MK distance and Monorail ride to Epcot.... but I was brutally and savagely veto'd by my wife. She HATES the theming at the Contemporary. She says it feels like a slightly Disney'd Holiday Inn 🤯 When I showed her the video of a theme park view and the prospect of watching fireworks from the balcony with the music on the TV... nope. Hammered down like a drunken shark.

So we opted for BRV, over CCV, because of the refurb (pull-down beds) and bigger rooms, and the BRV deal @ $70 effective price was excellent.

We bought BCV because we have young three kids (4-6-8) and if we are to take advantage of the best pool on WDW property in the hot summer months it appears impossible to book without home resort priority. Especially the studios.

I am concerned about what will happen to the resale value once we pass 2032, so I will treat them as if I will be using them until close. Assuming I can consistently rent BCV@20 and BRV@18 it will still be an acceptable investment in the end.
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disboards is dangerous!?! After reading this thread I decided to pull the trigger on a BWV contract.

The argument that some people make regarding the contract expiration as a benefit really changed my thinking on the 2042's. I know that I will still be working in 2042 so dues inflation should be personally manageable until then but in retirement I may not want the headache or the risk.

After this contract I am done!
disboards is dangerous!?! After reading this thread I decided to pull the trigger on a BWV contract.

The argument that some people make regarding the contract expiration as a benefit really changed my thinking on the 2042's. I know that I will still be working in 2042 so dues inflation should be personally manageable until then but in retirement I may not want the headache or the risk.

After this contract I am done!

Famous last words....?
I am looking at buying DVC. If I can't be on monorail, my next fave resort is BWV. It seems to sell resale about $105/point.
Only thing is it expires in 2042 - so 18 years.
I could buy SSR for not much more with a longer date, but its not my first choice to own.
I’d go for BWV. We own at BRV because it is my favorite resort. It was our third resale contract we purchased and even though it wasn’t the best decision financially, it’s where my heart is and not being able to stay there wasn’t cutting it for me.

A lot can happen in 17 years so enjoy them and stay where you want!
disboards is dangerous!?! After reading this thread I decided to pull the trigger on a BWV contract.

The argument that some people make regarding the contract expiration as a benefit really changed my thinking on the 2042's. I know that I will still be working in 2042 so dues inflation should be personally manageable until then but in retirement I may not want the headache or the risk.

After this contract I am done!
We sold our last two 2042 resorts early this year for fair prices. We sold quite a few in 2022 when DVC was overpaying through ROFR and they bought four I think. If you believe you will own and love a resort right through to the end then it might be for you. I am not much of a gambler.

I believe a better option is to buy a later expiration dated resort so you have the option to sell. You can use as SOP points at 7 months...I know it is not ideal. I would rather own knowing I can sell a contract rather than dreading 5 or 10 years of MF's and not using the points, especially since DVC is scrutinizing rentals.

Good luck!
especially since DVC is scrutinizing rentals.
This is a good point. I wouldn’t overly rely on rentals to make the math work because the possibility DVC cracks down. Even if the risk is low short term, I’d rather not end up with alot more points than needed in 10 years and then some clarification happens around personal/commercial use. Would be a bad time to try selling.
This is a good point. I wouldn’t overly rely on rentals to make the math work because the possibility DVC cracks down. Even if the risk is low short term, I’d rather not end up with alot more points than needed in 10 years and then some clarification happens around personal/commercial use. Would be a bad time to try selling.

As long as we keep seeing 200+ listings for Jambo Value Studios on Redweek for 1-3 nights with 99%-100% of them coming from the same broker, I don't think the occasional renting owner needs to worry too much...
disboards is dangerous!?! After reading this thread I decided to pull the trigger on a BWV contract.

The argument that some people make regarding the contract expiration as a benefit really changed my thinking on the 2042's. I know that I will still be working in 2042 so dues inflation should be personally manageable until then but in retirement I may not want the headache or the risk.

After this contract I am done!
Not only is the expiration a potential benefit, but Boardwalk’s point chart makes it highly affordable, plus it requires very little up front cost. I think the 2042 resorts are actually a very reasonable option. I’m buying BCV because it was still cheaper than staying there in a hotel, and I don’t want to be a renter, plus I loved the hotel side.
As long as we keep seeing 200+ listings for Jambo Value Studios on Redweek for 1-3 nights with 99%-100% of them coming from the same broker, I don't think the occasional renting owner needs to worry too much...
True :laughing:

I just don’t know what stage they’re at. Maybe they already care, they’re just getting their ducks in a row internally and waiting for the best opportunity.
Not only is the expiration a potential benefit, but Boardwalk’s point chart makes it highly affordable, plus it requires very little up front cost. I think the 2042 resorts are actually a very reasonable option. I’m buying BCV because it was still cheaper than staying there in a hotel, and I don’t want to be a renter, plus I loved the hotel side.
I don’t want to be a renter - this was us too. It was ok the few times we did but it’s not the same as having control of your reservation. As an owner I’m more dedicated at getting those special dates/rooms. I can waitlist and stalk. I can reschedule or rent out the unused booking. And it’s less expensive than paying rental premium for 11 month booking high demand resort. It was worth buying.
As long as we keep seeing 200+ listings for Jambo Value Studios on Redweek for 1-3 nights with 99%-100% of them coming from the same broker, I don't think the occasional renting owner needs to worry too much...
I don’t know how Disney can see that and not think of it as competition for their hotel business.

If I were them I’d find a some way to severely limit commercial renting. One could imagine a number of ways in which they could do that.

And if I’m thinking that, someone there is presumably thinking the same thing at Disney Experiences. I don’t know if it’s imminent, but I’m sure someone is thinking about it.
I don’t know how Disney can see that and not think of it as competition for their hotel business.

If I were them I’d find a some way to severely limit commercial renting. One could imagine a number of ways in which they could do that.

And if I’m thinking that, someone there is presumably thinking the same thing at Disney Experiences. I don’t know if it’s imminent, but I’m sure someone is thinking about it.


I’ve given it more thought than I should lol.

The best I’ve come up with is adding a check box where DVC point reservations are added to MDE. Put it right on the page with the other ‘Agree’ check box that exists. “If this is a point rental you must check this box to confirm you understand a rental contract is required.”

It’s very low-key. Not threatening. Pleasant, no cause for alarm type of thing.

It wouldn’t bother owners doing the occasional rental. They’re fine. Their renters are fine.

The only issue will be to commercial renters because they’re caught between having to coach their rentee against checking off it’s a rental with a proper contract, or DVC having record of all their rentals. But if I’m renting from a stranger, do I really want to open myself to issues by not complying with the checkbox. Is it worth it? I’d rather just go find a rental where that owner doesn’t care if I check the box… and that would be somebody who is not crossing the line into renting as a business, for profit, commercial, etc. And if I were crossing those lines, I might think twice about letting all those rental checkboxes happen if I’m used to never paying taxes on them, among other things.

Might be a solution. I have no doubt the heavy hitters’ activity negatively affects casual owners, and cash rooms too. Maybe DVC’s just waiting for the right opportunity 🤷‍♀️ Get their ducks in a row now - making sure to maximize ways it could benefit them. Have that ready to go. Also aim for the best timing - when this kind of transition will be easiest for them to get their preferred results.

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