Where? Who? How? Photography? Help! Triplets take on the World!

Ok that was just too funny....I am sure you will relize this later after the guiness.
Hope the dog didn't get sick all over after the chocolate.......sheesh. Good thing he is big he can probably handle it alright.

this sounds like one of my parties.....I am sorry I can't stop laughing....just know that I am laughing with, not at.....you will laugh eventually

seriously though, I hope the rest of the party went well!

Aaaaaaaaand, don't you know it is a requirement to drink while getting ready for a kids party:rotfl:
Okay, I'm here and (mostly) caught up!:wave2: I must have brought a bug back with me from vacay, because I spent yesterday in the bathroom, how can I put this delicately?...being relieved of my lunch. 5 times!:sick: Still don't feel great, but sooo much better than yesterday!

I love the bd pics with the Disney theme! You really did go all out and what a great job. I always tried to do over the top with our 4 kids and we have some great memories. Your munchkins will remember these parties as some of their best memories, I'm sure. ::yes::

If we look up "never a dull moment" on wikapedia, I'm sure we would find YOUR picture!! You just can't make this stuff up, right? Sounds like quite a weekend and quite a party. You know laughter is the best thing for your immune system, or so I've heard. So, thanks for helping all of your DIS friends stay healthier!!! :rotfl2:

You'll be proud to know that every day while on vacation, I LOOKED UP! I told Dan to do the same. We got some pretty good pics, but didn't really take a lot since it was such a short trip and we have so many already that just sit on a thumb drive somewhere. I'm really bad about downloading them. But you were in my thoughts while we were there.

Can't wait for the bd party pics and to read more on the adventure that was the party. And hope the munchkins had a good football game!
You know what, Mo? I think you're my hero. Really - 3 kids, dogs, a ferret and MIA husband? I think you need more than 5 pints of Guiness. You need, like, an entire blender of marguaritas made ala a friend of mine: 2 parts rum to 1/2 part lime juice.

Hope everyone had a good time at the party, though!

Super Mo to the rescue..

I believe i had the rest of the Malibu and pineapple. I don't even think someone could get close enough to it... :rotfl2:

I'm sorry. I kow I shouldn't, but I am having an attack of :lmao::lmao:

Seriously, if it's going to happen, it's going to happen to Mo. I think I woul dhave started hitting those :drinking1 long before the company came.

Your kitchen is spotless! I wish mine looked half that good.

I hope there is :cake:
I warned you not to drink coffee while reading that... i know i have posted a picture of my kitchen table. I need a picture of that ******* standing next to it so you get a better idea in how he can lean over and just much.
The reason i took a picture of the kitchen... Is well... it hasn't looked like that SINCE!

THIS, ThIS, THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mo is my HERO. there is NO WAY I would have survived that... I would have been a total disaster...
I stil LOL at your ferret - he is too funny... :rolleyes1
And yikes about the bananas/chocolate incident - is Mr. Great Dane OK?
Glad you found Tom - I bet he felt your love shining through that day....
And finally - the midgets... Gotta love those little ones... way to help their momma... Wish the girls and I could have made the trip down to help you too! :grouphug:

Thank you Thank you... I am currently taking applications for a sidekick or two...
GOOFY FERRET! I tell you he is a CLOWN! everytime i closed the blue ray he would look at me. and open it again... look at me... i would close it.. he would look at me... and i gave up... this is not a hanna barbara cartoon... :lmao:
Mr... great dane.... just wait on this....
Yeah they were amazing. Probably because they saw the LOOK OF PSYCHO in their Mother's eyes and were scared!!!
I honestly was about to PAY for helicopter rides and land in my front yard for you all to be there!

:lmao: Oh D :lmao:
Yeah, I want to know about the great Dane too.....is he okay after eating all that chocolate?? Not to mention the bananas...but I thought choc was bad for dogs???
I can't believe you survived that! The whole time you were texting, I was thinking "holy cow...I would be a wreck! What can I say to make it better??" Hopefully we helped just a little :hug:
Can't wait to see pictures...oh wait...I forgot....

umm Yes Chocolate is very bad for dogs... more on this...
I cannot believe i lived through it to tell the tale!!! Same with what i said to D i wanted you guys there!!!

Sounds like a very crazy weekend and the party hasn't even started yet. Too funny about the bananas but I hope your dog is OK.
Your Tom sounds like my DH. No sense of urgency. He always starts a major project about 2 days before we have a house full of guests for Thanksgiving. :crazy2:
At least the dog was clean. :thumbsup2
Can't wait to hear about the fun.

Exactly!!! i think he needs a time management class!!! wanted to punch him in the neck. ::yes::
yes i have one clean, now hairy, and smell of WET dog in the house...
Fun??? did you say fun?!?! :rotfl2: :lmao: like this wasn't FUN?!?! :lmao:

Yes, you are superMOM, for sure! I am such an uber planner, I would have been hyperventilating with all that going on so close to party time!!! :eek:
OMGoodness...the dog eating all the chocolate bananas! And the story followed by a picture of him sitting up so straight and tall on the couch, like..."ME? Why, I would NEVER do such an uncivilized thing!! I am sure it was the weasly little ferret you brought home few weeks ago... You know, he is ALWAYS going places and getting into things he shouldn't... ":rolleyes1
Let's get this party started!!! popcorn::

exactly i have been planning this thing for a while.. knew every inch of what was need and what i need to do. then SPLAT...
the dog... yeah yeah everyone is worried about the majestic half goat dog.... :rotfl:
Poor Stevie.. got the grunt of that! i mean come on i only have several hole in my LEATHER couch because of him!

Ok that was just too funny....I am sure you will relize this later after the guiness.
Hope the dog didn't get sick all over after the chocolate.......sheesh. Good thing he is big he can probably handle it alright.

wait for it....

this sounds like one of my parties.....I am sorry I can't stop laughing....just know that I am laughing with, not at.....you will laugh eventually

seriously though, I hope the rest of the party went well!
Aaaaaaaaand, don't you know it is a requirement to drink while getting ready for a kids party:rotfl:

oh please! laugh!!! Must laugh.. i would have been laughing all the way to the nut house!!!

I need to figure where i left off and what i haven't told you ...
Mo...you are so wonderful! You are a super hero, a saint, but most importantly you are such an awesome MOM...especially to those 3 adorable midgets, but to fur-babies and ferrets too! :worship:

I just leave reading about all the antics in your house...especially when they involve adorable Great Danes...and Stevie! :rotfl2:It sounds like your morning was a bit hectic (IDK WHAT gives that away). I totally would have cracked open an adult beverage by about 9:00am if I was trying to deal with all that you were! :drinking1:drinking1:drinking1:drinking1:drinking1I hope Lex is feeling okay after all that chocolate!

I can't wait to hear about the rest of the party. Hopefully things were more smooth and everyone had a wonderful time partying luau style!
ahhh yes the cake question...

So my darling mother makes the most amazing cream cheese frosting on the planet. the kids requested a Grandma cake. I had asked my mom earlier in the week if she would make the cakes.
So during one of my freak outs over something else that had gone wrong.. I went to smoke.. and i called my mom. Like any one does I needed Mommy i hoped she would come to the rescue right? So i tell her my sob story and how NOTHING is going right she comforts me telling me to Stop it will be fine.. BLAH BLAH stuff. Then she informs me... I did not ask her to make a cake only the frosting...

There is no cake..................

the party will start in an hour.............

I am let's see... not happy...
well i have ice cream! :eek:
are you keeping count? MIA Husband-Dirty dog Now clean and is worse for the allergy people-dog hair everywhere- dog eats all bananas- no cake- late bounce house- decorations half put up-
I have the food done.
and i am now drinking...................... heavily.
as guests arrive the Husband shows! he is wearing his most Don Ho ugly shirt i have ever seen! OK.. I calmly let him know i have now checked out, he is up to bat i am relaxing and enjoying the company!
Mom shows up.. She like all Mom's came through and we have cake! with awesome frosting, several more friends, several more side dishes, apps, boat loads of cards and presents! kids are bouncing people are drinking, laughing and we are HAVING great time! honestly no one was the wiser in the psycho who was running rapt an hour earlier! :hyper:
It was pretty cool and i was even complimented on how it was all going there were TONS of people all over even more kids. I had so much stuff for the kids to do they like took turns. kids in the bounce would then go to the house play video games tire of that do limbo, tire of that go tot he basement, and keep that going for the rest of the night. ALL the kids got along famously! not one argument not a whine NOTHING! it was FANTASTIC!
we did the pinata, then cake then PRESENTS! i have no idea in what they all got they went threw it like savage beasts (wonder where they get that from? :confused3) Plus i couldn't really see from the lens of the camera...
about 7ish people started to leave kids were being picked up.. but you always have the people who stay behind. Our closer friends also stay a little later then anyone. our kids get along famously we relax!
After a few of the waves of people left we would put the food away. then some people would get hungry again. food come out and so on..
I walked in to find the great dane Lex... Again... decided he would finish off the world renown frosting of my mothers cakeS that jerk struck AGAIN. :crazy: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
thankfully MOST people have already had cake since i had to throw it away... At this point i just shake my head. throw your hands in the air and walk away.
Side note... a close friend of ours had brought a present for lex as well as a presents for the kids! he gave the big bad black great dane a very bight pink hello kitty collar... :rotfl2: :lmao: i never laughed so hard... it's SO FITTING.

Ok about here i am sure you asking...

Ummm Mo where are the pictures?!?! I took SEVERAL thousand..
i made the most rookie mistake... No SD card. :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
the battery was full... all my settings were PERFECT. and i was so excited to show you after ALL the crazy, mishaps how FANTASTIC this party turned out..
your going to have to take my word for it..
it really was a terrific spectacular party!!! the amount of presents and cards! Everyone knows the love of Disney and they all received a wonderful amount of GCs!!! i will be saving them all for our trip!!! :cool1:

This is their actual birthday! :bday: They woke up pretty good moods I normally make a huge breakfast and do whatever they want it is their day ya know...
Not today. we had a fulling waffles and cereal! Because it is GAME DAY! They are GEARED UP!
The boys:


Hey you can see a tiki thing hanging!
look at the size of these kids!!!

Love Zack's face in this one...

we went to the game, we had a huge tent, BBQed drank, listened to the bears game. had a blast! the boys won their game!!! then the BEARS WON!
the JV lost and so did varsity..
after the games was about 4:30ish and we needed real food i was about DONE with hot dogs.. Kids picked Chili's.. :confused3 REALLY?!?!
went home some of them changed Meg from next door came and so did my baby brother (we have known each other since birth really!)

Something was in the water in the 70's All our mothers were best friends and ALL got pregnant about the same time. ::yes:: so here we all are.
Jen and their kids met us there and we had a BLAST! never LAUGHED SO HARD!!! so nice to have someone else cook and clean afterwards.
Ran to Target because Next door Meg was making cupcakes for kids to take to school! oh my goodness we were acting like small children in the store! i was walking around with a purple children's bike helmet that had fuz and ears.. Jason was acting like a flamboyant female which is rather comical did you see all the tattoos? (he's a big deal in the rock world) Tom was ignoring us. and Meg completely left us for a different section. :confused3 no idea what their problem was...
even on the way home i had to pull over twice i was crying i was laughing SO HARD...
so the kids had a WONDERFUL birthday weekend! In the end it couldn't be more perfect.
Needless to say i stayed home on Monday to gain my house back. it was a WRECK! and it still is. but little by little it is coming together!
thank you all for reading along for that CRAZY party that came out perfect!

Mo, the kids are getting so big and they look great in their football gear.

I can't believe you didn't have a card in your camera, but I'm not surprised with everything else you had going on.

I cannot believe the dog decided he wanted cake after all those chocolate covered bananas. :sick:

I'm glad it all turned out perfectly in the end, and that the kids got lots of spending money for Disney.
Good Grief!!! Lex sure does love the sweets!!! :faint:

No SD card??? I bet you were fit to be tied when you realized that! :faint: But, then again SUPERMO just rolls with the punches, doesn't she? Yep, mom of the year right here folks! :worship:

So glad everything came together, and that not only your midgets had a great weekend, but that YOU did too! :cool1:
Oh no... Sorry but I am having a hard time not crying from laughing so hard... If it's going to happen to anyone - it's going to happen to Mo - and it will happen on the kids' birthday weekend.

Despite all the mishaps, it SOUNDS like everyone had a wonderful time - you described it so well, I didn't need pictures, I could visualize.

ROFL at Lex and even funnier - Love the Hello Kitty collar... Too FUNNY.

And those adorable midgets... I cannot believe how LITTLE Peanut is compared to her brothers... I guess there is a reason you call her Peanut - huh?

Lots of Happy Birthday wishes to all of them!!!! Glad you survived another birthday year - Next Year's... Well, that will be amazing too!!!!!!

Oh good times :) Glad everything turned out great and that you can laugh about it all now. Love Lex's collar!

Now I want some cream cheese frosting...
Now I want some cream cheese frosting...

I was thinking that too! LOL Even though I just made some last week for that carrot cake V and I made... It didn't turn out THAT wonderful... I bet Mo's Mom's recipe is MUCH better... :scratchin

:rotfl2:Again...I don't know what else to do but laugh Mo!!! I swear...these type of things ONLY happen to you.

Despite all the craziness, it sounds like a good time was had by all, there was a cake, lots of presents and yummy food!! What more could you ask for. The kids will have wonderful memories of all the effort and hard work you put in as a mom.

Love the midgets in uniform!! I can't believe how little Meg is compared to her brothers. Hopefully, that will come in handy in the teenage years...having 2 BIG brothers to protect her!!! :thumbsup2
Mo, the kids are getting so big and they look great in their football gear.

I know.. it is killing me they are getting that BIG so fast. Matt is past my shoulder. Zack is about an inch shorter, then there is Meg... AKA peanut.

I can't believe you didn't have a card in your camera, but I'm not surprised with everything else you had going on.

I am still kicking myself i don't have ONE damn picture from that party! especially after all the crud i had put up with and how well is did turn out. :sad2:

I cannot believe the dog decided he wanted cake after all those chocolate covered bananas. :sick:

This dog is a MORON. nope I think he is a mix with goat i swear.

I'm glad it all turned out perfectly in the end, and that the kids got lots of spending money for Disney.

thank you.. Yes lots of gift cards which i keep in my Disney box! Thankfully they don't expire. I have a few from last birthday too!

aaaaaaaah, much better.....i don't wait well :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

:rolleyes1 LOL

Good Grief!!! Lex sure does love the sweets!!! :faint:

i can't say i blame him too much that stuff was DELISH! :lmao:

No SD card??? I bet you were fit to be tied when you realized that! :faint: But, then again SUPERMO just rolls with the punches, doesn't she? Yep, mom of the year right here folks! :worship:

how about that... No SD card in the camera... i still am mad at myself! don't know about mom of the year. But i do roll with the punches.. because i am getting my butt kicked!!! :lmao:
:hug: thank you..

So glad everything came together, and that not only your midgets had a great weekend, but that YOU did too! :cool1:

THANK YOU!!!! yes it ended perfect!

Oh no... Sorry but I am having a hard time not crying from laughing so hard... If it's going to happen to anyone - it's going to happen to Mo - and it will happen on the kids' birthday weekend.

I should write a book... would it be under bio or comedy???
YES laugh!!! i do! :lmao:

Despite all the mishaps, it SOUNDS like everyone had a wonderful time - you described it so well, I didn't need pictures, I could visualize.

oh good i was really upset about this and i didn't know how i was going get that written out without the visual!

ROFL at Lex and even funnier - Love the Hello Kitty collar... Too FUNNY.

Hang on... I have visuals for this...

And those adorable midgets... I cannot believe how LITTLE Peanut is compared to her brothers... I guess there is a reason you call her Peanut - huh?

Worst triplets ever.. they don't look alike- they aren't the same size.. yet are the best kids in the world... Yet they don't do the triplet thing very well.. HA HA

Lots of Happy Birthday wishes to all of them!!!! Glad you survived another birthday year - Next Year's... Well, that will be amazing too!!!!!!

Thank you!!! we did survive including the animals...
NEXT YEAR! holy moley! next year is DISNEY! which of course will be bigger and better!!!!!!! a HUGE surprise!!!

Oh good times :) Glad everything turned out great and that you can laugh about it all now. Love Lex's collar!
Now I want some cream cheese frosting...

yes laugh! need to laugh!!! ohhh her frosting is SCRUMPTIOUS!

I was thinking that too! LOL Even though I just made some last week for that carrot cake V and I made... It didn't turn out THAT wonderful... I bet Mo's Mom's recipe is MUCH better... :scratchin

I don't even know how to make it.. otherwise i would make it more often and THAT would be bad...

BUT when you two come out here i will have her make it!!!

So yesterday..
i caught this:

Getting close:


BAM! now you can see how he just leans over the table??

LEAVE WALTER ALONE!!! that's my camera bag!!!! so i yelled at him.. he was all legs trying to get away so fast... I had to laugh..

So as you know chocolate is bad for dogs i am pretty sure banana's aren't wonderful nor is funfetti cake with amazing frosting. :sad2:
Well... Corn cobs are even worse... they get stuck within the stomach dogs have lost their lives from eating such horrid things. or stuffed animals!

Well Lex has eaten the cobs too, and passed them in the BIO SPOT (thanks Kathy) along with rubber dog toys, dog stuffies, barbies, and half eaten shoes...
yes this dog is a walking barking garbage can.

SIDE NOTE**children's stuffed animals are the worst thing. The stuffing inside the stuffies are made with a flame retardant material which turns into sludge in a dog stomach***

So i saw this and think it is fantastic!!!
:rotfl2:Again...I don't know what else to do but laugh Mo!!! I swear...these type of things ONLY happen to you.

Despite all the craziness, it sounds like a good time was had by all, there was a cake, lots of presents and yummy food!! What more could you ask for. The kids will have wonderful memories of all the effort and hard work you put in as a mom.

Love the midgets in uniform!! I can't believe how little Meg is compared to her brothers. Hopefully, that will come in handy in the teenage years...having 2 BIG brothers to protect her!!! :thumbsup2

Hey you ninja'ed your way in the report without me seeing!

No please laugh!!! it is funny!!! we really did have a great time everyone had a blast! i am so happy.

Yep the kids are wild. so bad. Tall small skinny (not fat by any means) but bigger
they are a riot. People do not believe me when i let them know they are triplets! :lmao: maybe twins and Meg younger.. :sad2: Nope i can guarantee they most defiantly are triplets i have the scars to prove it.

Well it is funny... Meg is the mother hen. Including when the boys have differences meg will jump in against another boy! she is feisty!!! cracks me up!!! They are extremely close. Last night we watched Siberia.. (Love that show) Matt was a little frightened and asked his sister to sleep with him. WHEN HIS BROTHER is in the top bunk!!! Well Honestly Zack doesn't care. He will tell Matt just get over it, not helpful. Meg sleeps on one end of the bed and Matt on the other with Zack on the top bunk.. :rolleyes:

i'm happy they are close and PRAY they stay that way.. Family is so important.
They are so lucky to have each other!!! Siblings can be a pain in the rear but also such a valuable part of your life!!!........now I miss my brothers ;)
So yesterday..
i caught this:

Getting close:


BAM! now you can see how he just leans over the table??

LEAVE WALTER ALONE!!! that's my camera bag!!!! so i yelled at him.. he was all legs trying to get away so fast... I had to laugh..

So as you know chocolate is bad for dogs i am pretty sure banana's aren't wonderful nor is funfetti cake with amazing frosting. :sad2:
Well... Corn cobs are even worse... they get stuck within the stomach dogs have lost their lives from eating such horrid things. or stuffed animals!

Well Lex has eaten the cobs too, and passed them in the BIO SPOT (thanks Kathy) along with rubber dog toys, dog stuffies, barbies, and half eaten shoes...
yes this dog is a walking barking garbage can.

SIDE NOTE**children's stuffed animals are the worst thing. The stuffing inside the stuffies are made with a flame retardant material which turns into sludge in a dog stomach***

So i saw this and think it is fantastic!!!

I have got to learn to stop drinking my coffee when you post anything. :lmao::lmao::lmao: Chocolate is definitely not good for dogs. Cookie (all 14 pounds of her) got into the food cabinet and spied a King Size Hershey Bar which she proceeded to eat the whole thing, including the wrapper. I, being the good mommy, call the vet immediately and they tell me to give her a teaspoon of peroxide until she throws up. Well, my dog never threw up. I called back and they said to keep an eye on her through the night for seizures. Yep, never happened. I was up all night and the dog was fine and she's still here.

I give to Give the Kids the World every year. One of my very first DIS friends and a poster on my threads, has a daughter who was diagnosed with cancer when she was one-year old. She has now been cancer free for six years. :yay::yay::yay: But she lost a kidney and did chemo, etc. She was able to spend a Disney vacation at Give the Kids the World and, in her honor, I donate every year. It is a great organization.
You know, they say electronic forms of communication are so one dimensional and it's hard to decipher "feelings" using such media. Apparently "they" have never read one of your updates!! From beginning to end, your words fairly vibrated from the page! You have such a gift of storytelling and of course more than enough subject matter! I get such enjoyment out of your predicaments since you take them with a grain of salt (as well as a little alcohol:rotfl:) and in the end, everything seems to work out. Yes, a book would be in order I think!::yes::

Okay, now I'm going to get something done. I've spent all morning on the DIS and I haven't even eaten breakfast yet! Is there a 12 step program for the DIS? Especially PTRs and TRs of great people??? I need help!:rolleyes1
honestly no one was the wiser in the psycho who was running rapt an hour earlier!


:eek: No SD card??? Bummer but it sounds like a great party and the kid had a blast I am sure.

That Lex is a stinker. Poor Walter.

I love the pictures of the kids all geared up for the games, especially the funny faces. They look so much older compared to the pictures you post from your most recent trip.

Your trip to Target sounds memorable. :rotfl: No pictures???

I hope you have a great weekend.


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