Where did you put the...... garneska can't find anything for the next 3 months

@bama_ed it is a little busy but a big vent hood will break it up. We dig it though. my problem is we still have a lot of carpentry work to get finished and he seems to work very slow.

talked to dad. He is doing better. He and mom did laundry today. We are going along without any episodes. We see the psych tomorrow so that will help.
It was a tough tough morning. The home health nurse was coming at 9. Dad was having an episode. Finally got him out of it but she was about to have us send him back. Going to try a Xanax 3 times a day verses 2. We figured since he snapped out if it we could head home.

They got the decorative backsplash up, no grout yet.

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There will be a range hood in the middle.

We showered and gathered more stuff. Went to the grocery store and picked up a few things. We were careful what we bought since we are not spending much time there. Heading back to mom’s now.

Like the Space Ship Earth tiles. those are cool.
Like the Space Ship Earth tiles. those are cool.
Maybe that is why i liked them so much.

Ok today i left just as the contractors showed up. it was 11:30. i went out to mom and dad's to take dad to the psych NP. trying to switch his medication. She does not want him on Xanax but really neither do any of the other doctors. Going to twice a day but also adding Risperidone once a day. I skipped his 2 pm Xanax things still seemed good when i left at 6:30. I am going out tomorrow early so will see how the morning goes. he has another dr appointment at 10:45 tomorrow with his GP. i am going to that one as well to get my questions answered. For my medical professionals, my question is does he have to be on the lasix permanently or is there a plan to get him off that? the other is the metropole? Those are the two new meds since the first hospital visit for the pneumonia and actue CHF.

While i was gone the Contractor was putting people to task. I will be adding the update pics after to this from the phone.

We have the stove, vent hood, and fridge all in. Generally thinking this is done.



After generally done.




After still need dishwasher installed microwave is there for now but not permanent home




After love the door


We are hoping to get a plumber tomorrow or friday and then i will have the disposal, faucet and dishwasher in service again.

Still waiting on electrician and some dry wall. Also need the recirculating kit for the hood but that can go in when it shows up. Also need to get the shelves for the pantry.
The kitchen is looking good. Funny thing though, I looked at the first picture and thought that looks nice, but not much different and I was wondering where the nice Spaceship Earth backsplash went. . Then I saw the "before" label.

As for the Lasix and Metoprolol, both are often used to treat high blood pressure. If they were recently added and he hasn't had high blood pressure before, you should discuss that with his primary to see if or how long he would need it. Beta blockers (metoprolol) use to be contraindicated in CHF, but newer studies show good benefit with some beta blockers, including metoprolol. The risperidone is a better option in the elderly than the benzos (Xanax, Valium, Ativan). See how he does.

Maybe that is why i liked them so much.

Ok today i left just as the contractors showed up. it was 11:30. i went out to mom and dad's to take dad to the psych NP. trying to switch his medication. She does not want him on Xanax but really neither do any of the other doctors. Going to twice a day but also adding Risperidone once a day. I skipped his 2 pm Xanax things still seemed good when i left at 6:30. I am going out tomorrow early so will see how the morning goes. he has another dr appointment at 10:45 tomorrow with his GP. i am going to that one as well to get my questions answered. For my medical professionals, my question is does he have to be on the lasix permanently or is there a plan to get him off that? the other is the metropole? Those are the two new meds since the first hospital visit for the pneumonia and actue CHF.

While i was gone the Contractor was putting people to task. I will be adding the update pics after to this from the phone.

We have the stove, vent hood, and fridge all in. Generally thinking this is done.


View attachment 623666

After generally done.

View attachment 623662


View attachment 623665

After still need dishwasher installed microwave is there for now but not permanent home

View attachment 623664


View attachment 623667

After love the door

View attachment 623663

We are hoping to get a plumber tomorrow or friday and then i will have the disposal, faucet and dishwasher in service again.

Still waiting on electrician and some dry wall. Also need the recirculating kit for the hood but that can go in when it shows up. Also need to get the shelves for the pantry.

First off, very nice job with colors, etc. kitchen looks really good.
Thank god, you still need an electrician and plumber, I may still win this race after all.🤪
Chris , I think you should call for a Judge's ruling. Kris done brunged in a ringer. She put pants on her dad and pointed him in the direction of the kitchen and locked him in the condo
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So dumb question.

In the before picture, there are cabinets over the range.

In the after picture, there is a hood over the range but no cabinets.

Did you add that storage space else where in the kitchen or pantry? Or simply reduce the amount of storage space?

Looks very nice.

So dumb question.

In the before picture, there are cabinets over the range.

In the after picture, there is a hood over the range but no cabinets.

Did you add that storage space else where in the kitchen or pantry? Or simply reduce the amount of storage space?

Looks very nice.

The area that used to contain the washer and dryer (behind the door or fake cabinet door) has an added counter and will contain shelves. We did probably loose a bit of cabinet but we will add a bunch of space to the pantry. Plus we also have a small closet that used to be the pantry when it still contained laundry and we still have that closet.
Kitchen is looking great. Here in Canada we use Lasix in Heart Failure to help control fluid buildup/Edema. It is a rare day in the ER where I don’t administer it either oral or IV. I would recommend your Dad be followed closely if he is just starting these meds to insure his electrolytes, blood pressure are controlled, kidney function remains good. It sounds as though you are very involved in his care. My best wishes to you and your family.
They contractor did come on Friday but it was not the plumber. I really wanted the plumber so I had a sink. I am still hoping for a plumber next week but not sure with the holiday. Basically they did drywall work and installed the dishwasher, which still needs to be connected. supposed to come Monday as there is still some drywall to do.

as for dad, he has been to quite a few appointments. the GP definitely said to stay on the lasix for now. His feet are still swollen. GP is ok with the Xanax. I think that will be an interes discussion between the psych and the dr. My dad’s opinion, he prefers to getting back to taking nothing but needs something to help him sleep 🤦🏻‍♀️. My thought is get him off everything but a Xanax at bedtime. He seems better though and I think it’s just finally getting past the traumatic experience of the first hospital stay. It really messed him up.

today I have 12 miles to run and then doing some shopping for the condo, with stuff getting slightly more normal here finding all the new things we need.
So more work today. The electrical is done. The tv wall has outlets moved but needs drywall work tomorrow. Big one is plumber should be here at 9. It might be the contractor is done tomorrow. This means we start painting walls again this weekend. Good thing I have two days off from work. The final thing we have to do is the shelves for the pantry. Then more cleaning and moving stuff back. I might have a kitchen bert can cook in for thanksgiving, even though we are going to my folks on thursday.

dad continues to do better. I think we will be having a very thankful thanksgiving this year.
I washed some pots in my new sink. I have the dishwasher going with dishes. Today's plan is to prep walls for painting. We are hoping maybe finish the primer tomorrow and then color on Friday. We do have quite a bit to do and going to mom's tomorrow. But even one coat of primer tomorrow is a good start. More pictures soon.


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