Where are my fellow non-runners?


Aug 19, 1999
I would love to be able to run. I am just not a runner. I remember having to run in high school and hating it. I've tried the couch to 5K. It's just not me. I walk, fast. I love to walk. My friend and I walk about 3 miles in less than hour. She jokes we walk faster than some people run. FWIW, I'm a thin person, always have been but running is not my thing.

Guess I should have titled this thread, walkers unite....
I'm not a runner. I know people love it but I don't get the appeal. It feels like torture. Lol. I choose hot yoga as my form of exercise. I know some people don't see the appeal in that. Something for everyone right!?
I used to run. Then I switched to run/walk intervals. Then I tore the meniscus in my right knee. A couple years later I tore the meniscus in my left knee. Since then, arthritis has been developing. Needless to say, I do not run anymore! I'd love to swim, but getting to a pool is a big pain. I now walk or do my ski machine. I need to be better about it though.
I'm not a runner either. DS and I see folks out running in all weather, in the dark, etc...and just shake our heads. Neither of us get it.

(But neither of us shy away from walking a good distance, either - in decent weather - to get someplace, or just to spend time in nature.)
I do not run. I don't trust runners. There's something wrong with them lol.

I have also heard that running is really hard on the joints and I have back problems anyway so I use that to justify my lack of running.

I enjoy walking. I especially love going for hikes through the woods. That is a bit difficult this time of year but DH has been going to the local college gym to play basketball with his friends every week and they have a walking track there so I'm going to start going with him and walking. I'm really looking forward to that.
I was a run/walker (half marathons) but a stroke in October took care of that.

Now I'm a walker who is working on becoming a runner again.

I have a feeling it will take me until 2017 before I am able to run a half marathon again. I start with a walking group this Thursday.
To be frank about running, at one time the accept pace for "RUNNING" was no slower than 8 minutes per mile. Slower than that was "jogging." Today, it seems like almost everyone considers themselves to be a runner, but I can assure you that I do not and I just did today's WDW Marathon walking with bad knees.

I hate running but I would love to do the Disney marathon someday

Registration for next year's Marathon will be open April 26th and usually a week earlier for Pass Holders.
To be frank about running, at one time the accept pace for "RUNNING" was no slower than 8 minutes per mile. Slower than that was "jogging." Today, it seems like almost everyone considers themselves to be a runner, but I can assure you that I do not and I just did today's WDW Marathon walking with bad knees.

Registration for next year's Marathon will be open April 26th and usually a week earlier for Pass Holders.
I wish I could do the race but I am a teacher so I can't take time off of work to do it
I always HATED running. It was/is torture. Back in 2009/2010 I decided to give it a try for real, for some unknown reason. I found I actually DID like it. A lot! I was considering training for the WDW marathon no-less. Then I blew out my lower back and was in surgery about a 3 months into 2010...and, well, that ended that. I even rehabbed my back completely, but found running was too high impact. I reinjured my back in late 2014 and had surgery again, and a year later I now have permanent nerve damage in my right leg from the back injury and cannot feel most of my right foot and leg.

So, no running for me.
I'm a very fast walker, my normal stride, but I can't run for one block. No stride at all when I try to run !
You are not alone OP!
Ran track in HS, but I'm well beyond "done". I do a lot of walking these days & I don't mind the cold (was out for an hour last week at 20 degrees with nothing but the stars to light my way). I might catch myself in a mild trot now & then, but not for long.
Another walker here. Running is excruciating. I have almost no cartilage left in my knees. I can deal with the discomfort of that when I walk, but not if I try to run. Getting old is not exactly fun.
I always HATED running. It was/is torture. Back in 2009/2010 I decided to give it a try for real, for some unknown reason. I found I actually DID like it. A lot! I was considering training for the WDW marathon no-less. Then I blew out my lower back and was in surgery about a 3 months into 2010...and, well, that ended that. I even rehabbed my back completely, but found running was too high impact. I reinjured my back in late 2014 and had surgery again, and a year later I now have permanent nerve damage in my right leg from the back injury and cannot feel most of my right foot and leg.

So, no running for me.

RUNNING does not have to be a HIGH IMPACT sport. Some people are Gazelle runners and then there are those who are GLIDER RUNNERS. The Gazelle runner bounces up and down while the Glider has very little vertical movement. Most people don't seek out professional coaching, something that costs $$$$ but helps to create an efficient and safe gate.
RUNNING does not have to be a HIGH IMPACT sport. Some people are Gazelle runners and then there are those who are GLIDER RUNNERS. The Gazelle runner bounces up and down while the Glider has very little vertical movement. Most people don't seek out professional coaching, something that costs $$$$ but helps to create an efficient and safe gate.

Well, since I can barely walk at a brisk pace without rolling the ankle I can't feel anymore it's kind of a moot point lol. Though I DID try to go back to at least to walking/race walking after I healed after the first surgery. I didn't enjoy it and it didn't work well for me. Sadder still, I'm a professional horse trainer and riding instructor and the numb foot prevents me from riding properly anymore as well.


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