What was your worst DCL rookie mistake?

If one likes domestic peace, may I rather suggest going early, eating, and bringing her breakfast back to her in the cabin? I'd rather choose breakfast *and* brownie points over a day's worth of stink eye LOL

You snooze, you lose.

Or in this case you primp, YOU skimp on YOUR meals. But you are not costing me mine.

If making it to breakfast - or being joined at the hip 24/7 is that important to her, she would get the message the first time. ( And if there was whining and stink-eye, there would be a serious talk about dependency. And yes, I AM a female. I just am not a "must primp and preen" female - especially on vacation. I look fine - but I am not spending hours on any part of my look.)
You snooze, you lose.

Or in this case you primp, YOU skimp on YOUR meals. But you are not costing me mine.

If making it to breakfast - or being joined at the hip 24/7 is that important to her, she would get the message the first time. ( And if there was whining and stink-eye, there would be a serious talk about dependency. And yes, I AM a female. I just am not a "must primp and preen" female - especially on vacation. I look fine - but I am not spending hours on any part of my look.)

<chuckle> If one's partner's happiness isn't worth the 5 minutes it takes to bring back a plate of food, then I'd say the relationship has some bigger issues than breakfast times.
You snooze, you lose.

Or in this case you primp, YOU skimp on YOUR meals. But you are not costing me mine.

If making it to breakfast - or being joined at the hip 24/7 is that important to her, she would get the message the first time. ( And if there was whining and stink-eye, there would be a serious talk about dependency. And yes, I AM a female. I just am not a "must primp and preen" female - especially on vacation. I look fine - but I am not spending hours on any part of my look.)

To be clear, I'm not saying that one should go hungry because one's SO is perpetually late. I'm just suggesting that maybe a friendly accommodation is possible that is win-win for both sides and leaves no one abandoned. I adore it when my husband brings me coffee or breakfast in bed, and if that means he gets to go out and eat breakfast whenever he wants and I get to sleep in, how great is that? I suppose the attitude on both sides is what matters -- are you accommodating and loving each other, or are you choosing yourself first?

And that is totally off topic and I'll stop now :)
<chuckle> If one's partner's happiness isn't worth the 5 minutes it takes to bring back a plate of food, then I'd say the relationship has some bigger issues than breakfast times.

It's not a matter of happiness. It is a matter of priorities. If primping for hours (on a ship I might add where your hair is going to undo whatever you just did in like 2 minutes of sea breeze) is more important than breakfast, then that is her choice. But it is mine to go and eat. If she wants to catch up later she can, but if she is choosing superficiality over necessity (food is a necessity - "perfect" hair and make-up are not), that is her choice.

Primary reason I could never be with someone high-maintenance. It would drive me batty.
I just talked with my wife about this, it was understood that if one of us keep sleeping/taking too long, the other gets to bring breakfast back to the room, everybody wins!

Given food is available 24/7 on the ship, I just know to bring back a coffee. Otherwise, I'd be much more in trouble for clinking/clanking in the room and waking her up trying to bring back food the wife may or may not want versus just letting her sleep.
it was understood that if one of us keep sleeping/taking too long, the other gets to bring breakfast back to the room,

This would be true for my DH and I as well. I don't sleep well while on vacation, and tend to get up early even though I'm NOT a morning person. I enjoy sitting in the breakfast room with my book enjoying a cup of coffee and knowing I'm not disturbing anyone sleeping in the room. When I'm done I'll grab food and bring it back for when everyone wakes up. After all, we're ALL on vacation and if you choose to spend that time sleeping/primping etc I choose to enjoy a leisurely breakfast with my book.

ETA, with apologies for further derailing the topic. As an upcoming first time cruiser I have very much enjoyed this thread and have made note of several of the tips here.
I just talked with my wife about this, it was understood that if one of us keep sleeping/taking too long, the other gets to bring breakfast back to the room, everybody wins!

Isn't there room service for that?

(Not that I would have any problem at all bringing breakfast back to the stateroom for my wife or girls. But... it's a cruise. Eating what you want, when you want, how/from where you want, after sleeping in however late you want: isn't that supposed to be part of the experience?)
Booking the virtual golf on the ship. The life guards take turns working that and all of them seemed to hate doing it. They seemed annoyed when we needed help. It was the only bad service we had all week. I'd never do it again.
Booking the virtual golf on the ship. The life guards take turns working that and all of them seemed to hate doing it. They seemed annoyed when we needed help. It was the only bad service we had all week. I'd never do it again.

My husband said the same thing. He said it was complicated to use and they didn't really give him instructions. They just opened the room and told him where things were then left. When he was done (before the time was even up), he said not to book him for that thing again.
Isn't there room service for that?

(Not that I would have any problem at all bringing breakfast back to the stateroom for my wife or girls. But... it's a cruise. Eating what you want, when you want, how/from where you want, after sleeping in however late you want: isn't that supposed to be part of the experience?)

There is room service for breakfast, but only cold items (except for hot beverages). You can get your bagels toasted, etc., but they don't serve eggs, waffles, etc. on the room service menu. If you are planning on room service breakfast, there is a door hanger you have to fill out and have it outside your door by a certain time. And trust me, they are pretty much on time, so be prepared.
Our room was in the very back (aft) of the ship. One day thinking I was walking to our room, I walked ALL the way to the front and had to turn around. Doh!

We were told the following, and it helped tremendously - look at the rugs in the halls. You will see a map of the world about every three feet. If you are walking toward the north pole, you are heading to the front of the ship. If you are heading toward the south pole, you are heading toward the back of the ship. It really worked for me. Many, many times, I'm embarrassed to admit...
It’s coming up on our 15th sailing. I didn’t know until the last cruise that you could trade out the free Prosecco they give you for something sweeter like Asti Spumante. I was drinking that dry sparkling wine for 4 sailings!
Biggest rookie mistake was not heading to lunch first once we embarked and tried to see if the room was ready at 12:30PM.....should have just went straight for food. A close second is not bringing cash to CC post office.


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