What to Pack for Baby's First Trip?


<font color=blue>OK, I must have really small ears
May 13, 2000
We're leaving in 4 weeks for WDW and this is my son's first trip. He is turning one on 8/8 and we leave on 8/10. :)

I have the basics covered (I think):

Swim diapers
Sunscreen/Bug repellant
Hooded towels and washcloths
Baby tylenol
Playtex nursers with liners
2 Sippy cups
Favorite toys/books (just two of each)

Can you think of anything else? I am planning on buying a large pack of diapers and wipes once in Orlando. I do not want to lug a huge bag of diapers on the plane.

If you have any suggestions on other items to pack and any packing tips I would GREATLY appreciate. My DH and I have been to WDW many many times, but this is our first time with the baby! So it's like a whole new adventure!!!

Any tips are more than welcome. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!
Are you going to need to wash bottle parts, like the nipples? If so, I'd take some kind of container to wash them in or disinfectant for the sink. Hotel sinks are gross.

I would also take more than one hat. You never know when you're going to lose one. Lip sunscreen is probably also a good thing to have, as are sunglasses if he'll wear them.

Have fun!
I took my DD when she was 11 months. We drove (she flew, actually) and we stayed in a house south of FL, which made the packing a bit easier.

I remember having juice boxes with us at all times. Also, we had our own stroller (much better for napping in the parks), but since we drove it was easier to bring. We gave MIL and FIL the cheap-o little stroller to bring on the plane and brought her big stroller in the car. If I were doing it again I'd use a backpack rather than a diaper bag.

Do you have a thermometer? That might be handy to have.

And I must say, now that DD is 7 and DS will be 10, I much relieved to be travelling without all that extra stuff!!
Also wondering about his eating style. Will you need formular, baby food ? Are you taking snacks and finger foods? I think he could eat a lot off of your plates at this point, but you will want some of his favorites too.

Also remember that little ones outfits can wash out in the sink and dry overnight so no need to way over pack. I remeber that our first vacation with a baby his suitcase was bigger than mine!!

Don't forget to celebrate his birthday in a big way! A character meal, his first haircut on main street, a birthday badge etc.

Have a blast with your little one.!!!!!!

Jordan's mom
Oh--that lost post reminded me. Cheerios! The miracle food for babies. Gotta have some with you at all times. Of course, you'll leave a cheerio trail wherever you go........
Thanks for all the great tips!

We are flying and we will be bringing a "cheap - o" stroller instead of our usual Peg Perego. The stroller is also a little smaller (not as small as an umbrella stroller) but it has a bigger basket than the Peg. :)

I bought a backpack diaper back from One Step Ahead and I LOVE it! I use it all the time, so that is a definite!

I am only planning on packing my suitcase with 1/4 baby's things and the rest mine and DH's. We will take two suitcases. DH and I usually put 1/2 of each other's stuff into each suitcase in case one gets lost or something.

I am planning on stopping at Publix once in Orlando to get diapers, wipes and baby food. Yes, he is eating off our plates, but not enough to make a meal. He will be drinking whole milk and maybe only one bottle of formula. (I am going to call the Dr. next week to ask about this).

We are planning several special things for him for his b-day, including his first haircut on Main Street! I want to make this a family tradition for any other children we have... :)

If anyone else has any other suggestions, please let me know! Thanks again for those who replied!!!!!!!!!!

We took our son on his first vacation when he was 10 months (not wdw). Here is what I brought:

1.lightweight stroller that can recline with shade and basket
2.small diaper bag or backpack-if you take breaks, just pack for "half-day and then repack for the evening, so it's not so full.
3. clothes, bring closed shoes and socks also.
4. diapers and wipes, diaper rash cream
5. baby wash, powder, comb, wash cloths, towels
6. swim diapers, sunscreen/bug repell/hats/sandals
7. All meds/first aid/thermometer
8. Maybe a pacifier for the plane?
9. bedding/blankets
11. bottles, cups, milk, water, juice (go ahead and start him on milk, so he gets used to it)
12.bowls, spoons, small tupperware for carrying snacks
13. bibs
14. baby food, finger foods, snack
15. Any type of can opener you might need
16. dishwashing liquid, sponge, bottle brush, disinfectant
17. You will need a cooler-bring large ziplocs to keep the ice in.
18. Bring anything you need to make the hotel room safe. Some of those "bumpers" for sharp furniture edges, too.

Where are you staying?
Hey susy

We're staying at WL! We have requested a fridge for the room, so I don't think we will need a cooler. I figured we can buy milk for the baby at any coutner service place in the parks. We also have an arsenal of pacifiers...ours is not a thumb sucker, but his "nookie" is a must! :)

My backpack diaper bag actually has two insulated compartments, in case he doesn't finish his bottle right away.

Did you find trial size bottles of dishwashing liquid? I want to pack a little one with us to wash out nipples. We will be using playtex nursers with the drop in liners, so I will really only have to worry about washing out nipples...

Any other suggestions? Thank you!

Make sure your stroller allows for full shade.If not, use a blanket and drape over it so no light peaks in while your little one is asleep. Also, I would bring a few extra thin blankets just in case. I went to Disneyland and foudn it helpful while nursing, to put on the ground, etc.

Have you considered shipping your baby needs ahead to your hotel? Many will hold a package for you for a few days--just need to call to get the particulars. Ship the items you will use up there, such as diapers, wipes, food, etc. Then you won't have to spend valuable vacation time running around looking for essentials, that will be way over-priced.

Take along a fever thermometer. Make sure its the same one you use at home. Don't rely on those fever strips. They're easier to pack but not too accurate. You need to take the one you're used to. Also, don't forget some sort of diarrhea medicine. The travelling, change in routine, etc can cause diarrhea. This happened with my children when they were that age. I used cherry-flavored inmodium. Check with dr or pharmasist for correct dose.
Just got back from trip with my 11 1/2 month old son. I can say I actually had too many things. It sounds like you have a good handle on everything. We stayed at the Villas at Wilderness Lodge. Main Pool was great for him and we were allowed a tube as long as as we were in arms length. Bought milk in all the parks with no problem. Had tons of nuks. Brought my own pak-n-play sheets and blankets. One thing I think was awesome. I bought a portable battery operated fan from one step ahead that clipped onto his stroller. It was great. He had a constant cool breeze. Totally safe and simply wonderful. And instead of bug repellent we bought the frog, also one step ahead, that clips onto the stroller and makes a noise that kept the bugs away. Wasn't sure how it would work but it was great. Check it out. Not sure if teething is a problem but we made sure to have motrin on hand to alleviate the pain. Enjoy. We had a blast!

Wow! Thank you for reminding me about the fan from one step ahead! I have to order it today! Also, the frog thing sounds great. I am very reluctant to put bug repellant on my little one. Thank you so much!!!!

We went with our DS at 8 months and I found those disposable bibs to be great...especially with that messy baby food.
Also, dont forget the small spoons, and a sponge & small bottle of detergent to wash them with.

About 4 years ago, after my DS was weaned I ordered a couple of cases of 8oz bottle formula and a case of individually wrapped one-time-use nipples--the kind that they give at hosp. It was very convinient for outings. I don't remeber how many bottles were in the case, but depending on the length of your stay and how much formula your DS drinks, it might be a good alternative for you. It will save you a lot of hassle--no need for washing, no worries about germs, nor spoilage(?) especially in August.

You might even be able to have them send it directly to the resort. FYI, my son drank Similac.

Enjoy your stay.

I was also going to mention the pre made nursette bottles that you get at the hospital, but I wasnt sure how much you would need. We brought those for DS,and while they were a little more expensive that the pwder or liquid mix, the ease of just popping on a nipple was so worth it.
That's a great idea, although we are trying to wean him to milk. It's funny...I just threw away my order form for the nursette bottles from Similac. I had ordered a case when DS was only a couple months old...so now I figured "Oh I won't need this." so I tossed it. I think I can go to Similac's website though if I wanted to do this. THanks for the idea!
One additional piece of advice--stick with the insect repellant instead of the clip on "thingies". Only sunscreen with DEET provides the protection needed for mosquito-born illnesses, such as West Nile Virus. Off Skintastic products contain less than 10% DEET and are safe for infants to 2 months of age, although DEET concentrations up to 30% are considered safe--AKA most anything but Deep Woods products. I am a pediatrician and this is the latest advice from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Insect repellants are probably only really necessary after dark!


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