What is the one item you wish you had bought while you were at Disney?

My favorite purchase: String Backpack from a few years ago.

3 years ago I hesitated on the audio CD set from the music from the parks. I knew we could buy it an am mp3, but we wanted the CD set for our older vehicles. We made sure to buy it last year and we've played it every day. :) It often is the treat which gets our son with Down syndrome out of our van after school. Tiki Room is his current fave.
A limited edition DVC Saratoga ornament back in 03, they turn up on ebay but its not the same as buying while there
The milk and cookies for Santa mug and plate set. I saw it about 5 years before having kids and thought. Ohh well that will be cute I'll wait till I know I'm having kids. Well they are here now but no mug and plate set to be found. ☹️
I LOVE the bags they give you when you buy merchandise-- you know, with the picture of the castle on them? I think it's beautiful and just so Disney. We don't ever take disposable bags at home, but at Disney I get all I can and use them throughout the year. ( I have only one left with the recycled bags now.... Means it's time to go back!)

My regret is a few years ago at DS they had a reusable version with the same image... I wished after that I had purchased it, and now even though I've been back it doesn't seem to be for sale anymore!
An original print from Wilson f the fab 5 for our bedroom. It was a beautiful original that was the perfect size for absolutely perfect for above our bed. I regret it every trip when in downtown and see the computer on demand version of it. Should have bought the original but we were in the middle of building our house.
I had to completely change my post because of the item I remembered that I'll forever be angry at myself for not purchasing.

In the Marketplace at Disney Springs, they have a section for just purses. I found a navy blue purse by Kingdom Couture with Snow White lining and a little glass apple hanging on the strap. I wanted that soooo much, but I couldn't convince myself to buy it. I am not a Coach/D&B/Vera Bradley expensive purse kinda gal. I get my purses at Kohl's, ok. On sale.

But I wanted that one so so much. And now, they have stopped selling it. :sad::sad:
I bought one of those dolls in Germany where you can decide on face shape, eye color, hair etc. I still am keeping her in case I have a daughter someday. I don't think you can buy those anymore at Disney. The thing I told myself to wait on was the chess set in England that was carved out and used Alice and Wonderland characters. I never got back to Disney World again. Does anyone know if they still sell those?
Favorite item: DD would say the two prints she purchased from the Disney artist and had framed. It is also impression stamped Magic kingdom. Have never seen another. I would say my Halloween party frame. It has all the characters in costume. Lights up. It is fragile though and hard to clean so it gets less dusting than I would like because I sooo don't want to break it. I figure the dusk adds character. It says out all year on my dresser.
Wish: Haunted mansion bag but I would never spend that kind of money.
I bought one of those dolls in Germany where you can decide on face shape, eye color, hair etc. I still am keeping her in case I have a daughter someday. I don't think you can buy those anymore at Disney. The thing I told myself to wait on was the chess set in England that was carved out and used Alice and Wonderland characters. I never got back to Disney World again. Does anyone know if they still sell those?
Sounds interesting. Never seen it.
One of the holographic photos from Momento Mori!!

I didn't know about them on our trip a year ago and I soooo wish I had!

I plan on getting one for all my kids, DH and myself when we go next June :)
I just recently heard about those and I hope to pick up one of DH and myself too.
On this past trip there was a large painting looking down Main Street towards the Castle by Thomas Kincaid Studios that I really, really, REALLY wanted. But it was $2,300 and we needed $3,100 to upgrade our 10-day passes to APs, so it was the painting or the APs. I'm glad we now have our tickets taken care of for our fall 2016 and Spring 2017 trips, but I'd still really love to have that painting. I also had my eye on the sketch Dooney and HM wallpaper Dooney. I didn't get them on our trip, but I did order the HM Dooney yesterday from DisneyStore online.

I don't buy anything from the parks unless I really want it, so I'm happy with the majority of my purchases. My favs are the black/hot pink Mickey sandal Crocs (liked those so much that I got another pair when my originals finally broke), a fancy-looking Alice in Wonderland tea cup from MK for my morning cup of tea, and the HM wallpaper-themed tablet and phone cases.
I had to completely change my post because of the item I remembered that I'll forever be angry at myself for not purchasing.

In the Marketplace at Disney Springs, they have a section for just purses. I found a navy blue purse by Kingdom Couture with Snow White lining and a little glass apple hanging on the strap. I wanted that soooo much, but I couldn't convince myself to buy it. I am not a Coach/D&B/Vera Bradley expensive purse kinda gal. I get my purses at Kohl's, ok. On sale.

But I wanted that one so so much. And now, they have stopped selling it. :sad::sad:

Do you mean this one? http://www.disneystore.com/accessor...outure-collection/mp/1386513/1000216+1001152/

It is beautiful. I see some on Ebay for a decent price if you still want to get one.
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Is it weird to say food? I always go into my Disney trips thinking "must try all the food..."
By the time we get there and through our whole trip- Im too stuffed to keep trying all the food. By the last day of our trip there is always something I missed or want more of.
I wanted to buy a Sven plush when we were there, but didn't find the right size one. I've seen them in other places but I wanted to get one while we were there.

We did get a few other cute ones though. (Zero, Stitch, and I recently bought Nick Wilde from the Disney Store because foxes are my favorite).

Also missed a lot of snacks and drinks on my list, and I totally regret not hearing about Ohana's bread pudding till after. But we're going there this year!


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