What do you bring in the parks?


Oct 8, 2004
There seem to be a lot of questions as to what to pack, what to do, etc....I want to know, what are the must-haves when you go into the park? I always bring park passes, sunglasses, chap stick, contact solution, and kleenex...what do you bring with you while you are out and about in the parks?
Park passes and room keys (of course), bottled water (1 or 2), hand wipes, sunscreen, water fan/spray bottle and usually a bag of goldfish or cheerios for the kids. Oh yeah, I usually keep a package of rain ponchos in the stroller basket, just in case (we go in July).
I bring room passes, keys, and water like the above poster. I also bring hair ties, for long hair of course, and my cell phones just in case anyone gets lost so we can call.
Park passes, ID, $, sunglasses/hat, small note pad/pen (there;s always something I need to jot down), packet of tissue and Excedrin. We used to bring water, but next trip we'll be on the dining plan and will get water as our snack.
In backpack that me or DH carries:
-small metal tin with Advil/Tylenol
-mints (I'm addicted)
-cell phone
-flat pack of wet wipes
-recent photo of DS (in case he gets lost)
-emery board (if I break a nail, that raggady edge drives me insane)
-lip balm

In other pack that me or DH carries:
-cell phone
-notecard set that I made with DW "fun facts" and "where to sit/stand for rides/parades" notes

In DS's fanny pack:
-autograph book
-penny book
-film container with shiny pennies (for squashed penny machines)
-fat crayon for characters to use signing book
-cheap disposable camera

Our tickets and fastpasses go on my pin lanyard, and we all wear sunglasses/ball caps.
I pack a very small divided pill case with Excedrin, Tylenol, and allergy meds. If anyone is on any other meds at the time I include enough to get thru about midnight. Camera, of course and extra film. Quarters for penny presses in a film canister. In a little 'snack size' zipper bag I pack a couple bandaids and a little trial size packet of neosporin. The most compact umbrella we can find - if calling for rain. A very, very small notepad with a pen.
One BIG tip I have is to invest in a small, comfortable backpack for any child old enough to carry it...All that we put in there is a disposable camera (if they want to have one on them), a small packet of kleenex, one snack that they chose for the day and a small bottle of water. You can't beat it for them to have their own - when you are just sitting down on a ride and they suddenly need a tissue.
Oh - and re-load your bag accordingly the night before so it is ready to head right out in the morning!
In addition to almost everything else mentioned I pack a travel size bottle of Purel (or other brand) hand sanitizer. Also, I pack a sheet of moleskin (pre-cut into small strips) in case anyone feels a blister coming on. :earsboy:
change for vending machines,cash,tickets,small camera,gum and or mints,pins
Usually I bring a backpack with all the essentials. You never know what you will need. Such as a poncho, or a light jacket. Some sunscreen, bug repellant, sunglasses, camera, extra sticks, water bottles, a hat, small pillow, aspirin, first-aid kit, flashlight, radio/cd player, visine, wet naps, regular napkins, mouth wash, toothbrush, portable dvd, my copy of "Empire", doritos, some bread, hard salami, those little packets of mayo, my lime green Dis t-shirt, an extra pair of flip-flops, a George Foreman fat free cooker, a copy of Narcissus and Goldmun, my autographed pic of Harrison Ford, a hammock, a couple of mini folding chairs, and a battery powered fan. It's a big backpack! I also use a fanny pack in which I carry my wallet, with cash and credit inside. But I also carry change, coin rollers, and a small piggy bank (in case of emergencies). I also like to always keep a few Canadian coins on me, you never know when your can pass them off to some unsuspecting vendor. And last, but not least, my ever handy slug on a string!
photo ID, passes, room key, chapstick, inhaler, sunglasses, money, camera, small container of meds, a bandaide, small (99 cents) rain poncho
I have a very small backpack--about 7x7 and I bring:

Room Key
Chapstick and a small bottle of sunscreen
rain ponchos (3)
glass case with glasses inside
extra pair of contact lenses and contact case
DS's meds
camera and a few rolls of film
cell phone
Small bottle of Germ X
Some snacks (like cereal bars)

Everything is in different size baggies and it all stays dry! I used to carry a HUGE backpack with extra clothes for all three of us, etc. But I ditched it for the smaller bag. Makes my time MUCH more enjoyable!!


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