We Got No Troubles; Life Is The Bubbles! 04/18 - Complete!

And then...


Um, I may be forced to steal these as desktop backgrounds to tide me over until my next trip. Just gorgeous!
I think that being able to schedule things on EACH park day (which you can, as I understand the actual system) rather than just a one or two day test might tip the scales too. If you miss a window but you've got another later in the week - no big deal.
I think my biggest issue with scheduling something for each day would be that if something in my plans changed last minute, then all my days could get totally messed up. :confused3 Johnny and I do tend to change things on the fly when we're down there (like this trip, suddenly deciding to go to MNSSHP) so while I see the system working for some, I'm just not convinced it's for me.

And I've got to say, being able to get to HS at 4:00 and just walk right up to TSMM, wave the card and walk on was AWESOME.
THAT is totally true. I wonder if I had a DHS day with my FP+ would I have liked it better.

For my mom and I who are early risers, getting FPs isn't too bad, but DH likes to sleep... and swim... and meander... and by the time we get to the parks the FPs are gone. So - FP+ will probably work well in those situations as well!
Johnny and I are early risers, but even then, the FP+ prevents the running zig zag through the park. Or if you want to park hop and do something different in the morning, it's good for that too. (Well, let's say "in theory" :rotfl: )

Oh - and you've inspired me to check out Behind the Seeds next time DH and I go!
Oh good! It's a nice little tour, I really liked it! (although it did make me feel strangely possessive over the whole ride... :rotfl2: )

And aw. :blush: I hope you like my TR as much as I'm enjoying yours!
I checked it out this morning and really enjoyed it!

Um, I may be forced to steal these as desktop backgrounds to tide me over until my next trip. Just gorgeous!
Thanks :goodvibes
I didn't care for fastpass plus either we only udsed it once because all the other things weren't going to work out for us.
Hello again! I hope you're all having a great weekend. Looks like the start of a sunny day here. I sure hope so, I want the rest of the snow gone already!

I'm the only one up so I'm sneaking in an update before we start our day.

Saturday September 23
"The Big Blue"

We left Magic Kingdom with our mostly unused fastpass+ cards in hand. We said goodbye to the park, we wouldn't be back this trip.

We got back to our room and got changed into our bathing suits. We were off to try out the Big Blue pool!

We only took Johnny's waterproof camera but we got some neat pictures around the pool with it. The theming is so cool here.

Checked out the pool rules on P. Sherman's goggles:

It was just starting to get dark and the lights around the pool were coming on. It wasn't too crowded which was nice.

These jellies were so cool, they trickled water.

I loved the zero entry, that was fun. I have no pictures of that though.

We immediately had to try out the underwater sound system. It was so awesome! There was music playing above the water and I assumed it would be the same below. Nope! As soon as you dunk your head under, you hear a whole different set of sounds. Click here for a video Johnny took that demonstrates that. Sometimes it played music, sometimes Marlin and Dory talking. It was really, really cool.

More around the pool:

When we had enough of the Big Blue, we decided to stop in at the package pickup just to check and make sure we had nothing left to pick up.

I checked while Johnny took some terrible pictures inside the shop.

(While his underwater camera takes great pictures outside and underwater, it fails pretty miserably indoors. Oh well! :confused3 )

No packages. :thumbsup2

Then we decided that we ought to use our own Little Mermaid pool at least once this trip too and we might as well do it while we have our bathing suits on!

Oh dear look at those clouds!

When we had our fill of that pool too, we headed up to our room to get changed. We headed back down to the bus stop one last time.

Where were we headed? You'll find out in my next (and last!) update.
Love the shots you got a dusk....they look so peaceful! We had such a great morning there on our second last day and I can't wait to get back and check it out on a future trip!
nooo you're nearing the end! I always get a bit sad when TRs get close to finishing. The finding nemo pool looks gorgeous.So does the Little Mermaid one actually...and the Cars one was amazing. We have to try this resort!
Love the shots you got a dusk....they look so peaceful! We had such a great morning there on our second last day and I can't wait to get back and check it out on a future trip!
It's a really nice place and you know, for the size and for a bright, loud value resort, it really was pretty peaceful!

nooo you're nearing the end! I always get a bit sad when TRs get close to finishing. The finding nemo pool looks gorgeous.So does the Little Mermaid one actually...and the Cars one was amazing. We have to try this resort!
I was getting sad about this one closing... until we decided we could go this year!
Both pools were really stunning, very well done indeed. I highly recommend AoA!

Wonderful pics! Great update.
Thank you! :goodvibes

Love your report!
Great update, very cool video, thanks for that!!

I wish there was a small camera that would be waterproof, take awesome photos indoors and out, in all lighting and quick like my SLR...is that too much to ask? ;)

I read in another TR that the poster but Rainx on their waterproof lens. In your expert opinion would you recommend that as well?
well, it took me 2 days, but I have read through everything you have written so far, I loved it! We are hoping to stay at AoA in October 2014 and as a family of 5 we will definitely be in a family suite, they all look so cool!! Your pictures are so pretty!! I wish I had a cool camera like you, it would be fun to take pics like that! I had many things I wanted to comment on, but I have forgotten most of what I wanted to say. I do remember that the way you described how you felt watching the Canada movie is how I feel about the movie in the America pavilion. The first time I ever went to EPCOT was the Sunday after September 11th. My now husband (fiance back then) and I were sick of watching the news and were bummed because the football game we were planning on going to that Saturday was cancelled. So that night at about midnight we decided to go the next day. We were 2 of probably a hundred people or so there that day. We went to the American experience(or whatever it is called) and were waiting for the next show, the Voices of Liberty were out, singing in the lobby. We were standing next to this older couple, and the man was in a wheelchair, with a WWII vet's hat on. They began to sing the National Anthem and the man tried to stand up, but his wife wasn't letting him. So my Zac moved closer to him and put his arm out to let the man lean on him. Everyone around us, myself, Zac and the older couple were all singing through the tears in our eyes. It was one of the most beautiful moments in my life. I get teary every time we go there now, or even thinking about it. So I guess that was my long winded way of saying I know all about having national pride!! :) We are planning to go back, just the 2 of us this coming October for my birthday, for food and wine. I can't wait!!
I am excited to read about how you finished off your last day, and I hope to read about your plans for the next trip!

Also, your critters are super cute!! Sorry this got so long! :)
OmG... I'm so ADD... I had lots to catch up on ... I didn't realize I was so behind on your TR and your gorgeous photos... I need a little checklist for myself... :rolleyes2

In no particular order and as I remember...

I'm really happy that you have another "tentative" trip to look forward... It's cheering to have something to look forward to...:goodvibes (planning is half the fun)

I was laughing at your messing with your furbabies... I do that too... makes me feel better that you not only admit it but have photographic evidence...:lmao: Some Cat indeed...;) I have to admit today I'm kind of liking Harry's mellow life philosophy...

Super cool that not only you were able to go to the Halloween Party but that you met your friends there... Ahh... Disney people are people who need other Disney people... It reaffirms that we are all sane (its the other people who aren't...;) for a non Halloween loving girl... You seemed to have a good time... I LOVE Halloween and really need to go for the party & parade...:worship:

Photo on Space Mountain is very funny... kind of like "Yeah, whatever Space Mountain... bring it... it does look like you're checking texts or facebook...:)

I'm always really interested in Canadians view of Le Cellier ... I'm glad you enjoyed your meal... It's always been solid... I think it's a terrible mistake that they're making it a Signature Dining 2 TS credits for both Lunch and Dinner... imho... even if you serve good food... you really need to bring it to be a Signature Dining Location and I think its putting undo pressure and expectation on both the restaurant and the customer's expectations...

I need to get to AoA... your photos are great and I really love the over the top Disney theming... I think Carsland section is really cute... but I happen to really love that Route 66 road trip theming... :thumbsup2
Great update, very cool video, thanks for that!!

I wish there was a small camera that would be waterproof, take awesome photos indoors and out, in all lighting and quick like my SLR...is that too much to ask? ;)

I read in another TR that the poster but Rainx on their waterproof lens. In your expert opinion would you recommend that as well?
Hahaha I wish there were such a camera too. The Pentax waterproof is the closest I've seen (though I'd like to get my hands on the Canon, bet that does a good job too!)
I have never heard of Rainx on a lens! I guess it would depend on how it was used... Off the top of my head I wouldn't recommend it, but I'd definitely like to read up on it.

well, it took me 2 days, but I have read through everything you have written so far, I loved it! We are hoping to stay at AoA in October 2014 and as a family of 5 we will definitely be in a family suite, they all look so cool!! Your pictures are so pretty!! I wish I had a cool camera like you, it would be fun to take pics like that! I had many things I wanted to comment on, but I have forgotten most of what I wanted to say. I do remember that the way you described how you felt watching the Canada movie is how I feel about the movie in the America pavilion. The first time I ever went to EPCOT was the Sunday after September 11th. My now husband (fiance back then) and I were sick of watching the news and were bummed because the football game we were planning on going to that Saturday was cancelled. So that night at about midnight we decided to go the next day. We were 2 of probably a hundred people or so there that day. We went to the American experience(or whatever it is called) and were waiting for the next show, the Voices of Liberty were out, singing in the lobby. We were standing next to this older couple, and the man was in a wheelchair, with a WWII vet's hat on. They began to sing the National Anthem and the man tried to stand up, but his wife wasn't letting him. So my Zac moved closer to him and put his arm out to let the man lean on him. Everyone around us, myself, Zac and the older couple were all singing through the tears in our eyes. It was one of the most beautiful moments in my life. I get teary every time we go there now, or even thinking about it. So I guess that was my long winded way of saying I know all about having national pride!! :) We are planning to go back, just the 2 of us this coming October for my birthday, for food and wine. I can't wait!!
I am excited to read about how you finished off your last day, and I hope to read about your plans for the next trip!

Also, your critters are super cute!! Sorry this got so long! :)
AoA is really an awesome resort, I hope if you go, you enjoy it.
What a great story about the American pavilion. Something you'll always remember for sure!

OmG... I'm so ADD... I had lots to catch up on ... I didn't realize I was so behind on your TR and your gorgeous photos... I need a little checklist for myself... :rolleyes2
Hello! Glad you're getting some time to catch up! :goodvibes

In no particular order and as I remember...

I'm really happy that you have another "tentative" trip to look forward... It's cheering to have something to look forward to...:goodvibes (planning is half the fun)
Ahhh thanks! Yes, I could plan Disney trips all day.

I was laughing at your messing with your furbabies... I do that too... makes me feel better that you not only admit it but have photographic evidence...:lmao: Some Cat indeed...;) I have to admit today I'm kind of liking Harry's mellow life philosophy...
My furkids all get along so well, they make it fun to mess around with them! And yes, Harry's got it right, doesn't he? ::yes::

Super cool that not only you were able to go to the Halloween Party but that you met your friends there... Ahh... Disney people are people who need other Disney people... It reaffirms that we are all sane (its the other people who aren't...;) for a non Halloween loving girl... You seemed to have a good time... I LOVE Halloween and really need to go for the party & parade...:worship:
Hahaha yes, I love it. Us Disney people need to stick together! We did have a good time, I highly recommend the party even to non-Hallowe'en lovers like me! Lots of fun to be had. :thumbsup2

Photo on Space Mountain is very funny... kind of like "Yeah, whatever Space Mountain... bring it... it does look like you're checking texts or facebook...:)

I'm always really interested in Canadians view of Le Cellier ... I'm glad you enjoyed your meal... It's always been solid... I think it's a terrible mistake that they're making it a Signature Dining 2 TS credits for both Lunch and Dinner... imho... even if you serve good food... you really need to bring it to be a Signature Dining Location and I think its putting undo pressure and expectation on both the restaurant and the customer's expectations...
I completely agree with you about the Signature thing. Le Cellier was always a popular favourite, but that doesn't mean it needs to be a sig. restaurant.

I need to get to AoA... your photos are great and I really love the over the top Disney theming... I think Carsland section is really cute... but I happen to really love that Route 66 road trip theming... :thumbsup2
It's really fun there, lots of big, bright Disney!

I like that swimming pic you guys look so cute together awe :love:
Haha thanks, ain't we cute? :lmao:

Nice TR love the pictures.
Thanks :goodvibes
Just found this and it looks good. I'll have to read it later though because I'm afraid I won't finish in time to drop the kids off at school.... :rotfl2: SO...I'll be back to see how your trip went!
Just found this and it looks good. I'll have to read it later though because I'm afraid I won't finish in time to drop the kids off at school.... :rotfl2: SO...I'll be back to see how your trip went!

:welcome: and glad to have you! I'm just finishing up my last real Disney post now, I can't believe I'm nearing the end!
:welcome: and glad to have you! I'm just finishing up my last real Disney post now, I can't believe I'm nearing the end!

You know what that means then right?? It's time to start planning another even if it's a year or two away. :rotfl:

It's my only way to deal with "Disney depression". :confused3 ;)
Let's finish this, shall we?

Saturday September 23
"Barge Go Boom"

We had just finished up in the pools and headed back to our room. We finished packing -- we had to leave VERY early the next morning and we didn't want to have to rush back tonight. We were just about ready to go. We headed back down to the busses for one last park visit. It was about 6:00pm and we had only one single destination in mind.


We got there and headed straight to WS to the edge of the lagoon in front of Canada, our favourite fireworks viewing location. We sat down and got comfortable, we had about two hours to wait. We had a look at the map and decided on some quick service food for dinner. I chose orange chicken with steamed rice from the Lotus Blossom Cafe. I honestly can't remember what Johnny had!

He took off to get us food while I set up my tripod and tried to take up two people widths. An older couple came and shared my bit of fence, leaving lots of room between us, but not so much that someone could squeeze in. Perfect.

While he was gone I played with some long shutter pictures of Canada:

Johnny came back soon with two bags of food. (Maybe he got pizza again?) I tried my chicken and although the sauce was yummy, all the chicken was disgustingly fatty. I couldn't find a piece of actual chicken in the whole thing. And the rice wasn't even all that good. I tossed it in the garbage without eating much of it. I looked at Johnny and we agreed, our good luck fairy was starting to run out. He enjoyed his meal, whatever it was, and I enjoyed the dessert he brought me (some type of eggroll-ish thing? You can see I stopped taking good notes at this point.)

We sat and chatted a while and passed the time until soon they were giving the 15 minute warning announcement that gives me goosebumps. We got up, set up our cameras and took some tests.

Yep, that should about do it.

And then...

Ahhhhh yes. Perfection. NOTHING can wipe the smile off my face when this show is on! :goodvibes

But then...

Oh dear. As everyone around us wow'd and ooh'd and ahh'd, we looked at each other and shook our heads. This big fireball? Not part of the show folks. :worried:

Yep, the whole barge worth of fireworks was on fire. Random stars and sparkles shot from the fireball but the crowd was loving it. Eventually it burned itself out (as the rest of the show was still going) and the whole show moved forward as if without a hitch.

There we go. That's the IllumiNations we all know and love.

Can't you just hear the music?

And that was it!

We made our way slowly toward the exit and hopped on a bus back to AoA. We had one counter service meal left and we wanted to see if we could use it for a snack.

When I first went in 2007 the dining plan was a lot different. You could trade one table service for two counter service, or trade one counter service for two snacks. The next year it was one for one. This year? No trading. I asked why and the CM said "We don't want you to lose money by trading down." I looked at her with an eyebrow up and said "So you would rather see me lose money by wasting the meal credit entirely?" She was flustered and I walked away. Not worth it. So we got two counter service meals that we didn't want, but at least we got a snack as a dessert as well as a bottle of milk for the morning.

We went back to our room and made sure our packing was done. We set our alarms for 3:00am, put on Robin Hood; Men In Tights and fell asleep.

Up next: Departure!


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