WDW SNAKE BITE - pics of my son's "adventure

What is with all the old threads?

I'm glad it popped up on my page. We are booked for CBR and would have never thought to worry about snakes. We are in their land and its just how it goes. My kids though are notorious for trying to catch them here as there is nothing venomous. Now I have the reminder and can warn them that Florida snakes are not as 'friendly' as the ones back home.
We found a snake in our first floor bathroom at BC. I called maintenance to remove it and it took them about a 1/2 hour to come get it. It was nonpoisonous but my son doesn't like first floor rooms now.

I would've totally lost my mind. I have a phobia about snakes. I bet someone left the patio door open and it got in that way. We also request a high floor wherever we stay. Not fool proof, but I feel better!
This is a good zombie thread!

From reading similar threads, it's made me more cautious. I made sure to tell my daughter to stay out of the bushes and stay on the path, and to never stick her hand in shrubs etc etc on our last trip because of snakes. It really sunk in because she listened. I'm also super watchful around the pools. I live on the gulf coast but I just never thought about it at Disney.
I would've totally lost my mind. I have a phobia about snakes. I bet someone left the patio door open and it got in that way. We also request a high floor wherever we stay. Not fool proof, but I feel better!
I put the trash can over it so it couldn't escape. pixiedust:
I think I would've begged for a new room.
Nah, the new room might have had a different snake. This room would now be snake-free (and I'm freaking out inside remembering a thread about someone finding a snake in their offsite villa bathroom. You're not safe anywhere :scared1:
This really makes me want to stay at BLT high floor.

So... there was a thread a few years ago about a big snake in the Contemporary on a high floor. It was actually curled ontop of the blinds, where you could barely see. The OP posted pictures both before and as they were taking the snake out of the room. It was... sizeable to say the least.


(you have to scroll down a bit on her page. I KNOW the thread made it here too, but I am too lazy to hunt it down on the dis!)
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the zombie thread is back again even though its 6 years old
And the 'zombie thread' comment has already been made a few times and acknowledged. However, some zombie threads have timeless helpful information, so really are currently relevant. So there's no reason to beat them back down into the past. :daisy:
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So... there was a thread a few years ago about a big snake in the Contemporary on a high floor. It was actually curled ontop of the blinds, where you could barely see. The OP posted pictures both before and as they were taking the snake out of the room. It was... sizeable to say the least.


(you have to scroll down a bit on her page. I KNOW the thread made it here too, but I am too lazy to hunt it down on the dis!)
OMGosh and a NEST with EGGS in it!! No freaking way
I'm kind of glad this post was resurected. I remember when it was first posted and every time I see kids stomping through the landscaping I think of it. I few years ago I heard some kids asking their dad if they could go "exploring" through the landscaping. the dad told his kids they would go exploring that afternoon. Eek


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