Way Out Here, Eh? - A June 2019 TR *PTR Link Posted

All your trip plans sound so amazing! It's great that family is coming to visit you and that you get to go see such amazing sights with them.

And how awesome to get a family trip in to Disney! It sounds like the universe put everything together and it's meant to be.

We're working out our 2020 vacation plans also and I'm about 90% we can sneak in a WDW trip that wasn't supposed to exist. Obviously it's much easier from NY than England lol but it's funny how Disney always manages to drag us back!
Anywho, now that it’s officially 2020 I have started to finalize our vacation plans for the year. Next month, we have our first visitors to England! Alex’s sister and husband and baby daughter (the ones we visited in Minnesota) are coming to see us for a week. His sister and I are thinking about going south for a few days and exploring Stonehenge and Bath, so we are looking forward to that mini-vacation.
Two areas I would love to explore as well!
How exciting is that?! It’s within the castle grounds and we have free reign to take our dog on walks around the property while we’re there.
Sounds amazing!
This fall, Alex and I are returning to Disneyland Paris for another race weekend. I will do the Half again, Alex is doing the 5K and 10K, and the kids are doing the kid races. I have been itching to do another runDisney race, and I am impatient for this trip to get here. Seeing all the marathon weekend buzz has gotten me excited! (I’ve already gotten some ambitious running goals for 2022.)
This will be incredible. :)
Then Alex’s mom moved into a new house forty five minutes away from Orlando and the urge to see it for myself started permeating my thoughts. (For those who don’t know, Alex’s father passed away in a car accident a year and a half ago, and his mom building and moving into a new house was a big step in her grieving process.)
You pretty much HAVE to go at this point!
The opportunity to go to Disney with my family was too great. I booked us the flights and have been walking on clouds since. This is going to be a drastically different kind of Disney trip than we have ever taken before.
It will be fabulous! So happy for you!
What fabulous news! I am so happy for your family! Random, but my other friend Alicia will be at WDW about the same time as you! I wish it was me, but we'll be heading to Italy!
What is the height requirement for Alien Swirling Saucers?

It's 32 inches. She measured just over 31 inches at her 18-month appointment, so I'm hopeful that five months and the addition of shoes will get her to the line. (Also, I always question how accurate those horizontal measurements are, especially when dealing with a squirmy and unhappy kid.) We'll see!

What a great morning of character meets! If M likes meeting characters I may have to keep all these meets in mind. We'll meet Mickey and Minnie at planned character meals, but I have Olaf on the backburner already as M LOVES Olaf. I hope he's still meeting in May!

I think you alluded to your HS day full of celebrities (maybe in your PTR?), but how fun to see the famous folks from Toy Story! You really do have great luck with celebrity sightings!

I understand trying to edge toward a table (especially when it sounds there are so few), but good grief. Shouldn't people with children be more understanding when they see a child is still eating their food? You made the right move when you offered your table to the family trying to make the best of their accommodations. I hope they enjoyed their table!

Hooray for all of your travel plans! Your plans with your visitors sound fantastic - especially your parents' two-week visit!

And WOW, another visit to Disney?! Fantastic! Since it involves both a Disney trip and time with family, it's really a double win. I'm so excited that you get a chance to go again much sooner than you expected!
(It’s pretty obvious that this was a Dad only photo encounter, because it never dawned on him to brush Evie’s hair out of her face. The dressing and maintaining of Evie sends fear and panic into Alex’s eyes.)
I can relate.
“Disney makes rides I don’t like.”

Give the kid drops, turns, darkness and he’s fine. Throw some sand towards a screen and that’s a big NOPE from him. :rotfl2:

Soarin’ is another attraction I have never ridden with Landon nor will I ever, it appears.:laughing:
Poor Landon... one of life's hard lessons. Sometimes parents are actually right.
As my mom and husband were enduring one child’s quirks, I was practicing patience with another’s. Evie was STILL EATING her lunch. By a certain point, I packed the sandwich back in the container it came in and took her outside.
That's a common thing for us too.
Is there anything more iconic to Epcot than this?!
Nope. Not at all. And I hope the view of the monorail and Spaceship Earth like that will still be present with the changes coming. I mean, I'm sure it will be but you know the sightlines will change somewhat.
Although, Alex dozed off halfway through. So really it was just me enjoying our journey through time in complete peace.
:rotfl2: :rotfl: :lmao: Dame Judi Dench does have a calming voice.
Alex had to work during the base's holiday party, and his job turned out to be pretty entertaining:
Ok... I've gotta know. How on Earth did they decide they needed a Stormtrooper Santa??? I mean, it's pretty frickin awesome, but how do you end up deciding that's how you're going to theme your holiday party?
Unfortunately, over the summer the condition worsened and he reached his max strength in prescription glasses. This means that next week he will have surgery to try and repair the issue. It's a fairly basic procedure, and I scheduled it right before Winter Break so he'll only have to miss the last 4 days of school and then have two full weeks of recovery at home.
This is the first time any of the kids have to had to have any sort of medical procedure, so I'm a little nervous but hopeful this will help alleviate some of Landon's ongoing symptoms. (He's been getting a lot of headaches and blinking a lot.)
But because of this, I have no clue when I'll catch up to this report or remain current on everyone else's. Please bear with me; I'll get there, eventually! :goodvibes
Sorry he's dealing with this, but hopefully the surgery does what it is intended to do and gets him the relief he needs.
Right at 6 o’clock, I piled us into the tight and crowded corners of the Via Napoli lobby and checked us in. Why is this check-in area more congested than any other restaurant? And why is it almost always impossible to hear our name being called by the nice host/hostess? I go into a near panic trying to keep my ears peeled and my toes tucked in…
True! That place is always cramped. Thankfully it seems you never wait long after checking in. But with the restaurant being loud, most of the servers being soft spoken with their Italian accents, it can make it hard to hear/understand when they call names.
Our server brought us bread with our drinks, which I don’t remember them doing in the past. Is this a new thing?
I don't think we got it this summer.
Honestly, this was the meal Evie learned a lesson. Listen to Mom and Dad when we suggest a menu item. I tried to tell her she would prefer the spaghetti, but she was in one of those moods where she wanted to do the exact opposite of what I said.

Mom’s saying go left, so I’ll veer right instead….

The joy of kids.
Sounds like a little girl I know. Just wait till she's about 7. It's fun.
And there was not a bite to be left once we attacked it.

All right…once I attacked it.

My mom had, like, 3 slices.

Halfway through the meal she turned and looked at me and said, “I don’t think I’ve seen you eat this much food in years!”

Don’t judge me, Mom. “I can’t let food this good go to waste.”

You would think with as much dough and cheese that I inhaled I wouldn’t have room for dessert.

You’d have clearly underestimated my love of Italian dishes.
I can relate to and respect your diligence in ensuring no Via Napoli pizza goes to waste.
At one point, Alex made a crack that can’t be repeated on a family site but which caused my mother and I to bowl over with laughter. We laughed so hard tears almost started streaming, and Alex was wonderful enough to capture the moment:


When he showed this to me later, it almost caused the tears to return. I love that photo. I love that such a happy moment between my mother and me was caught and memorialized. I love that I had the ability to go to Disney with her and create memories that will last a lifetime.
First of all, that really is a great picture and a memory you'll always have.

But now I really want to know what Alex said that isn't Dis appropriate. :lmao:
Evie loved them and kept asking how old she had be before she could buy one. But she also walks around the house singing Tamatoa’s “Shiny” all the time, so this question wasn’t a huge surprise for us. If it’s pink or sparkles in the sunlight, Evie is going to be drawn to it.
Hey, if it takes a tiara to turn my daughter into a Disney fan….this mom might eventually cave.:laughing:
Again... I'm seeing similarities to another little girl I know. Good luck. You're going to need it.
This was the last chance all of us were going to have to watch IllumiNations before it went away, and I knew this was big on Alex’s Must Do list.

He loved IllumiNations – it was one of his favorite things to do in Epcot – but since it wasn’t high on my priority list, we skipped it more often than not. I couldn’t let that happen this time around, though. He needed a final viewing, and so that’s why I made the kids hunker down around 8:15.
Pretty great ending to the day... relaxing at WS, letting the kids watch the trains and then seeing Illuminations!
During our wait, my mom kept pointing out how empty Epcot felt. We expected a lot more crowds than there were, given the current state of the parks and it being summertime. Everyone else must have been in the other three parks that night, though, because the sidewalks of the World Showcase felt like the days of old. Uncrowded and quiet.
I felt that way this summer too! I mean, the attraction lines were still pretty long in a lot of cases, but WS was nowhere near as crowded as I remember from past trips. It was really enjoyable.
While IllumiNations might have been Alex’s favorite thing to do at night in Epcot, mine was walking out of the World Showcase with the post-IllumiNations music playing through the speakers.
::yes:: I'm with you on this one.
So many of my Epcot memories revolve around that walk. When I hear that music, I think about my mom and me on our first mother/daughter trip. About Alex and I pushing a sleeping baby Landon past the pavilions. About waddling out of the park both times I was there pregnant, once with my in-laws and once with my mom carrying my eldest. I think about how I’ve grown and the different people I’ve walked beside over the years, and it makes me really happy.

Nobody should be happy when the park is closed and attractions have shut their doors, but oddly enough I always am. But who can blame me, when this is what I see as “We’ll Go On” plays in my ears:
I can completely relate. It gave me goosebumps and brought back some of my own memories reading that. I don't know what it is about leaving EPCOT, but that walk all the way from WS I guess gives you more time to soak in the atmosphere and remember those moments as the park goes from hustle and bustle to a more calm demeanor.
Why, Landon?! When I pulled the photos up on the app later that evening, I couldn’t help but shake my head. Trying to understand what compels Landon to do certain things is like trying to figure out the secrets of the universe…
:lmao::rotfl::rotfl2: There's one for the high school graduation party picture board!
Like most other people in DHS that day, we were headed to Toy Story Land first thing that morning. None of us had seen the new land yet, and we were anxious to see what it looked like in person.

Of course, in order to get there we had to stand among the masses and take part in the mad dash once the ropes were dropped.

I’m pretty sure it was here that my mom lost a little bit of faith in humanity. :sad2:

People were so rude! Chaos reigned supreme when the floodgates opened and men and women spilled forth along the sidewalk, pushing and shoving and jostling for an inch of open space.

When the crowds started pushing forward, my mom turned to me with her eyebrows raised and whispered,
“This is madness.”
I tell you, it seems like DHS just attracts this type of behavior. I've witnessed more chaos in this park than the others combined. Sorry you all had such a rough start to your day due to someone's inattentiveness.
At the very least, we should implement a hands free rule. No pushing a stroller while you’re on the phone. Goodness knows how many more ankles got bruised and scraped by that one guest that morning.:rolleyes:
I mean it's hard enough to enforce "no driving while you're on the phone."
Only, someone was missing.

“Where’s Evie?”

“She took off after you guys.”

“No, she didn’t”


Turns out, our bold little daughter decided not to wait for Alex to finish parking the stroller before walking off. Alex turned around to start looking for her and thank goodness she was right behind him.

That had to be the scariest ten seconds of my life.
Yikes! Definitely a scary situation! We had to have this talk a few times with our kids this summer. We never had any situations where someone was actually missing like that, but our older 2 kids were a little too brave and would try to venture off when something caught their attention.
Right as I set my phone in my pocket, Tom Hanks stood and waved to the guests and gave a thumbs up to Woody as he walked past.

And Alex managed to catch a super grainy picture of it
Hey, it isn't about the pictures, but the memories. Pretty cool that you happened to be there to get to see them!
My family made it over to lunch and by some miracle, we found a family leaving a table and were able to grab it. As popular as this restaurant is, you would think the seating area would be larger. Or has the popularity gone down since Galaxy’s Edge opened?
Kind of makes me feel bad now... we at least weren't there during peak meal time, but my dad has some certain medical conditions that he can't spend more time in the sun than necessary and he can't be on his feet too much. Unfortunately, the only place to sit down in some shade in TSL is pretty much here. He found a spot to camp out there while we were riding TSMM and Slinky Dog.
I could tell my mom was getting super uncomfortable with the situation, so I got up to throw our trash away and spotted a family of five standing nears the bins, using it as a table ala Wine and Dine style. I told them to follow me and offered them our table, asking if Evie could sit with them as she finished her orange.
Well played! :thumbsup2
I’m sure we will have little side trips and weekend getaways throughout the rest of the year, but those are our big vacations for 2020. Disney was not on our radar this year at all, but this was too good to pass up. Just when I thought we were going to take a year off they pull us back in!
Wow... you've got a lot of fun things coming up this year! I'm glad you were able to make the trip back to Disney World work. I know your kids will have a blast with their cousins even if only for 1 day!
Okay that sounds like the coolest thing ever.

Before I looked for our accommodations, I remember telling my mom, "Don't worry, I'll keep our costs low."
Then I found that place and texted my mom, "Nevermind, we're going to splurge a little." :rotfl: But, really, how many opportunities are we going to get to stay in a castle lodge?!

And to add to the excitement! The place we're staying at this upcoming weekend with my SIL and family is a converted chapel!

A kudos to you on backing away from planning- I don't know if I would have the strength.

In the past, my brother and I have kind of butted heads about me being "in charge" and always "doing things my way." Which, I'll admit, isn't completely wrong.
The last thing I wanted was for them to feel like I intruded on their family vacation, so I just said, "We will do whatever you want."

I understand the eye drop issues. Elizabeth used to get pink eye all the time because she sleeps with her eyes open. OMG trying to give her the drops was horrible. Thankfully she has not getting it a long time. Just dry eyes and for that I don't force the drops. I leave it up to her. Thankfully at almost 13 she is able to make that decision.

Eye drops with kids is such a challenge. It's extremely hard to hold both their eyelids and their flailing bodies long enough to get the drops in the eye.

OH Alicia your trips sound so good. Family time is always precious as is disney time and doing both together just makes it all even more special! I'm sure you, Alex and the kids visiting Alex's mum in her new home will be just the tonic she needs

The kids used to spend time with their cousins every birthday and Thanksgiving. (And with 9 family members between us, birthdays occurred almost every month! :laughing:) And so they really do miss hanging with their cousins.I think if the flights from London to Orlando weren't direct or longer, I probably wouldn't have splurged but they sure beat the traveling from Frankfurt!
And Alex's mom has been so happy since we told her. :goodvibes
So nice that you will have family coming to visit! Especially your parents, that really will be extra special!

Glad you will definitely be going back to Paris!

London has been a bucket list place for my mom for a really long time, so it means a lot to me that I can take her there and hopefully give her a great trip.

Alex is excited to return to DLP; he likes that park a lot.

how exciting you’ve also got DLP and some really cool Europe trips!

this castle sounds amazing make sure to save that info! We are hoping to get back to Europe with the kids in 2021

You'll have to let me know if you are in the U.K. area! We can plan a DIS meetup! :goodvibes
And I'll let you know how this lodge works out.

With the trip with his SIL, we're staying at a place that's a converted chapel! So if that ends up being a good experience, too, I'll share that one as well.

I think that is a good call! Could be stressful for a moment, but I think once you are there and don't need to think about anything, it will be freeing!

My brother and I have had some arguments in the past about me "always getting my way and taking charge" so I was very adamant that I would have no say in this Disney day. We've done Disney enough times that we're willing to sit back and let their lack of planning cause chaos. :rotfl:
Horray for another Disney tri[!!! That's awesome!

I wonder if one day I'll actually follow through with my claim that we're "taking a year off from Disney." :rotfl:
What can I say...I really want to ride the new Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway. And for the first time ever, Evie is 40 inches and so we can all go on Rise of the Resistance! Seems like it's worth it to go through the ordeal of obtaining boarding groups when everyone in our party can ride.
(Plus, she has been looking forward to going on Splash for years, so it's time we celebrate her 40 inch milestone!:laughing:)

Disney logic, right?

Having said that, I super enjoyed the Ronto Roaster (the one I wrote about from DLR) last Fall.

And the chili dog from Cosmic Rays.
I almost never eat hot dogs, but it's good to know where there's a decent one in the parks.

Not necessary for a great time.

I am looking forward to waking up on park day and letting someone else have all the responsibility of plans. Plus, it'll be interesting to see what my SIL feels are important sights and attractions to accomplish.
(My mother, on the other hand, is having a hard time not letting me plan the day. :laughing:)

I feel like when flight prices go down its some sort of sign from the universe that you should do it! When we added my mom and sister to our September trip the day after we booked their flights they sky rocketed up and would have been out of their price range.

Exactly! It's hard to not take the plunge and book the flights when you see how much they've gone down. In my case, the tickets went down almost 500 dollars total. We were able to add our rental car to the package and the cost was still a little less than the original estimations.
Plus! The flight is direct. I'm sooo excited for that!

Good call on letting your sister in law lead the first day. Disney is like the most obvious case of too many cooks in the kitchen 😂 although if your sister in law was smart she would look to you for advise!!

Oh, it has been an interesting time with my SIL and her Disney trip. I love her to death, but she can be a bit...spacey. She asked me once about the dessert party at MK, and I let her know about all the options at the parks. Her response was, "Every park has a nighttime show?!" Then I told her about the Star Wars dessert party and a day later she messaged me: "Have you heard about this Star Wars show?" :rolleyes:
She also keeps asking if the MK is big. She's used to DL in CA and DLP, and I can't stress to her enough that WDW is massive.
The biggest factor that convinced me to help her when asked and otherwise go with the flow was when my brother told Alex they were driving their car everyday. You see, we pay for parking at Shades but that doesn't give us access to park parking. So they're going to pay the 9 dollars a night for Shades, then the 22 a day for the parks....The rest of the afternoon Alex kept turning to me and going, "Pay for parking?! WHY?!?" :rotfl:(Shades has buses and the Poly is in walking distance.)

Yes!!!! And it forces you to sit and relax a bit. One trip we didn't have that many table service and we just kept going and going. We need to be forced to stop at some point.

I feel like when Alex and I were younger and more of the commando park touring style, we could skip TS restaurants and be go, go, go. Now we are all for getting that break.
All your trip plans sound so amazing! It's great that family is coming to visit you and that you get to go see such amazing sights with them.

I feel very fortunate that my family is willing to make the journey and come visit us while we live overseas. I encounter a lot of families who struggle with homesickness over here, and I think a part of that is the amount of time they don't get to see loved ones. Alex and I won the lottery in the sense that both sides of our family come out to visit. (My mom came out to Germany every year we were there.)

We're working out our 2020 vacation plans also and I'm about 90% we can sneak in a WDW trip that wasn't supposed to exist. Obviously it's much easier from NY than England lol but it's funny how Disney always manages to drag us back!

Disney manages to sneak into our plans whether we want it to or not! Maybe one year we'll be able to stay strong and stick with our breaks. :rotfl:

Two areas I would love to explore as well!

I'm looking forward to exploring central and south of England. It's been so much fun exploring the U.K.

What fabulous news! I am so happy for your family! Random, but my other friend Alicia will be at WDW about the same time as you! I wish it was me, but we'll be heading to Italy!

I think you might have the better end of the deal in this situation. :rotfl:Don't get me wrong, Disney is amazing, but it's hard to beat fresh pasta and Roman sights! I would make a trip back to Rome just to see the Pieta and eat tiramisu again.
It's 32 inches. She measured just over 31 inches at her 18-month appointment, so I'm hopeful that five months and the addition of shoes will get her to the line. (Also, I always question how accurate those horizontal measurements are, especially when dealing with a squirmy and unhappy kid.) We'll see!

Shoes add a lot of height, I think. If she's within an inch without shoes, she'll probably hit the mark wearing them.

You really do have great luck with celebrity sightings!

I have no idea how, especially since I'm pretty out of the loop when it comes to celebrity knowledge. I don't watch a lot of tv or movies, so who knows how many I've run into airports and cities and didn't recognize! :rotfl:

And WOW, another visit to Disney?! Fantastic! Since it involves both a Disney trip and time with family, it's really a double win. I'm so excited that you get a chance to go again much sooner than you expected!

This trip was completely unexpected, but I'm really excited for it. We get to check out Galaxy's Edge and Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway, and we get to let the kids explore Toy Story Land again. That part of the park is still relatively new to us.
You'll have to let me know if you are in the U.K. area! We can plan a DIS meetup! :goodvibes
And I'll let you know how this lodge works out.

With the trip with his SIL, we're staying at a place that's a converted chapel! So if that ends up being a good experience, too, I'll share that one as well.

Def keep me posted! I was thinking London and Copenhagen in the Spring of 2021, but we just got the school the calendar and the week the girls are off from school wont work with my work schedule. So maybe summer 2021.... which isn't as ideal, but i would make it work :)
That's a common thing for us too.

Having a slow eater really tests the patience. With Evie about to start school, we've been stressing the need for her to eat faster, because we know she's going to run out of time at lunch.

Ok... I've gotta know. How on Earth did they decide they needed a Stormtrooper Santa??? I mean, it's pretty frickin awesome, but how do you end up deciding that's how you're going to theme your holiday party?

Hahaha. Well, there's a Stormtrooper costume in Alex's office and on Halloween, he decided to put it on and visit everyone in their office building. So since that was a big hit, someone thought he should do it again for the holiday party and the idea of Santa Stormtrooper was born. :rotfl:

I don't think we got it this summer.

See? I feel like it was random one-time thing.

Sounds like a little girl I know. Just wait till she's about 7. It's fun.

Ugh, Alex and I are worried about the challenges facing us as Evie gets older. She's already too clever and hard headed for her own good. :laughing:

But now I really want to know what Alex said that isn't Dis appropriate.

Oh dear....:scratchin Let's just say Alex made an observation about other enjoyments that could elicit reactions besides a good serving of tiramisu.

I tell you, it seems like DHS just attracts this type of behavior. I've witnessed more chaos in this park than the others combined.

I've never thought about that before, but you're right. That sort of mad rushing is more prevelant at DHS.

Kind of makes me feel bad now... we at least weren't there during peak meal time, but my dad has some certain medical conditions that he can't spend more time in the sun than necessary and he can't be on his feet too much.

I feel like that's a different sort of situation. If your dad was sitting there, resting, and he saw someone searching for a table and coming up empty handed, would he offer to let them share his table? There were numerous people who spread all their stuff around all sides and on all the chairs and made it clear they weren't going to let other use anything. I witnessed one person refuse to remove their bag from a seat so the person at an adjacent table could drag it over.
We have been known to sit and rest at a shady table, but we're also willing to let people join us if they need a seat. :confused3
June 8th, 2019 Part 3:

Leaving Toy Story Land, I was gifted with Landon tugging my hand and saying, “Why are we leaving? I wanted to go back on Toy Story Mania. Mooooom, can’t we just go back?”

Oh, goodness. Listening to Landon’s whining brought a new and unsettling thought to mind.

My kids were growing up.

Alex and I weren’t touring the parks with a baby, anymore. Nor were we chasing after a toddling munchkin, pushing a stroller through the streets of the World Showcase.

The two of us were entering a new phase of Disney park touring. That of
“Visiting with School-Aged Kids.”

With reluctance, I accepted that the struggles from before were being replaced with a new variety of obstacles. Alex and I would now have to endure whining and fear and grumpiness from two people who were developing their own tastes and preferences and apprehensions.

This was new territory, one I wasn’t quite prepared to enter. I still believed Landon was my carefree park touring buddy. That a tight hold of my hand and an open ear to my plans was all that was required to make his Disney park experience memorable. But listening to him go on and on about TSMM forced me to accept that he had grown up a lot since our last vacation.
I was now going to have to approach Disney in a different way.

Still reeling a little from my children’s sudden desire to grow up on me, I paused our group at the Incredibles section and had us take a family picture together.


It took forever and a day to find matching props for the kids.

My mom and I then took Landon for a potty break while Alex stayed back with Evie. During which time Alex couldn’t resist grabbing another photo with his daughter:


Regrouping, my mom and I led everyone over to the Frozen Sing Along theater, where we had 12:30 Fastpasses for the show. This was my mom’s one request for our DHS day; she loves this show, and sitting down in an air conditioned room sounded pretty amazing by that point in the day.

While waiting for 11:58 to hit so we could scan our bands and enter the queue, I remembered a tip I had gotten from a fellow DISer about Fastpasses being dropped. I looked down at Landon, who was sulking about having to sit through Frozen rather than shoot rings at little green aliens, and I decided to try and test my luck. The second we all scanned our bands, I hopped on the app and refreshed until the right time. (I managed to get them at 12:01)

And viola!


This is how much I love you, kid. I fought the madness that is MDE and pulled all my patience to get you another ride on TSMM.

Now that THAT was taken care of, we were all free to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.


I wrote in my notes that the P.U. and B.O.Y. jokes were hilarious, but I can’t remember them now. So if you go see the show and hear those cracks, hopefully they lived up to my terrible memory’s recollection of them.:rotfl:

We left the theater at 1:05 and had to head back into Toy Story Land. For the third time…. Good grief, we were all over the park that morning!

The line to get a PP photo in front of the entrance sign wasn’t long, so we jumped in and got a few. Unfortunately, they didn’t turn out great but at least we tried.

Then since we still had about twenty minutes to waste before our hard-earned TSMM passes were available, I plopped us all down in the Buzz meet and greet queue.

It had been raining on and off all morning, but it was nothing heavy or substantial. At one point I referred to it as a “German rain” because it was more of a drizzle. Nevertheless, the moisture in the air had caused a great deal of humidity and heat, and we all looked like soggy dogs.

And it was during our wait for Buzz that Evie became tired and insisted I hold her.


WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF?! Every year, I tell myself not to suffer through summertime in Florida with small children. And yet, almost every summer I find myself back in the parks, toting around a little furnace in 100 degree heat.

Will I never learn???

Thankfully, Buzz was ready to meet us after about ten minutes and both kids did really well with the meet.


Then, it was time to take Landon back on his new favorite attraction. I sat with Evie this time around and had to hold on tight to her as she got whipped around pretty good during all the turns.

Landon did amazingly well sitting next to Alex:


If anything, this second turn on the ride made Landon love it even more, and the conversation was nothing but Toy Story this and Toy Story that for the rest of the day. Alex got so sick of it that he banned the ride name for the rest of the afternoon.

“You’re not allowed to ask to go on YOU KNOW WHAT anymore today!”

After the ride, my group was finished with Hollywood Studios. We left the park and went back to Shades. My mom invited a friend that lived near Orlando over for the evening, and everyone spent the rest of the day visiting and catching up.

At about 6 o’clock, the friend and her husband left and my mom suggested we head to the buffet at Shades for dinner.

The food was standard fare:


But it was close and convenient and relatively cheap. Couldn’t ask for more.

The restaurant was having a cookie decorating night, so the kids got to design their own cookies:



Unfortunately, Landon’s eyes were bigger than his stomach and he ended up eating too much food, too quickly. This resulted in a mess and an early night on our part. Originally, Alex and I were supposed to leave the kids in the room with my mom and walk over to the Polynesian to visit Trader Sam’s, but with Landon’s incident I felt better just staying back in the room and calling it an early night.

Up Next…Try Not to Look so Happy, You’re Only at Disney
Eye drops with kids is such a challenge. It's extremely hard to hold both their eyelids and their flailing bodies long enough to get the drops in the eye.
I definitely don’t miss the days when my youngest needed eye drops before his eye tests! He was like a slippery eel with a tiger’s temper and an absolute nightmare to give eyedrops and it wasn’t helped at all by the audience of optician and the student optician that we’re usually in attendance :sad2:
This was new territory, one I wasn’t quite prepared to enter. I still believed Landon was my carefree park touring buddy.
This reminds me of the time my husband wanted to buy our youngest a light-up toy one evening in Epcot and he told us “no thanks”. We were gutted he’d decided he was too old for one :sad:
“You’re not allowed to ask to go on YOU KNOW WHAT anymore today!”
This was new territory, one I wasn’t quite prepared to enter. I still believed Landon was my carefree park touring buddy. That a tight hold of my hand and an open ear to my plans was all that was required to make his Disney park experience memorable. But listening to him go on and on about TSMM forced me to accept that he had grown up a lot since our last vacation.
I know how that goes....before you know it you will be letting them go off on their own to areas of the park.
My mom and I then took Landon for a potty break while Alex stayed back with Evie. During which time Alex couldn’t resist grabbing another photo with his daughter:
Evie looks SO much like you here!
While waiting for 11:58 to hit so we could scan our bands and enter the queue, I remembered a tip I had gotten from a fellow DISer about Fastpasses being dropped. I looked down at Landon, who was sulking about having to sit through Frozen rather than shoot rings at little green aliens, and I decided to try and test my luck. The second we all scanned our bands, I hopped on the app and refreshed until the right time. (I managed to get them at 12:01)
WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF?! Every year, I tell myself not to suffer through summertime in Florida with small children. And yet, almost every summer I find myself back in the parks, toting around a little furnace in 100 degree heat.
It's hard when they are in school though, you are so limited as to when you can travel.
If anything, this second turn on the ride made Landon love it even more, and the conversation was nothing but Toy Story this and Toy Story that for the rest of the day. Alex got so sick of it that he banned the ride name for the rest of the afternoon.
:rotfl: :rotfl:
Unfortunately, Landon’s eyes were bigger than his stomach and he ended up eating too much food, too quickly. This resulted in a mess and an early night on our part. Originally, Alex and I were supposed to leave the kids in the room with my mom and walk over to the Polynesian to visit Trader Sam’s, but with Landon’s incident I felt better just staying back in the room and calling it an early night.
Poor little guy! Hope he was feeling better quickly!
It's extremely hard to hold both their eyelids and their flailing bodies long enough to get the drops in the eye.

Elizabeth does better if she lays down with her eyes closed and I put the drops in the corner of her eyes and then she opens her eyes. When she opens her eyes the drops then go in the eye. She fights much less this way.
I was now going to have to approach Disney in a different way.
Lol! At least Landon still loves Disney!
During which time Alex couldn’t resist grabbing another photo with his daughter:
Very cute!
If anything, this second turn on the ride made Landon love it even more, and the conversation was nothing but Toy Story this and Toy Story that for the rest of the day. Alex got so sick of it that he banned the ride name for the rest of the afternoon.

“You’re not allowed to ask to go on YOU KNOW WHAT anymore today!”
I think that's the downfall to the FP+ system. It's great to prebook your favorite rides but it's hard to explain to little kids why they can only ride their favorites once or why they have to wait to ride again and then you walk across the park 9000 times.

Glad you were able to pull the additional FP for it though!

That picture with Evie kissing you is so adorable 🥰- she looks so grown up in it!
Glad you could get another FP to ride YOU KNOW WHAT to make Landon happy! Sounds like a good afternoon!

Sorry Landon's overeating caused you to miss some alone time with Alex :(
My mom and I then took Landon for a potty break while Alex stayed back with Evie. During which time Alex couldn’t resist grabbing another photo with his daughter:
This is sooo cute!

This is how much I love you, kid. I fought the madness that is MDE and pulled all my patience to get you another ride on TSMM.
Ah the sign of the greatest love 😂

And it was during our wait for Buzz that Evie became tired and insisted I hold her.
Alright, but that's pretty adorable.

toting around a little furnace in 100 degree heat.

10 years from now Evie reads this TR.. Mom you called me a what??

This resulted in a mess and an early night on our part
OOF poor guy

If we have kids I'm not really sure how well I'll do with the whole 'growing up' thing. I bet it's hard, but also cool in the context of Disney to see how they change and what they grow to love and what's different each trip as they get older.


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