WARNING: YOLO 2012 Do NOT try this at Home!!! We’re Professionals Update: 3/18 Video

Hi :wave2:

I've been reading and subbing to both of your TRs and wasnt sure if I had made my presence known :confused: .

So I am loving your TR :)

Your ears that you fixed up are perfect (everything from the colors to the bow to the sparkles :) I love sparkles!

AllStars has been where my family stayed since I was little and then we moved to POP. Ive only been at POFQ once but it was a quick 3day? Stay when I was 12 so I dont remember much except I loved the Boat!


Welcome aboard, It's very nice to have you along.

Thank you :goodvibes I'm glad you are enjoying it.

Thank you very much!!! I wish I would have worn them more than I actually did though. We worked so hard on them I just didn't want them to get wet becuase I didn't know if the seal we used was water proof haha

The boats are soooo relaxing!!! I can see why you would loved them.

We like the Value resorts because it gives us more money to play with and buy things with while we are there.. We stayed at CBR last time an felt we wasted 2 grand to stay there because honestly who stays at their hotel resort unless it is to sleep. Yeah we had a resort day but you know what we slept most of it and then went to a ADR then came back and slept more.

We go commando when we are in the parks and only go to the park with EMH that night.

We are staying at AOA this Christmas.

EXACTLY!!! I can see how every once in a while you might was to go all out and stay at one of the Deluxe resorts but I really don't understand why the Value Resorts get such a bad rap. I really enjoy them and like you said a bed is a bed and at the end of the day that's the only reason I even rent a room haha

I wish I could just go for it but I am a hardcore planner. When we get hoppers it's awake two hours before the park with EMH in the morning, the afternoon is spent where we eat lunch and at night it's where ever has EHM as well.

I have seen so many pictures of the AOA online and it looks AMAZING. Do you know what section you will be staying in? Christmas in Disney HOW EXCITING!!! I'll be experiencing a Disney Christmas as well unfortunately my family will be home in Buffalo. I'm hoping that the Disney Cheer and magic helps me feel more at home because it will be to expensive for all 8 of them to visit haha.

Can't wait to read the rest of your TR -- love the lime green font!\\:thumbsup2

Thanks so much for joining in!!! I'm glad you are liking it so far. Stay tuned there is WAY more to come :yay:
EXACTLY!!! I can see how every once in a while you might was to go all out and stay at one of the Deluxe resorts but I really don't understand why the Value Resorts get such a bad rap. I really enjoy them and like you said a bed is a bed and at the end of the day that's the only reason I even rent a room haha

I wish I could just go for it but I am a hardcore planner. When we get hoppers it's awake two hours before the park with EMH in the morning, the afternoon is spent where we eat lunch and at night it's where ever has EHM as well.

I have seen so many pictures of the AOA online and it looks AMAZING. Do you know what section you will be staying in? Christmas in Disney HOW EXCITING!!! I'll be experiencing a Disney Christmas as well unfortunately my family will be home in Buffalo. I'm hoping that the Disney Cheer and magic helps me feel more at home because it will be to expensive for all 8 of them to visit haha.

Well if my 4 yr old daughter has anything to say about it we will be staying in the Little Mermaid section. If I have any say about it we will be staying in the Little Mermaid section (cheaper). Honestly, it isn't going to matter because I am only paying for a room so we can get our Keys to the World.
EXACTLY!!! I can see how every once in a while you might was to go all out and stay at one of the Deluxe resorts but I really don't understand why the Value Resorts get such a bad rap. I really enjoy them and like you said a bed is a bed and at the end of the day that's the only reason I even rent a room haha

I wish I could just go for it but I am a hardcore planner. When we get hoppers it's awake two hours before the park with EMH in the morning, the afternoon is spent where we eat lunch and at night it's where ever has EHM as well.

I have seen so many pictures of the AOA online and it looks AMAZING. Do you know what section you will be staying in? Christmas in Disney HOW EXCITING!!! I'll be experiencing a Disney Christmas as well unfortunately my family will be home in Buffalo. I'm hoping that the Disney Cheer and magic helps me feel more at home because it will be to expensive for all 8 of them to visit haha.

Well if my 4 yr old daughter has anything to say about it we will be staying in the Little Mermaid section. If I have any say about it we will be staying in the Little Mermaid section (cheaper). Honestly, it isn't going to matter because I am only paying for a room so we can get our Keys to the World.
Joining in, a bit late, but better late than never I say! :-) I think its awesome to find another person who also enjoys (LOVES) theater here on the DIS. I'm also glad to know I'm not the only person who has taken recent interest in Aida (Heather Headley and Adam Pascal = Match Made in Heaven), the music is just so good :goodvibes Anyways... so jealous you got to stay in Broadway ASMu. When I was there on my last trip, I was put in Country Fair or as you like to call it "Country Bears". It was okay, but I would've liked to have to stayed in Broadway and you're right about it not being a hassle being so far back, it's actually nicer because then you have the quiet Piano pool :thumbsup2

Well, I can't wait to find out more about how this "Livin' It Up" (the DISVersion of YOLO) went! :mickeyjum
LOVE this TR! cant wait for more :goodvibes

Thank you for reading along. I'm glad you are enjoying it so far. There is SO MUCH more to come so stay tuned.

Well if my 4 yr old daughter has anything to say about it we will be staying in the Little Mermaid section. If I have any say about it we will be staying in the Little Mermaid section (cheaper). Honestly, it isn't going to matter because I am only paying for a room so we can get our Keys to the World.

YESSSSSS. Little Mermaid section, good to know it's the cheapest (that's where I would pick if I stayed there so your daughter has good taste) I hope you enjoy your trip!!!

Joining in, a bit late, but better late than never I say! :-) I think its awesome to find another person who also enjoys (LOVES) theater here on the DIS. I'm also glad to know I'm not the only person who has taken recent interest in Aida (Heather Headley and Adam Pascal = Match Made in Heaven), the music is just so good :goodvibes Anyways... so jealous you got to stay in Broadway ASMu. When I was there on my last trip, I was put in Country Fair or as you like to call it "Country Bears". It was okay, but I would've liked to have to stayed in Broadway and you're right about it not being a hassle being so far back, it's actually nicer because then you have the quiet Piano pool :thumbsup2

Well, I can't wait to find out more about how this "Livin' It Up" (the DISVersion of YOLO) went! :mickeyjum

Never too late to join in, we have just hit the tip of the iceberg here.

I love theatre. i just graduate college having been a theatre major!!! Aida :lovestruc haha

Oh man, Country Bears.. we went over there on the last day of our trip. it was cute I liked it was all in my head but I feel like that section was a million degrees hotter than all the other ones.

Thanks for reading along with us, we are so glad you are here :thumbsup2
Lovin' your TR...as usual! BTW, I am a bit of an ebay addict too. For DW, it's QVC. It's so bad that if we don't order something for a while, they call us to make sure we are okay! :rotfl2:

Thanks a million!!! Glad to know that I am not the only one with a "slight" addiction.
The Start of The Longest Day of Our Lives
May 27, 2012

After finally drifting off to sleep at about 2:30 the alarm went off at 6:45 for me to wake up.

Sleep Count 4 Hours!!!

Like with every vacation I took on the role of mama for everyone involved, that means I get up the earliest and slowly wake everyone else up one at a time to give them each enough sleep time/getting ready time.

Sam and Brittany had showered the night before so they were the last ones to wake up.

I shot out of bed like a rocket, Brittany not so much. She likes her sleep and apparently she hadn’t gotten enough of it.

We were all ready and dressed to go before 8. After a little scrambling and rotating bathroom usage we were out the door but first door pictures!!! For those of you who are unaware of what door pictures are…

Basically it’s just a photo in front of the door to show of your outfit/personality before you leave the room. I don’t know why I make my family to these all the time but it’s a thing.

Getting the ears ready… Are they on straight?


Chipper and sleepy sorry I woke you up so early Andy


Ready to go for our first (extremely) FULL day in Disney!!!


As I said we left the room at about 7:45 and what was our first order of business? Well, we had to get Brittany a 2 day park hopper. We went back and fourth on the tickets we wanted to buy. Bobby had main gate passes left for three of us to use for 2 days so we decided to be fair we would split the price of a 2 day park hopper for Brittany. It came out to be about $60 a person I believe.

When we got to the concierge desk the lady was very nice, she made some sort of joke about my last name but her accent confused me and I didn’t really understand what she was saying. It was one of those awakward smile and laugh through your teeth moments.

It took a while for everything to get situated there so I took some pictures

Sam eating some breakfasts, pop tarts all day everyday, bring them from home and save some money. You know how it is.


Andy handing out the daily rations of gum


Brittany handed over her keys to the kingdom card and we were out the door to the bus stop.

Where were we headed to this fine morning?! Is that really a question?


We were in line net to this sign at 8:10

Good morning from the All Star Music!!!


I sent this picture home to everyone, on our March trip I didn’t want to over post pictures because I know how upsetting it can be to see pictures of the love of your life while other people enjoy it, boy did I hear it for my lack of pictures last time. I was snapping pictures left and right to send home to everyone.

Now let’s get on the bus!!! Just kidding I guess we have to wait for it to get here first


So much excitement at one bus stop!!!


Still working on that seven course breakfast


We got the Disney pins, Mickey ears, camera and smiles… Yep this is the perfect Disney vacation


The line was forming and the sun was beaming down, we definitely aren’t in spring time anymore. Got to replenish your fluids, drink LOTS of water on those hot Disney days


After a short five minute wait this pulled around the corner

DISNEY TRANSPORTATION MODE 2 of 6: Disney Busses (a magical way to get from one place to another, I love the way that the music changes from resort to park. PERFECTION!!!)


We were on the bus and off to the start of a beautiful vacation in no time. I texted Bobby to let him know we had caught the bus and were on our way over.

Smile girls, this is actually happening!!! (we couldn’t stop saying that, having book so close to the vacation none of it seemed real)


Just as we approached the Magic Kingdom Bobby tweeted something about how his bus must have just passed ours or else I had a twin who was in Disney.

AHHHHHH Not only was I going to the Magic Kingdom but I was going to be reunited with an AMAZING friend.

We made it under this Beautiful Archway (made more beautiful with the help of my iPhone and the instagram app)


Ugh such magical perfection and we made it there by 8:35. Plenty of time to spare. Brittany had never seen the Rope Drop ceremony with the Trolley gang so we want to make it in time to see that.

We got off the bus and darted with the hundred of others to the baggage check point.


So much excitement on the inside and the outside at this point!!!


Boy were the crowds pouring in!!!


But that wasn’t going to stop us we were SO EXCITED, I was screaming and laughing and having the time of my life and I hadn’t even stepped foot in the park yet (Sam was apparently having fun too)


I SEE IT, I SEE IT, I SEE IT, I SEE IT, I SEE IT, I SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This way to magical memories


So close, we went through baggage check and had to wait to go through the turnstile until we met up with Bobby


No problem that leaves time for some pictures!!!

MONORAIL <333333333

Sam can’t wait to see this movie, I don’t know how I feel about it…


We pulled aside out of the hustle and bustle so that Bobby would be able to find us easier. We ended up standing right near the fence in the background of this picture and we had THE PERFECT view.


Before we knew it the Mayor was walking out and the train was pulling into the station with the Family of the day. I cried a little

I AM HERE AND THIS IS REALY HAPPENING ran through my mind about a million times this morning alone…

I snapped this picture to let everyone know that I WANTED THEIR JOB, PLEEEEEASE!!!


Brittany enjoyed a majority of the little song and dance number but then Bobby had arrived and it was time for us to get in the park!!!

Tune In Next Time!!!
Hi Alicia, Just wanted to let you know I'm here and enjoying your report. :cool1: Can't wait to get inside the Magic Kingdom!! -Amanda :upsidedow
Off to the Magic Kingdom! Yay!

Instagram is the best to make pictures more awesome. I’m pretty much obsessed with it.

I love how excited you guys are!

I wasn’t sure how to feel about Brave at first too, but let me tell you, I went to an advanced screening of it last night, and I LOVED it! It was really good!
Hi Alicia, Just wanted to let you know I'm here and enjoying your report. :cool1: Can't wait to get inside the Magic Kingdom!! -Amanda :upsidedow

Thank you so much for reading!!! I'm glad that you are enjoying our trip so far!!! There will be PLENTY of Magic Kingdom pictures to come we were there until 3 am. Hope you like the rest of the TR

You are just blazing a trail through these updates; it must have been a pretty great trip!

I hope I'm not going too fast for anyone. i just find it so relaxing to come home from work at night and write another update. We are getting into the real fun now!!!

Off to the Magic Kingdom! Yay!

Instagram is the best to make pictures more awesome. I’m pretty much obsessed with it.

I love how excited you guys are!

I wasn’t sure how to feel about Brave at first too, but let me tell you, I went to an advanced screening of it last night, and I LOVED it! It was really good!

It's one of my favorite apps, but I really only used it while I was in Disney haha nothing all that interest to capture at home.


Sam keeps asking me to go see it with her tomorrow, I just don't know. It's AWESOME that you got to see it early. Maybe I will venture out... I do have the day off!!!
It's one of my favorite apps, but I really only used it while I was in Disney haha nothing all that interest to capture at home.

I sadly don't have an iPhone so I can only edit photos when I'm home from my iTouch. I mostly spend on my time on there, Twitter, and the dis. That's my life!
I sadly don't have an iPhone so I can only edit photos when I'm home from my iTouch. I mostly spend on my time on there, Twitter, and the dis. That's my life!

You can still queue up pictures and when you come across wi-fi they'll post. I learned that when I had an iPhone but no data plan.
Loving this report! I also love my instagram app. ;)

Thank you :goodvibes I'm glad you like it do far!!! From time to time I find a Disney photo on my phone that I haven't given a makeover to and I make sure to snaz it up. Such a fun this to do when I have free time at work :rotfl:
This is Just the Beginning, We’re Here Until 3 am!!!
May 27, 2012

When we made it through the gates early that morning we had our first castle spotting of the trip!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


We were walking down Main Street at just a little after 9:00am. We were in for a loooooooooong day. As the title said Magic Kingdom had 3am EMH!!! We couldn’t wait to get started, we had big plans seeing as this was the first of only two park days.


The excitement had barely faded if anything it was just getting more our of control because WE WERE IN THE PARK!!!


We wasted no time getting to Tomorrowland


As always Bobby was leading the way he is all about rushing us and getting us from one place to the next.


First order of business was to get some fastpasses for my least favorite ride


I just really am NO GOOD at this ride, don’t believe me? Just wait and see…

Our sights were set on the next thing, no slowing down no breathing just keep moving WE ARE IN DISNEY (this is really happening!!!)

A certain mountain caught our eye


We walked up and there was the BIGGEST line fortunately it was beucase they hadn’t started letting people in yet. Phew…

Once we got inside the line was in continuous motion. We zipped through space and still had a few more minutes to wait until our fastpasses were good so we went to a family favorite


We all crammed into one car and the fun just kept rolling in!!!


Just a little squished, we are lucky Andy is so tiny haha


I love the views from the People mover. They are just so great!!! You know just creeping on people making memoires


Space Mountain? Oh hey we were just here!!! They didn’t really know this picture was coming


From there Buzz was just calling our names. Brittany was really excited for this one me on the other hand…. Not so much.

Hey Buzz, wanna sneak me some points? I promise not to dislike your ride so much if you do


Good luck girls!!! Still going strong with the excitement levels


So I decided to put my all into this round. No pictures of inside the ride because I was determined to do well. Bobby going into the ride had talked about how all of his friends doing the DCP had maxed out on Buzz at least once and he hadn’t yet so that was his goal. He did it within like 30 seconds. I still had less than a thousand points.

Then we got stuck for a few minutes in one of the rooms so that should help (of course it didn’t)

Ok time for the damage

Andy’s score


He was still mad that Bobby beat him when we were there in March and he didn’t understand how he maxed out this tie through. Andy, don’t worry you did WAY better than I did


Wooohoooooo…. Told you I stink at it!!! I tried so hard and we even got stuck. Ugh this ride just makes me so mad hahahaha

Now for the ride pictures, ummmmmm….


Brittany enjoying herself and Sam being a cheese ball


We (grumpily) got off Buzz and decided to head over to get fastpasses for Splash Mountain, it was getting hot and we wanted to get them before they ran out

Obligatory castle shots


This way please (now now sign, that’s not the proper “Disney point”)


Never get enough castle Pictures


Best Friends…


Nice and up close with Sam’s classy camera


Oh Main Street and the Dapper Dans <333333


Where were we headed again? I got distracted by this beautiful Castle…

Oh yea, Splash Moutain and OH BOY (Pluto) were we in for a surprise!!!

Tune In Next Time!!!


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